Modula by Acustica Audio (virtual console for Acustica Audio "skins") release tomorrow !

Discussion in 'Software' started by Talmi, Dec 15, 2019.

  1. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Finally it's here. Received my usual voucher to get it. No idea on the price yet, release in 14 hours ! Scratch that : discounted price for launch 699€, 999€ after that.
    Offered with the purchase : 650$ worth of what they call skins.

    The new standard in digital mixing
    True software modular studio console

    Modula represents the definitive mixing solution for engineers, producers, composers and artists looking for both world-class analog sound and ultimate in-the-box workflow.

    With more and more sound professionals choosing to stay digital throughout the whole music production process, Modula is the only solution that is finally able to provide total DAW integration, like never before.

    Powered by Acustica Audio’s breakthrough VVK technology, which samples and recreates analog devices in the digital domain, Modula opens up new frontiers in the world of recording, sound reinforcement, live music, TV and Broadcast applications.

    A Million-Dollar Console
    That Fits in your Backpack
    It really doesn’t matter if you are in the studio, at home, on a tour bus or on a train. You can use Modula anytime and anywhere. You do not need any dongles, extra monitors, bulky hardware controllers or DSP accelerators to make it work. Just start the application, open your DAW project and everything is set. Nifty huh?

    Skyrocket your workflow
    Unlike other products currently available on the market, which are mainly touch-screen based controllers, workstations or programs requiring complex audio routing, Modula recreates the closest experience possible to mixing on a real analog desk, keeping the fun of it and removing all the hassle – and cost – of setting up a whole physical system.

    It lets you easily organize and visualize your Acustica plugins as channel strips (skins) in a single ‘hub application’ that seamlessly integrates with major DAWs like Pro Tools®, Logic Pro®, Ableton Live™, Presonus Studio One™ and many others, both on Mac and PC.

    All you have to do is insert the Modula plugin on the tracks of your DAW you want to mix and you will see the relative skins appear inside the Modula frame window. Easy as that.

    Of course you can drag and drop channels around, rename and arrange them to best suit your own mixing workflow.

    Fully expandable
    But we know you like to have options, so we made Modula fully expandable. This means you can add new skins to your mixing palette at any moment choosing among dozens of different skins including designs that would never be possible in the hardware world thus making Modula the most powerful and versatile mixing system on the planet*.

    Packed with 4 skins. Over $650 of value included free...
    …or, if you prefer, a value of over $150,000 of sampled studio hardware! Replicate this for as many channels as you like and there is no limit to what you can achieve. Modula lets you get that undisputable, world-class sound for your projects in no time. And this is just the beginning!

    Magenta 5
    Full version - The mastering-grade channel strip
    Magenta 5 Black Edition.
    If EQ only is your primary focus
    Gold 3
    The greatest hits' of vintage British consoles
    Diamond Color EQ 3.
    The signature sound of Studio DMI.
    Magenta 5
    Full version - The mastering-grade channel strip
    Magenta 5 Black Edition.
    If EQ only is your primary focus
    Gold 3
    The greatest hits' of vintage British consoles
    Diamond Color EQ 3.
    The signature sound of Studio DMI.
    Magenta 5
    Full version - The mastering-grade channel strip
    Magenta 5 Black Edition.
    If EQ only is your primary focus
    Gold 3
    The greatest hits' of vintage British consoles
    Diamond Color EQ 3.
    The signature sound of Studio DMI.
    Run it locally or via server
    [This feature is currently under development]

    Modula can run both locally – on your main computer or laptop – or via a dedicated server computer that you can freely customize to meet your processing power needs. This means that you can easily mix very large projects without running into CPU issues. Modula literally grows with your needs and is equally at home in big recording facilities as well as small project studios.

    Dulcis in fundo, you can use Modula with a mouse or you can use it with as many touch-screen monitors as your computer allows for to build an impressive-looking rig. For this purpose, we have optimized Modula’s skins to give you the best look and feel on 27” inch touch monitors**

    Main Features
    *All add-on skins can be purchased on the Acustica Audio official store (coming soon).
    ** Multi-touch will be supported in the future.

    Seems it's possible to try it right now, so I'm gonna go and test that.

