Mac vs Windows

Discussion in 'Computer Hardware' started by Giuby, Jan 2, 2020.

  1. Tob

    Tob Platinum Record

    Jun 4, 2019
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    Don`t mind me I am just here for the show. And for some petrol to keep the fire burning. :mad:
  2. tomazzzi

    tomazzzi Member

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Man i m going to repeat another last time because you r not able to read.

    i use 2 motu 828X + 2 adats and 4 roland Boutiques series ( tr-09, 08, Sh01, jp8 )

    The ONLY way to get the USB audio of the boutiques + both of my motu running at the same time in a DAW is to create an agregate device !!

    I could buy a brand new audio card it wouldn't solve this problem AT ALL and my MOtu's are actually NEWS !

    SO yes to use the Boutiques series USB audio with your soundcards in the DAW at the same time YOU ACTUALLY NEED AND HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE but to mix brands because even if i wanted to, there is NO Roland BOutique audio interfaces only EDIROL and even with an EDIROL it would still not be the same brand.

    GOT IT NOW ?

    And if you ask : YES it works flawessly with 3ms of latency and no audio drops !
    And yes a lot of pro use the agreagte device with high end audio cards to do that. i know many.
    Call them unprofessional they do not care as well as i do ;)

    And yes i m writing in caps to make sure people like you CAN read it and maybe UNDERSTAND finally ! (Well i m still not sure about this TBH )
    I was keeping it civil i tried to explain my setup many times and the reason MaCOS is the only OS able to handle it
    But when i m beeing insulted by people who can't read and understand choices with stupid arguments it's getting my nerves ;)

    And the last part ....just ROFL you clearly have no idea what you r talking about..
    Who tf told you about a live config ??? It's a studio CONFIG !!
    i m going to learn you something, when we move out WE actually have a live config ! we do not unplug all our studio to go on tour.
    That s how pro's are doing it ;)

    I m not sure who s wasting time in a sterile and blind conversation here ;)

    Last edited: Jan 7, 2020
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  3. Foobar

    Foobar Producer

    Dec 6, 2018
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    The list shows "HARD DRIVES" and "UPGRADE" as it says in the headline. The Mac Pro 2019 doesn't have a hard drive, but you can UPGRADE it with one. (Has of course nothing at all to do with what I was talking about, because you CAN'T REPLACE the SSD in a Mac Pro 2019, which isn't a hard drive and replacing isn't upgrading. Every 3-5 years you need to bring in your Mac Pro for an expensive replacement of the system SSD. And you may go on holidays then until you get it back to continue your work - until Apple decides that this model is now obsolete and refuses to fix it)
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  4. dingoday

    dingoday Member

    Jan 2, 2020
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    MacOS is just the same as Windows with a rocketdock, with a twist that every button is at the opposite place and all your program files are thrown into a one big mess of a folder you never open :D Put a hd picture of galaxy as Windows wallpaper and youre set. (Talking about win7 by the way, i hate 10 so if you diss 10 i agree with everything you say)
  5. dingoday

    dingoday Member

    Jan 2, 2020
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  6. Foobar

    Foobar Producer

    Dec 6, 2018
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    That's pretty much exactly what the typical Windows user who has never seen macOS seems to think.

    Because SSDs wear out. Especially on a pro machine which is made for heavy workloads. And Apple made the SSD in a way that you can't replace it. Only Apple can. $$$
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  7. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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    I have never booted Win and thought "OMFG what shItty looking fonts!" I boot up, open whatever application I'm working with, and get to it. I really don't like the way they tried to turn Win10 into a giant telephone, but it can be re-configured pretty easily and again, once I'm working all that is gone.
  8. Foobar

    Foobar Producer

    Dec 6, 2018
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    I'm not kidding, I thought exactly that, each and every time I had to boot Win10. And you are absolutely right about the giant telephone. That's what Windows is. I like dark mode, but the fonts on Windows are so fucking thin that I can't read them on a dark background. I hate all the huge wasted whitespace around pretty much everything. I communicate a lot over Skype and I hate the big speech bubbles and huge whitespace. This feels like using a Commodore C64 back in the 80's - with 25 lines of 40 characters. On a fucking 4k monitor! Even my bookmarks in Chrome have so much whitespace around them that I have to scroll around all the time because the menu gets too long... fits perfectly on macOS. I could go on and on and on...

