CASHMERE has quit due to Sunny repackaging his releases

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Boober, Nov 25, 2019.

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  1. EHCanadian

    EHCanadian Ultrasonic

    Jun 19, 2011
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    Canada, EH
    Lets break this down.
    (AN = AudioNews)

    1. AN has a 'bundle' for mac that contains CASHMERE work unaccredited. (Arturia.V.Collection.7.Standalone.AU.VST.VST3.AAX.MacOSX)
    2. Sunny checks and see's on AudioZ that CASHMERE has released em individually, but no bundle exists on AudioZ.
    3. Sunny posts the bundle knowing that he is taking away from CASHMERE, But it was only for the convenience
    factor and he claims he didn't know that someone took CASHMERE releases and made a post complaint release on AN.

    Uh huu. Hes been a member long enough on both sites to know the game and how to lie out of a black lash.

    Some facts.
    AN has posting requirements. No file hosting links or links to other websites (warez) and when CASHMERE posts to
    AudioZ that includes a .txt document asking for referral support on file hosting sites.

    Sunny has a long history of lying and posting other groups after he has been asked not to. This includes R2R releases.
    Sunny no longer posts as MAGNETRiXX cause it was hurting his file host clicks.

    Saint claims that Sunny said that that he doesn't own a mac and could not verify the release was CASHMERE.
    What about a virtual machine running the MacOSX?. Why not send a pm to CASHMERE and ask?
    The only thing sunny had on his mind was greed and another poster would beat him to posting this assuming another
    poster would post this all in one release on AudioZ without doing diligence.

    Lets do some inspecting as any poster should do. Hell this could be a virus that as a "trusted poster" unknowing could
    have spread by not inspecting the release. This is a unlikely scenario but as a poster you have obligations to insure what
    you are posting complies with the website you are posting on.

    We have a Arturia.V.Collection.7.sfv in the torrent. Note the dates and text data can be altered in a .sfv file and at the time
    of posting this the torrent on AN has still not been verified by a staff member.

    ; Generated by checkSum+ v1.0 on 2019-11-24 at 8:32:.AM
    ;       1.0E+9  8:02:.AM 2019-11-24 Arturia.V.Collection.7.r01
    ;       1.0E+9  8:05:.AM 2019-11-24 Arturia.V.Collection.7.r02
    ;       1.0E+9  8:08:.AM 2019-11-24 Arturia.V.Collection.7.r03
    ;       1.0E+9  8:11:.AM 2019-11-24 Arturia.V.Collection.7.r04
    ;       1.0E+9  8:14:.AM 2019-11-24 Arturia.V.Collection.7.r05
    ;       1.0E+9  8:16:.AM 2019-11-24 Arturia.V.Collection.7.r06
    ;       1.0E+9  8:18:.AM 2019-11-24 Arturia.V.Collection.7.r07
    ;       1.0E+9  8:20:.AM 2019-11-24 Arturia.V.Collection.7.r08
    ;       229882206  8:21:.AM 2019-11-24 Arturia.V.Collection.7.r09
    ;       1.0E+9  7:59:.AM 2019-11-24 Arturia.V.Collection.7.rar
    ;       1.0E+9  8:01:.AM 2019-11-24 Arturia.V.Collection.7.r00
    Arturia.V.Collection.7.r01 D93A97BF
    Arturia.V.Collection.7.r02 0AC8B246
    Arturia.V.Collection.7.r03 E1D9D315
    Arturia.V.Collection.7.r04 EA0B14FC
    Arturia.V.Collection.7.r05 AA19A5D8
    Arturia.V.Collection.7.r06 F4BEB05C
    Arturia.V.Collection.7.r07 F1104033
    Arturia.V.Collection.7.r08 9146C719
    Arturia.V.Collection.7.r09 F5312FF0
    Arturia.V.Collection.7.rar 39F4DFBA
    Arturia.V.Collection.7.r00 D5FE94B2
    Extracting the rar files, gives us Arturia V Collection 7.dmg with a date stamp of 2019-11-23 @ 9:30pm
    Note, this is time stamp of the machine that compressed it. Time zone variation is a possibility.

