How to NEVER have Writers block again ( music)

Discussion in 'Education' started by MMJ2017, Dec 1, 2019.

  1. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    That's an interesting point which I have thought a lot about , and there's a pretty complex answer .
    The first is that because of the level of participation it takes for a person reading this to read it then to
    Play it themselves and hearing it that way.
    They engage the learning process better and also gives them a sense of discovery .
    They have the information given yet they have to
    Figure out and participate with it to play it hear it feel it. Because of these things a deeper level of understanding is gained by them . Compared to just watching a video and hearing another do it.
    It gets them in charge of their learning process and because of that large progress is made and transforms them.
    I have gotten more comments than I can count about how this impacted them and the participatory process with this type of interaction.
    It's long lasting and stays with them combing with the other ideas they have and they can take ownership with what they got from the discovery transforming it into new things with variations.
  2. sir jack spratsky

    sir jack spratsky Producer

    Apr 22, 2017
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    ok trolls all blocked ...... the hard part now is having to sort through MMJ constant and necessary rebuttals of the get back to content, since i cant see the lunatic fringe posts after hitting the glorious IGNORE button
  3. sir jack spratsky

    sir jack spratsky Producer

    Apr 22, 2017
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    a favo
    a favour please MMJ i know from PMs that many people reading your tutes have hit IGNORE on many useless interjections, however they are having problems following a one sided conversation since u use the same thread to answer these mad about just plow through all the tute material without answering then at the end do your arguments with the fringe..???? that way we can concentrate on the real info at the front??
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  4. bdone

    bdone Ultrasonic

    Nov 13, 2011
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    Well explained !Nice one.Probably the most important ,informative thread for me ,you've wrote. Thanks. I get both sides im more freestyle in the way i work, but also would like to know the methods,and foundation / knowledge also for options .I understood this more than the usual music theory ones, because its more based on guide structures, that you can build on in different combinations each track. Im gonna try to do it more, just so i can get faster and more instinctive with those ideas. I never studied music , I cant read music ,but broken down like that i find it easier to take on board, makes more sense to me. Thanks
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  5. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    It's true that it comes across learning music is weird at first like say learning Japanese
    But as you get more and more used to it
    It will feel comfortable easy and exciting


    Here how to read sheet music

    5 lines low to high lines are

    E G B D F

    Then spaces in-between the lines low to high
    F A C E G


    E.G.B.D.F lines
    F. A.C.E.G spaces.


    Last edited: Dec 1, 2019
  6. Nana Banana

    Nana Banana Guest

    I thought this was a standard human ability that had been achieved no later than puberty. :dunno: But to add, I love making a composition that has both structure and no structure intertwined. Fun stuff! :wink:
  7. sir jack spratsky

    sir jack spratsky Producer

    Apr 22, 2017
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    so lines are an Emin 7 b9 chord and spaces are Fmaj9
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2019
  8. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Now the bass clef is different

  9. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    How to not have Writers Block when it comes to
    Developing the initial Idea for a song and purpose of the song.

    The most valuble one that I know of is to always come up with the idea and purpose of a song
    Before you start writing a song .
    In other words , you find yourself working on a song because you already you already have the main idea of what it's about . The emotion that you want to create in the listener when it's completed.
    Next when it comes to what to write a song about
    ( In order to not get writers block )
    It has to have a deep powerful connection to you and the concept has to be very meaningful to you.
    ( Once the most important things in your life )

    Now right now I'm talking about a more modern version of a song with lyrics and graphics art work etc. However when talking about instrumental genres say like jazz music .
    It is a common practice to use a very large list of jazz standards .or jazz classics .
    Songs already made before by the greats
    The American songbook, tinpan alley , or jazz composers like Duke Ellington .
    This tradition of jazz musicians doing this is because they recognize that all songs share a common music theory cement foundation .
    Chord Progressions that make each song section
    The chord progression are built from a KEY
    Using tonic, subdominant, and Dominant functions .
    That always put together using 3 building blocks

    Tonic Subdominant Tonic
    Tonic dominant tonic
    Tonic Subdominant Dominant tonic

    Yes, each one can be " turned around "
    And connected together like Legos .
    There are Diatonic substiutions and non Diatonic substitutions.
    What this means is that even though a jazz musicians choosing a jazz standard to work with
    A pre written song . The musician has such a large toolbox of form of structure and can draw on so many options to make it their own every time they play that same standard, they don't mind at all using a pre existing song , because it's easy to turn it into a original expression , every time they play it.

