Decomposer updates free drum sampler Sitala

Discussion in 'Software News' started by lucijan, Dec 5, 2019.

  1. lucijan

    lucijan Noisemaker

    Dec 10, 2018
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    Finally a new version of Decomposer's free and easy-to-use no-obstacle drum sampler plugin.
    It‘s fast and musical. Six knobs. Sixteen pads. Drag and drop. Playable like instrument.


    Highlights of this release:

    – Drag & Drop kit management: That lets you rearrange and organize your pads. Save your creations to the user kits library and quickly access any frequently used kits.
    – A brand new 808 kit that was tailor-made by one of Berlin's top producers
    – The popular directory cycling function has been extended and features a new handy in-plugin sample browser

    And many more changes that improve workflow and ease of use.

    Give it a go and let me know what you think. Download free VST, AU and Standalone for Windows, macOS and Linux:
  3. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    It's gotten pretty good feature-wise since the last time I checked it. I'm going to check it out again. :wink:

    I really need a decent, simple, drum sampler like this. I'm sick of Battery, and reasamplomatic5000 is not this fast to work with, although I love it and use it, too.

    What I want from a drum-sampler is:

    1. 16 pads x4 with separate outputs - 1 stereo and the rest 30 [or more] mono, configurable for those who use stereo drums [I don't].
    2. Fast VCA envelope, pitch envelope, and possibly filter envelope.
    3. 12/18/24dB LPF/HPF/BPF filter with emphasis, SVF style filter should work great. Filter is actually not that necessary since I can use a VST filter of choice on the separate output. :wink: That's why separate outputs are top priority in any sampler, especially drum sampler.
    4. Simple editing of sample start and end with auto zero-crossing finder. Looping would come in handy, too. Modulatable start and end, loop points.
    5. Tuning per sample.
    6. Sample layering, up to 8 or more drums.
    7. Simple sample browsing with arrows within the drum folder, a simple browser, and drag and drop of samples on pads.
    8. No effects of any kind necessary. You can always process samples through different outputs with your choice of compressors, EQs, delays, reverbs etc...
    9. Small memory footprint and configurable colour scheme!
    10. multi-platform: Windows, Linux, and MacOS.
    11. Stable.
    12. Stable.
    13. Stable!
    ... :)

    Sitala ticks a lot of these points. I hope it will tick even more of them in the future. It's only version 1.0.0 beta, after all. :wink:

    So far, One Small Clue Poise is the closest to a perfect drum sampler that I found. Battery is great, but it's full of too much unnecessary stuff, uses lots of RAM, slow, unstable. Still, I use v3 of it occasionally.
  4. lucijan

    lucijan Noisemaker

    Dec 10, 2018
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    Yeah, definitely check it out again and let us know what you think!

    As you said Sitala actually does quite a few of those things already ...

    This is on our schedule for the next release. Do you mean modulatable start and end points as in DAW-automatable or internal modulation (e.g. LFO, velocity mapping, etc.)
  5. LFO

    LFO Kapellmeister

    Dec 13, 2017
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    Excellent! I find Sitala very good addition to Logic Pro as the EXS24 sampler is old with clunky and terrible workflow.

    Sitala resembles on Ableton's Simpler/Bitwig's Sampler and that's fantastic.

    The only must have feature that is missing for me is editing of sample start and end point (I am really surprised that this one wasn't implemented from beginning).
    I am looking forward to test-ride a new beta, but until it have that feature above, TAL-Sampler is perfect for me, although not as fast as sitala, but it has everything needed.
    I am excited for next release with sample editing. Please also check Studio One's "Sample One", next to Bitwig's "Sampler" and Ableton's "Simpler" as the best samplers currently, workflow-wise, if you're looking for ideas for features for implementation.

    Thank you for great product so far, please continue developing it as it has great potential to be No.1 on the market and I would gladly pay for it if it has the features I need.

    Respect! :bow:
  6. lucijan

    lucijan Noisemaker

    Dec 10, 2018
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    The irony is that in the very beginning — even before we had the first public release — sample points were adjustable. But we decided that we want to be very careful how we build our interface and not add every feature possible at once. And i think it shows :)
    But i agree. Now it is time to get that feature in. I am wondering though if there is any solid case for having these parameters automatable (as in drawing automations in the DAW's track window) there certainly are times when it breaks things. E.g. when changing samples or dragging samples around some DAWs refuse to update those parameters when certain automation modes are enabled.
  7. LFO

    LFO Kapellmeister

    Dec 13, 2017
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    That's great to hear. I think sample markers are really necessary especially when layering multiple samples of same type (e.g. kick drum samples).
    Regarding ability to automate those markers - well, honestly, that is not really a truly must have, especially if it can break things, it's far more important to have those markers implemented first, and perhaps later try to make it automation-able if it doesn't hurt stability. Not many samplers out there have it able to automate but it's convenient at times when you need it to make fx and transitions. Bitwig and Ableton has this ability and I am not sure about Nuance from New Sonic Arts.

    Thank you for listening customers, keep up great work.

    Respect :thumbsup::bow:
  8. lucijan

    lucijan Noisemaker

    Dec 10, 2018
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    Thank you for your feedback there. Well Abelton's Drum Rack and Bitwig's equivalent have the advantage that they are not limited to the narrow interface plug-ins have to work with. I.e. they have access to their program's internal state and can easily juggle around automation tracks etc. Those two DAWs wouldn't pose a problem either since they don't have as strict automation modes. Compared to e.g. REAPER or Logic where if you wrote an automation in latch mode and change back to read mode there is little a plugin can do to get these automations cleared. If you know of plugins that can do that please let me know ...
  9. Quakeaudio

    Quakeaudio Producer

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Zeta Reticuli
    Great. Contains a lot of important features.
    2 Things Im looking for: 1. max sample (sometimes drums are not maximized).
    2. no Velocity funktion (play drums in max level)
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