Vengeance Avenger v1.5.0 protected with CodeMeter

Discussion in 'Synthesizers' started by starforce, Nov 30, 2019.

  1. starforce

    starforce Noisemaker

    Feb 4, 2012
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  2. Slava_Lis

    Slava_Lis Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 3, 2021
  3. DJK

    DJK Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2017
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    felixstowe england
    dont expect it as an xmas present lol
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  4. Slava_Lis

    Slava_Lis Guest

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    MUTOID Member

    Feb 7, 2012
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    Nexus 3 :rofl:
  6. waverider

    waverider Rock Star

    Oct 8, 2018
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    The customers are having a ton of issues. Check the thread over at the KVR forums. You have to redownload all expansions you bought and the factory library in order to reauthorize them. But the download servers were not working yesterday. People were having problems to authorize, the Codemeter implementation wasn't working correctly. There are no clear instructions. Some expansions, as well as some factory presets, are having issues with being way too quiet, others have missing samples now. AND: It looks like the licenses are limited to three months now, so you have to reauthorize every three months. In addition, all expansions now require the new version - if you buy anything now you can't use it in the old version.

    This is total chaos and probably the most ridiculous attempt at copy protection I've seen in a long time. I assume that even if this can be cracked, groups will have to think hard because the dev said that if 1.5 gets cracked he'll start using eLicenser. But then, they release Nexus 3 without dongle protection and only use their own online authorization? These guys don't make sense, what a mess.
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  7. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    totally different
  8. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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  9. DSP4LiFE

    DSP4LiFE Kapellmeister

    Oct 7, 2019
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    They added Elastique, and some guitar loops. If i wanted different filters id use a different synth, not new avenger haha
    Ah this synth was a bit stuck in the mud anyway, now its gone down the shitter, byebye! wont miss you one fkn bit.
    Hey vengeance:
    1 - Enjoy all the pissed of customers you overcharged for your special little 0's and 1's having to update.
    2 - Now your not-special-at-all synth will be lost and forgotten as you squeeze its balls to death :)

    heres the changelog btw, meh! you should have updated this shit on version 1.2 you lazy c####

    1.5.0 changelog

    New major Features:
    - New Synthesis Module: "Multiloop" Player. Plays for example Guitar loops in accordance with chord detection in min/maj or 5th, 7th etc..
    - New Library of 54 Guitar loop Kits: 9 Distorted Guitars, 28 Electric Guitars, 6 Nylon Guitars and 11 Steel Guitars
    - Timestretch algorhitm with Formant shifting and transient detection: Elastique Pro by Z-Plane
    - 3 new Guitar Expansion Packs available: XP1 Distortion & Electric / XP2 Muted Nylon and Steel / XP3 Acoustic and Electric Bass
    - Added new Vintage self-resonating filters from ArtsAcoustic: Awesome emulation of classic analog filters!
    - New Filtertypes: LP12/24dB, HP12/24dB, BP12/24dB, BS12/24dB
    - New Filtertypes with resonance distortion
    - New Filtertypes drive dependant on input gain
    - New Skin: White
    -All previous skins updates to new functions
    - Factory Library R7: Tons of new Stuff: FX Presets, Arp Presets, Envelope Presets, FX Chains, Drumkits, Shapes, Multisamples and Wavetables
    - Over 90 brand new Impulse Responses for the "Impulse Reverb" increasing the number of available Impulses to over 200
    - new latch mode for the ARP
    - Free Expansion Pack! "Synthstruments"... digitally recreated real instruments via Wavetable, Combfilter and FM technology by Mirko Ruta
    - 136 Presets / 12 Drumkits/SQs / 21 new Multisamples / 164 new Wavetables (Bass/Brass/Keys/Mallet/Others/Pluck/String/Voice/Woodwind)
    - Added new copy protection system: You can now manage your 3 installations yourself (You now have the ability to de-authorize machines).