    Edit : nevermind it doesn't appear in aquarius yet. So will have to wait until tomorrow.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2019
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  2. Misterguywick

    Misterguywick Producer

    Feb 3, 2019
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    what does it do?
  3. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    It's a secret. Not at all written in the description, the videos and the website I just posted. Or even the title of the thread.
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  4. Misterguywick

    Misterguywick Producer

    Feb 3, 2019
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    looks like junk
  5. noise.maker

    noise.maker Platinum Record

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Just in time for the new 60.000$ cheese grater.
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  6. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    @Talmi ; i got the mail myselves too , did you have read the FAQ ?

    How much does Modula cost?

    Modula has a price of $999. Early adopters can purchase it at a discounted pricing of $699.

    I am already an Acustica Audio user. Will I receive a discount?

    There will be loyalty coupons available, but with potentially different percentages from those used for Acustica Audio products. You will receive these coupons before the product launch.

    Even if I were to benefit from such a high discount, the price seems excessive to me

    Together with the frame, the Modula versions of the following plugins will be included:

    – Gold3
    – Diamond3
    – Magenta5

    These plugins have a commercial value of more than $650 and are included free.

    I already own some of these plugins, or all of them, will I get a discount?

    Unfortunately not. However, we should mention that all other Acustica products could benefit from a low price – or free Modula version – for a limited period of time. The value of Modula will become more and more evident as the software available for the platform increases. For the first adopters we offer a lower entry price and this is the reason for the initial discount.


    lets see tomorrow or in an week , i own also many many (not all) of the Acustica Plugins including N4 , i was myselves shocked a little bit after ive seen the FAQ .
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  7. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    No the mail I got was just a voucher applicable only for modula. The price tag (699 with my voucher it'll be more than half that) actually doesn't surprise me. But what I'm alarmed about as I read the faq you're reproducing here is the whole "all other acustica products could benefit from a low price - or free modula version".
    Cause I'm surely not going to pay twice for a modula version of acquas I already own. Now that's a big no-no.
    I'm sure if that's the case, all Acustica customers will vocaly let the man know that this isn't cool at all, nor fair !
    The voucher I received is of the same percentage that I usually get.
  8. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    yes i meant the voucher code mail for modula .

    exactly that was my concern too as i have read the FAQ . for buying it twice just if you want use them within Modula .

    but anyway lets see later or as i said in one week as they didnt announced it officially yet themselves .
  9. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Yeah I want to test it anyway first, see if the workflow is good, and importantly if the modules can be accumulated without too much cpu spikes. I hope the modula versions will be more CPU efficient than the acquas. And modula itself. I hope it's efficient. Maybe being in stand alone, it'll be better.
    I'll check tomorrow I guess.
  10. I've been playing with it and it seems like it's something you should want but it's really just your same bunch of Acquas in a separate rack. There is a huge reduction in CPU usage which has been a drawback for AA for a long time. But if you don't have a touchscreen monitor then you are still using the mouse, which is such a habit for me that I don't care if I'm using the mouse on the plugin or the modula rack. I don't like touchscreens. I cannot make the finger/brain connection when it comes to turning a knob. So for me, what Modula does, it simply does not justify the cost. Even if it was half the introductory price I'm not sure I could change my current workflow anyway. So, it gets a B from me.
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  11. baldman

    baldman Ultrasonic

    Sep 7, 2015
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    Really interested to see where this goes. I'll need more concrete information about M4 versions of Acqua plugins I already have. If it's going to be ridiculously expensive; not interested. I have a 13 inch iPad Pro that might make a cool touch screen if Mac Catalina and the audio world can ever get along !
  12. baldman

    baldman Ultrasonic

    Sep 7, 2015
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    double post
  13. Ceja

    Ceja Ultrasonic

    Sep 17, 2013
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    Just recently got into AA plugins and got quite a few of them on BF. Got Diamond EQ and Magenta as well. I was quite interested in that, but it feels I really pay double. Also for somone like Talmi that has spent a lot of money on these 300-400$ is still a lot of money, just for a different GUI and a (maybe) improved workflow. Plus maybe in three months there is a 70% sale of Modula. Or an offer, buy three new Acquas and get Modula for free. I got only a smaller discount, and have to pay over 550€ for Modula, plus one Aqua (Gold) I don`t have yet. Really not sure I can afford that. I am really hyped about the plugins but spending this much money, not really knowing what will happen with Modula in the future is kind of strange. A bit more transparency would be cool. Also if you think how many great plugins you can get in the BFR sale for 699€ and what you get now with Modula, like 8-10 Acquas vs. Modula and 3 plugins. Does not really make sense to me. In the end there are still the plugins that make the magic and sound. And for 700€ I can also get a new 12 or 16 core CPU :)
  14. Helter Skelter

    Helter Skelter Producer

    Apr 9, 2017
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    If it reduces CPU, could be that modula uses less Kernels = less harmonics

    The future promises server use to offload CPU, but this is already possible with Reapers Reamote function.

