(Confused) FL Updates.

Discussion in 'FL Studio' started by GOLD 24s, Dec 12, 2019.

  1. GOLD 24s

    GOLD 24s Member

    Aug 27, 2019
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    Hello, I was trying to figure out if installing the latest FL updates would crash the license I am using.

    I do own a license but not a full version, which the majority of my projects from the past utilized.

    There are some features I want to try out but before I jump in I just wanted to be a bit more precise in thought before doing so, as I'd have to clean my Laptop Desktop off + re-install the previous version I have.
  3. 11Fletcher

    11Fletcher Platinum Record

    Sep 12, 2016
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    If you use a legit FL version, you can update without worry. Everything should work fine, if you own a plugin and it got update with the new version, it will open your old project with the same setting and the new interface (for exemple if you use the old Fruity Overdrive on FL 12 and install the last 20.6, it will be the new version of Fruity Overdrive, which is the same with a new vectoriel GUI - so you can resize it)

    When installing an update, you download the full program and if it's a new version (from 12 to 20 for exemple) it will be like a new program, if it's an update from the same version (from 20.5 to 20.6) it will be install over your actual version, but you'll maybe need to load your licence (connect to your Image Line account if online or download a new .reg file if offline) so it can activate the new plugin like the Distructor in the 20.6 (free with the producer edition I think).

    If you using a cracked version of FL, or a legit version with .reg file from the cracked version (I don't know if it's still work, I use to do that to have every Image Line plugin unlock), you can still using it that way (unless they change something, but I don't think they do) but you'll not have the new plugin that need a new reg key until a new cracked version is released (but new function will work, as well as all the old one)
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