Why is Manuel Censoring/Deleting posts? (Avenger)

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by smallboy15, Jan 6, 2020.

  1. smallboy15

    smallboy15 Producer

    Dec 29, 2014
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    So get this, there's a group on FB of about 2.7k members for VPS Avenger. I joined it a bunch of years ago when I had purchased a licence.

    Yesterday a user had created a thread stating Codemeter, specifically for Antares Autotune 9.1 had been compromised and cracked, working etc. The user posted ZERO links, hints and didn't even use R2R's name on the topic. A few replies rolled in, and some asking/questioning, how long before Avenger 1.5 gets cracked, some were a bit pissed why they are paying more for this so called *unbreakable* security, etc. It was all over a very civil conversation, no harm, no insults, just concerns and thoughts. I even shared my own constructive thoughts,

    To find today, Manuel (The Admin) has since removed the thread, and deleting more threads of people who even dare mention the crack, the possibilities lol. That's my rant, I know Manuel prowls forums like this, so if you read this, stop censoring and being a b*tch about it all mate.

  3. dingoday

    dingoday Member

    Jan 2, 2020
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    I mean you got plenty of places to talk cracks, why do you want to insult him by making posts under hes facebook? :D Guy is a legend with hes samples
  4. smallboy15

    smallboy15 Producer

    Dec 29, 2014
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    I agree, great samples. It was just a few users sharing concerns, thoughts. (I could understand if they were directly linking) but even myself, I paid user, i understood the thread and hoped to of received even a reply from him, but to simply delete and censor. Weird.

    Even as a paid user, I'm not bothered about it being cracked, but a few guys discussing where it could lead to isn't a harm in my book.
  5. dingoday

    dingoday Member

    Jan 2, 2020
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    He has propably lost significant buck due to pirates so wild guess he started seeing red :D :grooves:
  6. Quakeaudio

    Quakeaudio Producer

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Zeta Reticuli
    This FB Site is not for Cracks!
  7. smallboy15

    smallboy15 Producer

    Dec 29, 2014
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    I agree,(No links, names, groups) but the post started as a user being concerned over the recent Autotune crack, etc. Simply said code meter was compromised, and hoped it wouldn't reach 1.5 and users discussing code meter, different and better methods they would prefer to see since they paid a high price. Should users not be allowed to express their security concerns? Instead of just getting deleted.
  8. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    The FB group is not a public forum. It's the FB group operated by Manuel. If he decides not to speak openly about cracks or problems with a protection he uses, it's his personal decision as the owner. Nothing more, nothing less.
    Who doesn't like it, is free to open an own forum or FB group.
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  9. Misterguywick

    Misterguywick Producer

    Feb 3, 2019
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    dude/ he's a developer. why wouldn't he censor crack discussions? wouldn't it make people look for cracks.
  10. smallboy15

    smallboy15 Producer

    Dec 29, 2014
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    Ah this is pretty logical, I saw it as more like an open product page, back when it first opened people shared tracks (Which is now banned). This would make more sense to why it's heavily controlled, rather than other brand pages where anything goes. Cheers. Case Closed (Sorry I called you a bitch Manuel)
  11. waverider