    New minor Features:
    - Further Improvement of ARP Chord Detection
    - new Arp connect Mode: Notes can be tied together now. Use it for Portaslides or for the new Multiloop Module
    - Arp does now display note Values in the Note Block for a better information
    - Mod Matrix is now expandable over entire screen heigth
    - New Button "turn on/off Chord Note-Mute popup"
    - Drumkit Export now exports Drum-Rolls correctly
    - New dynamic font size detection for XP browser title screen: no more cut fonts
    - Mod Env Speed is now automatable polyphonic (each note gets its own values, for example you can automate speed via keytrack, velocity etc...)
    - Added: ghost EQ drawing for drumslot-EQ modulations
    - Added: 4 new MOD sources: Bipolar Random A B C D (goes randomly into both directions: positive & negative
    - ARP Chord selector context menu shows currently selected chord as checked
    - "mod env speed" is now per-voice. Modulation of this parameter is now independend for each voice
    - resampler - the maximum number of wavetables is calcultated automatically now dependent on the length of the sample you load. Before it always was at max

    - Fixed: added missing Undo function for the ARP Mode
    - Fixed: low frames of Granular mod rings
    - Fixed: a bug in the Chorus FX when you typed a value via keyboard there was the wrong value
    - Fixed: a click in the Trancegate in conjunction with a granular sound
    - Fixed: Arp routing was not loaded correctly in 1.4.10 You were not able to select other arps in the OSC routing!
    - Fixed: several note hangs in conjunction with porta legato and endless sub mode
    - Fixed: adding a shaper in the drum section routing now works correctly
    - Fixed: Arp move left/right buttons could have lead to a polygon grafic error
    - Fixed: switching the arp from chord mode back to up: the ranges of the notes were not correctly changed
    - Fixed: presets which used the comb filters were sometimes loaded incorrectly (out of tune)
    - Fixed: a clicking problem in the delay FX
    - Fixed: a bug in the routing of the chorus FX
    - Fixed: an aliasing problem with Arp in legato mode
    - Fixed: audio preview in the sample browser now plays without click
    - Fixed: "phase" in the WT editor was not working correctly
    - Fixed: endless sub mode was not displayed correctly in the used voices counter
    - Fixed: in the chorder there was zipper noise when automating the volume. This is now gone
    - Fixed: drum kits had a slight latency in 1.4.10. This is now fixed
    - Fixed: a bug in the AMP release when playing 2 times the same note
    - Fixed: Wavetable first note trigger was not working correctly
    - Fixed: a problem when the MST filter was muted when you switched to Talkbox
    - Fixed: the Wavetable envelope reacted wrong to host tempochanges
    - Fixed: "Phase" in the Wavetable editor was not working in conjunction with "First Note" trigger mode
    - Fixed: audio clicking when switching chords in the Arp chordmode
    - Fixed: Noise oscillator had a bug when it occasionally produces a freezed noise
    - Fixed: Wavetable envelop is not set "on" by init default
    - Fixed: Arp stayed not sync while host tempo was changed via automation
    - Fixed: a problem with granular samples when you changed to 1 BPM and back in your DAW
    - Fixed: LFO Synced Delay / Synced Fade did not follow BPM changes correctly
    - Fixed: DrumSlot EQ LowPass/HighPass Mode now works correctly
    - Fixed: rare OSC microfade "zipper" noise
    - Fixed: non-static filter attack phase. Each new note should now sound the same if the osc sends the same audio
    - Fixed: rare click sound after a preset was loaded and the first note was played back
    - Fixed: drum sequencer midi export/import now rolls correctly
    - Fixed: ARP midi-out. Now the Chord base note is also send to midi out
    - Fixed: copy paste in DrumSQ. Now the roll information is also copied correctly
    - Fixed: drum slot sample Reverse playback is working correctly with sample start/end points now
    - Fixed: selecting / descelecting notes in the drumsequencer did sometimes not disable/grey out the parameter dials
    - Fixed: master filter selecting "Talkbox" for the first time did result in silence
    - Fixed: StepSQ. Filling the StepSQ with mousebutton held down did not set the correct values
    - Fixed: drumsequencer - copy/paste is now working correctly for notes with "roll" settings
    - Fixed: drum sample slot parameters will not change now, if a sample slot is "locked" and a new drumkit is loaded
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  10. CMAudioz

    CMAudioz Ultrasonic

    Jul 3, 2019
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    Anyone wanting to buy it can do so for half price at Plugin Boutique at the moment, that is, if you use it a lot and want to continue using it (latest version).
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  11. Lebaquette

    Lebaquette Noisemaker

    Nov 30, 2019
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    Does anyone know if the unlocked (cracked) expansions work with 1.5.0? I guess they don't work 'cause of the new format right?
  12. Vaijj

    Vaijj Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2012
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    I have a copy for sale.. with 4 expansions + one free of your choice.. less than half rice..
  13. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    maybe using the elicenser dongle as a last resort is the most expensive option....

    the elicenser dongle pretty much garantees your app WILL NEVER be cracked, and you won't ever have to deal with piracy. But that comes with a cost...

    i wouldn't be surprised if the elicenser SOFT costs like 5-10 € PER APP. And the dongle e-licenser, between 30 AND 40€, again, PER APP.

