Legit Cubase 10 Pro with VR antitrial

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by ambbe, Jun 3, 2019.

  1. ambbe

    ambbe Producer

    Jan 10, 2016
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    I have a Cubase 10 pro license and now I want to install Halion and Groove Agent using the VR antitrial. My question is, I will ruin Cubase's license if I do.
    What seems clear is that I must install the licenses of Groove Agent and Halion on the hard disk instead of the dongle, which means that I have to disconnect it before, otherwise they are installed on the dongle.
    Thank in advance
  3. ambbe

    ambbe Producer

    Jan 10, 2016
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    I answer myself, in case someone finds it useful. The VR antitrial (v4 or v5) makes eLicenser not work. Starts one second without licenses and then close. So, in my experience, you have to choose:
    1. Cubase 10 Pro
    2. Halion / Groove Agent / Padshop pro VR antitrial
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  4. frozensnow

    frozensnow Producer

    Nov 2, 2016
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    I don't really understand, does this mean that you can't use both at the same time? You can't have both antitrial and usb elicenser?

    Or do you mean you should install cubase 10 pro, activate it and then use the antitrial to unlock the VSTs?

    My copy should arive sometime this week when thomann ships it so this would be good to know.
  5. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    From the guy above you it sounds like this is the case. The usb elicenser still relies on the elicenser software. So if antitrial breaks that software... best case scenario, you may have to reinstall elicenser to get cubase working
  6. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Not.. exactly. I had Cubase 9.5 installed with antitrial, and they worked fine together. Installing the "demo" of C10 (from official Steinberg downloader) borked everything up, meaning that C9.5 & C10 wouldn't work unless antitrial wasn't running. Buying legit C10 (upgrade) meant everything worked fine again (ie Groove Agent etcs work fine nao). So, I'd recd keeping every backup of the soft elicenser file (softelicenser.sel) every single time u make a change, however insignificant it might seem! There's no do-overs, rly.

    The USB and soft elicensers seem very separate, tho, the antitrial doesn't seem to affect the USB at all. It's only when you try to "trial" (USB) things that things might go a bit wrong? Again, backup before trying anything. Fresh (legit) installs seem fine, well I've never had any issues...
  7. frozensnow

    frozensnow Producer

    Nov 2, 2016
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    Awesome and thanks for the quick responses from both of you

    Interesting and great news. The problem with the trials I suppose makes somewhat sense, as antitrail probably doesn't really understand what it's supposed to do (?). I'm glad to know it works though, in theory at least. I'll make sure to back up the softelicnenser.sel after every change. As far as I can tell, everything related to the licenses gets stored in there, correct?

    I could try to mess around and see what works best. If I have sufficient backups of the softelicenser.sel file I could see if it'd be better to install Cubase 10, activate it, then run antitrail or maybe vise versa (Install antitrail, insert USB elicenser, activate cubase 10 pro), or.. well who knows really.

    What was your process in getting 9.5 legit working properly with antitrial? What steps did you take? Did you take any special steps (like unplugging the elicenser at some point?) Also, I've read somewhere that registering the licenses under registration>Register elicensers is vital, do you recommend doing that in this step? If so, when should I do it? (before or after antitrial)

    Thanks again for the fast and detailed bit of insight, sorry for seeming a bit paranoid, I don't intend to come over that way, I just want to make sure I don't screw this up
  8. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Yeah, that's right! I'd recd making lots of (date/time) directories to back up each time.

    I think I had an old antitrial installed already, then installed C90, then 95. It all went fine throughout. As long as you don't install any new (what I call) trial (actually just USB eLicenser stuff w/o activation) you should be ok. I think there may be a "conflict" between an authorised and unauthorised (aka trial) USB version of Cubase? I'm not sure there's any issue with (ie) a single version of Pro. Once it gets activated on the USB it should work fine. I guess it shouldn't matter which way around you install things w/ C10, I guess I'd prolly install the antitrial first? With a fresh install it should be (famous last words) pretty straightforward.

