FL Studio.. finally sold on it.

Discussion in 'FL Studio' started by One Reason, Sep 12, 2011.

  1. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Well, after past experimenting in Cubase, and many years of unstable Ableton Live use, I think I am finally ready, after taking a good long look at FL Studio 10, to jump in and start learning it, using it..

    The Plugin and Project picker are exceptional additions, I also looove the arrangement view, how clips look after being colored, light wav's over the same colored but darker background... its just really really nice to look at, and work with.. same with the Piano roll, it just blows Live's away.

    Lastly, the Newtone Pitch correction addition, was the final nail for me, SOOO tired of Melodyne crashing in Live.

    So if you have decided not to bother with FL, or.. you are a diehard user, please tell me why.. why you love it, why you hate it, why you cant use it.

    I'm hungry for knowledge about this DAW>

    Cheers! :dancing:
  3. Captain_Future

    Captain_Future Newbie

    Aug 13, 2011
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    Before i go into any details, have you already tried Studio One?
  4. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Yes, I have tried Studio one... I liked it, but didnt like the how clips were designed, and looked... as well as a few other shortfalls... also wasn't very customizable, and didnt like not being able to move trasnport to the top of window.
  5. Xiny6581

    Xiny6581 Noisemaker

    Aug 18, 2011
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    I have used FL-Studio eversince it was two different programs. Fruity-Tracks and Fruity-Loops.
    Bought it when they finally merger the two slices into one complete fruit, and yeah that's is all I need(yes I have tried all kind of sequences such as Cubase, Ableton, Cakewalk and Stuio One).
    Keep in mind that ALL the plug-ins that are included in FL-Studio are really and I mean really high quality. The coder behind FLS, he knows what he is doing and is very wellknown to deliver quality.
    To sake your question why I love FL-Studio:
    - It's simple to use
    - Very stylish/clean interface
    - Fast and very CPU friendly
    - Outstanding piano-roll and mixer layout
    - Lifetime updates!
    + Super friendly support and NEVER EVER has there been any troubles to get back a lost regkey, and it's fast as lighning!

    This is it!
    Peace out,
    Xiny6581 :)
  6. thepopenale

    thepopenale Noisemaker

    Jun 15, 2011
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    I love it.

    The piano roll is so simple, did you notice the lasso feature? *yes*

    Parametric EQ2 is the only native plugin I use, but its excellent for spotting frequencies and rubbing out the nasty resonances.

    I love the flexibility of the mixer too, I just recently created a custom project file that loads at startup. It has mixer/track named as I chose. Coloured channels and lo-cuts on mixer channels, I could go on and on and on... :thumbsup:

    Dont forget to turn off Circular Panning Law in project settings.
  7. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Great posts, any other tips, about setup I should know?

    Also, is there any way to get 3rd party VST and VSTi to show up in the browser?
  8. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    I'm just wondering why would you go trying it after Cubase and Live? :wow:
  9. Xiny6581

    Xiny6581 Noisemaker

    Aug 18, 2011
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    The one thing you can change if you want is the sound-device to use ASIO, as driver.
    To add 3rd-party VST/VSTi, you need to refresh the browser.
    1. Insert -> More -> Fastscan.
    2. Tick the plug-ins you want to add.

    Keep in mind you can only add/use Instruments in the Trackview and only use Effects in the mixer.
    Can be a bit tricky to know but it's usualy like this:
    Albino3 = Instrument
    Albino3_FX = Effect

    Else, just go easy and give luv :)
  10. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Well, just keeping my options open for the best route to getting our music done.

    most notably, Cubase 5 crashed too much, Ableton, crashed too much.

    lastly, FL, to me, is much more graphically pleasing, and of course the afore mentioned reasons.

    I sat here last night and was just blown away messing around with FL 10 and watching some tutorials.

    Now, I may end up going back to Live, if i find something I just cant live with, like I have with all the other DAWS..

    but at this point.. I'm quite excited to learn about it... and giving it a good shot.

