"Bus" in music Production

Discussion in 'beginners corner' started by mox, Dec 23, 2019.

  1. mox

    mox Member

    Nov 4, 2019
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    Got it. Thank you for the Explanation! I understand what your pointing to now :)

    Interesting! That's exactly what I am doing right now is process the grouped channels, it isn't that complicated to be honest but then again I have not tried the Bus method yet and as I am learning form all the valuable input I get here I try to apply it in my production. Appreciate the tip :)

    Thank you for the link :) Very interesting learning material!

    I agree it dose save CPU, but right now I'm working with Trance Music and when I practice if I put 3 Tracks on the same level Reverb it doesn't sound as clean as making sure every Track have a specific Values. But I get your point about the benefits of Bus now and appreciate the help :)

    Thank you for the link! a lot of valuable information and very good Explanations :)

    I'm sorry but I kinds disagree with you on that one, I did get a lot of valuable information here form the pro's and the lovely community. And I did my research already and typed in 'mix bus' just as you advised but still getting tips and personal experiences are better than just goggling it. However, I appreciate your help and I will keep searching and learn more about the subject :)
  2. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Although the same theory applies in any DAW i was wondering which ones(s) you are using.
    Different projects might lend themselves to having just a few or many busses, and how you arrange them in particular mixer can vary, so it might be good to look at DAW-specific examples for ideas on that.
  3. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Ha, ha, you got me wrong. :winker: I was referring to this sentence of yours
    and of course not to asking here.
  4. mox

    mox Member

    Nov 4, 2019
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    I'm using Ableton at the moment :), and I understand your point about other DAW's have different ways of handling Groups or Busses. In Ableton handling groups is really easy for me because it is very clear on the Trackmap.

    Sorry for misunderstanding :), I see your point now, and Yes the Tutorials are indeed lacking some really important information and I think because most of them presume the person checking the video have somehow general knowledge on what are Busses, and focus mainly on how to do them instead. That's what brought me here actually to post about it and maybe other people can learn as well :)
  5. Element23

    Element23 Ultrasonic

    Jan 6, 2018
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    Thanks for this one, it helped put words on something I know.
    I guess the kids and color t shirts can be a bit confusing though. I started to think "what are they talking about again?" while reading this part
  6. ontschoeit

    ontschoeit Kapellmeister

    Oct 10, 2017
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    Related: Templates for Studio one. Studio One mixer is awesome.
    I created my goto template based on this one, plus some changes. Personally I have Busses for leads, percs, voice, fx, fx bypass, mixbus to the right. BTW I still do not understand the point in having a mixbus right before the masterbus but well...

    Learnt it from this guy (you can learn a lot from him about busses and routing, and good workflow) At 22:30, witness the greatness of Studio One workflow!:

    Last edited: Jan 9, 2020