Cubase 10 has been defeated?

Discussion in 'Software' started by DSP4LiFE, Jan 21, 2020.

  1. The Revenant

    The Revenant Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2015
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    A blessing for uploader$$$... :winker:
  2. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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    Nuendo is one of the only serious competitors to Pro Tools, and maybe Better
  3. 23322332

    23322332 Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2011
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    "But I would not call Hallion because of my dislikings shit"

    noun: hyperbole; plural noun: hyperboles
    exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.

    I always like how Omni. fans try to list its synthesis capabilities, despite all of them being very limited - your favourite "FM" and whatever are just a joke, compared to better designed synths, the implementation lacks any depth. Yes, it may have thousands of pre-programmed sounds, but they are mostly abstract textures. Halion is useful on its own as a rompler module for all kinds of music, not just cinematic/ambient/electronic dance and the sound quality is semi-decent for its size (most of the Omni's preset sounds are well treated with reverb and/or delay to mask their weaknesses - many of them are sourced from their dated sample CDs.) As a sampler, well, Halion beats Omni very hard - Spectrasonics' business model is based on selling expansions like keyboards and bass, but their development is super slow; so they locked the sampling functions of Omni, so it's not a functional multi-sampler and they have no real competition with external developers.
    And of course, Cubase is popular on Thomann - which is a German retailer store... But the whole world is not Germany and many people order directly from the site of manufacturer, so we will never know real sales numbers of any software (and many kids and amateurs don't buy software, but still contribute to its popularity and community in some way).
  4. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    In order to defeat Cubase, you need to head north and slay the Ice Dragon, Serhmin, who dwells in the dangerous mountain ranges of Kazar-Hudan. Serhmin guards the enchanted icey long sword, Crackzeplug, which is needed to defeat cubase...

    But just retrieving the sword isn't enough, you gtta find some ancient scroll which gives some instruction on how to use the sword and shit but my knowledge stops there, you may need to ask a more experienced member on here for info on that...
  5. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    First Point I get it about what’s a hyperbole
    Second too (complete other opinion here but that’s an other Topic at least it got some FM abilities Hallion got non )
    Omni is one of the few more or less Polyphonic synths I know )
    Most others are only paraphonic (not sure about Hallion 6 here since I used only 5 for a while)

    Third I linked 2 examples of uses of DAWs is
    With around 10% Cubase is still 4 Place (usage not sales here )
    And that´s for a simple reason FL Studio and Reaper will always sucks in therms of Sales just because of it's update policy (By the way the reason why I love Reaper and like FL Studio .... only the Workflow of FL with patterns is not my kind of beer :no: but who likes it gets a nice DAW )

    I agree here
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2020
  6. turbo

    turbo Ultrasonic

    Dec 24, 2011
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    I think they are in a sort of beta testing, 60-70%
  7. The Revenant

    The Revenant Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2015
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    "Omnisphere allows you to import your own audio to use as Soundsources and to create your own Patches and Multis. You can process and manipulate your own audio in creative ways using Omnisphere’s powerful synthesis capabilities."
    No time atm to search for dozens of others, but those two are top quality and real competitors to Spectrasonics' expansions
  8. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    You mean Steinbug, right? :D
  9. CMAudioz

    CMAudioz Ultrasonic

    Jul 3, 2019
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    My understanding is that Steinberg are moving away with the dongles, probably from v11 of Cubase. This much was mentioned on the forums and some YouTube videos. I think they'll move to a cloud authentication or like the soft iLok, with a file living on your offline computer. Personally, I never saw it as a massive issue as it's attached to my PC via a USB hub which I don't really move, but I guess many with laptop users these days, mobile studios etc, I can see why some complain. The 50% discount last year was great for those who took advantage, I've been legit on Cubase since v6.5 and for the main DAW, I can't recommend enough for all to make the effort in getting their legit copies of their DAW's!
  10. 23322332

    23322332 Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2011
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    It's single samples, good luck with that. Your own post reveals how much you know about the soft. You prob. use only presets...
    Check the manual or try to create a multisampled instrument on your own.
  11. The Revenant

    The Revenant Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2015
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    Okay, my bad, I misunderstood you. Now I know what you mean. But for this kind of use (to create multisampled instruments), I think nothing beats Kontakt (as I said previously, I had never used Halion, so... :dunno:).
    Anyway, that's true, I mainly use Omnisphere's presets... and I also use it to tweak my own recorded samples with great results.
  12. Fourier

    Fourier Ultrasonic

    Jan 23, 2020
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    I highly doubt that Steinberg is moving away from dongles. The problem with dongles is that they tend to actually work to some degree. I haven't also seen anything that actually indicates Steinberg moving away from them. And there's always going to be people who complain about the dongles - but just like you said, if you own the damn thing, it's not a hassle unless you switch between systems. But if you switch between systems, you should consider just getting Cubase Artist on the other system and Cubase Pro on other.

