Mac vs Windows

Discussion in 'Computer Hardware' started by Giuby, Jan 2, 2020.

  1. tomazzzi

    tomazzzi Member

    Jun 16, 2011
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    And this is a question to ask even for a newbie that s something you jsut can't undertand.

    Let's take an exemple once again :

    You just bought a tr-09 and an audio interface to record your synth or anything else.

    How the hell are you going to use them both at the same time on Windows ?

    This is not a million dollars studio right ? it s just a basic configuraiton seen in many home studio's !

    Your missing the point here, once you have some hardware you actually care a lot about agreate devices.
  2. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    What do you mean ? Recording the output of the TR9 ?
  3. tomazzzi

    tomazzzi Member

    Jun 16, 2011
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    looollllllll for sure you don't want to use your drum machine and synth at the same time to do music....rofl...

    I ll keep that answer for a meme...

    i m done here this is too much :D
  4. tomazzzi

    tomazzzi Member

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Tr-09 is actually a sound card, you have 6 ouputs on the usb audio out.

    there is no other way than doing an agregate device to record and use them in a DAW and using your sound card at the same time.

    Another time somthing just impossible in Windows.
    Nothing about beeing a fan boy or anything else just talking FEATURES and NEEDS !
    And yes that s something even a newby should asks himself to do the right choice.
  5. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I know its a sound card. I'm asking you exactly what setup you have in mind. I record plenty of things through the inputs of my audio interface while I'm in my daw.
  6. tomazzzi

    tomazzzi Member

    Jun 16, 2011
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    you just can't record and play the 6 ouputs of the TR-09 via USB + another synth plugged to your sound card at the same time without doing an aggregate device.

    A daw only allows you to select 1 sound card at the same time.
  7. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Okay. Than we agree. Yes indeed doing that operation that specific way is not possible.
    See if you're clear in what you wish to achieve I can recognize any limitation.
    It's not indispensable to do it that way though. If that was the question for this thread : what setup do I need for doing an operation that specific exact way ? Then it would probably be a usefull feature. If that's what you absolutely need, well, you found the right fit.
    Plenty of people recording all kind of HW in their daws through different ways while not aggregating devices and going around that limitation without loosing a second of sleep over it.
  8. fritzm

    fritzm Producer

    Feb 22, 2013
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    Fair enough. But i think many Mac users feel like they are being attacked in this forum. I'm not sure about your stats either. i am a professional studio bassist here in the southern U.S. and 90% of the major studios I see have Macs. That's just a fact. I can't speak to the rest of the world. And many of the big software devs I see use mac. ToonTrack, Spitfire, Cinesamples. etc. I don't think they are all idiots.
    And the most important thing is, do you really want Macs to go away?(which is laughable). Do you want Microsoft to have a monopoly? No competition, charge what they want, force you to pay whatever? This whole debate is about MacOS vs Windows. Of coarse, Hackintosh has many hardware options. If you don't like Apple, buy a PC. What's the big deal? I personally use Logic, and I'm satisfied for the most part.
    I might add that I used Windows from 3.x up through Vista, and I have several MS certs along with being an Apple certified technician.
    In the end, I believe they are both good and feel blessed to have them.
  9. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Agree on all points. I have an iMac. Nohing against it, wouldn't want MacOS gone, don't think I or anyone made that point.
    I can't stand the agessivity of those threads for absolutely minor details. As said earlier those are just codes. You can do anything in both plateforms, each have their ways of handling things, and if someone wants to start doing things in audio he'll be just fine with both.
    The respective advantages of each platform have already been layed out a thousand times.
  10. tomazzzi

    tomazzzi Member

    Jun 16, 2011
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    as I said it’s all about needs.
    I just couldn’t do music without that feature as I record all my tracks live.
    I know many people who had the bad surprise of not being able to that on windows and who had to buy a Mac after loosing time and money.
    So it’s a question fair enough to ask to a newbie who’s looking for a music computer.

    And no, in answer to the last reply you can’t do everything on both this is the prime exemple of it and we are far from a minor detail...
  11. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Ofc, I agree. It's a great OS to do that. The audio driver of MacOS has many advantages. The native handling of midi is also top notch. MacOS isn't crap at all. And your considerations aren't secondaries.
  12. dingoday

    dingoday Member

    Jan 2, 2020
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    If one calls Hackintosh a mac then were talking about a whole different thing.

    Otherwise its question of do you really need logic that much, as to pay for overpriced, oudated and badly specced hardware.

    What i have read its propably so that even if mac has better midi and audio engine its still no good as is the case on Windows. If you see any minor performance gains you would definatly have seen some real ones if you had invested the money on hardware instead of brand name.

