VST/DAWs and Other Plug-in Subscriptions

Discussion in 'Software' started by kingjamm, Jan 5, 2020.

  1. kingjamm

    kingjamm Newbie

    Sep 3, 2012
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    TL;DR - I just discovered Software subscriptions but recently noticed there are some that offers installment for full ownership of the software. Looking for your suggestions if you guys have any idea on this? Thanks.

    Hey guys, I've been noticing (at least on our local scene in our country) the increase in popularity of services like splice. Although, I'm not a fan myself, there's something that intrigued me and it's not just about subscribing to samples.

    I noticed that they're offering VSTs anf DAWs as well and here's what I was happy to see, they're offering an installment option for buying softwares. I don't know if this is done by other subscription based brands (which I may not be familiar what are they even) but for me, (just to give you a picture) as someone who's from a 3rd world country with a low pay grade. This something that really piqued my interest.

    Firstly, I hate to admit it but I'm slowly transitioning from being a filthy pirate, to having everything licensed. Since some of my works are getting published locally, and I don't wanna get into trouble. I ensure that what I'm using is mostly licensed samples or my own recorded sample. However, as for VSTs and other softwares, that's definitely a challenge for me. So having the option to slowly pay my software according to my budget, really helps.

    So, I would like to know regarding subscription/installment Software, if this has been something that has already been going on that I haven't noticed before. Or is this something that is just now being explored by companies? Previously subscriptions were a thing already, I think with waves is where I saw it. But, I'm more interested to know about installment and owning a copy of it permanently.

    I would like to also know your suggestions as well as to which offers the best packages in this type of services.

    Ps. I know if you own a credit card you can just ask your bank to pay by installment depending on what your card features but I prefer to have the actual Software company to have that. Maybe to have more flexibility not just to me but to any other bedroom producers to even engineers or maybe just students. That may need to have that option to loan it off directly without even owning a credit card.

    MNDSTRM Platinum Record

    Nov 24, 2011
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    I'm not a fan of subscriptions.

    Signed up for Slate's subscriptions 3 years ago. Had their plugins on my template. Now I changed and don't use any of their plugins anymore. But I have to keep paying to keep access to those sessions. They've got me by the balls, unless a new crack comes out or I fork over $500 for plugins I don't use anymore.

    Buy the plugins outright or use Splice's rent to own system.
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  4. Foobar

    Foobar Producer

    Dec 6, 2018
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    It may be an option if you need something now for a job and don't have the money, but I don't like paying rates. If I can't afford it, I can't afford it. End of story. And you can often get way better prices. E.g. you can just buy Studio One for $199 or rent-to-buy it for $17 for 24 months. Which is twice the money.

    So no, I don't like it.
  5. kingjamm

    kingjamm Newbie

    Sep 3, 2012
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    Rent to own that's the word that I've been looking for since typing my post. So yeah, that's actually what I'm looking for. Not a fan of subs as well, I thought I will encounter the same problem that you're having now. Is Splice the only one that offers Rent to Own Softwares at the moment?
  6. kingjamm

    kingjamm Newbie

    Sep 3, 2012
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    I know, my personal principle has been "credit is the enemy" but that has been changed recently when I'm now venturing in investing on my own not just gear but* also software. Unfortunately at around $480-ish (usd conversion of my monthly pay) it's not really viable for me as it will take me a year at most to save up for something. And it's heartbreaking to see that most (of my personal preference to use) softwares are $100 and up.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2020
  7. odod

    odod Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    i am subscribing the Slate but i will get one free plugin to keep ..
    and now during the sale season i bought also Plugin Alliance which is a steal for me ..
    i want to buy Nexus though .. it is quite dope for me, and yeah i also interested with RTO splice's scheme... it is very affordable
  8. kingjamm

    kingjamm Newbie

    Sep 3, 2012
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    I just saw Plugin Alliance earlier. Don't really have a lot that I wanna use. Although, I haven't looked into it that much. I'll give it another check once I get home from work.
  9. vaiman

    vaiman Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2011
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    I've used Splice Rent to own and no issues. You can even pause the payments if you have a hard month etc.

    Waiting for sales is always the most cost effective approach. But you have to wait... so these are a good compromise.
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  10. kingjamm

    kingjamm Newbie

    Sep 3, 2012
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    Do you need a splice subscription before you can do splice rent? Or you can directly just get their rent to own thing?
  11. vaiman

    vaiman Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2011
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    I just done the direct rent to own, nothing with the actual Splice subscription. Money came out every month, then after the last payment I got an email with the serials etc. I was shocked it worked so well to be perfectly honest.
  12. blasterx

    blasterx Kapellmeister

    Nov 1, 2016
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