Greek Public TV + Radio Closed!

Discussion in 'Industry News' started by fraggle83, Jun 12, 2013.

  1. fraggle83

    fraggle83 Member

    Jan 22, 2012
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  3. Sacal

    Sacal Newbie

    Jun 12, 2013
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    Don't really get your point?

    They closed the STATE RUN media stations because they have no money to run them! As it's the state run media I don't see what freedoms have be removed? If they had closed all the media I would agree, but they didn't. This isn't censorship, it's economics....

    If you believe everything that is written in the so called free press, you will end up running around like chicken little believing the sky is falling in. There is very little in the way of free press these days, it's all scaremongering to sell copies, which sell adverting and make the shareholders happy. There are a lot of bad things happening in the world, but this isn't one of them. I feel sorry for all those people who will lose their jobs of course, but to say this is a freedom issue and making out like the Greek government are creating an atmosphere of oppression just isn't right.
  4. lisapower

    lisapower Member

    Mar 2, 2012
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    Greeks should be happy, as the Brainwash Program Propaganda ended!
  5. light59

    light59 Member

    Nov 7, 2011
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    Folks, the banksters have Greece by the balls. :beg: :beg: :beg:

    Instead of going for a revolution, which could have deposed the Illuminati politicians that were ruling them, Greece went for more loans and enslavement. Now, they're going to end up selling their underwear in order to pay the Illuminati Banksters - who keep lending money through their central banks at astronomical interest rates. Bottom line. The Greek people are presently indebted to the NWO elite for ever!

    This is not only for Greece (in the short term), but throughout the rest of the countries that will also be infected with the inevitable contagion that will spread throughout the European continent at first, and then the rest of the world. French President Hollande said on Greek TV that he wanted the country to stay in the euro, rather than reviving its drachma currency.The fact that the new French president, and German prime minister, the Spanish PM and other Illuminati leaders keep pushing the Greek people to vote for the politicians that would vote to stay in the Illuminati Euro zone plan, is a clear sign that people throughout are waking up to how one puts their foot on the head of the snake.

    Angelo Young
    April 2, 2013

    The Greek government has been trying in recent years to sell everything short of its historic Parthenon in an attempt to climb itself out a massive debt hole.

    Now, facing mounting pressure from international lenders to speed up its national yard sale, the government has announced it would begin the tender to sell the Hellenic Railways Organization, known by its Greek acronym OSE, by the end of the second quarter.

    Development Minister Costis Hatzidakis and Yiannis Emiris, managing director of Greece’s privatization fund, Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund (HRADF), said the government would like to see an investor by the start of 2014 if not sooner, according to the Greek news site


    The extended financial and banking crisis of Greece is no accident or even an unforeseen consequence of the adaptation of the Euro, but rather the beginnings of the Illuminati in making everyone impoverished slaves. By controlling the world's largest banks (Fed Reserve, IMF, and ECB), the New World Order has engineered a single currency for most of the European continent - and eventually for the whole world. This is just one of the many phases that the NWO uses to extract all of the wealth and independence from certain groups of people while simultaneously concentrating their own power.

    Timing is very important in order for this New World Order thing to come off without a hitch. You've got to make sure that the stock market/political/environmental collapse is timed, synchronized with other events in a pre-planned, global, simultaneous implosion in order to maximize fear and chaos. Then use the Hegelian dialect by providing a solution to the problem - i.e. maximize the probability of a global takeover by a small, fascist oligarchy (Freemasons, bankers, Bilderbergs etc) who will try to pretend they're coming to "rescue" us from imminent danger and destruction (which they have created)! This time they’re planning to drag everybody in. They want to make sure that this time there’s not going to be anybody who’s going to be unaffected.


    Presently, Greece is the unfortunate target of this maneuver. Once the Illuminati were successful in creating the Euro (a currency system that was never projected to succeed), they managed to bring Greece within their grip through the means of "easy credit." The NWO's Greek agents made sure that the country borrowed far more than it could ever manage as well as allowed its richest citizens (also possible Illuminati) to evade taxes. Of course, this was all a recipe for disaster for the Greek people, but what we view as a disaster, the NWO see as a victory. With Greece's financial structure in ruins, the population is now vulnerable to full exploitation. Expect to see the nation's citizens become wage slaves as corporations and other Illuminati sponsored operations use them as cheap labor. Ladies and gentlemen, we're going back to feudalistic times - lords and peasants!

    For those in Europe who are reading this, Greece is the first warning of what the Illuminati are planning to do. They designed the Euro, knowing damn well that it would fail to create a more economically prosperous Europe, and now they are reaping the benefits as Greece must do exactly as they say. Soon, Spain and Italy will follow as will Portugal along with much of southeastern Europe. Once the Illuminati have created a new area ready for exploitation, they will keep them impoverished. Over time, more nations' economies will collapse, and the NWO will emerge to rule everyone. What's happening to Greece is just the beginning. Obama, Cameron, Hollande, Merkel are nothing but pawns of the elite working in consort to bring this sinister plan upon the scene.

    In this day and age, everybody knows the current financial chaos that nations are presently experiencing is not accidental, it's part of an orchestrated plan to bring a new world order upon the scene. The symptoms are all apparent such as the use of a continent-wide currency, engineered wars, and the overarching control of banks. Those are just a few Illuminati strategies that have been successfully employed over the past couple of centuries beginning with the Rothschild's during the Napoleonic wars. Greece is beyond a doubt a NWO victory. We were too slow to realize their plans, but now we know what to look for before more healthy economies fall prey to the Illuminati's financial institutions.