    Even if the dongle gets cracked, they might already have contingency plans to facilitate new protection measures so that their future releases are once again seemingly impossible to crack and whatever release gets fully cracked and is fully functional, will be the new Cubase 5.
  13. Fourier

    Fourier Ultrasonic

    Jan 23, 2020
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    I can't say much about Halion as I never use it and never would. But I can say a thing or two about Omnisphere and actually a lot of things.

    First of all, Stylus RMX, Trilian, Omnisphere & BFD2 are all old news. You would hear something like this from a producer five years ago. Today? Not so much. BFD3 is extremely clunky to program and it's just overall much worse than Superior Drummer. Stylus RMX just doesn't provide much of anything in todays world where we got lot of tools for working with samples. Trilian? Trilian is Trilian, it's old.

    Out of all of these, Omnisphere is only one that remains with some capabilities. It doesn't have any too interesting features on its own. The granular engine is terrible. Sample engine is mediocre, just another sample engine honestly. The UI is abysmal by todays standards and involves a lot of work. Something like Phaseplant is light years ahead with UI.

    What Omnisphere has going for it, however, is that each oscillator has their own FM/AM/Unison etc sections and it's all polyphonic. This is surprisingly rare. To implement RM/AM in any synth is easy, but a lot of synths don't allow for polyphonic LFO's. But if they do, then osc-specific RM/AM is actually easy and can be keytracked just as well.

    But all of this is now being rivaled by other synths and unless Omnisphere 3.0 will improve the UI significantly, Omnisphere will fall into obscurity as nobody really likes programming it.
  14. 23322332

    23322332 Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2011
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    That's like Nexus going into obscurity... (which will never happen as long as commercial house/trance exist.)
    Omnisphere is the main generator of sounds for alternative electronic/pop and hip-hop/trap.
  15. Fourier

    Fourier Ultrasonic

    Jan 23, 2020
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    It is not, haven't been quite a long time for now actually. For following reasons:

    - It is very expensive to buy and very annoying to acquire through alternative means
    - The UI is very clunky
    - The engine itself doesn't offer anything special anymore. PhasePlant can do everything it can and then some, with some additional CPU overhead though. The only thing PhasePlant lacks is a good selection of filters especially in the polyphonic OSC/Filter/overdrive section.
    - It doesn't get that many soundsets as it used to

    Nexus is also falling slowly into obscurity. The new (upcoming?) Nexus 3 has absolutely horrendous UI that people already hate and there doesn't seem to be much demand anymore for a rompler like that. But, Nexus will still stay with us because of deep rooted tradition in using it. Omnisphere has nothing like that going for it since it doesn't even have the simplicity of Nexus.

    Trust me, 5 years ago Omnisphere was a huge thing. These days, Omnisphere is not relevant. And that is going to only get worse for Omnisphere unless they manage to make Omnisphere 3 with a proper UI.
  16. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    If only people got that...
    But it's very difficult to avoid pointless arguments in a topic like this.
    You start only interested in a big deal in cracking music software like Cubase cracking and 2 minutes later people are saying "cubase is god", "Cubase is shit", add to this R2R, VR, AIR, H2O and CO2. and random other popular music software.
    At least there're several good jokes intertwined since the derail was inevitable :rofl:
  17. DSP4LiFE

    DSP4LiFE Kapellmeister

    Oct 7, 2019
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    its ridiculous, like people don't remember the last time it was cracked??

    Anyway the last release on has a long nfo, part of it states that PDC is working now

    Looks like they have done it :like: but it remains to be properly tested
  18. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Please someone rescue titz, he's been abdiucted by an MMORPG game !!!
  19. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    shutup xupito no one cares about you...
  20. Moleman

    Moleman Platinum Record

    Jan 11, 2013
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    damn amateurs the lots of em!

    looking forward for team RADIUM to come back and release a properly working version!

    hey , DeepzOne! are you reading us?

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