    I would like to help you with some of these jazz tools to bring into your own style of music .
    So that you can take a original song or pre existing song and make it original each time you play it
    You see it's a balance of structure and creativity.
    ( Form and chaos)

    When it comes to writing meaningful music
    You must draw on what means something to you .
    Translate your powerful feelings into music.

    And because at every level of detail in music
    We have tension and relaxation
    It gives us a way to create emotions in listeners .
    But we have to draw on our life experiances .
    You have to feel your own pwrrful emotions then
    Put that in your music ( positive or negative feelings(
    This can even serve as a type of therapy .
    Taking powerful bottled up feelings and putting into art frees you from being a prisoner to them.
    This might be difficult and painful , but the music that has ever touched you the most did this .
    There is no song that means the world to you which it's author just began writing with no reason to.
    With no idea what it was about . That had no real emotional connection to the writer.
    This is how to write music which you eliminate writers block.
  10. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    I really wish I had the time and attention span to read all the stuff @MMJ2017 posts in here.

    Giving straight up seminars on the regular. Good for you man
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  11. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    How to take real life experience of powerful emotions and feelings and turn it into poetry for song lyrics .

    One of the keys to poetry is ambiguity.
    You take a literal sentence and make it ambiguous
    Until it no longer makes sense literally.
    Science philosopher Daniel Dennett calls this a
    " Deepity " .

    2009, Dennett, Daniel, The Evolution of Confusion speech, American Atheists International conference
    A deepity is a proposition that seems to be profound because it is actually logically ill-formed. It has (at least) two readings and balances precariously between them. On one reading it is true but trivial. And on another reading it is false, but would be earth-shattering if true.

    "deepity isn't just any old pseudo-profound bit of drivel. It's a specific kind of statement that can be read in two different ways: one way that's true but trivial, and another that's much more intriguing but false. The example Dennett quotes is, "Love is just a word." On the level of linguistics, of course it is – but that hardly tells us much. On another level, it's pretty manifestly untrue. It sounds deep only because it teeters precariously between those two readings, exuding the whiff of paradox. Once you've encountered the concept of deepities, you can't help seeing them everywhere: "Que sera sera!"; "Beauty is only skin deep!"; "The power of intention can transform your life…"

    We can use this type of syntax and semantics .
    When writing song lyrics .

    If we start with something very powerful emotions and feelings connected to our experiAnce .

    For myself I have lost important people in my life that wAs devastating .people that once they died transformed my whole experiAnce of the world .

    If I could channel that into song lyrics and as a concept for a song it can be the driving force to make the song great.

    My father had 300lps of steel fall on his head as a carpenter and destroy 15 of the discs in his neck and spine that ultimately killed him.
    It was an accident on the job situation no real blame other than maybe some the workers didn't pay enough attention to the process of moving these materials around by crane the chains broke securing and fell 2 stories .

    I could start by trying to articulate some of the situation into words .

    By accident you were horribly injured .
    It led to your passing away.
    You meant the world to me.
    You taught me the importance of being there for those you love, the values of honor integrity respect trust and dignity.

    So now I have to make it more ambiguous and less specific .

    Fate rolls it's dice on those that we cherish
    At any time we can unexpectedly lose those most important to us .

    I could try to make analogy with devastating natural disasters or other situation where mother nature takes away who we love unexpectedly.

    The trees torn from earth and buildings destroyed
    As glass and metal are spun into the air
    You taught me to never give up when body destroyed and life is hanging by a thread .
    To stay alive is to carry on dignity trust honor love respect

    So you have to keep brainstorming this process .

