what is current state of cubase 10 pro?

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by tun, Dec 27, 2019.

  1. Mynock

    Mynock Audiosexual

    Jul 14, 2012
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    I agree with almost everything, but recognize that Reaper needs a better Notation Editor than the current one. Even more, Reaper needs to offer a better Expression Maps system (entering dynamics and articulations more creatively, efficiently and easily) than offered by Steinberg. This would be a big watershed between Reaper and all the other DAWs, to me.
  2. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Exactly what I was saying. Very hard to convay, when the answer to all is : make a script (!!!).
    All that is awesome. I love Reaper for all that. Well I use scripts, I can't make them.
    Most people making music aren't in the business of scripting. Don't know anything about lua, EEL2, Python. Don't even know what those terms mean. I won't learn, I have many others things to do.
    I came off as an ass probably, as usual, I apologize for that. I love that daw. Use it more than Cubase or any of my other numerous daws.
    I wished it was even better that's all.
    Didn't mean any arm with my troll thing, it was uncalled for. Sorry. :bow:
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  3. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    Ok that’s are some usefully tools which Reaper doesn´t have (so far I know)
  4. tun

    tun Rock Star

    May 13, 2016
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    hahaha i should have known this would turn into a DAW war :rofl:
  5. 23322332

    23322332 Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2011
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    It has them, but they are not the same.
    For midi articulations you have to create your own banks via some of the included plugins in Reaper; and you can do it with scripts in several ways.
    For note expression, well, it's not the same, but Reaper supports MPE. Btw, I think Bitwig (and probably Traction) have the best implementation of it. Note expression, is vst 3.5 thing - which most plugins and daws simply don't use at all!!!

    Btw, MIDI is outdated and we should have get rid of it like 10 or 15 years ago. Instead they are going to introduce version 2 soon (which will be marginally better; maybe in year 3000 hardware and software manufacturers will decide to replace it - not like we will last until then - global warming and pollution etc should kill all big animals and plants by 2050 or even before that, I think)
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  6. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    Next discussion incoming in 3,2,1 ...

    And agian discussion incoming in 3,2,1 ...

    Ok the second one is to political for me ... I´m out :suicide:
  7. 23322332

    23322332 Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2011
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    Someone on KVR explained note expression vs MPE, note that many hosts support MPE, but only Cubase and Steinberg synths - 3.5 for now (unless I miss some DAW upgrades; anyway search engines don't give me any data).

    Its a good question...with quite a of subtle consequences.
    (some of the following is a generalisation, and also based on my understanding)

    its not really vs. as they are different things with different goals, that can potentially combined.

    MPE - is a mid based wire protocol, its based on the idea of a midi generator (controller) and sound generator (synth), it requires no middle man, and is applicable to both hardware and software (v. important!)

    VST note expression - part of the VST API, not related to midi, better to think of as 'per note automation' . being part of VST, obviously is software only, and relates to a vst host.

    from this comes the subtle consequences

    whats this mean in a software environment
    (but again remember MPE can be hardware synths/controllers connected via wires directly)

    MPE - requires very little of the 'host' (or even no host), just that it passes (and records) midi thru 'untouched' (this is the bit hosts struggle with [​IMG]) , it is then up to the sound generator (synth = vst/au) to interpret the midi stream as it wishes.

    VST note expression (VST NE) - exposes per note parameters, it has no way to interpret what a controller is sending it. it is up to the HOST to decide what expression is added to what notes.
    (e.g. on a score,piano roll... like we use automation)

    this is the crux, MPE has the synth doing the mapping VST NE, has the host doing it.

    of course this partly comes from their backgrounds...
    MPE (formerly VpC midi) originates from 'player expression' i.e. controllers.. VST NE , i believe, originates more from scoring, i.e. composers wanting to be able to annotate scores with expressions (its a big area in cubase) ... also given its Steinberg, the host is important

    of course they can work together, a daw could accept MPE from a controller, and then allow mapping of that data to VST note expression... "

    Considering most film composers use Kontakt, note expression feature is wasted even for scoring, because NI stuff is not on vst 3.5.
    And for electronic music, idk how good are Steinberg's synths, I don't use any of them.
  8. 8bits

    8bits Producer

    Dec 28, 2018
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    Milky Way
    The one who did a crack (perfect dongle emu) is gone forever and Steinbug is doing too much free shit about price, politic updates, and crap untested release bugs, so they should deserve a crack again :)
    The new 10.5 pro is a mountain of shitty bugs..go to read @ the steinbug forum.
    We own it to edit midi (for me the best daw for editing midi and vst) and recently also audio tracks after rendering some vst, I still pref ProToolz for such audio edit. In studio I forced all the guys to back to previous release 10.0.5
    Anyway the USB dongle Elicense ..old Synchrosoft™ is the most hard protection to crack, i would like to see a Cubase pro free from all the fucking dongle calls code and subroutines...for sure it will be 50% more light and fast.
    So I guess we can at least forget about a real working crack, I saw only ridiculous attempts to crack...called hack...a real crack is another thing.
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  9. tun

    tun Rock Star

    May 13, 2016
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    what kind of bugs are people seeing? a lot of people are saying it is buggy but im not hearing much about why.
    i have used it for a total of about 45mins (non-DC) and the worst thing i have seen yet is when a window is resized to a larger size i have to close the plugin and reopen it to see the newly added edges.

