Native access and Cracked Native instruments VSTi

Discussion in 'Software' started by drashkum, Dec 9, 2019.

  1. drashkum

    drashkum Newbie

    Dec 9, 2019
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    I am a newbie here and this is my first post here. i am a non commercial music composer who do cover versions of songs for my youtube channel. I have been using Cracked version of kontakt and libraries and few other cracked vstis on my legit cubase in PC all along. i recently felt the need to buy a NI hardware - Native instruments Maschine mikro mk3 and with it came various Maschine software,massive,monark and reaktor prism which needs native access to be installed to download them. When i downloaded the Native Access and ran it , i saw that it lists all the cracked NI softwares in native access. I was careful not to add a serial and uninstalled it. i have firewalled all the cracked vstis from accessing the www.

    Wanted to know if downloading a legit version of maschine, reaktor, monark and massive through Native access will crash my other cracked NI vstis. i can be careful not to update cracked vstis through Native access. wanted to ask this before i install the native access again.

    can i install Native access and download the sounds that came with maschine mikro mk3 ? or Should i sell the Controller and get an AKAI mpd226?

    can someone help me

    Thanks in advance
  3. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Well I have a couple pieces of pieces of PreSonus stuff but never attempt to download listed software I got with it.
    I was worried about that kind of thing, even with a front-end for my firewall i never bothered trying to install anything on their website except what I could get when logged in anonymously, and not on my account.
    And most stuff Presonus gave with my equipment are limited versions anyway.
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  4. drashkum

    drashkum Newbie

    Dec 9, 2019
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    These are full versions of softwares given by NI and without it the Maschine mikro mk3 would be a brick. i have no other way other than to sell it if the cracked softwares doesnt coexists with legit maschine and others
  5. MarkSlater

    MarkSlater Producer

    May 16, 2012
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    I am curios about this thread as well. In my case, on a fresh operation system, I installed Native Access and all the legit software, then installed the cracked ones. I avoid reopening Native Access, because on opening, it scans, finds and makes demos out of all the cracked ones. If I really need to open Native Access maybe for the newest version of Maschine, i do it, make the update, then I reinstall the cracked ones. If someone know a better solution.... :mates:
  6. MarkSlater

    MarkSlater Producer

    May 16, 2012
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    You don't need to sell it. They coexist as long as you do it like described in my upper post.
  7. MarkSlater

    MarkSlater Producer

    May 16, 2012
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    I don't use firewall to block any of the NI software but it can't hurt using it.:yes:
  8. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    I have both K and legit NI stuff on my pc win10 and they work fine.Though they all appear on Native Access.
  9. drashkum

    drashkum Newbie

    Dec 9, 2019
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    Wow. Does that mean that NI native access just catalogues it and doesnt do anything with cracked vstis?. Doesnt downloading Legit Reaktor/ Mascine/Monark/Massive will not cause Kontak and libraries to go to demo mode?

    are there any precaution i need to take?

    thank you
  10. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    I don't know, but. ..
    The moment one of these 'agents', 'managers', Arturia... NI...or whatever 'agent' that is supposed to handle all the licensing stuff, what is trial, what is purchased, when x license will expire, etc etc,

    The moment these license managers are installed and RUN, the editor pretty much has a backdoor installed on your computer, that runs with amin rights, and HAS ACCESS to everything, from registry, ssds, etc etc.
    They can even code a remote viewer app, with a few lines of code, where they can easily watch in real time what the user is doing.

    Remember, windows (i would say, and pretty much every OS) was made so the NSA, cia, fbi, or any other company belonging to a government can easily gain access to, by simply accessing some particular ports, or using some particular files/dlls, with 2 lines of code.
    Shit, even Samsung left a backdoor on their tvs, so the nsa&friends could remotely activate the mic/camera, even during stand by, and spy on whoever they wanted.
    Samsung did it..and probably all video/audio devices, with Internet features, also can do it. Damn, all it takes is adding a few tiny components to the main circuit, disguised as whatever component...and in 1 second, the device can be remotely controlled. (Thanks, Edward Snowden...)

    Lol, recently, on a French tv chanel, some journalists went to China, to investigate about the 'social points' stuff... one day, as a 'our government is watching all your steps' warning, the journalist went to an hotel, to escape the 'party' members that were following the tv team, she grabbed her 2 phones, in one, all her photos on social media had been hacked, and all were blurred, and the second phone, they depleted her full battery, in a few seconds, REMOTELY.
    How could the Chinese government back those phones so easily. .. WITHOUT pre installed backdoor, like the Samsung tvs...that can easily grand full access to those who know where and how and what to do. ..

    why do you think, among millions of apps available from the google play store, NOT A SINGLE ONE allows users to MONITOR (see when it was used, which app, what was done, where files were saved, how much time it was in use) the CAMERAS and MICS?
    And obviously, Google will never provide such feature. .. that way, 2 billion users can have their cameras and mics remotely activated and used, without the user ever knowing some random app just recorded 3 hours of video and audio, and sent them to some server...

    So yeah, all Windows were made to facilitate all the remote functions. No doubt about it.

    So, again, when a software company installs a 'license manager', and that piece of software is ran ALL THE TIME, even launched as a service, the company HAS FULL ACCESS to your computer. The only limit will be the company ETHICS/MORAL LEVEL.

    Just imagine what a marcus from Tone2 would do, with an agent like that: the guy would remote control your computer, and if he realized there was some K Soft installed, he would remote control your computer, would try to access your passwords manager, would go to tone2 .com, and would ORDER a full bundle, at no discount :) the guy is THAT crazy

    So when the NI license manager is running, on each startup, reboot, it scans all the apps, and waits for the next time an Internet connection is available, to send all the data back to NI servers.
    Because the manager has full access, the devs could even add a few lines of code, like
    'Search the windows firewall rules, check if NI_LICENSE_MANAGER.exe exists, if it exists, find the entries, and disabled them, then proceed with sending the data to NI servers, and re-enable the respective firewall rules'

    Funny, Just one day ago, that user was telling his mates how smart he is, and what he did to block all the Internet access to his Warez apps, by using the windows firewall features, and how he feels 100% safe, with all the firewall rules he had created. ..