    You could already use NYRV or reapers track controls to map your Aqcuas or Nebulas to a mixer like interface, more work perhaps then buying modula, but then you can mix and match Nebula/Aqua with regular plugins = more flexible + cheaper
  15. aeroflot

    aeroflot Kapellmeister

    Jul 4, 2011
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  16. Nightmix

    Nightmix Producer

    Jun 16, 2017
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    HUGE red flag. If it's using the same volterra kernel sample libraries, how can it have such a reduction in CPU? Is it making some kind of CPU shortcuts at the expense of quality? Or are ALL the other Acquas not optimized on purpose, in order to sell this thing?
  17. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Agreed upon all point. I was feeling this would go in this direction when they decided to make Quantica Audio a different venture, website, etc, than Acustica. The logic would have been to just have a different section in AA website, in addition to acquas and nebula's, well modula's section. So far no communication regarding price policy, etc, except the FAQ of Quantica website. Usually they communicate loudly for any release. I'll just wait and see. I don't think customers will line up, as long as things are so blurry. And I think AA will have to change their pricing policy (well it's not clear what the policy is yet) if they want this to work.

    Didn't notice CPU efficiency gain, when I tested it yesterday. It's just fun to work with, but that's it. Same sound and same cpu use (with the M5 unit, the only one you can demo). I read in their FAQ that right now it doesn't change the CPU use. It will when they make it available for network over lan functionnalities. But that's something that was supposed to happen with Nebula since like V3 and it never did. I still have to use VEP for that. I bought that too just with AA in mind.
    So we'll see about that too.
    Maybe @Crisis? What Crisis? hadn't tested acquas in a while, and indeed the CPU use has been highly reduced since like a year and a half or so, and that's what he is seeing with modula (in the end it's just acquas, same sound and cpu, in a different layout so they can be viewed in modula) ?
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2019
  18. Grok

    Grok Producer

    May 8, 2018
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    So @Talmi you could get this for €314,55 (assuming you have the same loyalty coupon than me, that is 55%).

    Quite expensive ; is this worth it ?

    Right now I don't know ; is this Modula really "better" than my Samplitude DAW console ?...

    I already have all acquas, and N4 with lots of 3rd party plugins ; do I really need this Modula, and will I be forced to buy again all Acquas to fully use it ? Do Modula includes N4 ?

    And then : do Modula uses other VST plugins, can Acquas and VSTs be mixed inside Modula ?
  19. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Well quantica being located in vegas it would actually be this price but in $. So more around 300€ for 55% vouchers owners like us. That's if you don't have to buy a touch screen like I would have to. I've checked online and that would be an additional 450€ fee, since it's optimized for 27 screens.
    So far no clear indication about the policy for acquas owners : free modula version or additional fees ?
    Modula does not include N4.
    And no, that's the issue here. Acquas or any other vsts aren't compatible with Modula. You have to have the Modula version of the acquas to run it inside Modula. In their FAQ they are suggesting that some may be free (apparently Modula version of Cola, which will be the next release will be free for actual owners of Cola) and others will require additional fees.
    I mean virtual consoles are usually expensive if they include the hw. 700€ in total with the touch screen isn't really what bothers me. Not saying it's cheap nor that everyone can afford it, but it's in the line of what it usually costs for such systems.
    But come one. It's the same plugs as the ones I already own and paid for. I have all the godamn catalogue of acquas (like you I think). I've bought them, even at launch time and with vouchers, often more expensive than the price they sell it at now during sales.
    Even with a high discount that I'm very appreciative of, I'm not going to buy the same plugs twice. I have always supported this company, even when it wasn't as popular as it is now, but this is just not possible.

    Ah. Nice to see you @Grok it had been a while. :wink:
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2019
  20. Satai

    Satai Rock Star

    Feb 23, 2013
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    The ad video spoke deeply to me. It said "if you're an annoying kid pretending you're going to be Skrillex, you need this touchscreen product".

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