Cubase Educational VS Pro. They sound different... Bug or Not ?

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by Mister Grimm, Dec 11, 2019.

  1. Mister Grimm

    Mister Grimm Kapellmeister

    Oct 7, 2017
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    5 Years ago (if im correct) i purchased cubase 8.5 educational, since then i try to be better at music production and mixing. I got better and better but always was something missing...

    I noticed that some samples sounded different when i played them in windows player from when i load them in cubase ... In cubase they sounded kinda compressed , lacking low end and high end , and kinda "empty". The same happend with my guitar, when pluged straight in my interface and monitor my guitar (before opening cubase) my raw di signal sounded bright and open. The moment i opened cubase and monitor my guitar it sounded as if i had a thin towel in front of my speakers.

    (I tested it with reaper and pro tools, there was no problem ! My sound was bright and clean ! For 5 years i tried everything , i thought it was my imagination , i blamed my ears, room, guitar, sound interface, drivers, cables, wrong input (emgs 81/85 go to low impedence input , not instrument input) ofcourse blamed my skills (still have a lot to learn) and got really frustated over times. Nothing sounded ok to me , i tried EVERY guitar virtual amp i could find. Swaped Over drum vstis (ended up with BFD 3, then swaped agaib to SD3) experimented with MANY - MAANYY IRs...
    Searched online to check if cubase educational has some difference from cubase pro but didn't find a clue... i searched reddit , forums , audiosex etc... Nothing... I asked every music producer and mixing engineer i knew ... Told about the problem and everyone told me it was a placebo maybe ...

    Till i checked cubase 10.5 pro... And yes , it sounds f**king GOOD ! It sounds open and 3d (for somenone it must be normal but to me suddenly it sounds great cause i got used to listen to a mufled sound , so i hear a big difference)
    I have exactly the same configurations in both versions , same sample rate , bit depth etc... Its surely NOT a placebo, maybe its a bug ? i dont know ... The only good thing about it is that i got more experiene trying cubase 8.5 educational to sound good... It is worth to mention that my export through cubase 8.5 educational sounded different from my mix... I heared different thing during mixdown so made mixing really frustrating for me... Also i open some project throught cubase 10.5 pro and they sound more open , brighter , cleaner , fuller like i removed a towel in front of my speakers (i mentioned this also before)

    Anyone experienced anything like that ? Is it a bug maybe ? Is it just that cubase educational is in purpose lower quallity sounding for marketing purposes ...?

    READ THIS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    -------> I'm not blaming cubase 8.5 educational for me not beeing a pro, i wish i was a mixing god but i m not. All i want to say is that i still have a long way in mixing but now this procedure is more fun to me, more enjoyable !!!

    Thanks for your time and sorry for bad english !!!
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2019
  3. Guillermo Navarrete

    Guillermo Navarrete Kapellmeister

    Feb 19, 2014
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    Hamburg - Germany

    Just to clarify, Cubase Educational and a Pro version are exactly the same, the only difference is the license. The software itself is exactly the same.

    Best regards,
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