What's your philosophy regarding " Music theory?"

Discussion in 'Education' started by MMJ2017, Dec 10, 2019.


Is Music theory ( how music works) worth learning in your opinion?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Possibly

  4. Whatchoo mean? ( No such thing as how music works ) Foo.

  1. the real Pict

    the real Pict Kapellmeister

    Dec 9, 2019
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    Gaidheal wherever I am
    This guy learned by ear no study of theory involved

    I think it's beautiful each track is a description of a bird in music
  2. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Yeah it's got some good qualities for sure .
    It's just not much is taking place .
    Playing intervals against a chord for long periods of time .which can be fine of you like that.
    It's just like listen to someone talk where they are saying a bunch words based on the ways the words sound ( not using the words as a medium for meaning and purpose)
    In the same way that kind of music just has a surface level . ( It's not a bad or good )
    ( Just like a person saying a string of words for the phoneme or ways they sound only , that's not inherently bad or good) I just deem it " bad" to use words that way because I like to use words as a medium to transmit a deeper level and the deeper level is what matters. )
    Just like that I deem this kind of music " bad"
    Just because I care about music as a medium to transmit a deeper level ( not just the surface sound ) but the story told through the harmony melody and rhythm .
    A visual analogy is like a motion picture compared to
    A audio visualizer
    Yes on surface both are shapes changing over time on screen circles triangles squares lines colors changing.however a motion picture has a deeper level with characters plots and storytelling. That deeper level is what's important not the surface level medium if shapes and lines changing over time.
    Music is identical to me.
    1% of value is contained in the surface level of music and 99% of value is in the deeper level.
    ( Same for a motion picture for me 99% is the deeper level only 1% is the lines and shapes changing surface level )
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2020
  3. the real Pict

    the real Pict Kapellmeister

    Dec 9, 2019
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    Gaidheal wherever I am
    yet he's regarded as one of the most influential guitarists of the 20th century and the bassist is regarded as the best bassist who ever came out of the British Isles
  4. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    That's fine, it does not impact me looking at the music based on its own merit .
    Any celebrity societal and psychological aspects of the person is not what I mean I'm only taking about the music portion as it exists .

    Here is an an example of guitar that is 1000 times the quality .( Only looking at the music based on its own merit devoid of the human element of celebrity or had symmetrical face and blue eyes and chiseled abs etc.)

  5. the real Pict

    the real Pict Kapellmeister

    Dec 9, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Gaidheal wherever I am
  6. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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  7. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Just a few examples of high quality guitar .
  8. the real Pict

    the real Pict Kapellmeister

    Dec 9, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Gaidheal wherever I am
  9. the real Pict

    the real Pict Kapellmeister

    Dec 9, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Gaidheal wherever I am

  10. I stay away from these discussions and labels for a very good reason.

    I respect each person has the right to feel, believe and think in whatever manner best suits them.
    There is no doubt what you have posted is high quality. Asking 'name a high-quality guitarist' to someone that has only lived in Siberia with Balalaika's and acoustic guitars would produce a different answer - probably only the ones they have heard locally because they have never heard anything outside of Siberia.
    Also what people feel is high quality is different to technically defining theoretically what that is. It is a very sensitive area. While people that are die-hard musicians may categorize them on skill-sets, average Joe & Jane will probably see that as something completely different. Then you enter into the hard-rock high-quality, the funk, R%B, blues so on and so forth... so many Giants !!
  11. the real Pict

    the real Pict Kapellmeister

    Dec 9, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Gaidheal wherever I am
  12. Lager

    Lager Guest

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  13. sir jack spratsky

    sir jack spratsky Producer

    Apr 22, 2017
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    7 billion beings live on a rock in deep space.......one percent of them are trying to disable the life support system....discuss
  14. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I don't think you realize it is yourself that you are
    " Busting on"

    The only person you are making fun of here is yourself.

