singing in front of the microphone or on the side?

Discussion in 'how to make "that" sound' started by ryck, Jan 22, 2020.

  1. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    ? At 2:28 he shows that it sounds better when you're not that close to the mic.
    That is a really strange behaviour.
  2. ryck

    ryck Guest

    Thank u very much...yes i love paul.
    For u work micophone whit this way ?
  3. ryck

    ryck Guest

    Dude, remember I don't know English. Although I saw the video and put an app that is writing, it is difficult to interpret. I didn't know it said it was better not to be glued to the mic. I want to sing close to the microphone to cancel out the reverence I have. My piece is 5x5x8 meters high. And if I sing far away, my voice gets lost and a lot of echoes come in. I think you once heard an audio where I had phase problems. If it's weird, maybe it's the antipop that the material is bad, and the air bumps saturate the membrane. I also tend to use the sssssss a lot.

    AMERICUH Kapellmeister

    Mar 8, 2012
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    We still got him :bleh:
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  5. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    I'm not quite understanding what you mean. What is your primary language?
  6. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    Build a vocal "fort" out of gobos. You can go DIY or buy commercially made.
    Also get a mic that isn't faulty. :)

    I was named after Paul McCartney by my musician/songwriting parents.
  7. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    I use the pop filter to enforce the closest distance I want to get to the mic. Back away a bit for the "louder" parts. I also use this:
    And hang a blanket behind me. Also, I make sure that I'm standing on the rug and the mic is on the rug too. (Hardwood floors). My room isn't that great, but sometimes it is useful. Depends on the material.
  8. ryck

    ryck Guest

    My native language is Spanish. Sorry, don't use the translator here XD.
    I asked if this way it could work. But reading the comments, I understand that the proximity is not always good. I will see if I buy or assemble anything that they suggested
  9. ryck

    ryck Guest

    If you're right. Now I can't buy. Here in my country everything is too expensive. But I'll see how to do it.
  10. ryck

    ryck Guest

    I listen to Paul since I am 13 years old. I already liked the beatles, but I discovered him as an independent artist with his song Hope of deliverance. I was buying the cassette and since then I couldn't stop listening to it ... snifff..snifff ...
    You're right. We still have it. I hope forever. (Utopia)

    PD: and if he dies, we can do a double ... again. XD
  11. SmokerNzt

    SmokerNzt Rock Star

    Mar 2, 2013
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    just a demo song of you're vocal if you like we can do some track
  12. ryck

    ryck Guest

    Very good. Listen to the song in the chat. But I don't know how to use that chat, I tried to answer you, but I couldn't find the option. I really liked the effects. I see that you master very well reaseon. I congratulate you and thank you. Now I'll save the song you made.
  13. SmokerNzt

    SmokerNzt Rock Star

    Mar 2, 2013
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    Np man :wink:
    if you like you can record a vocal but complete song , i will make for it a beat + mixing + mastering then send you the track
    my vocal is really bad vocal , i would like to find a vocalist and do some good track !
  14. ryck

    ryck Guest

    Of course I don't have a problem. It's an honor for me. I'm sending you the whole voice. And don't think your voice is bad. You must trust yourself. The voice is educated and is a constant learning. But you must believe in you and encourage you and every day you will improve
  15. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    @ryck Hola,

    Déjame ver si puedo ayudarte a entender mejor esta cadena de mensajes.

    Una de las sugerencias que hicieron es que pongas una frazada o edredón detrás de ti para que bloquees el sonido del cuarto que rebota hacia el micrófono.

    Por otro lado, un micrófono como el CAD por lo general tiende a saturar cómo has ya experimentado. Tal vez tu interfaz de audio tiene algún sistema de corte cuando hay sobrecarga y por eso pierdes la señal. Una sugerencia puede ser que controles el nivel de entrada de tu interfaz, bajar la ganancia. A todo esto, ¿Qué interfaz usas? Si tiene algún pad para bajar el nivel de entrada, úsalo.

    Ojalá te sirva de algo ésto. Suerte
  16. ryck

    ryck Guest

    Hola como andas?
    Bueno, el probelma de poner algo como una frazada es que mi habitación es muy grande. 5 metros x metros. Intente haciendo esto sosteniendo con mis manos una manta, y si, me ayudo mucho. Pero es imposible cantar asi. Tendria que conseguir o armar algo que sostenga una manta o una frazada , pero luego tengo el rebote de los laterales. Por eso pense que cantando cerca del micrófono, evitaría el eco. Pero se satura y como que se apaga .
    La interface que tengo es maudio fast track pro. Tiene pad. No probe el pad, si bajando la ganancia . Ahora le puse una media y cante de cerca y anduvo bien. Pero algo de brillo pierde. Igual este micrófono se que no es bueno. Toma mas las sssss .pero bueno...
    Pense en ponerme contra la pared en un angulo y como dijeron, una manta o frazada en frenre de mi, tal vez asi evitaria el eco.
    Te mando un saludo grande.

    Pd : crees que cantando de cerca ayuda o es relativo?
  17. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    Sing directly behind it. But put a mirror directly in front of it... Thats what the Zeatles did on 8 Gays A Week.
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