GestureSpark - Build your own multitouch control surfaces

Discussion in 'Software News' started by digitaldragon, Jan 2, 2020.

  1. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Looking for a touchscreen MIDI keyboard for Windows 10 to use for quick composing while I'm out and about or traveling, I ran across this.
    Seeing as how it's from 2012 and I don't see where he ever finished it, I think this project died. It sure is interesting, though!

    GestureSpark is a multitouch application for Windows 7. With this program you can build your own multitouch control surfaces for your favorite hardware synths, analogue modulars, DAWs, audio plugins, or any device that can communicate via MIDI, Open Sound Control (OSC) or CopperLan®. You can load multiple control surfaces (called GestureSpark devices) and configure their routings using a modular environment (with virtual patch cables). Every device can have its own preset library with multiple banks and a search engine with keyword filtering. Every preset can contain up to ten snapshots for fast switching between different sound variations. GestureSpark is also compatible with Novation® Automap® hardware controllers so all the parameters of a GestureSpark device are automatically assigned to these hardware controllers. Why choose between a touchscreen or a tactile controller if you can have both within the same environment.

    Anyone know of a nice touchscreen keyboard that I can hook into a DAW?
  3. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    I can't comment on this GestureSpark-thingy since I've not used it, but you might, given that you've got an iPad or an Android phone/tablet, take a gander at

    Now, the editor where you create the layouts is a bit hinky, and the USB connectivity will take a couple of minutes but it does provide MIDI and OSC signals as you like.

    At least it comes with a lot of premade layouts (drumpads, sequencers, mixers etc. that you can map to your liking), but as I've found creating my own for my Reaktor instruments it does take some patience. Though once you've done you're done.

    *edit:* I can do it via WiFi and handle multiple devices as well, I personally do a simple XY pad on iPhone on top of my controller and then my custom layouts for custom Reaktor ensembles, both at the same time.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 3, 2020
  4. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Lemur is nice too.
  5. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

  6. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    For about $100 you can nowadays get an old iPad, Lemur and a MIDI dock, what else do you need?
  7. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I'm sure it can mimic a default interface, but Lemur has a lot more to offer.

    • [​IMG]

      The Canvas object opens the door to a completely new Lemur experience, where the appearance and behaviour of objects can be designed to precisely match the demands of your project. Polygons, waveforms, circular objects and infinitely more are all possible with Canvas.

    • [​IMG]
      Organise things with a Container. Put all the controls you need for one part of your performance in one tab, then simply push the next tab to reveal a whole new bank. This feature will definitely allow you to greatly improve interface layouts and ergonomics.

    • [​IMG]
      Custom Button
      The Custom Button can display any text, or any icon from a wide selection. It can act as a pad or switch, and have two different looks for the on and off states. Use these to identify important performance controls. Make them as big as necessary or as small as you like.

    • [​IMG]
      The Fader tracks your finger and sends a value corresponding to the position of the fader cap. The fader can be set horizontally or vertically and resized in both directions. The value as well as its label can be displayed. Other available options include physical model (linear interpolation or mass-spring) and object colour.

    • [​IMG]
      Coming in endless, bipolar and classic flavours, the Knob object feels right at home mapped to synth controls, or serving as a rotary selector for plugins and instruments in your favorite DAW. It can be set to any size or color, as well as displaying the value in any format you wish.

    • [​IMG]
      The Leds Object is a two-dimensional array of Leds. It can be anything from a single led to a whole matrix, all with their individual light and value parameters. The Leds are transparent to touch but not transparent in terms of display. This means you can use them on top of other objects for special displays.

    • [​IMG]
      The Menu Object is a “pop-up” menu selection tool. It's very compact and can display a list of up to 32 individual text items. You could use this, for example, to choose between LFO waveforms, effect types, directions of a step sequencer playback, and more.

    • [​IMG]
      The Monitor doesn't send any data when you touch it. Its purpose is to display values from other objects or information sent to Lemur from another device (computer, synthesizer or other).

    • [​IMG]
      A longtime favourite of Lemur fans, the MultiBall object presents a number of balls in a rectangular space. By balancing the numerous physical properties of this object, you will obtain a wide range of interesting behaviours. The MultiBall supports up to 10 balls and provides 3 parameters for each of those (x,y and z).

    • [​IMG]
      The MultiSlider object tracks movement across an array of sliders (up to 64). It includes a gravity mode which allows it to emulate the physics similar to a plucked string. Your fingers pluck the string by lifting it up in one or more places. Lifting your fingers from the surface releases the string, and its subsequent behavior is determined by the Tension, Friction, and Height values.

    • [​IMG]
      The Pads object is a two-dimensional array of buttons (up to 16x16). They are intended to trigger events instead of represent state, since they eventually return to an 'off' value after you touch them. You can set colour and labels for the whole array or for each individual cell.

    • [​IMG]
      The Range Object is a two-point slider with adjustable length. Touch either end to change the width/height of the range. Like the MultiSlider, you can switch use the physical properties to change the way it reacts when you touch or release it.