    I will demonstrate now that .
    It is you yourself expressing that you are at a specific. Point where even demonstrable information you cannot fathom.

    Here is the KEY of C major .

    There are 7 Diatonic chords in these key split into 3 categories .

    Tonic- relaxed , home, heroe of story

    Subdominant _ motion , tension, leaving on journey

    2 Dmin7

    Dominant , motion, tension , farthest from home you can be ( villian of the story )

    5 Gdominant7

    So we have seen the 7 Diatonic chords in key of C and 3 categories those 7 fit inside of

    4 Fmaj7......Subdom

    We have seen the diatonic chords and their function.
    However this is only the introduction.
    ( Equivilent to a 6 year old spoken language )

    The next step is to understand that the functions are the thing which is important.

    There are only a few blueprints for how chord progression works .

    Tonic/ Subdominant/ Tonic

    Tonic / Dominant / Tonic
    Subdominant/ Dominant / Tonic

    Those 3 blueprints constitute the entirety of chord Progressions .

    ( Assembled like puzzle peices )

    Now that we understand that the functions are the most important thing let's see Diatonic examples of these building blocks .

    Tonic/ Subdominant/ Tonic/

    Cmaj7/ Fmaj7/ Emin7/
    Amin7/ Dmin7/ Amin7
    C6/ F6/ G6/

    Next up is
    Tonic/ Dominant/ Tonic/

    C6/ G7/ Amin7/
    G6/ Bmin7b5/ Emin7/
    Cmaj7/ Bmin7b5/ Emin7
    Amin7/ G7/ C6/

    And lastly
    Subdominant/ Dominant/ Tonic/

    Dmin7/ G7/ Cmaj7/
    F6/ Bmin7b5/ G6/
    Fmaj7/ G7/ Cmaj7
    Dmin7/ Bmin7b5/ Emin7

    Now that we seen ex of the 3 sep blueprints .
    Let's now see example of them combined such as to create a song section. Or progression.

    Cmaj7/ Amin7/ Dmin7/ G7/

    Tonic/ Subdominant/ Dominant/ Tonic/
    ( Except turned around to be)
    Tonic/ tonic/ Subdominant/ Dominant/

    Now we have a cadence in C major
    Dmin7/ G7/ Cmaj6

    Subdominant/ Dominant/ Tonic

    Our relative minor is A harmonic minor

    Bmin7b5/ E7b9/ Aminmaj

    Subdominant/ Dominant/ Tonic

    The cadence formula has 2 distinct cadences 1 for major and 1 for minor.

    Now the very first " Non Diatonic "
    Chords in C major are

    The secondary dominant
    The secondary cadence .

    Let's first see the secondary Dominants. In C major KEY.

    1.Cmajor { G7}
    2.Dmin7 { A7}
    3.Emin7 { B7}
    4.Fmaj7 { C7}
    5.G7 { D7}
    6.Amin7 { E7}
    7.Bmin7b5 { F#7}

    Next let's see the secondary cadence for each diatonic chord .

    ( Remember there are 2 cadences 1 for major 1 for minor )

    KEY of C major
    1.Cmaj7 { Dmin7,G7}
    2.Dmin7{ Emin7b5,A7b9,Dmin7}

    The secondary dominant and secondary cadence as shown above is level 1 of " Non diatonic"
    Level 2 of non Diatonic chords
    Are the
    " Non Diatonic Subdominant substiutions"

    Our Diatonic substiutions in the Key of C major
    4.Fmaj7 { F6}

    The first category of non Diatonic Subdominant
    Substitution are called " four minor " { IVmin}

    Fmin7{ Fmin6}

    ( These are used in a Progression which looks like this .
    Dmin7/ Fmin6/ Bb7/ Cmaj7
    Cmaj7/ Fmaj7/ Abmaj7/ Cmaj7
    Cmaj7/ Dbmaj7/ Cmaj6/
    Fmin7/ Bb7/ Cmaj7/
    Dmin7/ G7/ Cmaj/ Fmaj7/ Fmin6/ Bb7/ Cmaj7
    Bb7/ Cmaj7

    The next " non Diatonic Subdominant substiutions"
    Category is called
    { Sharp four diminished }
    In C major KEY this is
    F# ACD#
    There are 4 dominant chords in this category
    F7, Ab7, B7, D7

    The #IVdim7 appears like this .

