I Came Here To Tell You How It's Going To Begin

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Catalyst, Jun 17, 2013.

  1. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Actually those that know me personally would know that I am certainly no optimist. If anything I am usually called cynical and pessimistic but I like to look at myself as a realist which to me is an important distinction. I think that the amazing capability for human beings to get used to ANYTHING is as much as gift as it is a curse. It can help us to survive in deplorable conditions which we can't change and that can be very beneficial but at the same time it can make us complacent which is the most dangerous of emotions. I am not Cypher as I would personally prefer to live a life in the truth where things can actually be affected than live in a false paradise where I have no real control over my reality. However of course many people would feel differently even if they say that they wouldn't. Most people are more than happy to live falsely but happily and I think Snowden hinted at this himself when he said that it's human nature. People would rather live happily but with little freedom than unhappily in a free society. This to me is the downfall of humanity right there and honestly I can't think of anything more pathetic. It is the epitome of the kind of human being that I despise because these are the same people that are usually bitching about the status quo. Even though Gandhi was a pedophile and a racist he still did a lot for the people of this planet so I wholly subscribe to the phrase: "Be the change you wish to see in the world." I can't control everyone else's decision making process because all I can really have influence over is my own and I will continue to exert it. All I know that more and more people are getting involved and hopefully one day we can overcome these inherent defects of the human condition. Time will tell.

    To answer your first question: People just want to be happy so they are willing to discard those things that conflict with that view. The answer to the second question is really the same as the answer to whether technology is aiding humanity or hindering it. In this case it can really be used either way depending on whether you look at the source of the information and other factors or if you just buy into every news story wherever you may find it. I am vigilant in making sure that the information that I am assimilating into my worldview is accurate or as accurate as I can determine.
  2. fraggle83

    fraggle83 Member

    Jan 22, 2012
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    That's the main point here and that's the reason why i appreciate you and like so much to talk/reading to you.

    You're right in that the only thing we can do is try to determine by ourselves what the reality is and act in consequence. And yes, for us to be able to do that nowadays, there we have social media now. We all agree that it's a big improvement that allows us to know what's happening in any place around the world in seconds. And yes, info is there, but what we do with it individually is another thing. Just take an example of that: Few days ago i've said to a friend by e-mail "Now you have the Messiah that you were waiting for (E.Snowden), let's see what you'll do with it now". To which he answer "I have no idea who is that guy, let me to look for him in google and i'll tell you if i go down to streets to demonstrate". Well, after a week and me asking him from time to time if he already knew Snowden, he still don't know who's, and much less what he has done (but of course he has hundreds of friends/followers in Facebook).

    You and i know the many lies we listen in the media every day trying to be as accurate as we can to determine the truth of it (if any), and acting later in consequence trying to make others aware about something most of them have no intention at all to look at (yes). You and i have to face also some of our friends being upset somehow by the things we talk to them based on that (not to impose them anything but merely to have a deep talk together about something affects us both). You and i (as well as some more around the world) are alone with our accuracy in determining what is really happening. But myself (i can't talk for you) i'm not doing this to change anything on others but merely for them to become aware of it and do that change by themselves if they want. And of courrse, i'm nobody to judge they "turning their backs to reality", but this doesn't mean that i can feel sad somehow, as a human being i am, like they are too, seeing their innecesary suffering.

    Maybe i'm wrong in the things that this accuracy with which i try to determine the present reality brings to my view, but i know that i'm not wrong with regard the suffering i can see around me and in the world due to our own ignorance. And what i will do with it it's only up to me, in the same way that they are free also to turn their backs to it. But what i can not stand though is listen to them complaining about the present situation when they do nothing about it ... and let me say that to me, "do something about it" here doesn't mean to go down the streets to demonstrate, but on the contrary use own intelligence and reasoning to understand what's really happening and act in consequence. After all, through that we could realize how responsible we are also of the present situation. And let me say that if we all were able to see this fact through own introspection, this world will change not tomorrow ... but right now!. Unfortunately this requires all our energy, the same energy we lose miserably complaining in social media, bars or corners all around the world. Let me say that after all those centuries that we live in this earth and after all the saviours we've known, we've learn nothing about ourselves (which is not so much different from others). How can we talk about what others are doing then (no matter if they are bankers, presidents, neightbours or our own parents) ?!.

    So please, any of you, answer this to me if you want or can: Who's the real responsible of the present situation ?!

    Latest news: massive demonstrations in the streets in Brasil too.

    P.S.: I'm sorry if my english is not so accurate (my mother language is spanish), but i try to do my best trying to express myself the best i can in that language.
  3. Mental Exchange Department

    Mental Exchange Department Newbie

    Jul 2, 2011
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    My heads hurting give it a break :rofl:
  4. uber909

    uber909 Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    Neo Bangkok
    Ghandi a pedophile ?... I just got the proof nothing is going to change on a forum.
    Well you can't quote Oliver Stone and make me believe you got the point.