    • [​IMG]
      Breakpoint offers total control of synthesizer or sampler envelopes with a multi-segment envelope editor. Jump right in and tweak an on-screen representation of the envelope. This familiar, visual interface allows you to see exactly how you are changing the sound.

    • [​IMG]
      The RingArea is another 2D controller, except that the ball is inside a circular space. Moreover, the ball is linked to at least one attractor, so that it comes back to its point when you release it. The attractors' position can be control by other objects and the ball itself can of course use physical properties.

    • [​IMG]
      The SignalScope displays values of other objects and variables on your Lemur. The ‘trace’ shows a recent history of the value of what you are monitoring. Use this to display information or to create visualizations.

    • [​IMG]
      Lemur 5.0 introduces a family of new features for tight sequencing. This includes three new objects: StepNote, StepSwitch and StepSlider. Each of these provides a different flavour of sequencing and is ready to use right out of the box. We completely revamped the internal timing system. This means rock solid timing, either with internal clock or syncing to external machines. You can use Lemur as a complementary sequencer in your setup, or use it as the central sequencer in your live jamming rig.

    • [​IMG]
      The SurfaceLCD object emulates traditional control surfaces’ LCD, making use of the MIDI input capabilities of the Lemur. This object lets you display track names, parameter changes, timecode, all updated in real-time by your DAW.

    • [​IMG]
      The Switches object is a two-dimensional array (up to 16x16) of toggle switches whose values are reversed when you touch them. Switches can be used to represent and transmit one or more on-off states. Like the Pads object, colours are labels can be set globally or for each individual cell.

    • [​IMG]
      The Text Object produces no data when you touch it. Its purpose is to display arbitrary text including whitespace characters typed in via the Lemur Editor, sent by an OSC message or triggered by a script.
  8. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    Aye, for sure, but if this is for portability (i.e. on the road), then that might be a different thing.
  9. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I'm not sure what you mean. They're both android/ipad apps. I haven't used TouOSC in a while tbh, so I might be overlooking something here.
  10. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    Ah, I think this is the disconnect here, I was thinking Lemur-the-hardware, not Lemur-the-app. So yeah, if this is the case (and it certainly looks so!) then both are worth checking out. The Lemur stuff I could never could get to work properly app only, whereas my friends Lemur the HW case always worked fine.
  11. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Aha okay I get it now. Yeah was referring to the soft Lemur. I use it with an android tablet, it works good. Didn't even know they made hw for it....
  12. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    These are really good suggestions for android and iPad solutions! I had actually been using TouchDAW with my old android tab as a fader type controller and was wondering if there are any similar type things for Windows 10.
    I recently upgraded my aging Acer A500 (android tablet) to a HP Elite X2 (Windows 10 tablet). So what I'd be looking for would be a Windows 10 application.
    I was actually searching for just a touch screen keyboard for Windows 10 with MIDI integration so I could do rough composing while out and about and record the MIDI into the DAW. Then I ran across this and thought "this is interesting!"
  13. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I found this one :
  14. albert001

    albert001 Producer

    Apr 5, 2017
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    Always In My Mind
    From what I reed from the homepage, it's one of the best universal solutions out there, impressive!
    I use 2 21inch (ca. 53 centimeters) touchscreens for at least 6 years, and Universal win remote solutions has come and go very quickly, its still an ongoing search to find the real deal.

    But if you want something in the meantime, there is a recreation of the old emulator software called, chameleon?!

    It has no osc yet, but some real unique feature like, using the control surface as overlay on your favorite audio apps!


    Its just 10 bugs right now(winter sale), for all his apps at ones.

    Edit:Sorry Talmi, don't wanted to hijack your suggestion, I was typing by the time you posted!!!
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2020
  15. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Lol, great minds and all that....:rofl:
  16. Ender1989

    Ender1989 Newbie

    Nov 28, 2019
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    Virtual keyboard.png Hey, first time posting and I just need some clarification, with Lemur can I make this?

    Hope that worked. I think this is what OP is also asking in his OP.
  17. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Can't see the details of your pics, so I'm not sure. But yeah you can personalize a control surface with a bunch of rotaries, faders whatever...
    Lemur allows to do more, but those basic functionnalities of course.
    But OP wants a windows 10 solution so,...
  18. Ender1989

    Ender1989 Newbie

    Nov 28, 2019
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    It basically just has a virtual keyboard so I could basically play chords like I would a midi keyboard but on a touch surface.

    Thanks for your reply.
  19. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    No problem.
    You can set up pads, keyboard, it has sequencers, etc. There are users libraries available.

    Keyboard tutorial.

  20. Ender1989

    Ender1989 Newbie

    Nov 28, 2019
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    I've seen so much about Lemur, but this is actually what I've wanted to see for so long, you are a legend. Thanks again!
  21. Ender1989

    Ender1989 Newbie

    Nov 28, 2019
    Likes Received:
    It would seem from the app store it is not supported anymore. Which is the best next thing other than Lemur?
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