Question about Ableton's scale plugin

Discussion in 'Education' started by Cosmickon, Dec 8, 2019.

  1. Cosmickon

    Cosmickon Noisemaker

    Oct 3, 2016
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    Please don't laugh at my question/request... :)
    I've been having difficulty creating a preset which essentially sets an A minor scale, all white notes, but still have access to the black keys (which would be the notes outside that scale)

    I'd like to be able to transpose the base note and keep the white keys as the minor scale, yet having access to all the chromatic notes when the black keys are included.

    Is this possible to do with the scale midi plugin in ableton?
  3. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Sounds like you effectively need a specific scale for each transposition step, right?
  4. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Hello my friend , I'm not laughing.
    But I'm just wondering .
    It sounds like your just describing the piano roll
    The white keys spell Aminor and you still have access to the black keys.
    That's the piano .
    ( As opposed to say the guitar where it's not labeled and you have to memorize which notes are which pattern.)
    Why not just use whatever notes you need directly ?
    On the piano roll?
    Do you need any information about how the keys chords scales work that I could assist you with?

    You really want that type information just burned into subconscious .

    Here, just in case there is something about this that can give you a boost my friend.

    We take a look at the 3 Aminor .
    A natural minor

    1Amin7 ACEG
    2.Bmin7b5 BDFA
    3.Cmaj7 CEGB
    4.Dmin7 DFAC
    5.Emin7 EGBD
    6.Fmaj7 FACE
    7.G7 GBDF
    A harmonic minor.

    1.ACEG# Aminormajor
    2.BDFA Bmin7b5
    3.CEG#B Cmaj7#5
    4.DFAC Dmin7
    5.EG#BD E7
    6.FACE Fmaj7
    7.G#BDF G#diminished7th
    A melodic minor

    1.ACEG# Aminormajor
    2.BDF#A Bmin7
    3.CEG#B Cmaj7#5
    4.DF#AC D7
    5.EG#BD E7
    6.F#ACE F#Min7b5
    7.G#BDF# G#Min7b5

    Hope this helps you to see how easy it is my friend .
    Let me know if you did need me to help you in any type of way. I hope this gives you some ideas and inspiration .best of luck
  5. Cosmickon

    Cosmickon Noisemaker

    Oct 3, 2016
    Likes Received:
    I understand how scales and chords work. I really appreciate the effort and help though!
    My question is more towards the scale plugin in ableton. What it essentially does is when you choose the C minor preset, it sets all of the white keys to play the C minor scale (as well as the black keys).

    I'd like to essentially have the black keys be the keys which are outside that scale.

    My logic might be flawed.. maybe it's not do-able.. I'm still tryna wrap my head around that scale plugin lol. It might not translate to other scales- which could be the issue.


    I think I might have figured it out though- If I take the initial Scale plugin preset, set the base note to 'A' and then use the transpose function I will essentially have any minor scale with the white keys whilst still having access to the notes outside the scale which will be the black keys.

    Maybe I should just learn to play the piano lol! xD Rock on fellas <3
  6. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
    Likes Received:
    I'm sorry maybe I just don't get your vision ,
    If you know your scales and chords ,
    What could that scale plugin accomplish?
    Maybe I don't get the idea behind what your trying to do.
    I'm just wondering why not just hit the notes you need directly?
    It's like instead of making music directly, now you have a " middle man" ( another degree of separation )
    YOU are the instrument.
    Think about what's going to give you the finished song you have planned out.( You seem like a great person )
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2019
  7. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    What you want to do is totally doable. The hardest part is understanding the Scale plug-in’s interface. It’s a simple concept but confusing to look at. I’m not at home to double check what I’m saying, but it’s just a grid where both axes represent notes. The x axis being the input note and the y axis being the transposed/output note.

    But if I read this correctly, and you want the A minor scale, then playing the white keys IS playing in scale, and playing the black keys will give you the notes not in the scale. So there wouldn’t really be any point to doing it for that particular scale
  8. Cosmickon

    Cosmickon Noisemaker

    Oct 3, 2016
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    I know the process of obtaining a specific scale as well as understanding basic chord structures.. but I wouldn't be able to play them fluidly (that's the problem I'm trying to overcome.. guess it's somewhat the lazy way).

    Seems like I figured it out though and everything works great. When I put the scale plugin set on Base note A, which gives me the A minor scale and simply transpose to a different note such as C (+3 semitones up) it will give me the C minor scale (since it keeps the integrity of W-H-W-W-H-W-W). It would just have to be played as the A minor scale (all white keys) while still having access to the keys which are outside that scale (which would be the black keys).

    Essentially I made it possible to play all of the minor scales using only the A minor scale. But as you mention it would probably be best to learn the keys and hit the notes you want directly.

    I appreciate all of the support, you guys are honestly the best!
  9. Cosmickon

    Cosmickon Noisemaker

    Oct 3, 2016
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    You're exactly right. Just have to understand that plugin. It seems simple but it just takes a bit of time, especially for someone like me, to wrap my head around the whole mechanics of it. Seems simple but you can do a lot with that thing.

    Thanks for the response, greatly appreciate it. :)
  10. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
    Likes Received:
    It's nice to talk with you my friend.
    I can offer up a idea that might be of some use .

    If you just do a transpose by semitones whatever direction then you can play just the white keys but hear the sound of the new key.
    If you play all white notes no transpose then it's A minor.
    If you slide it up 3 semitones them all white keys C minor .
    It might help or not .

    Also no shame In punching notes in slow on piano roll but playback faster speed , to get your ideas down .
    Try reaper program out too
  11. Cosmickon

    Cosmickon Noisemaker

    Oct 3, 2016
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    Likewise man, can't thank you enough!
    I will definitely be trying the transpose tip. And about reaper I hear great things about it. But I definitely need to get acquainted with Ableton first since it's been my go to and I have some gear which corresponds well with it.
    But I'll definitely be giving reaper a try sometime in the future for sure.
    Keep dawing watchya dawing :D you've been a real help buddy!
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