How many Mixes do you usually go thru before mastering ?

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by charlie6495, Jan 16, 2020.

  1. charlie6495

    charlie6495 Member

    Jan 10, 2020
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    BX New York
    Just wondering on each individual and what kinda music your producing as well maybe a couple mastering tips as well

    EDIT: I mean by 1.1 to 1.2 to mix 2.0 to 2.1 etc usually 1.0's aren't ready for Vox yet then when I save it as 2.0 I'm tweaking it til I put Vox on it til I hit 3.0 then its ready for someone else to tell me how good it is lol jk but you know what I mean ,,not very specific as to how many altogether on my end but that's how I label my projects
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2020
  3. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Interestingly, according to the thread title, your post is off-topic.
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  4. korte1975

    korte1975 Guest

    i'm constantly mixing through the whole song making process so it's one and many. mastering tips ? lowcut @40, high cut@16k, take out 245-540-2k resonances with narrow q, make mono under 150hz, add some saturation, 5%wet plate reverb, compress 1-4db gain reduction ,sweeten with some eq, add limiter maybe?
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  5. Rockseller

    Rockseller Platinum Record

    Aug 2, 2019
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    tried to mix one of my own beats today. bad idea. i could go back a hundred times and change something. actually i hate the mixing process. maybe just bc i am still not good at it or just no xp. or you already hate your music when its here bc you heard it thousand times already. the whole morning was a pain the ass. i mix. ok. listen. aaah one snare too loud. ok go back. push buttons. listen. ok 808 too loud. go back. push buttons. ok. whole vibe has changed. go back. push buttons. brain too small. ok. listen. idk. i have that fader down syndrom too.... and one should have patience. and sometimes distance. i feel like i can not really keep pushing when i dont really spend time oo learning this craft too. but i cannot do everything in the production process. its just too much. every aspect is a science. got away from bands and analog instruments but when making music with PCs and stuff I'm always in between music making and engineering. beeing grunge was cool and simple. really hope i never have to mess with mastering omg. that is even more technical... but also where magic happens. today in the end i really was like fuck it. lets say its done. my bad. very weak actually. but i still can say heeey that was my first attempt blah blah. but a good day. i learned i guess. but life is short. I'm going to die in here. i feel it man. it will never end...
    last couple days i watched this dude from mixbusTV on yt. maybe thats cool for you. he sitting there w hardware compressors and talks about those units like obsessed. cool guy. he teach me a lesson what a compressor really is lol. shoutout and respect to all mixing mastering engineering ppl you guys killin it.
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  6. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    1) Never master your music on the same day you complete your mixdown, go away and leave it for 24 hours!

    2) KNOW YOUR PLUGINS:- I have created over the years about 70 completely different mastering chains and no matter how many I've created the best 'chain' will always be (at least for me) something I concoct especially for the current track I am working on. The trick is NOT to go to the sister site and download every plugin you can find. I can give you a list of maybe 15 that I combine in different ways to make up a chain which suits my workflow. (I'll give you the list at the end)

    3) Whenever you watch a tutorial on mastering, always use the plugins you have and learn how to adapt them to match the tutorial as this will teach you how to use them properly!

    Engineer's Filter (to cut lowest frequencies that are inaudible anyway and just take up space)
    Cytomic The Glue (creates a blend that helps the instruments to fit seamlessly)
    Ableton's EQ8 (Sidechained)
    Ableton's Multiband Compressor
    Ableton's Saturator
    Plugin Alliance bx Control (to mono frequencies below a certain point)
    Sonnox Oxford Limiter
    Mstereo Expander
    Xfer OTT (for added colour)
    Fabfilter Pro MB
    Fabfilter Pro Q
    Fabfilter Pro L2
    Waves L2
    iZotope Imager
    ----------------------- Then there are the reference tools:-

    Waves VU Meter
    Melda Audio MAnalyzer
    Voxengo Span Plus
    Waves WLM meter
    Waves Spectrum Analyzer
    izotope Tonal Control
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  7. Rorer

    Rorer Guest

    There is no such thing as "How many Mixes do you usually go thru before mastering"
    You are an Audioengineer or not.
    Every song or album has his flavor.
    The best way is to communicate with the owner/creater of the song/album, and invite him into your studio to have his own say.
  8. charlie6495

    charlie6495 Member

    Jan 10, 2020
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    BX New York
    These are the plugins just on your master bus? or what you also use individually on different channels as well to get to a good mix down?
  9. charlie6495

    charlie6495 Member

    Jan 10, 2020
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    BX New York
    how does that when your the creator/owner ?
  10. Rorer

    Rorer Guest

    Then you can evaluate the audio and ask if he or she wants to add or remove some element.
  11. Rorer

    Rorer Guest

    Here is a guy that knows much.
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  12. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    Those are the only plugins I use on a master. I would never use all of them at one time but always a concoction of them.

    Mixdowns I have a different mixture of plugins I use (although some of them feature on my mastering chain too)
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2020
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  13. Rorer

    Rorer Guest

    Yes , i think you know what you are doing.
    I was thinking about that also.

    EAR TO LEARN Producer

    Jan 26, 2018
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    I'm 100% with you, I genuinely think I'm just not good enough to be a mixer. I'm in limbo at the minute because I can't afford to pay someone else to do it as I have so many beats that need mixing, it will just cost too much. I figured learning it myself but to be honest...My mixes suck big time. I have to keep grinding it out though and hopefully one day it will all fit into place (definately no pun intended)
  15. decksound

    decksound Ultrasonic

    Sep 26, 2016
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    You can't master your own mix. Mastering your own mix is still mixing. If you think you can mix AND master a piece of music, you have no idea what mastering is.
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  16. acecohle

    acecohle Noisemaker

    Apr 21, 2018
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    And tell us what is mastering ? not what it was back in the day ..but now in 2020
  17. retroboy

    retroboy Producer

    Jan 4, 2014
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    Usually so many that I don't actually reach the mastering stage.
  18. itisntreal

    itisntreal Guest

    You need to be a master if you want to be a engineer
  19. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    this is so old news and still ppl dont get it...

    the mastering guy listens other then the artist does..artists brain process things in it which aint there too..
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  20. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    same as back in the day...or you can use algo's which isnt as good as 30 year working engineer who process individual on individual not common on individual like a algo
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  21. Mastering your own mixes is up there with filling your own teeth.
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