    30-40 euros, to protect an app, might sound alot, but hey, 100% garanteed peace of mind can't be free...

    of course, if a plug-in costs 300...400..500 bucks, paying 30 bucks, isn't a problem.
    But if you sell a vst synth or plug-in for 180-200 euros/dollars, 30 bucks might represent 15-20% of the entire sale...

    because, hey, if protecting our plug-in/instrument with a e-licenser dongle was just a matter of 5-10 bucks, EVERY SINGLE plug-in maker would be using it, and ALL the audio software we use would be protected by an ilok OR hard-elicenser.

    The Avenger/vengeance owner must have spent 1 full week, trying to decide which protection to chose...
    is it worth it, losing 20% of the sales cash, but feeling absolutely save regarding any risk of piracy, for the next 2,3, 4 years ? (Avenger v2... v2.5...v3..v4...)
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  14. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    All their products except avenger is protected with elicenser, all cheaper plugins, so their decision has nothing to do with the cost for them. They wanted a good protection - Reason has never been cracked since it uses codemeter and it's been several years - but no dongle so they went for that.
    Antares did exactly the same move with auto-tune (no more ilok dongle needed, so people are actually rather happy), I installed codemeter for it a couple of days ago for AutoTune Pro.
    The problem is the way Vengeance decided to implement it. With Antares you install both an antares license manager that pretty much does the work for you to communicate to the codemeter app your user data, and you don't have to go online with your browser to transmit those datas, like you have to do with Vengeance. Which is something that isn't even explained clearly on your avenger account when you download the new version. It's neither explicit nor simple, I'm not surprised people are having a hard time.

    Other than that the update is actually dope.

    People there are other great "tank synth" if you don't like codemeter, which is fair. Just got Rapid (probably still on sale) it's a dope synth, actually sound better than avenger imho, no codemeter. Zebra 2.9 (with now the possibility import wavetable on osc1), terrific synth also better sounding osc and no codemeter. Falcon also offers a lot of option and no codemeter (but ilok). Serum, etc.

    Now of course none of those are Avenger, none of them has as many synthesis options as Avenger, but they are all top notch synths.
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  15. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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  16. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    It's on sale at 50% on Vengeance own site for BF. As well as all their other plugins. Don't know if the expansions are also on sale, but they offer dynamic discounts in your cart.
  17. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Now I need to carry TWO USB sticks with me for Vengeance products alone!
    (Steinbergs eLic for older plugins, wibu CodeMeter for Avenger 1.5+)
    I hope they add iLok in the near future to add lots of problems.

    I LOVE it! :deep_facepalm:

    That's why I use cracked software where ever possible: The legit customer is bitten in the ass!
    ATM I own eveything I use frequently. Thinking about never buying software again.

    They won't as for Avenger all Exp need to be atuthorized as well.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2019
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  18. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Thank you for that hint. I won't be able to use the old So I won't buy any Vengeance stuff in the near future! :no:
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2019
  19. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    I'm really reluctant to install the new update. Seeing lots of people with issues. Maybe I'll just wait a while and re-download my factory content and expansions in the meantime (lol). I would like to see a thorough explanation of to what extent the soft codemeter requires internet access, and what impact if any it has on performance, plugin load times, etc. I know my elicenser plugs are slow as fuck to scan in both my DAWs, and both elicenser and ilok seem to open a lot slower than plugins without them. Time for a new and exciting experience with yet another third party protection scheme

    A bit dramatic, but I feel your point. When this update rolled out I was thinking, thank fuck I at least have a couple hardware synths, something no one can change the terms of use on me three years after purchase.
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  20. peterA

    peterA Platinum Record

    Dec 29, 2015
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    No you don't. Codemeter has a software option like ilok.

    The reason they chose not to use elicenser was simply because too many people complained although I don't know why they couldn't have used the cloud system that REFX opted for. Much easier.
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