    waverider Rock Star

    Oct 8, 2018
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    It really doesn't make him look good. His customers were very critical of his implementation of CodeMeter on the KVR thread, upon which he finally left the thread and said to come to his Facebook group. Now he censors these posts there. Considering so many people were having problems to just get the 1.5 version to run, he should definitely listen to what people have to say, and to answer them. I certainly have lost all respect for him and am looking forward to his "1.5 was cracked, let's ruin the trust of our remaining customers by going elicenser" meltdown.
  12. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    That's true.
    On the other hand, a lot of people don't have the ability to discuss in a civilized manner. So it's very difficult to operate a forum if you are not a big company. Vengeance may not be a one-man-show but it's a small owner-driven one.
    And in the end it was the owner who had to decide, wich protection to implement. That may be a question of price, managebility, royalties and stability. If it was a good decision? IDK, but I think he was forced to react quickly. Endless discussions with people who don't really have a clue (like me), was nothing he wished for I'm convinced.
    BTW - I really hate "protections" but I didn't have any issues installing the WIBU key software an get Avenger running. But I did not try to do the switch on the first days it was out oc course. The only annoyance was the need of downloading every xpansion again, and I'm behind a really slow internet connection.
  13. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    He should get a Syncrosoft Soft elicencer like Halion ,GA, etc using, to protect Avenger...
    A zillion times better solution than that stupid
    code-meter, which is btw when you reverse it like R2R said it is about 100kb (ROLAND CLOUD emulator is about 700kb) .
    I knew it from very beginning that their protection sucks, and they were just bragging about, how is not cracked ever, by ppl who are novice in hacking world and not experienced for such a work with time limited window to emulate their dongle...
    Ok that will never happen except if they were AiR Team !

    Until recently no one was bothered to get it, and props goes to V.R ,when he comes and show the very simple solution, that you can bypass licence check and R2R even further removed almost whole protection code... R2R and V.R should join their forces, V.R with ideas and R2R with knowledge!

    Hallo Manuel, elicencer is by my oppinion maybe the best and very convenient protection, even your old keyfile protection was good enough at the time...
    You must understand that ! Dont be a crybaby!!!!

    For example i am planing from very beginning to buy it but i cant save enough money to get it, i am not making money with it ,and with music in general !
    Even now, when is half price reduced i cant afford it .
    I would gladly invest money in you company but sorry matte ,hard times.

    I would like to buy it, sooner or late,r for sure i will, and you will not lose me as a customer at all !
    And to be honest right now with that code-crap protection i would hesitate to buy it, for me it is not secure yet. IDK why but i hate WIBU!
    Because they are so arrogant with their statements !!!!
    True and the only LEGIT protections for me are 1st place Syncrosoft, and then 100 places empty goes iLok.

    Syncrosoft is straight forward, and iLok much confusing i loose a licence in a minute in unrecoverable way, when was free giveaway from UVI couple months ago.
    One mistake, licence vanishes and doesn't work.... FAQ them!

    Like someone said on sister site, there is a people who will use a cracked version and at the end buy it ,which is not lost customer, and those who will never buy it no matter if is cracked or not, and he is not a real customer.

    We appreciate your hard work, to make good vst and that is a huge work to do, but for this 1.5 update, with your behavior, you deserve to get k'ed.

    Why R2R has not released yet?
    I believe they will wait to end your Holiday sale, so you can get sold more copies and they are fair enough and they gave to you all developers, a good advice!
    Stay outta codemeter. It is a garbage ,and it is proven by facts!
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2020
  14. peterA

    peterA Platinum Record

    Dec 29, 2015
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    Considering Vengeance is so closely linked with REFX I'm surprised they didn't use the cloud system used for Nexus. Simple to use and, as far as I know, secure. Codemeter has proved to be a total pain.
  15. Roboto

    Roboto Producer

    Sep 9, 2013
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    I'm a "paid user" and I hope they're cracked again. Fuck their stupid CodeMeter "protection". I paid for a software that didn't have it.
    And if you want to activate your "old" no-CM version, you have to mail them, wait etc. Using a cracked license is faster than activating the license I paid for.

    Never giving money to them again.
  16. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    As a Steinbug user (god help me) I need the patience of Buddha. I have the patience of a moderately angry llama. Since I installed the latest Win10 updates, I've taken up meditation. And yoga. Unfortunately the hypnotherapy I also needed has left me uncontrollably donating all my money to my hypnotherapist, for some reason. So I can't afford any more Cubase updates. Problem solved!

    Anyway, amazes me how many devs hate their customers so very much in the face that they keep using stupid dongles. It is a huge screw you to anyone who puts their faith in a dev, to have a USB port missing from a laptop (and esp w/ codemeter) far worse performance. Bizarre, when VST/i need every clock cycle. Funny that R2R are the voice of joy (waifu) and reason (albeit not capital R).
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