    (Anyway, you could try doing a test install somewhere (old laptop, desktop w/e) and check it out / test run? I mean, you have infinite installs (potentially) to fool around; with the USB stick being transferable...)

    I would also be (a bit) wary of contacting Steinberg if you run into issues. Not just cos they take ages! They accused me of running "unauthorised downloads" because I downloaded something (C10) what they called "early". Through their own downloader thing! And then they deleted some of my old elicenses remotely! It also didn't fix the issue I had w/ C10 borking everything up :O Anyway, I was relieved when Team VR came to my rescue after upgrading "properly" to C10, everything works ok now. Thank piracy! :D
  9. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    To give a short answer... Antitrial patch just trial licence software ,so if you have on USB dongle instaled any FULL licence version it will not be affected by VR antitrial, so that means no break of software in any case (as long the licence is on soft elicencer) ... But if you wanna run a DEMO licence version within USB for example Cubase 10 trial licence ,then antitrial doesnt work and it will cause a app crash ! Simple as that.... Cheers

    p.s. Dongle will never be cracked as far i see and many people from here and there ,anyways the teams should work on same method as AiR did with keygen and that is ,to make a keygen which will instal one legit licence on DONGLE and that is all ,no cracking no patching .... and user or we only have to buy a dongle ,it has a price about USD 30...
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2019
  10. Sinnistar7

    Sinnistar7 Ultrasonic

    Apr 16, 2013
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    This was exactly the answer I was looking for.
    In light of all the cool releases that came out on the sister site, I was excited to see a lot of the VSTs are now accessible. My question was, was I able to run those VSTs (Padshop, Dark Planet...) in a legit version of Cubase 10 Pro? By the looks of it, from what you are saying @Hennessey, you are. Since these are instruments and not any trials of anything.

    This is awesome! Thanks again for the straight forward answer!

    And I agree, teams should try what AiR did and do everything with Keygens. I still find it amazing what Audiotopoia did with PT. But I am sure we wont see that type of work ever again. But Highly thankful for the other teams trying and providing the community!
  11. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Yes, kinda the whole point of it. Works well, much appreciated. Although I haven't used much of any of them, ever. It will increase your Cubase load time a little to go through those 200+ instruments tho. (actually it's pretty quick!)
  12. Delay

    Delay Guest

    Does anyone know which is the most stable (legit) cubase version after 5, i tried 9, 10, 10.5.5 and all have serious bugs.
  13. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    With newest elicencer Antitrial b12,13,14,15 etc legit USB DONGLE apps dont works. Because those antitrials was messing up with exact SYSNOPOS.exe, which is the most important program to run elicencer properly. In other words as far i tested legit dongle ,once i have plugged DONGLE in my PC immediately have deleted SYSNOPOS.exe or something... One thing i know, is that USB was not recognized no more, neither the Soft elicencer, so be careful with newest AT. If someone got it working that is kull, but for me that was not the case...
    Search under the sister site on respective thread i think there is the right answer. I cannot test anymore because i have to work and i have to keep my system as stable as possible right now.
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  14. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    I haven't used the new antitrial (I think I'm still on b5). But I guess I'll take care if I ever do. I mean, everything I want to work "works" atm. @ Delay: I've had a lot of issues upgrading Cubase, some Steinbug, some W10. I mean, there are always issues w/ Cubase .0 versions (they're betas rly) best to try 9.5 / 10.5 if you can? There are always annoying bugs w/ Cubase that don't break anything usually, but if you're stuck with them, you just learn to call them quirks. I often wish I'd learned how to use Reaper, usually when a new update breaks everything!
  15. Delay

    Delay Guest

    I have no luck on my setup, still testing last version 10.5.5 dec, a lot staff old and new are rock solid but two bugs crash whole daw, will wait for 10.5.6/10.6 . Thanks!
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  16. anon69

    anon69 Producer

    Nov 24, 2019
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    I literally had no issues whatsover with legit 10.5 Pro with the VR bundle elicenser. Just unplugged my dongle, installed VR patch and the correct elicenser version, plugged my dongle back in. Downloaded halion and other stuff from download manager, and everything just worked. Presets etc had no problem.
  17. Caldera

    Caldera Platinum Record

    Jul 24, 2012
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    synsopos.dll from the anti trial VR is recognized as a trojan!! That's why it has been deleted. You first have to exclude these dll's from scanning in your anti virus app, internet security app or Windows firewall.
    No luck??