    And condense the powerful emotions down more and more with the intent of having anyone connecting to them and experiAnce.

    Even if the process is difficult and challenging
    You want to take what is most meaningful to you
    And shape into a song that everyone can relate to with a direct connection to your most powerful experiances. This is how to get your subconscious involved and participating with the entire song writing process until it is complete .
    You have to invest so much of yourself that you are breathing life into the song.
    A song is a vehicle for passion , emotion and meaning. You have to reach the deepest levels.

    When we think of a movie motion picture
    It's not just lines and shapes with colors that change overtime . We see the deeper level of those shapes are a human being the hero these other shapes are the villian or the struggle in the story .
    There is a representation in the story about good defeating evil about meaning defeating non sense.
    Yes we see shapes and hear sounds but that is just transmitting to our brain a deeper level.
    That deeper level is why in that moment we are participating in watching the movie and using our imagination to bring it alive .
    With music it is the same .
    If it is a type of song with lyrics and vocals
    They serve the purpose of transmitting the meaning and purpose the deeper level.
    And if the music is instrumental
    You are using the musical language itself the tension and release the form and chaos to transmit
    The thing that is the whole point .
    It's not about sounds changing over time.

    What you hear isn't the music.
    That's the surface level.
    Just like with a motion picture , what you see isn't the point.
    These things are a vehicle transmitting the deeper level.

    If you approach music making this way
    By finding what's important to you then taking that as the meaning and purpose and use writing a song as a way to deliver your feelings and experiances
    You will defeat writers block.
  12. babuk

    babuk Producer

    Apr 27, 2018
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    to add to this nonsense, it is clear as daylight that MMJ2017 is the same person as sir jack spratsky I don't know why he's still doing this routine, it's so cringey...
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  13. retroboy

    retroboy Producer

    Jan 4, 2014
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    Ahh ok that makes sense now. I did wonder why Sir Jack was getting so emotional and defensive over MMJ's thread.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2019
  14. indianwebking

    indianwebking Platinum Record

    Jun 3, 2018
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    steal midi. Make just 1 song in your life. then you will never forget your own song. if you really made it. Then you will start making music like that. Even if you steal any midi. midi is just for reference. That is what i do. mainly to stay on the key / chord. music theory is not what i learned. i don't even know 9th & 11 chord. & Diminished and all. he he. Not technically though. but i try to make music. nothing too big though. try it if you get stuck. for me it is experience. so i watch tutorials a lot. Like a lot. it is more than too much. i have 100+gb of tutorials only. wasting space in my hdd & i invest my daily time watching it. Trying to learn and trying to make music by not trying to categorize it under any genre. that is all i try. i i think it is all about TRY & do not DIE approach. peace.
  15. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    What do you mean I don't follow?
  16. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Does it make sense?
    Imagining things then pretending reality conforms to your thoughts ?
    I wasn't aware that strategy is successful at anything in life .
    My take is that you change your imagined thoughts to match reality gives much better results .
    Instead of assuming that your a fictional character invented by another user ( Babuk perhaps?)
    I assume your an actual human being.
    Calle me old fashioned I guess.
    ( I'm a round erf'er too mofo)
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2019
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  17. sir jack spratsky

    sir jack spratsky Producer

    Apr 22, 2017
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    Last edited: Dec 2, 2019
  18. sir jack spratsky

    sir jack spratsky Producer

    Apr 22, 2017
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    hahahaha priceless and indicative of reduced imagination.....the ignore button is getting a real workout this morning.....on with the valuable stuff please MMJ and off with the heads of dumb and dumber....
  19. sir jack spratsky

    sir jack spratsky Producer

    Apr 22, 2017
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    ahhhhh peace at last......except for having been slapped with a 2 point penalty from olymoon....apparently objecting to being trolled attracts a sanction from on high while the trolls stroll happily along trampling everyones peace of mind....whatever
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2019
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  20. sir jack spratsky

    sir jack spratsky Producer

    Apr 22, 2017
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    is there a prize for biggest ignore list? im in with a chance....