How to NEVER have Writers block again ( music)

Discussion in 'Education' started by MMJ2017, Dec 1, 2019.

  1. [​IMG]

    All your tunes are belong to us.
  2. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    So silent. I wanna read big chunks of text about music theory and fascinating science about writer's block.
  3. jojofun

    jojofun Ultrasonic

    Sep 26, 2016
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    I'd personally like to thank you MMJ2017.
    I spend a lot of down time learning, collecting sounds, and organizing.
    On top of that, I'm a Web Developer full time, Reaper user and I have a 2 yr old son.
    So I'm always working on workflow and organization.
    And when I actually have time to make music, I'm not feeling inspired at all.
    So I find myself creating Track Templates of instruments and midi workflows for slaving arps and melodies to a chord progression that is optimized by Scaler. Pretty much a bunch of mechanical optimizations. I learn as I go.
    However, what aches me more than anything is that I now have more info than feelings.
    I'm full of knowledge and tools, but my feelings are compartmentalized away from my usual thinking.
    I've been divorced while exiting the Military, jumped by police, wrongly jailed, heart broken, stressed by finances, frustrated in various ways, critical of Government and faux Christianity, shux.. and growing up Black in the American South.
    I have all this that I can pull from, yet... My heart is like stone.
    I've been through enough to have something to write about, yet... my emotions feel like they aren't even there.
    I used to be great at words and poetry. I used to write girls that I liked 14 page letters and draw their portrait.
    And now, I have opinions and no feelings... and therefore, no words to truly get behind in expressing what I don't "feel".

    Seeing you go down the rabbit hole of explaining music and "getting it out" is meaningful.
    I believe that you as well might suffer from what I'm experiencing in your own way.
    And are attempting to connect your logical mind with the one that feels.
    Sometimes we tend to construct walls internally because some of us feel too much and deep down know that it will become a problem.
    So we cut it off. For me, it was learning to let things go through the Cross.
    However, I do need to walk back through to who I am in that regard.
    And the Labyrinth is seemingly music itself.

    Lastly, I have a project to help put together an album for a cousin-in-law who died recently.
    It's so hard right now... I hurt as well, but it is so hard to express it right now.
    I'm on this journey with you, bro.
  4. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Thank you so much for your comment.
    Let me know if I can help you at all with anything
    You sound like an amazing person to me.

    Here's a little trick I think might helpful.

    Play 1 note at a time high ringing out
    Over a chord lower down that has a stabbing rhythm
    ( For the beat )

    Take each 4 note chord in a key .

    So in C major

    Cmaj7 CEGB

    Play each one these over time higher up
    Cmajor7 CEGB chord
    Then each on of these notes up high

    ( Where you just let the sound against the chord
    And focus on how you feel that unique note.

    1.Cmaj7 CEGB ( up high CDEF#GABC
    2.Dmin7 DFAC ( up high DEFAGBCD
    3.Emin7 EGBD ( up high EF#GABCDE
    4.Fmaj7 FACE ( up high FGABCDEF
    5.Gdom7 GBDF ( up high GABC#DEFG
    6.Amin7 ACEG. ( Up high ABCDEF#G#A
    7.Bmin7b5 BDFA ( up high BC#DEFGAB

    Take chord low then just 1 note at time slowly ring against chord ( let the feeling sink into you )

    Let the high note last long time

    Think about the feeling you get with that 1 note while the chord is ringing out .
    Then go in to that next note in same chord.

    Follow this for each chord .

    After all that .

    Take this progression.

    CMaj7/ Fmaj/ Dmin7/ G7........x4

    Do same thing ( except take the notes you like most over that chord and when the chord changes pick that note for the up coming chord ( that gives you the feeling.

    Now while your doing all this.
    Play a drum beat rhythm for the lower chord to give you a beat.

    This whole process will imprint in you the unique feeling of each note against the chord.

    Here is a bonus ...

    For thinking about your bass layer of sound.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2019
  5. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    You used foul language to describe members...
    If you have a problem with members, like the ones you call troll in there, report or discuss but without using foul language not insults
  6. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    This is really great interview , full of wisdom .
  7. sir jack spratsky

    sir jack spratsky Producer

    Apr 22, 2017
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    yes i stand corrected olymoon...... in future i will use the ignore button rather than point out the stupidity of people commenting on a tutorial thread instead of realising its not interesting info for them...or perhaps the tute is just flying above their comprehension level ..... and moving on without attacking the author