    Frankly I've viewed it as a toy in the past, but after the recent Versions, FL is really coming into its own as a DAW

    @ Xiny.. thankyou, I'll try that. :mates:
  11. Xiny6581

    Xiny6581 Noisemaker

    Aug 18, 2011
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    For me Cubase was too big. Too many icons, settings and the whole environment just made me confused. I did try Cubase for about a month or so. The piano-roll was too gritty for my taste, as well. However, I can say Cubase got some pretty cool mixer settings, like use buses and sub-groups that are not in FL-Studio.
    As far as it goes for Live, I did like it and the workflow is very sleek and minimalistic. I like the whole arrangement/session manager-system. Also some of the operands are brilliant. But When I was introduced to Live I was already so botanized with FL-Studio. So I slid back to what I know best.
    However, I consider Live to be quite a nice supplement for FL-Studio and yep it happens I breeze around inside Live just for the fun of it :)
    /GTZ :mates:
  12. Xiny6581

    Xiny6581 Noisemaker

    Aug 18, 2011
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    That is what most dudes do think. They consider FL-Studio as "my first toy", the kind of musical instrument you hand to a 4years-old kid. Heh, somebody should break down that myth. but it's like you're saying too. At first when loading FLS, it looks like a pure loop-player. I am glad you're giving it a try, though! Good spirit mate!
  13. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Where I dont want to be
    I was able to get the VSTS in the context menu by checking the F's in the list, but.. is there no way to get them to show in the FL browser on left?

    I see in Plugin presets there is a VST folder.. but.. its empty :dunno:

    and thanks a LOT for ur help. :mates:
  14. thepopenale

    thepopenale Noisemaker

    Jun 15, 2011
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    I dont think you get 3rd party plugs in the browser. I cant explain it properly without having FL open in front of me but... the "instrument list" is accessed through the step sequencer. Right-click the "whatever" thats to the left of the step sequencer grid, then select replace/insert. All plugins will then display and simply click the one you want.

    Mixer, select your track, click the drop down tab on the right side of the mixer, *something* and you select your effects.

    Like I said, its second nature to me and I cant really give you accurate info without FL open in front of me.

    TIP: Right click ANY knob/dial and select create automation clip. You can then adjust the knob with the automation, draw curves, w/e.
  15. gabriel

    gabriel Newbie

    Sep 8, 2011
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    For me it's always been Logic that I work with and love.
    I recently added Live to my workflow for some things like the time stretching and some other small things, but after all it's Logic that gets the job done for me.
    Then again, you'd need a Mac…
  16. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Where I dont want to be
    Well that kind of sucks, the best thing to me about Live is how easy it is to add \ change VST plugins and effects, as it is something I do constantly..

    not to have easy access to them thru the FL browser really is a killer, having to go to Channel menu, then open another browser, to search thru a list of VSTS not sorted by type or manufacturer, is really cumbersome.

    I see that you can add them to the context menu by checking the F in the list, that helps I suppose, but not having them listed in the browser should be a no brainer for Image-line.. imo.

    Thx for the automation tip.. very handy. :wink:
  17. PumasNFatLaces

    PumasNFatLaces Ultrasonic

    Aug 27, 2011
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    Chicago, IL.
    Ace Pincter has some of the best tutorials on youtube. The guy knows his way around it.
  18. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    I've watched some, but most of them are for very old versions of FL studio.. even tho a lot of the techniques still apply.
  19. thepopenale

    thepopenale Noisemaker

    Jun 15, 2011
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    This is what I mean. I know what you mean about the way Ableton does this. I prefer the FL way really. Instruments and effects are all out of sight until you need em.

    EDIT: Im willing to help as much as I can cos I just got my Ableton laptop fixed. Gonna dive into it with the APC40 in the next few days so keep your eyes open for a thread looking for Ableton help :wink:
  20. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Where I dont want to be
    Thanks that helps.. the main problem i am having really now, is trying to figure out the differences between the sequencer and the playlist\trcklist and mixer...

    If I add a VST to the sequencer, I dont see it showing up on the corresponding track in the mixer, all I see added is a Selected mixer channel.


    Its one reason i have stuck with Live for so long, its Soooooo simplistic, and intuitive.
  21. Bump

    Bump Kapellmeister

    Aug 26, 2011
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    What's not to love?

    It might not be the BEST for ITB mixing, but it can definitely get the job done.


    The Piano Roll + the hotkeys are second to none IMO

    The BROWSER!! - hold ctrl + right click and it will open the plugin in a new channel, and if it's a sample or effect it will send it to the selected channel.

    Live mode is great

    The playlist is super intuitive.

    I love the FPC & Directwave... If I am sampling I can record right into Edison or just drag an mp3 from the browser. chop and in one click map all the chope to my sampler of choice.

    Shit is just smooth....easy....FUN.
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