Choose UPS for daw pc

Discussion in 'Studio' started by adrian, Dec 22, 2019.

  1. adrian

    adrian Ultrasonic

    Apr 16, 2016
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    i needs help to choose UPS for my pc with power supply Seasonic Focus 80 Plus Gold ATX, Modular 750W (it's biggerer than pc consumes, for future upgrades, because now i assume a consumption between 200 and 400).
    UPS must be absolute silent line-interactive and should have pure sinewave, ....
    and no extra-large cost (between 200-400 €) ... what specific model and brand ???
    thanks for any suggestion
  3. Infidel

    Infidel Producer

    Jan 18, 2015
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    Any you choose in that price range won't fit your wants but probably your needs. You'll need a line conditioner with that price range added to the UPS to get what you want. And they will both be towards the 400 euro price range to get it.
  4. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    Disclaimer: I have zero expertise, but some experience, with UPS.

    I have encountered many (in offices, etc) that claim to be 'quiet' but would have immediately pissed me off with being far too loud for a music context.

    I found one of these (shown below) really cheap at an auction many years ago, and took a chance.
    It is "SILENT". It makes a noise during a one minute self-test on start up, and after that, it is then genuinely SILENT.
    I have since found two more going cheap at auctions and bought them without hesitation.
    In all three cases, I ended up paying less for the 'UPS + battery' than I would have paid for just a replacement battery.
    2nd hand, seems to be no problem, they have been totally reliable, only the batteries wear out (obviously).
    For two of them, I eventually (after several years) needed to buy new batteries, and eBay supplied them cheap enough.



    Note: I have absolutely no idea whether other models from APC are silent like this one.
    My comments are about this model ONLY.
  5. adrian

    adrian Ultrasonic

    Apr 16, 2016
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    Thanks for your replies
    You have right but i think your solution is best for professional world, i'm a beginner old man who love music but don't know how to play, so i feel any price as out of proportion to my abilities with my daw and i can't buy at half the cost of the pc i want to protect. But you have right: line conditioner combined with UPS would be (is) best solution and i must raise the budget. I hope to solve with UPS only.

    @Ad Heesive
    Also you have right, many of UPS claim to be quiet but they are not; APC have the best reputation, but i don't read (on the page you linked) if model you suggest have sinewave pure or adapted.

    I would like to add some other considerations:
    i start this thread because i don't read on our site any info about power line, we exchange info on the best components to have performing PCs but not about protect these, when a single black-out or power surge variable flow says goodbye to our mainboard or ram or hard-disk or anything into case or connected to pc.
    I have no knowledge of the power line and searchin' some info on the web i understand that the best ups for our purposes must be silent, line-interactive and with pure sinewave. UPS off-line are low budget but have square-wave and can damage our pc. UPS on-line (with pure sine-wave) are absolutely the best for performance but they cost too much and works continuously with the battery and therefore always have active fans with very noise (require to be located far from where you work).
    Best solution for an home studio needs is an UPS Line-interactive but only those with pure sinewave and with AVR (back & boost); many of the line-interactive have simulated wave. Only sinewave is good for today's power supply (PSU with active PFC), because square-wave or bad simulated sinewave can damage all system. Good brands seems APC, OnlineUSV, Tecnoware, Power Walker, ecc... but much is relative to particular, specific model. Sometimes i have seen on amazon different brands with similar specifications models but with price differences between them of almost € 200,00. Hearing the real user experience is better than reading the specifications online.

    I needs an UPS Line-interactive with AVR system to protect my new pc and i have not a lot of space (UPS will have to stand next to the PC near the sound card, guitar and midi keyboard) therefore must be silent (very not claimed quiet): what you suggest? What you use?
    I'd also like to connect my old pc (if I can resurrect it with all its data and my old songs, now seems to have died of old age) for a total of PSU 1300 Watt.

    It also makes sense to put active loudspeakers under UPS? I am waiting Adam A7X, can connect these to ups? Anyone protect his active monitors with ups?
    Ok, stop, i have written too much, sorry.
    Thanks to anyone
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2019
  6. Infidel

    Infidel Producer

    Jan 18, 2015
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    You probably don't want to connect your speakers to protect them from spikes durning the switchover of a UPS. This could blow the ribbon tweeters like a phantom power supply can do to a ribbon microphone. Unless you have the conditioner with transformer to protect them.
    Do you really have that many power outages to justify a UPS?