    Now we are going to open the Arturia V Collection 7.dmg and take a peak. We can use 7zip.. poweriso
    Browsing to Arturia V Collection 7\Awesome analog synths we have quite a few .pkg files.

    Lets look at ARP 2600 V3 v3.5.0.3410.pkg.
    The same user, TheBigfooD is named in the ARP 2600 V3 v3.5.0.3410.pkg column who posted this release on AN

    CASHMERE named this: ARP_2600_V3_3_5_0_3410.pkg
    TheBigfooD named this: ARP 2600 V3 v3.5.0.3410.pkg

    The only difference was that TheBigfooD left .DS_Store data in his package and replaced the binaries from original installer
    with CASHMERE binaries so you didn't have to move em over.

    CASHMERE set the timestamp on the files to the begging of unix time and used root, builder and wheel users
    TheBigfooD didn't give a dam and left his username and the local machine time packed up the dmg.

    This took me about 5 mins to put together. A fair poster would have left it be for the AN staff to deal with. However that
    post in question on AN only has 3 replies and 119 downloads. | Magnet link provided with data in question. | Link to CASHMERE post with the file data I compared.

    So I looked futher.. Found some other posts by TheBigfooD.


    Ok. lets see whats up with "Tracktion Software Waveform" as I search AudioZ.
    Oh look at that.. Sunny yet again. Who did the original IND release?

    My point is sunny will post anything without any regard to the community as a whole without
    any care for other groups. He knew what he was doing. He did it anyways cause no one
    challenged him. So when the post in question was removed. Did sunny bother to make a
    public message to the community and group he offended. Na.
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  2. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    well you said mac users...thats spoken from the whole may be a exception like many others but the core and main mac user showed a million times what humans they i wrote
    and here we see youre reality missunderstanding what you always have like steyr log shows...
    what boys...cashmer and sunny...? you have the answer from sunny allready and bla..:deep_facepalm:
  3. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    that i have no idea, was wondering about it too :dunno:
  4. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    @EHCanadian, first of all, it's so great to hear from you again! :mates:
    Thank you for breaking down this whole situation, i will put a link to it in my reply marked as Best Answer.

    not trying to protect Sunny in any way, but i can't blame him for not checking what he's leeching, nor can i force uploaders to make those checks. Back in the days even i wouldn't do it. He leeched the release, he saw complaints and he removed the post. No harm done. in my opinion.
  5. ryck

    ryck Guest

    It's sad to see this kind of thing. Everything that happens here must be to share. This page should be for uniting not for fighting. I think we should all put aside the differences and come to an agreement. If someone did something wrong, rethink it and assume it. Or maybe you can work together. There is no need for rivalry, at least not here. The sun rises for all.
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  6. Joe_sleaze

    Joe_sleaze Platinum Record

    Feb 7, 2016
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    Besides all the evidence you provided his past dealings in regsrds to R2R speak for themselves and should be a red herring to the MODS!
  7. recycle

    recycle Guest

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  8. EHCanadian

    EHCanadian Ultrasonic

    Jun 19, 2011
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    Canada, EH
    Well as a website owner. It is your job to insure your posters are being compliant.
    We both know sunny has a long history of screwing web groups over.
    He almost drove R2R away with that FTP dump of the internal folder that was not for public distribution while he was team MAGNETRiXX

    We at UPAWG have banned sunny. His betrayal was unacceptable. This was our decision.
    This is your website. You have lost a team (CASHMERE) for the mac community for a rival poster who doesn't have any morals.
    Yes you can still have morals and be engaged in file sharing. As long as your core values are always set as a priority when releasing content.
    Once you loose sight of this then you end up like sunny.

    While CASHMERE was very open and honest about making a few bucks off of their work for the time invested..
    I recall DISCOVER doing the same in his rar's.