    Cmaj7/ F#dim7/ Dmin7/ G7/

    Tonic/ Subdomsub/ Subdom/ Dominant/

    Cmaj7/ F#dim7/ Cmaj7

    If we use the 4 dominant chords which belong to the #IV subdom we get

    Tonic/ Subdominant/ Tonic

    Cmaj7/ B7/ Cmaj7
    C6/ F7/ Cmaj7
    Cmaj7/ Ab7/ Cmaj/
    C6/ D7/ Cmajor

    The next level of non Diatonic substitutions
    " Non Diatonic Dominant substiutions"

    In the KEY of C major
    We have 1 Diatonic dominant chord
    G7 Gdominant7 GBDF
    In the relative minor A minor
    We have 1 Diatonic dominant chord
    E7 Edominant7 EG#BD ( A harmonic minor )

    Our first non Diatonic Dominant substitution
    Is called the
    " Tritone substitution"
    G7 is
    C#7 ( it's Tritone substitution)
    Notice how G7 3rd and 7th are Band F
    C#7 3rd is F and 7th is B
    Because in a dominant chord the 3rd and 7th are the most important ( tritone)
    If we for a Dominant chord a Tritone away from the root of G7 we get C#7 .
    This gives us the first Substitution.

    G7 gets C#7
    Example in a cadence
    Key of C major
    Dmin7/ G7/ Cmaj/
    Dmin7/ C#7/ Cmaj/

    Next up is the relative minor
    A harmonic minor
    E7 is the V7 chord or dominant chord in A minor.

    It's Tritone Substitution is
    A#7 is
    A# DFG#
    E7 3rd is G# 7th is D
    A#7 3rd is D 7th is G#
    Now just like before the dominant chord has a Tritone sub.

    This means that in the Key of C major A relative minor.
    We have 4 dominant chords in a family.
    C#7( Dd7
    A#7 ( Bb7

    But if we look close at these 4 dominant chords
    We see that the
    Bdiminished7 chord
    BDFG# contains all 4 of these 7th dominant chords.

    So we group together these 4 dominant chords as family into 1 group
    Bdim7 BDFG#

    This introduces us to the symmetrical chord.
    Bdim7 BDFG#
    Is built from minor 3rds stacked
    B to D, D to F, F to G# ( Ab)
    The property of Symmetrical chords and scales is that they contain many keys.
    BDFG# ( G7b9 no root
    BDFG# ( E7b9 no root
    BDFG#. ( C#7b9 no root
    BDFG# ( A#7b9 no root

    We seen this with our #IV dim chord as well
    ( Non Diatonic Subdominant substiuttion)
    In this case
    F#ACD#. ( F7b9 no root
    F#ACD# ( G#7b9 no root
    F#ACD#. ( B7b9 no root
    F#ACD#. ( D7b9 no root

    We now have seen 8 dominant chords in relation to the C major KEY
    4 in the Bdim7 ( dominant category)
    4 in the F#dim7 ( subdom category )

    This means we only have 1 diminished7 chord left as well as it's 4 dominant chords built inside of it .
    D#7, F#7, A7, C7,

    A7 is the V7 of Dmin7 ( in C major )
    It's Tritone Substitution is
    So in the progression.
    Cmaj7/ Cmaj7/ Dmin7/ G7/
    Cmaj7/ A7/ Dmin7/ G7/
    Cmaj7/ D#7/ Dmin7/ C#7/ Cmajor

    That is 2 of the dominant chords in Edim7

    Next we have

    C7 is V7 of Fmaj7 ( other Subdominant in C

    F#7 is Tritone substitution of C7 .