    So, when the NI license manager 'sees' the cracked plug-ins, and does 'nothing'... is it really 'nothing' ?
    sure, they won't take any drastic measures, like disabling the legit plug-ins. . But at least, they use all that data to know how much % plug-ins are legit. .. K'd...

    BUT... if one day, a company is about to go bankrupt, and they have list of dozens of thousands people who have used K'd plug-ins, with all their ip addresses, full real name address, bank numbers, PayPal used, etc, in a last desperate move, they could go after ALL the 'pirates', easily, as they own all the records, via the famous license manager. ..with a screenshot of the license manager, that shows the pirated versions next to the legit ones, in a court, they would ALL be guilty.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2019
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  11. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Given this information, forget about the firewall and go to the grocery store.
    You will need a lot of foil wrap.
  12. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    you really just should've stopped right after "i dont know."

    and just some advice: stop smoking whatever it is that is making you so paranoid
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  13. albert001

    albert001 Producer

    Apr 5, 2017
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    Always In My Mind
    Oh man, opinion is an opinion but this go's a little to far, don't make them pep more scared than they all ready are....
    I can tell you're all, that I am a legit customer for more than 10 years and always used legit with non-legit NI stuff!
    The only thing where I am not certain, is with the new release from R2R,like they always do, they use a keygen for they stuff and people had some issues with old vs new(R2R) installations, and I don't know if that combination will trigger some issues(R2R Keygen F***in with Native Access), so if you're using the portable version of Kontakt or Maschine and all releases before the new R2R stuff, then go for it, but if you wana use the new R2R releases, be careful.

    I would go for the older releases, just to be safe....!
  14. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    maybe he was gone to far here and there but some truth is in it too ....
    i would use grey areas as long nobody knows ,just getting a glimpse even its not useable in the first..
  15. bobdule

    bobdule Audiosexual

    Dec 28, 2014
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    install a legit product will not unregister others.
    you can still use a data tracking cut if your are paranoïd.

    Last edited: Dec 9, 2019
  16. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    i blv you...second i think why not....third ..this is anti china propaganda...forth..its not....fith...sixth...
  17. TaxiDriver

    TaxiDriver Platinum Record

    Jun 22, 2018
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    Short answer is YES and NO ..NI isn't stupid - at the end of the day, you are a customer now and they expect you to further buy other things (so it's not their best interest to put you behind bars..;). Also, at least till now, they weren't "overprotective" about their products.

    BUT the things slightly changed recently, with Native Access app. Theoretically the app shouldn't send any personal info back (did you switch off the data tracking in preferences/settings..?..;)), but that's a bit hard to believe as it checks all your registration info.

    For NI is - mission accomplished. They made you nervous, because you see all your c'cked sw in Access (in "demo", I guess). But I also see my LEGIT e.g. SF libraries in "demo", as I didn't have time to register them yet. And, for an average user some problems started to arise - to give you a real world example with the latest R2R release, if you have legit/nonlegit mixed it sometimes doesn't play well together.

    For example, Reaktor + an ens. like Super8 or Molekular. If you fire Native Acc up the legit things will get registered and fuck up the non legit stuff. Very simplified - you will have a mismatch in your registry (assuming you're a Win user). In this example, everything works well up to Reaktor 6.3.0 (because it was based on "Service Center" or smth.. that's why R2R released the new stuff with new keys).

    You can make it all work if you put some time and effort in it. Probably nothing really bad will happen, even if you install Native Access. But really really simplified - non-legit goes well with non-legit and vice-versa. Selling you Maschine + legit SW was NI's first step to confuse you. The question is, how much is your time worth.. Just got myself legit K12 Ultimate-Collectors-Whatever ed.

    But hey, I'm a rich bitch.. (<---this is a joke, for those who don't get it immediately..;))
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  18. bobdule

    bobdule Audiosexual

    Dec 28, 2014
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    maybe you don't use the good version of reaktor.
    one is out not using keygen, 6.3.1 loading Super8 without any problem.
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  19. drashkum

    drashkum Newbie

    Dec 9, 2019
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    U are scaring the shit out of me

    I think most of K'ed vsti and libraries ( mostly kont6akt) are old not the newer ones

    Thank you for the reassurance. much appreciated. will do the install tomorrow and get back here. thankyou sir

  20. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    Maybe one or some of your K plugins will be reverted to demo mode after you install some legit plugins,but then reauthorize your plugins and all should be fine afterwards.
    Like someone said NI are not stupid,they have no interest in messing up all your system after you install one of their legit plugins,They just wish you buy all their plugins in the future.They know that if they mess all your system you won't buy any of their plugins again later.

    And no special precaution,I ran all the setups by default,no custom folder,and the plugins ".dll" files are all in the same foder.
    My DAW is blocked by windows firewall.
    Btw the stand alone versions work fine too.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2019
  21. TaxiDriver

    TaxiDriver Platinum Record

    Jun 22, 2018
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    @bobdule You are absolutely right. There is a non-r2r 631 version. I was just giving an example..
    NI for now is not a big problem. You can have everything cracked.. I have legit NI for other reasons (workplace, people around..)

    I can also see, that you are smart and have the knowledge how to make stuff work. But you can't expect everyone does. People mix things that don't work well together ..or are scared.

    Maybe I will need some advice one day ;) so with all respect.. any information appreciated :yes: