Tips for mix real and virtual instruments?

Discussion in 'how to make "that" sound' started by ryck, Jan 17, 2020.

  1. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Wait a second. How could I forget? JamOrigin MidiGuitar2 can translate very well guitar and bass sound to MIDI (there's a MIDIBass also but it's just an stripped down MIDIGuitar).
    It's focused on the notes and the pitch but at least it can simplify a lot the process, avoiding the syncing part.

    Hell yeah, I'm the MidiMan... :disco:

    @ryck , I would try myself, but I'm too busy recovering data I lost when one of my HDD died a few days ago. Do your homework, carajo! :winker: Or better yet, ask to do it for you to real nice fellas like @No Avenger , @vaiman , @metaller , @Nana Banana, @Cav Emp , @Lois Lane , @The Pirate or @DarthFader . Or just @Olymoon as a last resort...:rofl:

    Ok, I messed up enough for this morning. See you...
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2020
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  2. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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  3. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    'Like' refused, complaint reported. :rofl:
  4. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    So, it commited suicide? Think about it. :yes:
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  5. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    @ryck ,I think the Xupito idea to use a sidechained envelope follower is good,but if I were you I wouldn't quantize that much and I wouldn't tune your guitar that precisely either.In this way you' woud avoid these phasing effect I think.
    And to "glue" these two different instruments,I would also try to put Fabfikter Pro-G on the synth part sidechained (triggered) by your guitar part,with a soft ratio and a low threshold on Pro-G,like an expander.The idea is the same kind of the envelope follower trick.I have ever done that and it works very well.
    Then add a buss compressor on your buss.

    Don't forget,In theory any effect added on a buss will glue tracks together.
  6. ryck

    ryck Guest

    Hy guys!!
    First of all. Happy new year to everyone, @Xupito, @Blue, @turl, and for the whole community that forms this beautiful page that is like a family. I wish you a beautiful year full of success.

    If what @Xupito says is a very good idea, I had not thought about it. If I tried one time to play the sky, but well, I think I was asking the VST a lot. there were notes that did not go and even the noise takes them as a note. But in something simpler and prized with edition, what Xupite says, can go very well. I will try it. On the other hand what @Blue says. It is very true, any effect that puts you on the bus (sending both instruments) come together. Yesterday I tried, delay, compressor, and it goes very well. But of course, I do not want a delay in a bass maybe. The compressor helps a lot, I tried a multiband and also, but if you need to polish details, and if Blue, I will try what you say with Fabfilter G2. It's a very good idea. I will be sharing everything I do here. I could serve someone who is as crazy as me ... hahahaha. Now, see a detail. The synthesizers work with sounds together, a piano and some bells, etc. And we know that it is not piano, but neither is a bells, there are instruments that many others have on top and I sometimes do not know what instrument it is, I know that there are many, but it is heard as one, and that is the idea, but with something real , truth? Yesterday I did another test, I put two midis, the same quantization, but different bass and guitars ... and guess what? It also sounded double. anyway... I will prove what they have told me and I will tell them.
  7. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Unless both are heavily distorted and therefore also compressed, they can of course be distinguished from each other.
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  8. frenchbench

    frenchbench Kapellmeister

    Oct 26, 2019
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  9. I will answer from a purely performing level which I think may be part of what you are asking. The others have answered almost every in and out technically and alignment, so on and so forth.

    There is a human expression involved when we play that MIDI and electronics have been attempting to do with digital technology since its inception (humanize) and even when MIDI triggering or playing in via a MIDI keyboard, no matter how minute, it is not exactly the same as playing a keyboard or guitar through an amplifier (or plugged into DAW audio input) or recording with microphones.

    I found a slight way around that though it is fiddly, when you want to double your 'hand-played' recorded instrument of choice.

