Mac vs Windows

Discussion in 'Computer Hardware' started by Giuby, Jan 2, 2020.

  1. arsch

    arsch Member

    Sep 19, 2016
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    I only prefer mac over win because of
    • apps like time machine and keyboard maestro
    • the trackpad and gestures are better
    • spotlight
    • the UI is more appealing for me
    • the on board audio driver seem have less latency when I play without external interface on my midi controller (I dont like ASIO)
    • and my macbook is from 2012 and its stil gets the job done. never had a laptop for so long.
    but thats it.
  2. Jazz-N-Stuff

    Jazz-N-Stuff Platinum Record

    Nov 25, 2015
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    @tomazzzi i am an educated audio engineer, consulting studios for Computer hardware and i am 45 years in the audio business.
    you should google Dunning Kruger.

    it was a philosophical/ironic remark!
    But it triggers perfect.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2020
  3. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    That time of the year again ?

    Okay let me all tell you once and for all : Coke is better.
    The bubbles are better, the can is prettier, it's all better.
    No one will ever take you seriously with a can of Pepsi in your hand. You hear me : no one.
    Those bubbles in Coke, now this is top tier stuff. Real man thingy. No joke.
    How can anyone say or think that by drinking Pepsi their thirst will be gone ? It's just stupid. If you need to drink, you drink coke, or your thirst will still be there. Only Coke has that effect.

    And don't even talk to me about water, or I will get very mad. I freaking hate water. That thing is free. No way anything good can come out of it. NO WAY
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  4. fritzm

    fritzm Producer

    Feb 22, 2013
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    Yeah, but there are more cracked bubbles in Vanilla coke. Wait, I just solved the riddle.
    PCs are Vanilla
    Macs are Chocolate
  5. vaiman

    vaiman Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2011
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    haha seems so, we didn't even get to the second week of 2020 and it's started.

    Only 51 more of these to go!
  6. Foobar

    Foobar Producer

    Dec 6, 2018
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    If you want to play around with as many plugins as you can on a messy computer and google around all day for tools you don't want, registry entries you never wanted to know about and how to restore backups without time machine, until you could easily get a master in computer science, use Windows.

    If you want to make music and get the job done, use MacOS.
  7. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Depressing thought !

    I love our forum when it's not about MacOS/Windows or daws war.
    When we get to those it starts looking like any pro audio forum out there, where people take themself and their tools way too seriously, forget that we are talking about lines of codes and that no one has ever witnessed a daw or an OS that make music better.
    It's the people that have or lack talents, skills and inspiration. As long as those lines of codes don't get in the way of creativity any tools will do.
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  8. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    On the contrary; unplug it from the net...Ta-Daa! A perfectly working studio computer!?
    Why follow the masses every '5 years'?
  9. Klefths

    Klefths Ultrasonic

    Apr 9, 2019
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    I use Macs for work at the office and PCs for hobby at home.
    They both do the jobe done, they both crash from time to time.
    For me it gets down to this:
    Got the money? Go for Mac.
    Got no computer experience? Go for Mac.
    Short on money? Go for PC.
    Handy with computers? Go for PC.
    But remember it's best to see what your mates and colleagues are using and buy similar, they can help you when you get stuck.
  10. DrumHead

    DrumHead Producer

    Dec 2, 2018
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    It's sad but this is just another Troll job. OP has not returned and made 4 identical posts of this. Don't fall into this B.S. thread. Its a new decade - let's try to progress from the same old same old.
    This is a thread designed to create a battle of operating systems and thats just ignorant. This forum is infected with the standard "social media" underhanded manipulation games that are used to create instability within communities.
    But around here it's just a BIG FAT TROLL(s) trying to create hate and divisions for their own entertainment.
    If you have any sense you really wouldn't hate another user of a different system... This just makes no sense on any level:dunno:
    What you have works for you? Then who cares what another thinks is better? NO wonder societies are so fucked - wrapped up in their own ego's and belief's. The 3 top threads right now are about hating Mac's and hating PC's. Its getting boring already TROLL - we know who are!
    Mods please close this crap. :mates:
    In the future maybe ban all PC/Mac thread and direct the poster to the search function - Where they will find many articles about this already.
  11. The-RoBoT

    The-RoBoT Rock Star

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Plan 9
    Just for fun, not to be taken too seriously

    Is a 1982 Commodore 64 faster than a new MacBook Pro?

  12. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Funny how in those troll threads there is an over representation of Mac defenders.
    20% of computers users, probably the same percentage of AZ/AS users, but 80% of the answers. Maybe a problem with confidence ?

    I agree with @DrumHead , there are at least half a dozen threads that already exists on the matter.
    OP didn't use the search function, the thread already exist. So...
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  13. fredboudin

    fredboudin Ultrasonic

    Oct 23, 2018
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    I'm not an apple fanboy but I am pragmatic.
    I recently purchased 2 audio interfaces, on my imac no drivers needed, just plug and play and it works.
    On windows you must download the drivers and install it, you might say it is just a matter of clics.
    But it is noy as easy, most of the time, windows drivers are not up to date and there are audio glitches.
    In my opinion, Mac OS is far better that W10.