    Try macOS and it will get even a lot worse after that. I can't stand Windows at all anymore. Have to work with it sometimes and it's pure horror. I guess I spend more time by desperately playing around with every setting possible than to actually getting my work done. I tried every option in the graphics card, in Windows, in applications, with the monitor, I probably installed and tested already every usability and font tool on earth to find any way to make this shit readable and usable, I spent countless hours on Google to search for a solution. No luck. Once you worked with macOS, going back to Windows 10 feels like going back to Windows 3.11. Probably even worse, the fonts were more readable on Windows 3.11 than on Windows 10 - and it didn't waste so much screen real estate.

    I seriously wonder every time what complete and utter idiots work on the Windows "design".

    However, there is a solution to all of this and so much more. It's called macOS.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2020
  9. dingoday

    dingoday Member

    Jan 2, 2020
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    And they are pretty much right. I had hackintosh though

  10. pizzafresser

    pizzafresser Producer

    Jan 7, 2017
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    About those chrome bookmarks, have you tried this?
  11. Foobar

    Foobar Producer

    Dec 6, 2018
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    Judging from the screenshots that's exactly what I was talking about. I count 22 lines of bookmarks with tiny text and large whitespace around. A C64 had 25 lines very well readable on a 320x200 pixel screen. Windows shows 23 lines on a 3840 x 2160 pixel screen, which are less readable. And the usability just sucks, like back in the 80's.

    I've no idea why anyone with mouse and keyboard uses a mobile operating system that's so clearly optimized for touch screens only. Ugly as hell at best, unreadable at worst, but always just highly inconvenient.

    But that's just ONE point why Windows 10 is the worst operating system - and why so many still prefer Windows 7.

    Just use macOS and forget about all this Microsoft shit. All problems solved.
  12. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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    Well, there's no accounting for what will drive you nucking futz. I've had those issues with various pieces of software and gear over the years. But the GUI of Windows doesn't bother me. I have to admit I find your overwhelming fury about it mildly entertaining (NIAGARA FALLS! Slowly I turn... Step by step...) but like I said, I can relate to it too.
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  13. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Yeah yeah yeah... Look around the corner and you 'll see me coming.
    Too much talk mate. You talk like those boutique Rolands don't have midi and audio outputs and cannot be used the traditional way hahaha. But they do have the i/o. So certainly i knew what i was talking about since the first moment, your whole ridiculous claim is: "hey let's aggregate the audio devices because we can, not because we need it".
    I will give you one out of ten for the matter of better convenience/less cables with aggregation. Everything else you said is frill.
  14. tomazzzi

    tomazzzi Member

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Another time you have no idea what you r talking about because the tr-09 and tr-08 have actually only ONE audio Out on the analog I/O when they have 10 outs on the USB AUDIO OUT ( 6 for the tr-09 ) so yes agregate is needed and is the only way to get all channels of both drum machines + a sound card on a DAW.
    It's just impossible to do it analog.

    I wonder who has the most ridiculous claims from both of us here ;)
    You r talking about stuff you don't even know...

    Last edited: Jan 17, 2020
  15. MalikCrew

    MalikCrew Newbie

    Jan 24, 2020
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    My favorite MacBook PRO 2018 is completely fine with me so far. I prefer Apple products for its performance and ability not to fail.
  16. odod

    odod Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    for Audio and Graphics i think MAC is more reliable to me .. and the plug and play never failed me
    PC on the other side has gone far with wider selection of apps .. for me both have pros and cos on everyone's hands
  17. Hooman.Leys

    Hooman.Leys Platinum Record

    Dec 26, 2015
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    Ok, i use both mac and windows,
    one of mac issues which i really hate is that after few years you are not able to update your softwares :sad:
    then you need to buy a new one to get access to upgrades!
    This is what i am in it right now. my mac is 2013 and not supported any more!

    Screen Shot 2020-01-27 at 2.26.34 PM.png

    Screen Shot 2020-01-27 at 2.27.09 PM.png

  18. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    well, with Windows, you usually throw a device away within 3 years, 5 years most - so Apple not supporting 7-year old device shall not be surprising, right?
  19. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    I feel you bro… but there's a solution for you to upgrade your unsupported Mac to a current OS:
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  20. Hooman.Leys

    Hooman.Leys Platinum Record

    Dec 26, 2015
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    Ok, i use mac in my job which is TV production studio, and we have IT here, so we are not allow to install or uninstall or upgrade our computers! so because of this i never tried to find out about it,

    But i learned new thing today
    Thank you for link and your help 5teezo :cheers: