Acustica Audio FREE Celestial. 'Xmas' now sounds way better

Discussion in 'Software News' started by Misterguywick, Dec 18, 2019.

  1. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    No a high pass in a side chain doesn't do the same thing as only compressing a part of the spectrum. Even if the detection only reacts to higher frequencies when it compresses it compresses the entire band (and the make up operates for the entire band), well also depending on where you put your threshold. Put a high pass filter in the side chain ar around 3 khz, it still compresses plenty of frequencies lower than that mark. That won't happen if you have a high frequency compressor operating starting at 3 khz.

    My problem isn't the label, it's what gear is emulated. Code or not. It's just a language to give instructions, the result (how it sounds) depends on what instructions are given.
    Free Nova is good. Don't really see how it relates to celestial eq since they are different, they sound different, for me only the sound matters. Probably the bump doing something. I heard that bumps aren't neutral in what they do.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2019
  2. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    An update of Celestial has just been released, available through Aquarius (well exept for me ofc :)).
    Trimming for Teal stage, and a more linear crossover.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2019
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  3. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    I did manage to (finally) get Aquarius to dl something, whether this is because of a restart or less overloaded server, or lovely tiger growls is anyone's guess. It (Aquarius) is more like the UWP or w/e that triumph of transparent, user-friendly AP is called. Clever too, the way that it will sometimes dl the least up-to-date version, while saying newer versions exist! Piracy, by contrast, is an infuriating, neverending series of doing things exactly how you want them to!
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  4. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Yeah I'm sure you're running Cubase AZ homecooked version. Not your legit - working - one. With a dongle.
    Cause piracy is soooo reliable.
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  5. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Problems w/ Cubase 5 (AiR): 0
    Problems w/ Cubase 9/10: endless
    Worse problems (than Aquarius) even w/ just Steinborg's dl ass thing, where Steinberg accused me of downloading an "unauthorised" demo (using their downloader! =) and then borked up their product remotely! I had to use C5 to write any music. So, yeah!
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  6. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    That's horrible. Honestly can't help but fear that. Just writing on AS, I fear it could be cause for some crazy devs to remotely cut me out !:)
    I agree that soft perform better without additional bloated codes to "protect" them. Aquas don't need that on top to be huge CPU monsters. Although for the aquas case, the protection (encrypted key or whatever) probably isn't the cause.
    Piracy allows beginners in music to discover the world without much spending, broke people to try, not brokes ones to demo things without restrictions, so I'll always defend it, and try to help users when I can, in order for them to try before buy.
    My joke was just to underline the fact that unfortunately it's rarely something that make the soft perform better (it happens in some R2R releases, thinking about melodyne and a few others), and often you trade one set of problems for another (no more license manager, but undiscovered bombs coming at the worst moment, transforming a musical journey into a underworld of techy considerations, endless tweaks, host editing, and/or missing features).
    Let's rejoyce that some devellopers make effort so that we can use our toys without hassle. Thank you DMG Audio ! Simple reg file. Awesome AirWindows ! Free ! Voxengo is cool too. Probably bunch of others.
  7. Torrao

    Torrao Platinum Record

    Aug 26, 2015
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    I formatted my computer and started re-downloading Acquas this friday and encountered the same issues, so I guess it was a sever thing. It's running fine now.
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  8. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    There you are on the woodway, äh, wrong track :no:
    I try to use most of my legit bought software without the vendors "security" overhead. And you know what? Almost every software title I use is handeled better in a cracked version. So, although I buy software I use, I use the cracked versions whereever possible. More hassle free.

    I've said it more than once here: Software protection makes the legit users problems, not the users of cracks!
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  9. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Protection is a nuisance for the soft performance, well most. Simple protections quoted earlier don't really impact the functionning of the plugs used legaly.
    As for the rest of your comment it's just not my experience, would love to know which soft you're talking about. Granted I'm not as skillfull as you are in computer, soft handling topics.
    But short of the ilok soft (less loading times when inserted or recalled for the warezed versions), I've actually never noticed any kind of gain in using warezed soft.
    Easier to install, sometimes. But other than that nope. And the ilok soft aren't cracked anymore.
    The other advantage of being legit is that you get new updates (sometimes even for free !), and the companies I buy from implement new features all the time. Sure Cubase 5 was a cool daw for its time, but come on. There are many tools from v9 (that came in v6, 7, 8 and 9) I would hardly live without. The teams can't possibly keep up with the pace of updating, we can't ask them that, they have rightfully a life to live. A freebie like Celestial got three updates already in a week of life.
    The one protection system I dislike is Elicenser, it just crashes out of the blue, I've reinstalled the licenser several times it's crap. I'm absolutely sure Cubase would outperform many daws that it doesn't outperform today, if the protection system wasn't as tight and invasive.
    And like with ilok, the insert time for elicenser vst fx or inst, recall time are pathetic. All my elicenser plugs have this bad behavior.
    The other pleasure I get from being legit, that I wouldn't give up for the world, hence I don't run cracked version of my legal plugs, is the pleasure to bitch and whine, ask for support when things go wrong. The possibility to "give back" to some devs, nah I won't give up on that that easily.
  10. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    ATM my eLicenser is having issues. Again. Refuses to work at all. Support from Steinberg? :rofl:
    I yesterday had to revert to an older version of my setup to get it to work again. That makes it necessary to install everything again i had installed/updated in the meantime.
    Luckily Cubase is not my favourite DAW anymore so I can come around these hickups of eLic. When the eLic doesn't function Cubase is literally dead. Even if it starts with eLic it will refuse to do so if eLic has issues later on because it is so deeply integrated into the code of Cubase. As I use Ableton Live more and more I now tend not to update Cubase anymore (using it from Version SX2). The rest of the software using my eLic is quite outdated so I don't need it anyway. So I think I'm done with eLic.

    No, almost all the time. It literally takes me weeks to re-authorize all legit software on my main machine. This is because almost every vendor has it's own protection scheme. After authorization breaks (e.g. new hardware) I need to contact several vendors per mail to reissue an authorization slot. And some need days to read theit mail.
    Interesting enough: One can get some very expensive software packages from Autodesk earlier cracked than I can get it through my subscription.
    So the easiest way is to use software cracked where available. And luckily most of what I need is available cracked. Only a few plugins rely on iLok and one on Wibu.

    Again: Software protection is a pain in the ass mostly for the legit user.
  11. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Man it took me hours to reinstall all my plugs when I wasn't legit, too. The problem is to have many plugs. Keygen, entering informations, etc.
    That's the thing that bugs me with dongle systems, third party protection system. Developpers then just put the dust under the carpet when there is a problem, you have no one to turn to.
    Really not an ideal situation.
    But obviously I wasn't refering to that regarding troubleshooting. Plugins have problems beside protection systems. I constantly knock on devs doors for help. And they usually answer directly to me. The guy from Vengeance answered to me cause I couldn't change skin. Stupidest issue ever, but I needed help anyway. Dave Gamble answered to me for problems with dualism crashes. Andrew from cytomic answered and reseted my licenses when I had issues with those. The list can go on and on. You think Omnisphere legit users come here when they have problems ? Serum users ? Kontakt users ? I don't think so.
    Now obviously if you run a cracked software - specially ones not done by R2R if you catch my drift - what's to tell what causes this ? Poorly cracked as it's often the case or "real" issue ? If things get really messy, you have to send logs to devs to allow them to fix things, etc. All things impossible when you use your soft cracked, and sorry to say that but it's particularly weird to put yourself in this situation when you are...legit ! Maybe you're geeky enough to fix your issues yourself, but I ain't and more importantly I don't want to.
    Let's not make steinbug the standard of after sale intervention, and the extremities it takes for protection the norm. Cause it ain't.
    My favorite softs aren't protected by dongles and they aren't cracked. Bitwig isn't properly cracked, AA aren't, uhe aren't properly cracked. That's like 80% I use.
    Software protection is a p in the a for everyone. The buyer who jumps through flamming hoops, the non buyer who doesn't get to use the protected soft (let's be honest here, a lot of soft aren't cracked or properly cracked, for those who are it's not always the latest version), the devs who focus on developping protection systems instead of its own software.
    But again. Any goods in the world whether virtual or real, wether vital (food, water, heat) or not, are protected one way or another, so mostly take it with capitalism and greed. Which indeed usually is paid by everyone. The software world is simply a reflection of that.

    Still waiting for that list of plugs that perform better cracked then non cracked btw...Really curious about that claim, beside the ilok stuffs.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2019
  12. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Also disliked to be offline, and to be obligated to disable my AV because false positives.
    All in all, I'm just lazy. Using warez is complicated. Prefer to make sound.
  13. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    needed support from
    For me time is money. So saving time using a k'd software is part of the overall "performance"
    If I can save at least 12 hours for a dev to answer if he's really quick, that's a loooooot of milli/microseconds. I didn't clain not more not less :winker:
    The last time I needed support was from Ableton. Took them three days to answer with a unbelievable heap of shit.