    Most of the better DAW's have a form of MIDI expression and they can dump audio to MIDI albeit not perfectly with notes. Record your hand-played audio first and when you are happy with how you performed it, do a MIDI translation.
    You will need to know how to edit MIDI or learn how if you do not should you choose to try this. There will be a pile of MIDI data in the dump that you do not need and 'glitches' in places you will have to hand-edit. Under no circumstances quantize it or you have wasted your time. This translation picks up all the hits on strings or keys you played but occasionally determines a string-slide or slur to be something other than what it is. This is why I said it is fiddly. You will also need to remove the extraneous notes too that are noises from the instrument or additional harmonics that barely sound and correct the slurs and slides so they are smoother. The technology compared to decades ago in MIDI is way better but it is not flawless.

    Ultimately it depends on how exact you want it and only useful if you record for real(plugging in a real instrument), but basically you are editing a copy of your human played performance and removing the parts the computer has no idea still how to interpret.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2020
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  10. ryck

    ryck Guest

    If you're very right in what you say and if you knew this about what the midi is intended. I've been looking forward to this ever since there was a cakewalk. In fact my dream was to play the guitar and emulate any sound with all its nuances (slide, etc) but even though some programs manage to simulate it like the midiguitar ... we are still far from imitating another instrument perfectly. It is also true, I must put more hand in the midi and learn. I've gotten used to plugins doing everything for me, well in fact one expects that, to simplify the work. But yes, I must humanize more to join both sounds. I really liked the demo. Nice music. What you try to join in that audio is the saxophone and a xylophone? But I hear it a little out of time on the xylophone.

  11. As I mentioned MIDI is flawed. You may be surprised I actually put some notes slightly ahead and behind to capture the feeling of two instrumentalists playing in unison. If you consider the difficulty and I have played many soli's (tutti) live with other instruments of varied difficulty, that it is rarely exact in phrasing. As I suggested this is the more accurate of MIDI translation methods (for me) for placement. There was no quantize, but I did manipulate many of the notes (On the Vibraphone).

    In many ways, part of me would be concerned if a machine could behave like a human being exactly because that would render us unnecessary.
  12. tun

    tun Rock Star

    May 13, 2016
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    you could try chopping up the recorded track into parts (e.g. each note) and load them into a sampler. then you will have more control over the timing and fine tuning of pitch and you can bring them closer together.
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  13. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Interesting thread, even if some ideas don't work you can learn and enjoy them. You may say anything about @ryck , but lack of imagination and ambition aren't part of them.

    That's what troubles me at night.... I think the power supply looked at him bad... damn, I thought cyber-bullying was another thing...:facepalm::rofl:
  14. As a side-note, Quincy Jones had a lot of success merging real bassists with synthesised bass and has many recordings with both together, on his albums as well as other artists he produced. At the least, it's a source of one type of audible reference material.
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  15. ryck

    ryck Guest

    Thanks @ xupito. Actually, yes, they have given me many ideas. And those ideas lead me to another. I still have not put full time to try everything. But I go little by little. And if hahaha ... whenever I get something in my head, I try to go on and on. But really here on this site I meet people like you with an open mind. I used to be on another page in Spanish (I won't say which one). And they were very closed. For them 2 + 2 was 4 and it was over.
    So thanks seriously for the ideas.
  16. ryck

    ryck Guest

    Realy? who is he ? I would like to hear that.
  17. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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  18. ryck

    ryck Guest

    Sorry i never listen him. I see in youtube... Jazz music..realy? i like it jazz, but dont know name's..Sorry ...i feel so shame.
    well.. but in what song he used two bass?
  19. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    ... well, he produced all of Michael Jackson's seminal (if that's the right word/double-entendre) albums and his wiki page makes for any impressive who's who by anyone's standard - albeit an increasingly vintage one...
  20. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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    Q... yeah he produced MJ but he did some legendary soundtrack work, especially in 70s tv. The themes to the original Bill Cosby show, Sanford and Son... Roots... he did Soul Bossa Nova which everyone came to know as the theme for Austin Powers years later... he produced the Brothers Johnson... tons of stuff.

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