    So in Progressions
    Cmaj7/ Cmaj7/ Fmaj7/ Cmaj7/
    Cmaj7/ C7/ Fmaj7/ Cmaj7/
    Cmaj7/ F#7/ Fmaj7/ Cmaj7/

    Now we have seen all three Diminished7 chords .
    Which contain inside of them all 12 dominant chords.
    We have seen how each one of these dominant chords relates to the KEY of C major .
    We can see that once we expand beyond the Diatonic into the non Diatonic categories .
    That the dominant chord makes the most appearances note than any other chord type
    While in the KEY of C major .
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  15. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I hope the above comment I wrote to you , starts to clear up all your misunderstandings with music theory. ( Although it would have been more helpful for you to explain what places you are " stuck " at and having difficulty with .)
    Please quote any specific bit of information in the above comment if you want it clarified.or if you dont understand it.
  16. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I tend to agree
  17. Lager

    Lager Guest

    MMJ, Would you mind if I ask just 2 questions?

    1. Why do most people around the world not like Jazz?
    2. What are the problems of Jazz? (theoretically and practically)

    If you want to make me happy, just find very satisfying answers for those questions (especially the second one) and give the Jazz a wide berth. I'm eagerly waiting for your regeneration.:wink:
  18. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Your are just making assumptions .
    It's not a question.

    " When did you stop beating your wife?"

    " If your wife spoke more gentle to you , would you stop beating her every 10 mins?"

    Even to reformulate a legitimate question out by removing your assumptions would end up with .

    " Why do people like things or dislike things?"

    That just has to do with people .
    The attributes of human beings

    We can look at your "questions" another way

    "Why do most people around the world not study the mathematics and engineering principles involved in creating the newest iPhone , cellphone's and computers?"

    " What are the problems with assembling microchip using schematics ?"

    It would be much better if you just describe the assumptions you are making as a question

    What do you think are the " problems" of jazz?

    I never heard such a phrase until you just said it
    What does that mean?

    And your other question.
    What makes you think you know what " most people around the world " like or not like?
    What is your source of information for which you make these assumptions ?
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2020
  19. Lager

    Lager Guest

    It seems you don't want to make me happy ... :no:
  20. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I'm fine with making you happy , I enjoy to make people happy.
    We just first need to find out what you mean by what you are expressing.
    I'm not in your head with you right now.
    ( You do realize that you have a whole backstory attached to each of those comments which you didn't divulge .)
    If we could just start off with whether me and you have a way to say what most people around the world like or dislike on anything ?
    ( From what I can tell that which I imagine of people in thought is virtual . The 8 billion people outside my head are real and I haven't met them and asked them )
    Most people are not interested in becoming brain surgeons.
    Most people don't learn and study to build your computer and cell phone.
    What most people do is not indicative of too much from what I can tell.
    Most people dont excersise properly.
    Most people don't read books everyday
    We can go down the line millions of things.

    What most people do has no impact on anything even when you can actually show that is factual .
    " Most people don't do or like {X}"

    It has no impact on X
    It's just about people.

    Most people do not drink enough fresh water.
    Does that mean fresh water is a bad thing?

    If we look at you 2nd question that's more interesting.

    What are the problems with jazz?

    I'm still trying figure out what you mean here.
    Do you mean what is difficult about learning to play jazz ?
    Like what are the broken down things to learn ?
    Or do you mean that there is some inherent flaws in jazz?
    I'm not sure what you mean.

    What happens when you hear jazz?
    What does it sound like to you?
    I don't know where you ears are at or what patterns you reconizing when you hear music.
    Do you only hear each separate sound note etc?
    Or if there was 7 chords from C major key
    Does you ears hear 1 object as if it was one chord ?
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2020
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