what is current state of cubase 10 pro?

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by tun, Dec 27, 2019.

  1. tun

    tun Rock Star

    May 13, 2016
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    reaper is fine, but i am primarily a cubase user for the last 15-20 years, so i know it very very well. if i can avoid using another DAW i will.
    i do also use live a little, but its just not the same as the DAW i know well.
  2. tun

    tun Rock Star

    May 13, 2016
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    even that is too much money for me right now :(
    maybe at some point in the near future my luck will change. when it does cubase will be the first program i buy!
    great tip to save money though! thanks <3
  3. tun

    tun Rock Star

    May 13, 2016
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    i have to find 1-2 days off from my 3 other jobs first, then replace the money i lost from taking 1-2 days off, then convince the employer to give me money in cash so it doesnt get taken away from me again. also i have to ignore all the other things that are a higher priority.
    unfortunately things are not that simple for me.
  4. tun

    tun Rock Star

    May 13, 2016
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    thanks for all the replies everyone <3
    i have installed it and taken it for a trial run. everything seems fine in a small test project (i expect that will change with larger projects) and i have worked around the DC problem, although not an ideal method, and would be a pain in bigger projects. basically i am using some maths combined with a sample delay.

    the guys involved have done a great job! i am very thankful to them all! <3

    perhaps one day i will have to just bite the bullet and start to learn another DAW like reaper or S1 or something similar to cubase.
  5. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    he wrote that artist don't work for him cause it's got no sidechain
  6. 23322332

    23322332 Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2011
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    Like legit Cubase is stable, right...
    Newer DAWs like Studio1 and Bitwig are way more stable and with better design than old dogs with tons of legacy code and unfixed bugs for years. (Reaper guys do tons of bugfixing - it is interesting that most features found in other DAWs usually have scripted workaround in Reaper; it is the DAW for tech nerds, but it can be messy, because it was not designed around some central idea or workflow- more like they started adding random stuff on top it.)
    Still, I think there is still a gap between creative (for electronic music) and good for audio editing/mixing DAW (In the first type of DAW we usually see more non-linear based arranging options, modular patching, MPE and similar stuff; in the second type of DAW - advanced audio editing, ARA2, better mixers, better midi - for some unknown reason; it would make sense electronic DAWs to have better midi, but I guess kids use loops and random note generators these days ). And both camps suck as good programs for arranging and composing "serious" music (not like it cannot it done, but they don't seem like they were created by musicians unlike shit like Sibelius etc or even... don't laugh, please - Band in a box, wow :rofl:)
  7. tun

    tun Rock Star

    May 13, 2016
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    you can script in reaper??? i did not know that. that is a big selling point for me. hmmm...

    what kind of things can you do with it?

    reading about it now

    edit 2:
    looks very powerful. i will hopefully give that a try some time soon.
    as fun as it sounds though, it might end up distracting me from actual music making too much.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2019
  8. Lager

    Lager Guest

    This is a good point in your remarks. If they were, their architectures were far more different and we had more different music today.

    Music makers use what are accessible to them. If DAWs were different, obviously the structure and even the apparent shape of the music were different.

    By using the today's DAWs, only shallow music is imaginable.
  9. 23322332

    23322332 Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2011
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    Hm, no... nothing is stopping anyone to create any kind of music (we have several centuries of very complex music written down on paper - that's even more primitive than midi sequencers). But if DAWs were smarter in music theoretical sense, it would be easier to work faster and maybe reuse, while changing some aspects, existing music material (for let's say genre music ) with less clicks than replaying or re-notating it.
  10. Misterguywick

    Misterguywick Producer

    Feb 3, 2019
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    getting tired of cubase 5 but i don't fancy the philosophy on reaper. like i will open the editor, click on a note press Ctrl + D to duplicate a note, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, instead it will duplicate the midi clip.. why? when i'm in the editor. it messes up my flow. seems there's no explanation for this

    Why isn't there a slice midi tool on the fly? (toolbar)

    even megababy when you record midi. after recording it might not even be on the grid... like how?

    i think the problem with reaper is yes it's customizable and efficient but just terrible when it comes to basic things. that's why it just doesn't rival other daws they need to focus on core things. i shouldn't have to look uo kenny all the time for some long ass process to do something so easy in other daws.

