Acustica Audio invalidated my BF purchase

Discussion in 'Software' started by Exidus, Dec 5, 2019.

  1. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Giancarlo admitting that some could keep their plugins and others not, that is admitting to double standards.
    Based on what criteria was this decided anyway.
    Exidus did not get them for free, he paid 110 euros for them, that is somebody`s monthly pension in E. Europe.
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  2. giancarlo

    giancarlo Producer

    Dec 27, 2015
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    Order confirmation tells you what happened: you paid an amount of money that the system granted for the products. It is automatic and it worked correctly. But following this reasoning, when there is an error we should just accept it, because basically if the receipt system works it will validate whatever error.
    And why in you opinion we grant to exchange the product when a client commits a mistake? It is pretty usual: a client buys lemon but he wanted lime and he fires a ticket.
    We apply the same rule, we try to understand that it was just a mistake and we try to help the client.

    It is like because an error, the ATM point tells you are a billionaire. You can't just think the bank will accept it as soon as they find the accounting error, just because you have a receipt with the cash balance.

    Now about you case: I understand also we could provide "some product for free" as compensation for the sadness of seeing products removed after the hope of having all of them at this price, but it can't be "all products" for 100 eur. If you are interested in this simple compensation just contact them. I warn you, they are very slow these days
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  3. Diogenes

    Diogenes Guest

    Hahaa! Sounds a bit, er...Sicilian. Like "You have a nice family. Let's hope nothing happens to them." or even "I'm going to get Interpol onto you for laundering. Yes, money laundering!" Ever heard the term "Public Relations Disaster"?
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  4. Karlsplatz

    Karlsplatz Kapellmeister

    Jul 31, 2018
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    Because @exodus was asking for legal advise, I checked myself how jurisdiction might be. And it seems to be very clear (German site, I will translate the important things):

    1. If a shop shows wrong prices, they are allowed to dispute the contract, but they must prove, the prices have been wrong by mistake (which is the case here, I think)

    2. The shop must dispute within a certain (short) time, 10-14 days. (what AA did)

    3. The shop must dispute the whole contract and not negioate with the consumer, otherwise the court can not assume they honestly sold with wrong prices by accident.

    When @exodus wrote during the BF sale in this topic, I checked in AAs shop what he was claiming to be happening and put most of their (but not all) plugins in to the basket. The result looked like this, I made a screenshot:


    In my opinion, it was clear that is couldnt be the intention of AA and must have been a mistake.

    I like their plugins. I want them have future releases. I respect and appreciate their work - so I did not take advantage of their mistake.
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  5. Misterguywick

    Misterguywick Producer

    Feb 3, 2019
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    simple as
  6. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    I would agree with everything except, Giancarlo himself admitted to double standards, that changes everything.
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  7. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Interesting they'd misuse the comma like that!
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  8. Karlsplatz

    Karlsplatz Kapellmeister

    Jul 31, 2018
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    The way I understand it, he tries to negotiate with those, who are willing to negotiate. If someone claims to have the right to make use of their mistakes, he is not willing to negotiate much or find another solution. I am sure, there is no double standard to this and he is respectful to everyone being respectful to him and his work.
  9. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Weird that's like the amount Exidus had in his cart. To the cent. Maybe some of sort of combo that trickered this bug ?

    Anyway. I think you reading malicious intentions is unfair.
    Pretty easy to prove : who would leak this type of problem to a community full of warez users, knowing perfectly most of them would run to try to take advantage of it and thus ringing the alarm at AA ? Wouldn't that be the STUPIDEST move ever ?

    Exidus isn't the stupid type. He likes Acustica Audio plugins, was willing to buy all their products.
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  10. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    All im saying is this could have been avoided from the start had he just given the bloke some plugins as a nice gesture.
    All what is happening now is just so unnecessary.
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  11. Karlsplatz

    Karlsplatz Kapellmeister

    Jul 31, 2018
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    I do not know about his intentions (eventhough I have my guess), but jurisdiction is clear, that if it happens by mistake, contracts are not valid and beside this, I know by my experience and what I have heard by others, that AA support usually is willing to find a good compromise for everyone.