    i assume there are far worse things happening to other people?
  10. burgvogt

    burgvogt Kapellmeister

    Dec 24, 2015
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    I keep wondering why Cubase has been so controversial for ages. I've been a Steinberg user since long forgotten Atari times and I've kind of grown up with it. So I know it inside out and love its workflow. I have tried others, including Ableton, Reaper and Protools. I appreciate all of them but I feel it is a matter of taste and habit, practice and usage. I know my way around it and do not see why I should bother to start from scratch. I'd rather make music instead. After all it is the result that counts. If you know your way around an app, no matter which, use it and be happy. If you can't afford buying it, get another one that comes cheaper or even for free but stop complaining. It' not worth it.
    You can make good music with any DAW if you know how to.
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  11. Lager

    Lager Guest

    Your last sentence has been so controversial for ages like your first one. You can't make good music with any DAW.:yes:

    Before using a DAW, in the first place you promise yourself and vow that I'm not going to make good music, your DAW hears it and allows you to use it.

    DAWs have been made to cease making good music.:wink:
  12. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    You have to impress the spirit of your DAW

    Or the holy DAW God itself (which if we can believe the legends Trackgod itself .... but not all are in this religion)

    The Basisists ( don´t mix up with bassists who believe there is no DAW God only the 'Bassgod whose son Guitar Hero ruled the world for some crimson bloody years ) believe the true DAW god is Cubase 1.0 Atari)

    And don't forget the Cult of Rosegarden they believe only Rosegarden is the true Daw god. Hard to tell who is right or wrong.

    I my self only believe in the all mighty
    Thor with his hammer forged in the ancient Sound Forge and engrave with ACID Pro

    There is only one Reason for this all
    Mixcraft and Fairlight are things of the Devil

    Generatim discite cultus and out
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 29, 2019
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  13. Cubase is very stable, if you have a legitimate version and the hardware they clearly state to support it.

    Anything hacked, cracked, whatever... it's quite funny human nature, when they get something for free people seem to expect more for nothing than they do if they pay for it. If someone illegitimately cracks something that is for sale, they have to break something in the preventative security in order to make it accessible. Think about that statement. Sometimes what they break for accessibility may be the real cause of the problems. Expecting something that is not an authentic version to be trouble-free every time is unrealistic. You got what you paid for.
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  14. indianwebking

    indianwebking Platinum Record

    Jun 3, 2018
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    what you mean by that
  15. tun

    tun Rock Star

    May 13, 2016
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    i was not complaining at all, just asking what the situation is with it. in fact in one of my posts i thanked the people responsible. i am eternally grateful to the people that give poor people like me access to audio tools i would otherwise not get to use.

    that doesnt mean we cant discuss the flaws, in fact, the crackers want us to so they can see problems and improve their work. they do not do it to provide products to us, they do it because they like the challenge.
  16. tun

    tun Rock Star

    May 13, 2016
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    theres an easy shortcut. just sacrifice a virgin and channel the blood into the USB slot.
  17. 23322332

    23322332 Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2011
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    Not only this is not true, but sometimes the cracked version may be way more stable (for example Fl studio until they changed the copy protection method, or various i-shit or e-shit protected programs - at least in the past, I don't use any dongle related software anymore).

    Go to fkin Steinberg forums and check for yourself how many people have problems with their software. I don't say that other programs don't have bugs, but Cubase is infamous for this, especially in recent years. (The same can be said about Abl. Live, a way more popular sequencer currently than Cubase; they spent years stabilizing it, because of the addition of Max.)
    Yamaha/Steinberg have good pro. hardware, but considering their software can be unstable, it is too risky to invest in them when there exist Presonus/S1 or Merging/Pyramix (btw, Pro Tools HDX is another piece of shit system, because of incapable developers).
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  18. tun

    tun Rock Star

    May 13, 2016
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    ive been watching some videos on studio one because ive never really given it much attention and it looks really nice. it seems to have the features i need so im going to give it a try. i like the modular FX and instrument routing feature (i think its called extended FX) a lot. that is something i often use third party plugins for.
  19. For a start without taking a poll on every Cubase user and major studio that uses it, Logic and ProTools, I cannot comment on the accuracy of what you have said. I know of at least forty studios that never venture onto a forum and also like me have no issues.

    Also unless I know beyond doubt that I was a capable and better developer that could easily do a much better job I would not make a statement that they are incapable - I would just design and release a better one. Instead of actually saying that they are incapable only, what it says is that Cubase and ProTools which are among two of the most used DAW software in professional $100 per hour studios (yes they still exist); you are theoretically saying that the majority of professional studios in the world were duped and have no idea of what they are doing. This includes studios that have platinum CDs to their credit. They did not use Studio One, Reaper, Ableton, FL Studio or any other that does not have a forty-year history.

    As for what is better, it is a personal choice. If you do not like something, do not use it, otherwise, it is only software bashing. As for forums, this is common and people bagging something generally could not program or develop anything close to as good if their life depended on it.

    I have very little problems with Cubase Pro registered version and the pro studios I know that use it on a daily basis do not either. The only version that was possibly more stable in the cracked version, was version 3. I have seen their forums. If I have a serious problem I go straight to support. More often than not it is another program, Windows/MAC O/S and hardware incompatibility.
    If you want to talk programming look on Windows forums. Steinberg's issues pale next to Microsoft's issues. Many Cubase issues are PEBCAC.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 29, 2019
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  20. 8bits

    8bits Producer

    Dec 28, 2018
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    Milky Way
    Houston we have a problem :) - the 10.5 is the one with lot of bugs, the previous one was OK. Just check at the Steinberg forum!
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