What's your philosophy regarding " Music theory?"

Discussion in 'Education' started by MMJ2017, Dec 10, 2019.


Is Music theory ( how music works) worth learning in your opinion?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Possibly

  4. Whatchoo mean? ( No such thing as how music works ) Foo.

  1. Let's say my passion was for traditional English folk music. Would I choose this site to spread my love of this style of music, knowing that most people here are into electronic music?
  2. No. That doesn't answer why it matters to you what "we" think.
  3. I'll say it differently. Perhaps this will help. Why do you want electronic musicians to develop an understanding of jazz?
  4. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Who is "we"?
    You just got here yesterday right ?

    It's not that it doesn't answer anything.
    It's that you joined yesterday and have no idea about the people or events here .

    Your making all type unusual assumptions for such a new user .

    And you don't get to group yourself together with strangers .

    You are making assumptions about me a stranger to you.
    Instead of spending 2 weeks just looking at the stats of people here the threads they made the convos had.

    Just search by user and read my threads from last 3 years.
    All answers will be revealed to you .

    It's no mystery to anyone .
    It's a mystery to you because your a newbie you don't know where your at or who's here.

    It's like picking random spot on a map then driving there running up to a group of people hanging out and asking them a bunch questions .
    Then not liking the answers .
    ( But the answers are tied to who they are and 3 years of events that have taken place.)
    That is if you even cared about the questions yourself that you are asking the strangers .
    Why is it so important to you to get answers about this stranger?
    ( Even more so why the answer has to fit a specific mold you have laid out?)
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2019
  5. I don't get to group myself together with strangers? Is this a rule here? Are you a mod? At what level do I obtain sufficient privilege to group myself with strangers?
  6. Lager

    Lager Guest

    Probably electronic music producers haven't had any chance to learn jazz before deciding to make electronic music. If they had met MMJ2017 before that, maybe they would have re-thought about their decision or revised that. The same for you...:dunno:
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  7. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Who said I wanted that?

    You join here yesterday , and by today you go up to me a stranger to you but I been here 3 years .

    Then you decide what this stranger wants or don't want?

    Now my question.

    Why are you asking me questions ?

    What are my answers going to accomplish for you ?
    ( Even if I gave you an answer that completely matches all your assumptions and expectations )
    What could that accomplish for you?

    Where did you get this idea that I wanted electronic musicians to do things?

    Now my question ,

    Why are you here?
    What do you want to accomplish by having an account here?
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2019
  8. Ummmmm..... let me think about that for a second. That'll do. Nope.
  9. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Okay, and what does that single persons comment have to do with anything ?

    Lager been here a few days .
  10. I am asking you questions for one simple reason. You posted a poll asking a question. You started the process, so it is my right of reply to question you about what you wanted from asking the original question.
  11. sir jack spratsky

    sir jack spratsky Producer

    Apr 22, 2017
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    hnmmmmm??? sounds like you believe jazz is a thing??? its not....all genre id is false and misleading....cast it aside friend...
  12. sir jack spratsky

    sir jack spratsky Producer

    Apr 22, 2017
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    deepest respect friend....but let me remind you that no one cares what you are into....and we expect you not to care what we are into....music is
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  13. Lager

    Lager Guest

    It isn't too late. The OP is openhanded I think. He can give you one more chance...:)
  14. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Yes but what you are not getting is that you been a part of this community 1 day. Literally .
    I been here for 3 years .
    Others been here longer than a day also.
    There's people from way before me there's people that been here I been taking with the while 3 years lots of them.
    Lots things have happened.
    You just got here and don't know anything yet.
    You need to figure out certain things .
    And if you learn how to navigate the forum you can find out about the people here what they done and you can see for yourself this community what it's like the different people .
    Let's wrap it up and get somewhere for I just have the mod delete this nonsense .
    There's a search bar on top there's a top bar with categories you just have get used to what audiosex is. Them you'll get more familiar with the people here.
    I can't give you some short answer to summarize years worth of a community .all them interactions and events .
    I'll just say
    Every jazz thread I create gets a lot of interest.
    And if you search in education check it out .
    Or search by mmj2017 on top
    It'll give you better idea.
    I'd just say show some respect long time users or there's a chance you won't stay for long .
    When I got here it went well sharing jazz info.
    If it didn't I would have left.
    You can see it yourself it's all public .