    I think logic is great tool and apple stable system so both are good things going for mac users. Anyways not anyones business of how one uses hes money
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  13. tomazzzi

    tomazzzi Member

    Jun 16, 2011
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    thx for understanding :)
  14. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Let's assume you are right. System security is much more complex than what you briefly mentioned.
    Do i need to remind you the recent fiasco of how anyone could login to your Macbook?
    Let's be honest here and take a peek at the bigger picture please. Nobody with an ill intent cares about Macs. They are not a part of corporations' & banks' etc. important infrastructure, hence they rarely carry vital, valuable info to be worth stolen or held captive in the first place. The vast majority of these large companies/institutions rely on big servers with windows based terminals. Now Windows, comes with a malware detention engine built-in (if only subpar to 3rd party equivalents), but what's more important is MS has funded and constantly runs a bug bounty program, something that Apple -which has about double the money MS does- hasn't done ever. I don't need to get into detail, check around, you will find a ton of official third party reports and analytics of how and why macOS is less secure.
    On the other subject, yes you are right you can't block a dll with a firewall but only the app that uses it. Explain to me please why this should pose a problem, unless your assumption is based on the fact that a (badly) cracked dll can potentially call home lol.
    Well you are right, it can't be done with ASIO. MME drivers which let you use multiple devices are not low latency, so... what hehe?
    When we talk about devices we should be really talking about drivers here. You can have as many UADs or RMEs in your Windows system as the UAD or RME driver allows. And this is practically the same in Win and macOS. What you can't have is, let's say, an RME's and a UAD's ins and outs simultaneously working together in Windows under ASIO. I'd say it's restricting but not a real deal breaker. People who run a proper home studio or project studio or pro facility and want Windows, have planned their audio systems carefully. Nowadays audio interfaces can easily have 16 or 32 ins/outs on one device, how's this restricting from recording anything you like please. 32i/o ain't enough ? Add a second one of the same please. And a third one for argument's sake lol. So please explain to me how this should pose a real world problem.
    On the same topic, Ethernet audio like Dante, allows you to use Dante devices from different manufacturers on the same network and aggregate their physical ins and outs in Windows. And Dante or MADI let's you use much more ins and outs enough to record a full blown 120 persons philharmonic orchestra, but with this of course the problem that arises is, can your Macbook or iMacPro handle recording 120 channels of 24/96 or 192k without choking? And we know the answer to this...
    To sum it, it's true, ASIO needs an overhaul and i agree it can be restricting, but not something that will make any pro or any other experienced user lose sleep over.
    I don't regret switching to Windows, i can live with the restrictions because the benefit of constant open end hardware config is totally vital to me. For what it's worth i still mess with Hackintosh which i 'm particularly fond of but personally i don't like how Logic has "evolved". I don't mean to start a riot here, imho Logic functionality is anything but logical but of course i digress, this is another topic/debate.
    My view is simple. Why fight over when you can use both platforms since each has its own advantages. Simple inexpensive networking and tools like Vienna Ensemble, let users enjoy the best of both worlds, using macOs and Windows together with either being a host or a slave (server/client) machine. Indulge yourselves mates.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2020
  15. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    thats why you stated them here instantly...aha..
    which features ?
  16. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    Couldn't you use virtual is environments for testing and such?
  17. tomazzzi

    tomazzzi Member

    Jun 16, 2011
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    If you knew how to read a topic instead of trolling for nothing you would have read it many times.


    Now go and explain me how you do that on Windows you stupid sand box wizard.

    Damn those kids...
  18. tomazzzi

    tomazzzi Member

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Man please read the topic again and go learn what aggregate audio devices have no idea what you are talking about...

    I won't even talk about the security part because it s not the subject here, but you r wrong as well, as a security and network ingeneer i can tell you there are way more easy ways to break into a windows system remotly or in front of the desktop than on a mac. but again it's not the debate here..we r talking audio !

    I m not going either to repeat my setup and the setup used in many studios once again just because you can't read.
    But to answer your question i m currently using 54 inputs on 4 soundcards at the same time in my DAW
    So no 32 is way not enough and no one sound card is not enough as well ;)

    Again do what fits your needs but do not blame users because they need MacOsx audio features that are not available on Windows.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2020
  19. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    Install ony stuff you need and make a backup of it so that you can get back to that point at any time is my current strategy.
  20. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Errr for real ?
    "An Aggregate Device is a virtual audio interface within your computer system which utilizes the inputs and outputs of one or more physical audio interfaces connected to your computer. This setup allows you to use more than one audio interface with your audio application."
    Is that enough for you ? Who needs to go learn what please ?
    Do i need to run you through the multiple interfaces on the market? Why can't you understand multiple same interfaces can work as one if the driver allows it. Or do you need to check my MOTU system of 96 freaking ins&outs on Windows for the last 15 yrs. Am i not being polite enough ? Do i need to hear your cry about a feature as aggregation which no one really serious about their setup ever cared ? Thnx but nope.
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