    To sum up, where there is WILL, there would be INNUMERABLE WAYS to OUTWIT the CRIMINALS of the WORLD. If we, the people of the world revolt, 10000 individuals (which make up for the international Illuminati club) will never be able to rule over 7 billion + human beings. There is hope! *yes* *yes* *yes* *yes* *yes* *yes*

  6. fraggle83

    fraggle83 Member

    Jan 22, 2012
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    What you call "State Run Media" is not STATE RUN at all at least you consider the citizens of that satate as "state" too, after all those so called public media are "nurtured" with taxations we all, citizens of that state, pay. "They have no money" can be a perfect excuse to cut freedom of those citizens who pay that state that runs everything and not only public media (ie. corrupt politics). Either Free, Private or Public Media may be as you say. But one thing we can't forget at all is that the equilibrium between the first, the middle and the later should be ourselves doubting of everything they publish/broadcast (see my lisapower's answer below). Not to forget also, that even in the "State Run Media" there are really good and neutral journalist DESPITE the state pushing them to be partial depending on the sign of the government that runs it at the time. Now, just some questions based on what you've said above: why do you so firmly believe them when they say that this is the real cause of it (ie.: "we don't have money so we have to shutdown that") ?. Which is this source so trustworthy that makes you be so forceful on it ?. Are you 100% sure of what you're saying ?. In short: do you realize that everything you've said above can be applied to the source on which you base all your discourse too ?.

    With "brain washing" do you mean what the public and independent media is starting to do now trying to deviate public opinion from the real point saying now that china could be behind all what's happening, or maybe that "the NSA's massive data collection program has saved American lives by disrupting "dozens" of potential terrorist events", or what ?. Do you consider yourself as a "brain washed" one ? ... If not, why not ? And BTW ... from where do you get your sources that makes you firmly believe that any public media is a "brain washing" ?. Could not be, that the main "brain washing" is solely our own ignorance that makes us to believe everything, no matter if it is "all those media ARE brain washing machines" or "all those media ARE NOT brain washing", without questioning anything at all ?. Do you realize that most (if not all) of the times, when people argue about something between them (some times very upset one against the other) is not really theirs but based on something they saw/heard last night in the medias which they firmly believed that it was the truth without any questioning at all ?. Who's the real brain washing then ?.

    And in case you both want to know, i'm listening to a public local radio station while writing this, mics freely open for anybody to say what they think about the life we all are living now ...
    i.e.: i still have not heard anybody brain washing them, nor shuting down unexpectedly the media, cutting off their freedom to speak because financial problems (that they seems to have too).

    BTW, i didn't noticed before that little note about cookies that appears now below the heading "your research results of..." in Google! ... Was it already there before, or it has appeared now just because all what's happening ?.
  7. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    I´m with lisapower. :mates:
    not much to watch there
  8. lukie

    lukie Newbie

    Jun 5, 2011
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    "Folks, the banksters have Greece by the balls." quoted by Light59

    Its not just Greeks its everyone with bank accounts.
  9. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    The mattress or the safe, bags of -untraced-free of taxes- money everywhere!
  10. light59

    light59 Member

    Nov 7, 2011
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    Well, that's understood. Do you really think I thought the Banking cabal lives only in Greece? he he! Lukie, you make me laugh. Wake up. I'm trying to believe that you're not a retard and that you're just playing smarty pants! It seems like you've only read the first paragraph of my post and went no further to find the reasons why. If you haven't done it yet, read this carefully: "This is not only for Greece (in the short term), but throughout the rest of the countries that will also be infected with the inevitable contagion that will spread throughout the European continent at first, and then the rest of the world." (comment from my post above). *yes* *yes* *yes*

    Get it? It only takes a bit of common sense to connect the dots. The Greeks are being held by the balls, but the banksters have the nations of the world - through their sinister credit system - held against the wall!

    All central banks around the world are either owned by them and their agents or controlled by the IMF. They own the money printing press. When money is printed, the governments ask them to produce the money, which they do out of thin air (it only cost a few pennies to print paper money) and then they demand that the money be repaid to them for the full value of the paper ($10, $50, $100) with interest. In other words, our money is created in the form of a debt that our governments owe to them, plus interest. The fractional reserve banking debt system is designed so that nobody actually owns any money - it is in fact a debt owed to the Illuminati banking system. TECHNICALLY SPEAKING, THEY OWN ALL THE MONEY. THEY JUST LET US BORROW AND USE IT! They Print it for Nothing, We Borrow It, and Pay Them Interest: "Most Americans (e.g. and countries around the world) have no real understanding of the operation of the international money lenders. The accounts of the Federal Reserve System have never been audited. It operates outside the control of Congress and manipulates the credit of the United States” (Senator Barry Goldwater, AZ).

    People are not buying the lies anymore! In this day and age, everybody knows "the financial crisis" in Greece is just an experiment that eventually is going to be rehearsed throughout the entire planet. The Illuminati wants to bring every nation in the world to such a state of crisis that these countries will think they have no alternative but to accept the miracle solution of the Financiers (One World Government) to save them from catastrophe. We're inevitably heading towards a New World Order, not just a New Greek Order! You can minimize this outcome by buying gold + getting rid of credit cards and debts. The more you stay away from banksters, the better off you'll be. :wink:


    PS: Back in March, the Cypriots had up to 9.9 percent of their bank accounts seized to pay for part of the cost of the country's debt. Now, the suspension of Greek public services (including pension reduction, tax increase, layoffs, etc) is part of the austere measures that the Illuminati (through the IMF) is imposing once again upon Greece. This money (taken from the people) is being used to pay the loans given by the International money lenders.
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