    Anyway, to be a true rebel you have to let go of all your daily comfort, except of course if you create your energy yourself... do you ?
    Don't get me wrong, I'm sure you're full of good intentions, but that's not enough.
    Most of the time, the system uses people like you to flip them upside down (and don't think you're smart enough to avoid that).

    If you REALLY want to change things, start small, locally, be humble. Better to do a little for real, than a lot of nothing.
    The other way of course, is to fool yourself (and all the young spirits that will eventually follow your example).

    Friendly yours. :mates:
  5. fritoz

    fritoz Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2012
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    dark side of the moon

    Catalyst is exactly right here on all accounts...

    Ive been fighting the XL Keystone Pipeline firsthand with my father- so ive seen the MACHINE in its full beast-mode of Imminent Domain (sounds like Manifest Destiny 2.0 to me) so much that i am now on a NSA watchlist of suspected environmental terrorists! lol (i wear it as a badge of pride) Even though we have basically lost the Keystone Debate, it opened alot of people's eyes to the fact our government, when it comes right down to it, DOESNT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT US (only our taxes) Our "representatives" are corrupt and only have eyes for $$$, more $$$, and then maybe, MORE $$$!!!!

    We (humanity) are on the razor's edge right now... the "New World Order" is here, HAS BEEN HERE for some time... Of course you can draw a straight line from serfdom to slavery to global economic totalitarianism... with the advent of the W.T.O. and its subsidiaries ala NAFTA the fight for control of the future of mankind as we know it started... the funny thing is its like maybe 1000-2000 of the super rich who pull the strings for the billions of marionettes that regular humans have become.

    And now our very privacy, which the "founding fathers" so prized, is under attack like never before. With the invention of "The Imagined/Manufactured Threat of Continued and Impending Terrorism" the US govt has the means and excuse to "save us from ourselves". Thank 9/11 for that. (yes, im one of the nuts who believe 9/11 was a NWO plot orchestrated by the shadow organizations/conglomerates/cartels that ACTUALLY run the world.)


    Ive been fighting this fight ideologically since i was a kid, i have ALWAYS realized from a young age the disparity between the haves and have-nots, the squandered possibilities of our leaders to do the "right thing", and the general fallacy of the electoral process of supposed "democracy"

    Finally, when i went to the Occupy camp in San Francisco last year, i could feel other like minded individuals that were as angry as myself.

    So its a start, but we need to remember what we are fighting for. Free will. Free reign of intellectual discussion. Free Air, since the corporations are destroying t he earth along with the air we breathe. Free LIFE, since the economic bonds of slavery have deteriorated the fabric of modern society.

    I agree with "start small, locally, be humble. Better to do a little for real, than a lot of nothing."

    We need to wage a war for the "hearts and minds" of our own sheep-like dreaming citizens.

    We can sow the seeds of discontent every day, to every one we meet. In every day conversations we can subtly introduce dissatisfaction with the status quo. We can create websites to further our cause, create and/or join like minded organizations, we can protest, WE CAN OVERCOME!!

    we can also all be horribly crushed by armies of drones, spied upon, interred indefinitely with no right to trial, property seized, torture, torture, torture

    Like i said, "razor's edge"

  6. fraggle83

    fraggle83 Member

    Jan 22, 2012
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    @Rotten Az Hell

    Well, sometimes this forums allow us to go higher than we really are, losing the view that we are merely simple human beings and not super-heros with our big ideas about life and
    how this life should be lived. I don't know personally Catalyst, so i would not judge him (if i had to judge him at all) merely for the things he says anonimously in a forum. Who
    knows, but perhaps some day in the future (next live maybe) we (the three) could meet together and discuss quietly about life, while drinking something or giving a walk under the
    trees. You know already, face to face talkings are more ... how to say ... real than through a cold screen like the one i have in front of me now ?.

    While i agree with you when you say "the system uses people like you to flip (and use) them upside down", i would never say of another "and don't think you're smart enough
    to avoid that" merely by the things he writes in a forum like this. After all, cold words in a computer screen lack of gestures, glances, the tone of the voic,... in short from a
    real feedback that could allow us to know (if we can know really someone at all) the person we have in front.

    I also agree with you when you say "better to do a little for real, than a lot of nothing" which to me means not to be "out of touch with what happens on the ground". But who knows
    what Catalyst (or anyone else, including yourself) is doing in his/her real life with friends, known people, family... Your words sound right to me, but i don't know at all how this
    words fit in fact in your everyday life...

    I was just going to say ... let's talk about music?
  7. fraggle83

    fraggle83 Member

    Jan 22, 2012
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    Can i ask you if they are more, equal, or less corrupt than we all are in fact (in a way or another) ?.