    Do I agree with CASHMERE on making money for the work put forth?. Na. But I also understand how difficult it can be starting out and
    with sunny history in the pro audio community.. CASHMERE request for a total ban may have been in anger. I think it is time for you
    to apply a "temp ban" to sunny. He posts else where anyhow. We both know he is not exclusive to AudioZ. Does this mean AudioZ should
    be effected financially. Well, everything comes at a cost and nothing in this world is truly free as we like to believe.
    At lease the other uploaders on AudioZ will pick up his releases and show some respect and do their job without greed being the driving force.

    Maybe this will get sunny to check himself and realize hes not so untouchable and what he has been doing has been unacceptable.
    Thou I am not holding my breath. In the end. AudioZ is the home that posters live and eat from. If they break the house rules...

    Well that is your call in the end. Your house.

    In the end if sunny was truly sorry he would have made a public post about the issue and admitted fault. But no. Only you are here. (Saint)
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  9. kingchubby

    kingchubby Rock Star

    Oct 14, 2011
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    I mean no disrespect, but if someone's behavior shows blatant disregard to the original posters or this website's rules *and* causes a releaser's retirement, harm is being done. Just my two cents. At the end of the day, it's your call.
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  10. robotboy

    robotboy Producer

    Aug 23, 2016
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  11. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    now boober claims audiostrike is sunny...regis in 2017:rofl:
  12. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    better late then never recycle
  13. EHCanadian

    EHCanadian Ultrasonic

    Jun 19, 2011
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    Canada, EH
    Sunny does have a history with nick changing/nick dumping. He has more accounts under many websites.
    Sunny isn't stupid. He is always learning and evolving.

    I got involved because I have been in the pro audio scene since 2003. The R2R dump is a sore matter with R2R and while it is not a recent
    issue, I provided a case of facts regarding his history know to some of the public who have been around for a while on how he treats others.

    R2R isn't going to come here publicly and bash sunny. The dumps have already been touched on. It is history.
    Sunny has done some other low stuff too. But because this is a group. I will stick to issues he has caused related to other groups.
  14. frenchbench

    frenchbench Kapellmeister

    Oct 26, 2019
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  15. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    hell i always wanted sunny gone but with the years i dont think so anymore , whenever i hate her bitchmoves..
    further further
    maybe its even not possible or without any impact you kno...

    here comes question of the quartal !
    why did sunny race the NI stuff from r2r few weeks back...?
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2019
  16. Tob

    Tob Platinum Record

    Jun 4, 2019
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    Life`s a bitch!

    Time for a change ...

    We are all criminals what to expect from such individuals? You got it nothing.

    Stealing from a cracker is not different than stealing from a company.

    I thought about it. It is different. Stealing from a company is illegal- stealing from a cracker is clever.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2019
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  17. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Not exactly, or shall we consider that Cashmere's leaving is some kind of a colateral damage?
    Is this still business as usual till next time?

    It looks like you agree with @EHCanadian 's summary of this issue therefore we were assuming that something could be done against you know who: Did we misunderstood you?

    What's next anyway?
    Are you trying to convince Cashmeere to get back?
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2019
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  18. AudioTee

    AudioTee Kapellmeister

    Oct 19, 2018
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    As a Windows user, I'd like to throw Mac users some support. Mankind's propensity to fall into tribalist thinking/behavior is generally destructive. After all, are they not like us? If you prick them, do they not bleed?
  19. EHCanadian

    EHCanadian Ultrasonic

    Jun 19, 2011
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    Canada, EH
    The 'host' had a disk fault and the other courier/upawg members who are 'ok' to upload R2R releases never got the chance.
    I found sunny account hidden under another site that also automates releases where he got the releases from and coded in a 2 hour
    wait period on his account. I could have deleted his account but he is very sneaky. Didn't mean I didn't have to listen to R2R get upset
    over the whole ordeal that sunny was able to upload them releases. If sunny had "changed" he should have let the normal uploaders
    get to it after the disk was repaired. Na, another FU to R2R and greed took over and he uploaded them.
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  20. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    thx a lot for clearing that up....
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