    This is the procedure to make it work!

    * Remove (deinstall!!) the Steinberg elicenser app, delete all possibly remaining files synsopos.dll, seLicenser.sel and all syncrosoft and elicenser folders.
    * Remove the hardware dongle and place it back AFTER you have installed the antitrial. (very important!!)
    * Restart your system and reinstall the Steinberg elicenser app. Do not start the app!
    * Be sure to have excluded all synsopos.dll's from virus scanning otherwise it's being deleted.
    * Install the antitrial or fake soft e-licenser from VRf
    * Start the Steinberg elicenser app and you will see that a new soft elicenser key has been generated.
    * Put back your hardware dongle and it shall be recognized as your official hardware dongle.

    Legit and non-legit...All is working now. (at least here with me)

    Last edited: Jan 9, 2020
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  18. Sinnistar7

    Sinnistar7 Ultrasonic

    Apr 16, 2013
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    @Caldera Is this how you are going about using Legit & Non Legit? And after doing said process above, can you go and download the items you want say like Halion and such and use them with no issues in Legit?
  19. anon69

    anon69 Producer

    Nov 24, 2019
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    if you have nothing currently in your software elicensers you dont need to delete anything, just update the elicenser program to the version VR provides and tells you to, remove your dongle, install the patch. and thats literally it. tahts all i did and everything works perfect with legit 10.5 pro. presets work, everything from steinberg download manager works fine. Also yes, EXCLUDE sysopos.dll from your antivirus as well. Only put back your dongle after installing everything.
  20. JudoLudo

    JudoLudo Kapellmeister

    Jul 27, 2014
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    Hi there, today I had a strange message when I opened Cubase.


    I'm on Win 10 1903, Cubase 10.0.5 PRO (legit) and I installed fake Soft-eLicenser bundle b14 or b15. But, I didn't follow these instructions, I installed it with USB dongle inserted.

    Do anyone knows how to fix it? I'm not touching anything without know how to do. thanks :)
  21. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Oh that seems to be a bad joke. :woot:

    (first thing coming into my mind: an expired Cubase license on the fake soft-eLicenser?)

    First I would do a quick backup of your PC.

    Second I would suggest to run the eLCC but NOT use the sync utility (switch automatic sync when starting the App to OFF) as the sync would possibly overwrite your license status on Steinbergs online vault rendering the license invalid.
    Then check if the license on your USB eLicenser is still valid.

    If the eLCC utility has problems to find anything on USB eLicenser, your USB bus may have a serious hickup. Close down Windows, unplug all USB cables unplug power cord of PC and press power button 1 minute. Plug in all USB cables again and power cord. Start PC.
    Recheck if eLCC shows your valid license again.

    If not I would next try to move the directory where the soft eLicenser resides. Moving the whole directory off of the PC on a stick or HD drive deletes the soft eLicenser.

    Then try to repair the USB eLic with the eLCC utility.

    In the end, if nothing helps, you can make use of Steinberg's "Zero downtime" and report the eLicenser to be lost. You'll receive a temporary license and after a few days new licenses will be sent to you. Buy a new USB eLicenser and install the licenses on the new one.

    BTW.: Were on legit Cubase 10.0.50 as well. I installed the fake soft-eLic out of curiosity and didn't like the way the eLCC was working afterwards (laggy and USB Bus hangs). Deleted fake soft-elicenser. Won't install it again, too much $$ on the USB eLicenser for experimenting ;)
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2020
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