    So whatever his intentions might have been, wouldnt you say as well that AA is not obliged to fullfill the contract?
    (Finding a compromise however is always the best solution imo.)
  12. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Yeah, obviously. I never wrote nor thought that he should get to keep the plugins. I've been rooting for a compromise all day. Shit happens then we move on.
    No beef with AA, or I wouldn't have all their plugs. The situation is just crappy.

    Well a bit irritated by my aquarius situation but that's another topic. :)
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  13. AudioTee

    AudioTee Kapellmeister

    Oct 19, 2018
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    Then the turnaround:
    I'd approach AA customer service for the offered "compensation" and be done with all this.
  14. Exidus

    Exidus Rock Star

    Dec 21, 2014
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    I really dont feel like going near their Support team again!
    I contacted GC via PM
  15. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Ok we just received the video of the meeting with the boss, went well. I dont think the chief of police was necessary but hey, if shit gets done.
    Keeping a low profile is important for the boss.
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  16. Karlsplatz

    Karlsplatz Kapellmeister

    Jul 31, 2018
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    I wish you best of luck and maybe this can come to a good end.
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  17. TaxiDriver

    TaxiDriver Platinum Record

    Jun 22, 2018
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    Well, this is unprofessionalism par excellence..

    First you can't compare buying a car with software sales. There are -95%+ discounts on SW going on all the time. I have to see a -70% discount on a 40000 car yet ( you are selling it for 12000..?? and that wouldn't be/is not suspicious to Guardia?)

    Then the lottery comparison (..yes, plugins and instruments are given away for free. Visit Pluginboutique, Native instruments aso aso.. you'll be offered with Free stuff as soon as you try to leave the page.) Least but not last, threatening a buyer with police investigation.. how low can you go? GC, do you even realize how many customers he attracted to your site? (for a moment I thought it's all set up..)

    @Exidus, you are dealing with this situation with class. I wouldn't be able to do so.. It's your time and nerves. It's hard to put a price-tag on that, but I hope you get a substantial compensation for the trouble..
    Yeah, the "boss" probably spoke to someone who knows how to act..
    Wish you good luck sorting this thing out. :wink:
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  18. giancarlo

    giancarlo Producer

    Dec 27, 2015
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    You didn't understand the example at all.
    It was not about comparing cars to software.
    And also you examples are far from the reality. It is like native instruments provided ALL products for free.

    Normally I speak only with myself, I don't have other people telling me what to do. It is just I'm emphatic
  19. TaxiDriver

    TaxiDriver Platinum Record

    Jun 22, 2018
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    Just to clarify this: neither was I. Like yourself in post #40, I was comparing "buying a car with software sales". For obvious reasons, as a costumer, you will have a hard time proving in the court that you "thought" a 40000€ car was worth 4000€.
    On the other hand, at the moment there is a sale on Pluginboutique for iZotope -93% off, that means you get 720$ SW pack for 50$, on AuPlugin deals Morphestra - normally 499$, now 89$.. and I can go on. Seems too good to be true, doesn't it?

    The problem is: from now on, do we always have to be afraid that there is a glitch? Should I inform those guys ..and maybe even get a free copy of software, like those who informed your company?

    But please, I just explained what I meant and I still stand by that. And I might be WRONG. You, OTOH have the BIG responsibility here. My advice: rather take care of your customer(s), and never SPECULATE that someone had "bad intentions", even if you think so. You just can't be 100% sure.

    I am convinced, that you will manage the situation the right way.

    DJDOCKS Ultrasonic

    Jun 21, 2016
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    I have worked in coding websites and platforms for companies to sell their products in the past, and I know that if I ever made an error like AA in which people were getting the items for way cheaper than intended, then it would be my fault and not the customers. The honest companies I have dealt with before would not take back what they sold because of a mistake made by their own programmers. This honestly makes AA look terrible and unprofessional as hell.
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