What's your philosophy regarding " Music theory?"

Discussion in 'Education' started by MMJ2017, Dec 10, 2019.


Is Music theory ( how music works) worth learning in your opinion?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Possibly

  4. Whatchoo mean? ( No such thing as how music works ) Foo.

  1. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Just demonstrably clarification.
    It's because it's hard to communicate with text.
    So I try to clarify
    Are you being obtuse?
    Do I need to remind you the things said to me by even yourself ?
    Or others by the hundreds of comments?
    You see there is consequences for behavior.
    You know this you don't let people bash you then respond as if they complimented you right ?
    Do I need remind you of things you said.
    Dont play games.
    It only takes the smallest critical thinking to see past the psychological games.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2020
  2. the real Pict

    the real Pict Kapellmeister

    Dec 9, 2019
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    Gaidheal wherever I am
    I stand 100% by any comments I make to anyone at any time I would not say anything from behind a keyboard that I would not be prepared to say to a person face to face.If you feel attacked by "others hundreds of comments" maybe you should examine why that is.I think I am very clear and careful in what I say and I also consider carefully what others say to me,so no I am not being obtuse.I don't play psychological games especially with people at an obvious disadvantage.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2020
  3. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I'm close to being done with the commenting thing.
    I'll post music I'll post videos I'll post information.
    The rest it's just game playing.
  4. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Then why would you respond to me as if a cherry picked comment out of context .
    And lecture me about how saying things effects people.
    When you knew that cherry picking is a
    Fallacy ?
    That is obtuse

    You folks
    Are just not for for conversation.
    I'm sorry there's fallacies every ten minutes.
    Instead of intelligent conversation or asking asking for clarification it turns to beligerent .
    Instead of critical thinking
    It's about bizzarre psychology responses.

    Why should I waste my time in this nonsense?
    That's it I'm done.
    It just going be content now on.
    No more games .
    I'll post info that's it.
    It's too bad but I dont have time waste .
    No honor no integrity no reasoning no critical thinking .
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2020
  5. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    You can plead stunning incompetence if you like.
    (can't even begin to recognise the exact same song in a different arrangement - we already know that sums up your skill level)

    You can plead insanity if you like. (no-one would ever contest that excuse)

    But persistent "Trump Style" double-down lying is not an option.

  6. the real Pict

    the real Pict Kapellmeister

    Dec 9, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Gaidheal wherever I am
    C'mon Ad heesive that's just cherry picking :wink:
  7. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    Not a coincidence that MMJ should resort to claims of cherry picking. He's a devoted fan of cherry picking when it suits him.

    See just one very recent example here...
    The MMJ post below with a cherry picked quote from me is designed to suggest that MMJ is agreeing with me about something, and the implied something is the high regard we (apparently? obviously?) both share for symbols, pictures, concepts, etc.
    So this is just a backhanded disingenuous way of pretending to have my support for his crackpot theories.

    Compare the 'disingenuous message' conveyed by the above with what I actually said below - the quote in context.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2020
  8. the real Pict

    the real Pict Kapellmeister

    Dec 9, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Gaidheal wherever I am
    He said he was done commenting but I don't think that's likely.He's going to post "content" so be prepared!
  9. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    Oh, there will definitely be content next - a really huge torrent of it. That is his oldest and most established technique. Whenever there is anything embarrassing revealed about his posts, he swamps the thread with a quick three page outpouring. This is in the hope that anyone coming to the thread will only look at the most recent junk and not work their way back to see the embarrassing stuff. Just one more utterly transparent gimmick - fools nobody.
  10. the real Pict

    the real Pict Kapellmeister

    Dec 9, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Gaidheal wherever I am
    What! you doubt his altruism? :wink:
  11. the real Pict

    the real Pict Kapellmeister

    Dec 9, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Gaidheal wherever I am
    So Ad heesive what are your preferred genres and are you working on anything at the moment?
  12. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Have you always been a stalker?
  13. I will by default defend anyone's right to have their thread stay on topic.

    UNFORTUNATELY and I say this with sincerity, that when anyone posts something like this, the shock at the hubris makes it very difficult to defend anyone. This is because in my experience if someone can do this, they not only have no need to prove it to anyone, they have no need to say it. We all get insecure at least once in our life. This is what it seems like and an extreme version. Everyone has propped up their insecurity at one point but this is not good. @MMJ2017 - the greatest musicians in the world would not say this for the simple historical fact that there is always a bigger fish and it's not a good look - even if they were sure they could win.
    I'd apologise if it was me. Up to you. :sad:

    EDIT: - If you do decide to apologise, do it for yourself, not for anyone here. Do it because YOU believe you should not have said it. Not because me or anyone else says anything. This is the true measure of your own self-worth - what YOU think of yourself. It does not matter what anyone thinks. A person's dignity and integrity is their own, it does not belong to anyone else. :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 12, 2020
  14. A note on what people think is great or genius. It is a mindset.

    If a person says nothing of their own skills and is humble, then puts music up that is of a very high skill it will often be viewed as nothing short of a miracle and phenomenal.
    If the same quality of music is put up by anyone that says they are great, more often than not, it will be viewed as only ok.

    This is human nature.
  15. Lager

    Lager Guest

    @Ad Heesive my friend, don't hurt your feelings and thoughts. No one is changeable and if it rarely happens, will take a lot of time. At the end:
    MMJ is the same MMJ.
    Thunoing Thumbs is the same Thunoing Thumbs.
    Farao is the same Farao.
    Ad Heesive is the same Ad Heesive.
    the real Pict is the same the real Pict.
    Lager is the same Lager.
    and also other beloveds.:bow:

    Maybe we should ask dear sir @Crisis? What Crisis? to make a song about significant changes.:bow::winker:
  16. I am reminded of Monty Python's life of Brian.
    BRIAN: "You're all individuals!"
    CROWD: "We're all individuals!"
    LONE PERSON: "I'm not"
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  17. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
    Likes Received:
    There never been anything embarrassing about my posts sir.
    You yourself just write comments full of equvication , logical fallacy's and turn beligerent in a moment's notice.
    That is where embarrassment is.
  18. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    That response was to your embarrassing comment which you misunderstood what I said so I clarified
    Anyone can go back and see these things
    It is demonstrable. Lol
    OMG I cannot believe you it's mind boggling the way you flip flop in behavior.
  19. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Not sure what you refferring to
    I don't follow .
    I have only spoke the truth.
    I didn't not say anything about yourself what are you referring to here?
  20. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
    Likes Received:
    I'm definitely done with the games.
    We have people using fallacies with broken logic.
    We have people equvication
    We have people turning beligerent in a moment's notice .
    And the list goes on.
    I'm going to post content and that's it.
    Any trolling will be reported
    Commented are expected to stay on topic
    Zero beligerent behavior will be tolerated .
    I'm not playing games.
    If you don't like it .
    Go make your on threads and behave anyway you choose.
    I'm done playing games.
    My threads are about information on a topic .
    Time get back to meaning and purpose.
    If you have not the capacity to make a intellectual argument without turning beligerent.
    You will be reported .
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