    I bougth an I5 W10 laptop this year for daily tasks and 2 months later I had to phone to microsoft, BIOS had been corrupted and more than 200 corrupted files were found, no cracks loaded on this laptop, USB 3 external HDD drives were no more monted.
    I can't imagine using this W10 laptop for audio work !
    Never had such issues within 12 years on OSX.

    On the other side Apple products comes at a price, entry level imac with fusion drive is a shame; 512 SSD and 16 Go options are very expensive.
    It up to you to decide if you want a cheaper W10 laptop with it's drawbacks (and stress) or an expensive Macbook but more user frendly but which cost double the price.

    When you buy Apple, you buy 2 produts, one for you, one for the shareholders, price X2.

    I have planned to replace my old Imac for 2 years and I still can't decide between a mac or PC.
    A decent mac for audio costs 2500 $ best solution for my need is a mid range mac mini.
    I wait and see what new Apple computer in April to decide if I switch to a W10 machine or not ...

    Most important : be carefull about PC laptop.
    In order to spare battery lifetime, there are power microcuts in the motherboard with leads to audio cuts and this is not compatible with audio work !
    I had this issue several years ago and had to ask for a reimboursement of the laptop.
    I then decided to purchase a mac.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2020
  14. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    The drivers have nothing to do with windows - their functionnalities I mean - and all to the developpers.
    I have an RME, drivers are fantastic never a problem. They do update them very often. It gives at least 2 minutes of work twice a year. I can live with that.
    We all have horror stories about a problem with a setup. Go on youtube if you want to find some nice ones regarding Apple users. And when something breaks you can hardly fix it yourself, nor can you get it fixed for cheap.
    To me the Catalina story is a horror story all by itself, and yet MacOS users are mad not at Apple for doing crazy things, but at developpers that don't keep up with those crazy schemes. Why is that ?
    I never had to use a terminal to remove a simple adress from a host file. That's insane. Any MacOS thread on the sister site if filled with people who can't get things to work, etc, etc.
    It's normal. Closed system, in oder to make things easier for the end user, bla bla.....And to fight piracy, make more profit.
    Every major companies have shareholders, MS included, everyone produce in Asia, only Apple tries to get those margins.
    But again if the users is ready to sell his house for a Mac, then why not take advantage of it ? Smart guys at Apple, they know how to push buttons.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2020
  15. Foobar

    Foobar Producer

    Dec 6, 2018
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    I don't particularly like Catalina, but the way of Apple forcing changes to the developers is the right path to go. And it's the main reason why I don't use Windows. Windows is a mess of libraries from the past 30 years and software even of today using any of them. And it looks exactly like that. Even Windows itself uses font rendering of three generations and each of them looks like shit. Cleartype was a nice idea in the right direction but not even Windows is using it, nor does 95% of the software. And don't get me started on ".dll"-hell. It's all just an ugly pile of a mess.

    Yes it _IS_ insane indeed, that you have access to deep system files that easy on Windows. That's completely crazy.

    And it's the reason why there is a flood of viruses, keyloggers, trojans, ransomware and what not on Windows. It's just so easy.

    And to keep things safe. It's not hard at all to do whatever you want with MacOS. But it IS a lot more secure than Windows.

    And btw. for someone who never used the hosts file in his life, because on MacOS you usually never have to (that's because Macs have Little Snitch, which blows every Windows firewall out of the water - editing the hosts file to stop software from phoning home is just insane), it's actually easier to tell them to type "sudo nano /etc/hosts" in a terminal than to explain a Windows user all steps he needs to do to edit this file if he never used an editor before and has no idea what he's doing. But pretty much every Windows user will know how to do that - because he needs to every other day.

    I agree with this one though, MacOS is by far the best OS, but Apple hardware and Apple prices just suck.
  16. vaiman

    vaiman Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2011
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    It's because people know the triggers, the same old answers. It get's tiresome.
    Like the well thought out "Macs are shit" or "My Acer blows any Mac for performance".

    I originally hinted at this being a troll thread... but was called out for it. So here we are, another VS thread.
    Anyone seriously wanting to buy a Mac wouldn't be asking on their first post on AS, let's be real here.
  17. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I agree.
    I saw you got called out. But it was by a troll. They just feed on that crap.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2020
  18. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    They chose different paths. You can't change what MS chose, they will never force the devs to do anything, for me it's a good thing, the strenght of this system is its diversity.
    You have the right to not like it. But coming from there you have to understand that this side don't perceive the closeness of MacOS as an asset.