    And, is corruption related only to wanting more money ?.
    Could someone be considered corrupt also when he knows what's happening under the hood and says nothing to the rest ?
    Could be considered corrupt the one who knows what's happening to his/her fellow worker and says nothing about the injustice he or she's living alone ?
    Was Edward Snowden corrupt before he open the pandora's box ?
    Are we all corrupt after seeing all what's happening, not only in the media but also near us, while doing nothing but shouting aloud ?

    What are we all talking about in fact ?!.

    Talking about others is the easiest way to me.
    But of course, that serves us to our real purpose which is to hide our own hypocrisy and misery from the other's eyes through a well orchestred propaganda by our own minds, like if the real point were in fact to sell ourselves and not help others.
    We all are liars trying to save the world through our lies that we work hard everyday, every hour, for them to become truth in ourselves and hence to others too.
    We all live in this life, and we all have seen/heard something in the past that ultimately has become the cause for the current situation.
    But either smiled to it, or closed our eyes to it, or tried to take some profit from it too.
    Is this not then, the same corruption we now take in the face of those who we stated as the only guilty of what is happening ?

    Shame on us, guys!!!

    And please, could you stop posting gigantic pictures on threads?. They're annoying and serve a nothing for the real purpose of the dialog.
  8. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Good Grief, I believe the revolution has started - HERE ... bring it on :wow: :beg:

  9. fritoz

    fritoz Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2012
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    dark side of the moon

    WTF are you smokin man?

    Im sorry if you have no desire or will to fight the future, but those of us who TRULY fight the machine care not for your psycho-analysis.

    Ive spent a total of 11 days in jail in my lifetime for protesting and activism, first in Seattle for the WTO debacle, then with the Keystone pipeline in Texas, Kansas and Nebraska, and with the Occupy movement in San Francisco.

    And yes, it does ALL boil down to $$$ and economics. It sounds more like you are trying to rationalize your own "hypocrisy and misery"

    in this particular struggle, if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem

  10. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
    -George Orwell
  11. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    From an interview with Nivek Ogre of Skinny Puppy:
    Released through SPV America, Mythmaker came from experiences I had with a person that wasn't in a place in their life to realize what they were doing and what they were reacting to and how they were reacting and [then] did something heinous, Ogre shares. That was related to the population and how the population reacts out of fear [We're] dealing with a mythological sense of history. [History] is definitely manipulated to suit the present situation. I [also] began to look at my own ideas about control and what I can and can't control and I can control a lot! Ogre laughs. It's interesting how things change, how historical constructs change and how a mythological sense of history can shape a future and make righteous what's so wrong.

    That quote reminds me of V For Vendetta.
  12. fraggle83

    fraggle83 Member

    Jan 22, 2012
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    One day you'll realize that the machine is you, and that in fact you've been fighting all the time (truely or untruely that doesn't really matter) against yourself.

    And ?! ... Do you feel different from others just because that ? Do you really think you're truely fighting while other's don't just because they have not spent even not a single day of their lives in jail ?!

    And you're part of ?, if i may ask.

    Perhaps! ... Who knows!?
  13. fritoz

    fritoz Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2012
    Likes Received:
    dark side of the moon
  14. fraggle83

    fraggle83 Member

    Jan 22, 2012
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    Not more than you zanzibar! Each of us is crazy in their own way, that's why this world is like this.
    And thanks for taking your time doing the banner (wich i like).
  15. fritoz

    fritoz Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2012
    Likes Received:
    dark side of the moon
  16. fraggle83

    fraggle83 Member

    Jan 22, 2012
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    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

    Well, it's three o'clock in the morning, time to go sleep. Thanks for being there!
  17. kearnsy

    kearnsy Banned

    Jun 9, 2011
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    You know what guys? It's nice to see that's there's people out there like yourselves who give a fuck about what goes on around them, just been reading through the thread, and agree with a lot of the comments

    Most of the world are mindless zombie consumers who are unaware of what's going on around them, or they know what's going on and just don't care

    Personally, i think we won't see the change we want to see in our lifetime as the human brain isn't ready for it yet

    We've not evolved enough as a species yet, evolution takes 0000's of years to even see a tiny change, and looking back at history, we're still doing today what the prehistoric cavemen were doing, ie: killing one another for personal gain or pleasure, so we've not evolved in that sense

    Once we get to the stage where we can all understand that we're all just fancy chimps living on a little tiny insignificant rock, and cut out the invisible man in the sky bullshit, then maybe we can start to evolve

    But, until then, the only change i can see is change for the worse, not for the better, and that's not me being negative or a defeatist, it's me being a realist

    The whole system stinks and is rotten to the core, it enslaves the population through the financial system, and no-one bats an eyelid or speaks out, even the ones that do speak out get told to shut up, killed, or put in prison, (MLK, John Lennon, Kennedy Mandella, Manning, Assange etc. etc.) and then there's the 000's of ordinary citizens treated like shit at protests and demos who you'll never get to hear about
  18. Feridan

    Feridan Newbie

    Oct 6, 2012
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    for some strange reason, Kearnsey just started me thinking about the Eight-circuit model of consciousness again: :bow:

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