    I asked a question a poll
    Because I know most people here I been here 3 years im part this community I gotten to know these people .
    The bigger question is since we all strangers to you why you have these type questions ?
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2019
  15. It seems clear that you believe that music can only be made with knowledge of theory, but that good music can only be made with advanced theory, yet if I handed a young man a guitar and showed him where to put his fingers to make three chords, without even telling him the name of those chords and that man was Bob Dylan and he wrote Like A Rolling Stone, doesn't that mean theory was unnecessary?
  16. How long have you lived on the earth? I bet I've been here longer. So? Am I "better"?
  17. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I can't play around forever .
    So if you don't want this all deleted keep it together.

    That has nothing to do with anything.

    I'm trying to describe to you .
    You just walked into a community of people who know each other long time .
    Yet you know nobody .
    They strangers to you but they know each other.
    So why would I take pill or ask questions to people I been speaking with for over 1000 days?
    It's a community is the answer .
    It's your friends your associates you know each other that's why .
    You've been through events things have happened.
    If some stranger walked up to you and a group of 20 your friends associates that you knew for years.
    And asked
    " Why you standing next to this person asking them questions hanging out with them ?"
    Is it odd ?
    The real question is who are you?
    It's new people that about the questions tell about themselves .
    So why you join?
    What you into?
  18. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    That's a lot to assume for a 1 day old user .
    How do you have such incredible powers?
    I've talked to some people 3 years and have not gotten enough info About a person to assume that way with them ?
    Who so?
    Because I differentiate between what I do in imagination and real people in the outside world.
    Luckily I made a series of threads about this phenomenon
    Search for

    " What is real or not?"
    Thread series my friend.

    It's important to understand your assumptions about a stranger has no connection to that actual person in real life .
    The level of complexity in a human being is vast.
    Does your own mother or father know everything about you ?
    What are the chances that I a complete stranger can make a series of assymptuons about yourself?
    ( And be correct ?)
    Are you that superficial?
    I doubt it.

    Instead of learning about the community and people here years worth of interactions and many real people , why not just invent that whole story in imagination 1st or 2nd day in the community right?


    It's not just a community of all electronic music people and nobody else with no other interest .
    It's vast array of people each individual complex many interests . Into many things smart people cool ass people .

    For example I have a recently made thread about jazz theory it's over 8000 views in just a short period of time.
    It's not a superficial community or tiny demografic.
    It's people all over the world into every type music aspect .
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2019
  19. I can't play around forever .

    Really? We're up to 7 pages now and not much is happening. You must have time on your hands.

    So if you don't want this all deleted keep it together.

    So you must be a mod if you can delete at will.

    That has nothing to do with anything.

    Is that a double negative?

    Anyway, I've given you a concise vignette of my thoughts on music theory with my Bob Dylan story. I think it wise to stop wasting your time and indeed, let you get back to doing whatever you do.
    Try and be nice to everyone here Mad Man Jack.
    Au Revoir
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  20. the real Pict

    the real Pict Kapellmeister

    Dec 9, 2019
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    Gaidheal wherever I am
    I joined the forum only yesterday but I have been visiting the site since it began so to me mmj you are a johnny come lately
    You remind me of of a combination of these 2 classic netizens


    A knowledge of jazz music theory applied to other music styles might lead to interesting hybrids but reggae infused with too much complex harmony and rhythmic variations would cease to be reggae and the same could be said of any other music styles ultimately in music the Ear is Emperor furthermore in my opinion the over intellectualisation of music has let to some cacophonous monstrosities of sound and the aural equivalent of bananas stuck to a wall with gaffa tape being sold for $120,000.


    I have studied theory extensively,(I have been playing and composing music for 34 years) and agree that it is very useful to understand how big band arrangements are constructed,how sonatas are structured,and to understand pitfalls in orchestration and such like.It's nice not to have to reinvent the wheel and to draw on the observations of composers and musicians going back hundreds of years but it is only useful in those fields of music where it is required what use is jazz theory to a rapper or a ska musician or.......(add any other non jazz genre here)
    Too much jazz would change the nature of those other genres from what attracted listeners to that genre in the first place horses for courses
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