    Is there a way to duplicate cubase settings completely in reaper.. not just skin?
  11. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    90 % + of it Yes

    It's a steep by steep process. Sadly.

    I can speak from the point that my Reaper is a 95 % Logic till now. Only Transport doesn't work 100% (Stop as doubleclick rewind is one level about my technical knowledge) But I know it's possible (Some guy in the reaper forum did this as well)

    But it takes some time.

    Basic out-of-the-Box Reaper is indeed a mess. To many functions in menus to less in Toolbars . Some time very Chaotic Context Trees

    This was my way
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  12. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    Funny Thing I quit Cubase because it was too complex in my opinion

    Exactly the way I felt about cubase

    only thing there were no kenny :rofl:
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 28, 2019
  13. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Well themes and toolbars are just that. A daw looking like another one doesn't magicaly give the daw you tweak functionnalities it just doesn't have.
    No script can make reaper midi editor as advanced as Cubase midi editor. Not many users use those functionnalities so it's not really indispensable, but if you're used to do some genre in Cubase, good luck doing that in Reaper, even with scripts and external tool.
    Same with the the chords and scales functionnalities of Cubase. You can get a fraction of those in Reaper, but not so nicely integrated and implemented.
    For mixing it's a different story. I use both and I have no problem doing everything in Reaper. I actually prefer Reaper on many aspects. And there is no way to tweak Cubase so that it does what reaper can do.
  14. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    What exactily do you mean by that ?
    Or better what functionnalities exactly do you mean

    Chords like this :

    Reaper got two ways to create

    and chord and scale recognition
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 28, 2019
  15. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Read my comment again, I said nothing about Reaper not having chord functionnalities.
    Wasn't even talking about the chord editing function of Cubase.
    Obviously refering to the chord tracks as well as the chord pad.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2019
  16. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    I think I read it right

    I think the Chord fuctions of Reaper are pretty well
    integrated and implemented. Specially with the Alejandro script it's a big step ahead of cubase... or can you in Cubase have all "crazy" chords in your left click menu ? (last time used Cubase is long time ago.)

    Maybe you like the Cubase still more (that’s totally ok)
    But does that mean it's more advanced ? Or better integrated and implemented?
  17. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Do you have any chord pad and track in Reaper ? No. You do have scripts that allow to have an equivalent of a chord tool in Reaper. But since those tools aren't native they aren't integrated with the rest of the functionnalities of the daw like in Cubase.
    I'm a Reaper user I love that daw and defend it all the time.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2019
  18. Lager

    Lager Guest

    DAW developers in large measure are Code and DSP guys not Theory guys. The first twos are computer sciences but the latter is pertaining to humanism. They usually don't easily gang up and act as an organized group and no need me to acknowledge that.
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  19. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Oh sorry for that part I meant that (and the video is for C7 btw, things have evolved since sorry) :
  20. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    Ands that’s the point Scripts are the heart of Reaper.
    Yes Reaper dos not have this function in the first place but it gives you the chances to create it. (If you can programm even by your self)
    And with enough knowlegend you can create nearly everything
    The only inability are in the Heads of the users who don't see the complete potential of this tool.(scripting)

    Look at this https://reaper.hector-corcin.com/app/hedascripts-manager
    maybe you'll know them
    There are some really crazy things you can create with a deep knowlegend of Lua,EEL2,Python

    Can Photoshop play Tetris ?

    And so can Reaper

    And in the first place this discussion was Cubase cracked working Yes or no .

    Sadly Cracks on Cubase are crap (Not stable)
    And my advice was just don't use a crappy cracked Cubase
    Reaper is a better Choice.
    So I'm not trolling. It's just an advice to use Reaper instead of crappy cracked Cubase (not legit Cubase which is a complete different Story)
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