what is current state of cubase 10 pro?

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by tun, Dec 27, 2019.

  1. korte1975

    korte1975 Guest

    10.5 pro and nuendo 10 here , stable.

    thanx V.R Zaka mono
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  2. Houston yes we have a problem, a forum reader not a registered user who cannot email support directly. Let me guess, you read the forums but only own a cracked version. Not every person has the same problems.
    PEBCAC mostly again - Problem Exists Between Chair And Computer.
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  3. tun

    tun Rock Star

    May 13, 2016
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    although i agree with 99% of what you are saying, i could not ignore this statement ^.
    i will be lynched for this, but most "pro" studios do not know what they are doing, especially the platinum record ones. they fake it. they are rich people making money from other rich people using confidence and technical wording. the amount of bullshit i hear come from $100/hour engineers is insane. most of the highly skilled and knowledgeable engineers are in home studios and their primary income comes from shelf stacking or something like that. its a very sad story, but its the world we live in.
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  4. That is the beauty of opinions they do and should differ whether in whole or in part.

    I partially agree but only partially. 'SOME" studios. :)
  5. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    the robot , tun is not talkin bout scoring....its bout that pro tools trap, rnb ,pop studios
    or neither fab dupond like studios...or neither like these ultra studios in berlin...these ones are bout audio...
    tun is talkin bout chart maker for the money hip genre only studios
  6. tun

    tun Rock Star

    May 13, 2016
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    yea its not all of the studios, just a lot of them. it seems that the more famous artists they have worked with the less they know what they are talking about. its like their head gets too big for itself and they have to remove information to fit their ego in.

    they think things like 'cables have to go a certain direction' etc. it really is a fake it 'till you make it industry. you dont have to know what you are doing, you just have to convince your clients that you do. the thing about audio is that it is 90% psychological, people hear what you tell them to hear if you are confident enough.
    if only i had a dollar for every time somebody asked me to change something, i leave it untouched, then they thank me and say it sounds better :D
  7. Always Grateful

    Always Grateful Kapellmeister

    Dec 25, 2015
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    I want you to try Mixcraft and PM me on AZ and publish herer your finding once you go MIxcraft Studio you won't go back.
  8. Mynock

    Mynock Audiosexual

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Buddy, I would not have said better! Thanks for expressing once more some feedbacks on the issues that the Reaper team insists on ignoring.

  9. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    So if this post is for me I can say . No
    like I wrote in an earlier post :
    It was the change from Mac to Pc (for production)
    And so the change from Logic to something else.

    I tried Mixcraft and it got some dealbreakers for me (stuff I can't live without.)
    Biggest No because of no MIDI draw.
    Please correct me if I'm wrong but is there a MIDI paint/draw, Chord MIDI paint (not single note click after click shenanigans ) 2020-01-05-22-02-56.gif
    BTW I used Mixcraft 8 so if there is anything new in 9 I probably don't know :winker:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 5, 2020
  10. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    I don't know as well :winker:

    Why reaper.
    Read the old posts in this threat and you will understand.:wink:
  11. [​IMG]

    You are so asking for a copy of Mixcraft.
  12. tun

    tun Rock Star

    May 13, 2016
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    i tried mixcraft a few years back. i did not like it at all. the annoying part is i cant even remember why XD
    i can remember not being able to find things i needed though, but whether they were not there or just hard to use i cant remember.
    that was probably around 7 years though, so i assume a lot has changed since then?
  13. 8bits

    8bits Producer

    Dec 28, 2018
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    Milky Way
    Cracked version..not registered user? GUYS WE FOUND somebody who is using cubase pro cracked! AHAHAH
    LET ME GUESS: Do u live in a parallel universe!? Let me guess...go to play with your PS4 instead write no sense crap shit in the forum!
  14. Full pro version. Ah a Pirate. But thanks for the uptake, Steinberg is prosecuting people with cracked versions, One is in jail - now I know where to point them munter..
  15. 8bits

    8bits Producer

    Dec 28, 2018
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    Milky Way
    LoL, a clown!
    And I also waste time answering you.
  16. No a real decades Cubase user, you're the clown who cannot speak English properly being the joke.
  17. 8bits

    8bits Producer

    Dec 28, 2018
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    Milky Way
    Yes, I can speak fluent, read and write it since is not my first language, but this is not the point, after all you seem getting troubles with the use of the comma.
    Back to the topic and stop this shit: I don't know how old u are but when Steinberg started with cubase I had it on my Atari, now is running in to my Mac. The v 10.5 pro is the most buggy ever version they did, do some stats on Steinberg forum and check the issue section, I never had problems with it in my systems, until the last 10.5 update. If you don't have problems is good for you, but you don't are the mass that represent the statistic, you aren't at the center of this universe. Maybe u understand now? Im a legit users from decades too and using also a lot of legit 3rd part software and as u said I agree that a lot of ppl here complain of cracked software issues, this is not my case man I'm complain about Steinberg commercial politic, final users are the real beta tester, Steinberg like all of the rest, welcome in the digital era.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2020
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  18. Legotron

    Legotron Audiosexual

    Apr 24, 2017
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    I have legit C10.5 and I don´t have any kind of problems, rock solid, but then again I´m on windows 7/64bit.
    Must be mac issues
  19. hackerz4life

    hackerz4life Audiosexual

    Jan 6, 2020
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    Been following this forum for some time. Had to register just to agree.
    Yoda baby geriatrics has been using cubase for decades. !!Decades!! Try not to question the know it all papa Yoda authority.
    You are right. It is buggy, not for all, but some serious with making music have reversed.
    There is a difference between a user, a fan and a fanboy. Real users and even fans have no problems criticizing, fanboys will argue with u to death, they lack objectivity.
  20. Guess what I am older than you and anyone that goes out like you did to discredit someone and deprecate them, because you did start with the insults it shows their true inadequacy. I responded in kind and you can dish it out and obviously not take it in return.
    I was on Notator and sponsored by EMAGIC on the 1024ST complete with their clunky and noisy 20MB hard disks. You will never know what else I have done but I still make a living from it. I learned Cubase then as well because, to be honest, it was not as advanced and super easy to learn 'almost' without a manual if you knew Notator, boringly so. I could go onto when both ventured into the Audio realm after Saw and others... but I can not be bothered. It's not a 'my dick is bigger than yours' contest but you seem to want to make it that way.

    But feel free to assume yet again because it is the mother of all screwups. I have simply shown that at the least I am the same age and probably, older. You assume when asking gains so much more.

    P.S. - I know a lot more about the inner workings than I wish I did. Most of the problems are exactly what I said, incompatible HW and PEBCAC. People do not read the requirements or manual anymore. If you are as old as you say, then you know Cubase and Notator came with a bound manual and it was foolish NOT to read at least some of it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 6, 2020