    I don't even use an AV for >20 years now. Waaay less problems than before.
    My Firewall is closed by default. This way I don't need to change anything using a K'd software.
    Did I fail to mention that I own every software I use? So I'm fully entitled to ask for help. :yes:

    TBH I really don't remember a cracked software lately that doesn't run as smooth as the original.

    But to answer your question: I don't think plugins run noticably faster when cracked, but I'm sure the software would run faster and with less problems without these thousands of calls of the protection function(). And a fact is, I saved may hours using k'd software instead of the legit version I own.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2019
  14. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Didn't really get the first part of your answer. But regarding support you missed my point.
    I'm not saying you're not entitled to support when you're legit. I'm saying that since many "cracked" softs aren't properly cracked, the problems itself comes from that, and the dev cannot do anything about that (nor will he do anything about someone not using the non cracked version of his soft, he legaly doesn't have to). It's like if you mods a smartphone. It voids the warranty. No more support.
    Nice answer regarding AV. But not my point. I want to go online. I have no problem with online cause I'm legit. My daws can all run around naked in the wild and nothing happens. So personaly I protect myself when going in the wild. It's like wearing condoms. Better safe than sorry. I want to keep having sex. No to abstinence !
    Hum. Cubase, Uhe products, Bitwig, lol all VR rev1 and the list goes on of non proper "cracked" product. Just read the comments in AZ, real easy. The longer the thread the less properly cracked the release. Some kind of new law of evolution or something.
    Finally I haven't reinstalled my OS in more than two years. I resinstalled in average every three months when I used cracked softwares. Too much left overs from softwares that don't have unistallers, yet leave info in the registry, etc.
    I've never saved as much time as now. I've never focused so much on my music. No more patching, keygening, editing stuffs I know nothing about.
    Still in favor of warez though. So that people can try before buy, like nfos say...

    aznyway we probably won't agree on this matter. So.
    Always a pleasure to chat with you my friend. :mates:
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2019
  15. Nightmix

    Nightmix Producer

    Jun 16, 2017
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    Aquarias Tips:

    - If you do not have an account, make an account on the website first, not in Aquarius, here ->

    - Make sure you have nothing open when running Aquarius. It is after all an installer. Close all programs and DAWs first.

    - Disable any third party antivirus and/or firewall software when running Aquarius. Personally I only use Windows Defender and Aquarius runs fine with it.

    I greatly dislike separate downloader / registration utilities (I will never deal with iLok ever again), but Aquarius I actually like. It's small, simple, runs out of one directory (C:\Users\USERID\AppData\Roaming\Acustica\Aquarius), and downloads and updates quickly, usually just patching the DLL files. And you can "unregister" plugins on it as well if you need to use them on a different PC.

    But when it screws up, sometimes it can REALLY screw up, and be quite difficult to troubleshoot, as some users of posted here. That's why I wouldn't mind seeing cracked plugins appear. What if the Acustica servers disappear one day?
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  16. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    It seems so. But that's not a problem.
    We're totally different people I guess, so is our strategy to avoid problems.
    What counts is the result not the way it's achieved. No reinstall of OS here as well since 2016 when I first installed Win 10.

    It was a pleasure for me. Have a nice Monday :)
  17. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    This is something I have concerns about.
  18. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    I know that I prefer to use the cracked version over the legit bloatware whenever I can. In the case of Altiverb it has saved loads of time and hassle, especially. For every instance of a crack supposedly not working, I can point to endless issues with something as simple as a downloader not downloading (the sole function) let alone API being borked beyond reason. I know that cracked software has never taken a USB port, never had to wait for emails, never remotely deleted stuff, never taken longer to load, never taken more resources, never behaved like malware.

    This day is usually a friday, as far as I can tell.
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  19. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Hopefully they have a backup.
    Other than that any company can go out of business. AA is doing good; so that's unlikely, specially since it's a tough nut to crack.
  20. yabiss

    yabiss Platinum Record

    Dec 14, 2013
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    In my pants
    Just installed it for a test ride of AA products... Hit me reaaaaaalllly hard on the CPU... And i mean as hard as Diva with a very dense preset. Half of my CPU is used in Cubase 10 Pro. And it's a good one. Is that normal in a 44,1 16 bits project? Or have I missed something?