    You can have that same type of security in Windows 10. Most users disable it, cause they have a choice. That's my problem with MacOS. It's borderline a despotic system. And yet there were still many viruses and malware attacks depicted lately on MacOS. The good times are far gone.
    Never had a virus in Windows, always disable that crap. Matter of skills and internet behavior I guess. Never had a crash either since I'm on Win 10 - about a year or so. And I hate Win 10, I was forced to go there by the devs and MS united, still can't diggest that. But it works good, really good. Well I tweaked mine and use LTSC. Cause in windows you can tweak things to your heart content.

    You don't need to use the host file in windows if you know how to use a firewall. Sorry.
    A simple text editor is what it takes to edit it, the default windws one is enought. The only "difficulty" is to show hidden files.
    No need also to mess with your registry if you don't use warez soft. I don't even know how to access it in Windows 10 ! I'm very ashamed of it.

    And I disagree. They are different OSes, it's purely taste that will guide the user choice. Both annoying choices. Mac is a more expensive annoyance.

    With Taskforce input, I think it pretty much covers everything regarding the differences between those OSes.
    I think it's great we can talk in a civilized way about those matters, but since I know from A to Z every arguments of both sides for this debate, I'm officialy out of it and I'll let you all rewrite what you've already written in similar topics on our forum.
    Good talk, and have fun. :bow:
  19. Foobar

    Foobar Producer

    Dec 6, 2018
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    I agree, you are right. I just said that this is the reason why Windows looks like shit on the screen and also under the hood. If you are fine with this mess because you want to give developers every freedom to make a mess, then that's okay. It's a matter of taste, I prefer things consistent and clean.

    Okay, this is all wrong. Sorry.

    First of all, you can't have the same type of security in Windows because Windows restricts processes while MacOS give them rights. So Windows must take something away - and if anything goes wrong, security breaks. While MacOS (BSD Unix) was always built from ground up to give rights first and if anything goes wrong, the process doesn't have the rights it needs. It would break the process but not security.

    Second, the reason why everyone disables the security which comes with Windows is, see above, the huge mess Windows is. You simply need to disable it for pretty much everything you need to do all day long. On MacOS you don't need to do all these things which require deep system access, that's why most people never disable security.

    But you can actually disable the security on MacOS similar to Windows. There is nothing "despotic" about it. Except for that MacOS users aren't used to do it, because they usually never have to and never want to. But it's very well possible.

    Third, yes there is an increase in malware for MacOS, but as it's a secure OS by default, you must be very careless to install a virus. I don't even have an antivirus on my Macs. Well, I run a manual scan with Malwarebytes every once in a year, that's about it. And I'm even one of the users who disabled the MacOS security. Never had malware on the Mac even without protection. But I use three antivirus (including defender) on Windows and check software with or similar and I still don't feel very safe. On some occasions you could even catch a virus by just surfing the web or reading a mail (you are never safe from zero day exploits). On MacOS, they are extremely rare.

    Yes, I agree, you need a lot of experience and skill in computer science to be safe on Windows. And because of the huge mess this OS is, you gain it on the go, as you have to mess around with the OS pretty much all the time and learn those things.

    It's right that MacOS users are usually less skilled in computer science (except for programmers using Macs or Hackintosh users of course) because they never need to learn it like Windows users.

    You can tweak MacOS to your heats content as well. Nobody does, because you don't need to. But if you want, you can. Sadly, tweaking Windows 10 is very limited - e.g. I tried to find a way to make the fonts actually as readable as my Mac fonts and found it's completely impossible. You can't even make the fonts slightly stronger - I could live with ugly fonts but not with fonts which are too thin to read them without getting a headache. I was also looking to improve audio delay, which was very limited and very hard to improve.

    Btw. if you run a Hackintosh you can even tweak the whole system if you want to. The abilities to tweak a Hack vs. Windows 10 are not even in the same universe.

    Sorry, this is a VERY dangerous idea. NO. That's impossible because as I said, there are a gazillion of libraries and 30 years old processes and dll's in the system which can all connect to the internet in different ways. It's impossible for a firewall to catch them all.

    You can block a site globally, but you can't block a single software or plugin. So you can block but you can't block just a Cubase plugin from connecting to because you would have to block the host app for that, and even then it's very dangerous because the host app or the plugin may call some other system process to do the connection for it without you or the firewall knowing it.

    Yes, there are some decent firewall solutions for Windows, considering the circumstances, but nothing comes even remotely close to Little Snitch, because on MacOS - because of the mentioned rights management - you CAN actually stop just a single process completely from accessing any site you want.

    Try to explain this process step by step and beat me in saying "open a terminal and type <sudo nano /etc/hosts>".

    First thing I do with every Windows installation is to optimize the speed of my network card. You need to do this in the registry.

    We can agree to disagree.
  20. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    Ok, I guess you use Protools for producing,because it is the "industry standard" ?
    In my country we say:"l'habit ne fait pas le moine"