CASHMERE has quit due to Sunny repackaging his releases

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Boober, Nov 25, 2019.

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  1. Boober

    Boober Member

    Nov 25, 2019
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    Sunny posted a repackage of cashmeres Arturia releases that he spent over 50 hours working on and claimed it was a different crack. I hex compared sunny release with cashmere and they were IDENTICAL which means sunny was lying. The post had been deleted now but I managed to capture cashmeres comment below where he states he’s quoting unless sunny is banned.

    i'd like to say a big congratulations to the ultra hypocrites sunny and integral who have ensured there will be no more releases from me on here ever again.

    I will be logging off for good and never coming near this toxic website ever again, thank you to everyone who has supported me you've bought my kids a couple nice christmas presents. i'll be keeping polyverse comet, shaperbox 2, faw sublab, spire 1.1.15, roland cloud, accusonus, serum, bitwig 3 and superior drummer i had planned for christmas to myself now.

    The only way i would possibly reconsider is if sunny and integral are both permanently banned from this website for their toxicity and bullying towards me for no reason other than asking for some support for the time it takes to crack plugins, which is a huge amount compared to the amount of time it takes to steal shares from elsewhere and repackage to post here or post a mirror under someone elses share.

    Isn't it funny how they hate me so much for asking for support when their whole business is stealing releases from elsewhere to make money? integral even has his uploaded referral link in his signature so people can support his useless mirrors so how dare he take swipes at me for asking for support on a release that took me over 50 hours at the very least.

    It's a shame they had to ruin it for all you mac users, like I said, only way I reconsider is a permanent ban for both of them, if that doesn't happen then team cashmere is retired for good. Peace out audioz.

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  3. iDjay

    iDjay Member

    Nov 7, 2019
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    I still can‘t believe this happened. Now the page is dead again for Mac users.
  4. Delay

    Delay Guest

    I'm thinking aloud, how to prevent this. can we sign dl and break installer or patch if isn't from signed source?
  5. Mud Jones

    Mud Jones Platinum Record

    Sep 20, 2018
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    N.Y. USA
    I'm not a mac user but I had a thought, you can't expect honor among thieves and we are all thieves. If he's mad about someone repacking his work just imagine how mad the Arturia company must be. Ok, I have my flame suit on so go ahead, I deserve it.
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  6. jackslab27

    jackslab27 Member

    Nov 25, 2019
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    They are just jealous of you cashmere cause you are the real deal new cracker talent, and they can only reupload and repackage stuff from somewhere else. Dont let someone low like that ruin your great thing you had going for all the mac user!
    It was totally ok the way you ask for some support for your work, i still have active premium but will buy new premium with your link when it runs out, i think many other will do the same.
    Give msg proof etc of them insulting you to admin, maybe they broke the rules and can be banned! Now sunny sure should have consequences for publishing your stuff as new crack!! where are the admin about this? very low behavior!
    Anyways what make a site like audioz special is people actually posting their own work there, repackaged stuff can be found anywhere. And cashmere pulled off a really big job with new arturia here and wow if the other stuff he had cracked is true like serum and sd3? Then he is really r2r like super talent and should be protected by community instead of reposter ppl.
    That being true still dont make decision in anger and leave cashmere, you will hurt the ppl that like and support your stuff, like the mac user not getting these great release, while you will make sunny etc the big guys on the site again, what is probably what they want and why they insult you so you leave... as i say, they are just jealous! like most bully, bully the smart kids in school etc.. dont base your life on low behavior people!
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  7. vivvo

    vivvo Newbie

    Feb 7, 2013
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    I can't believe this; It's shit like a skyscraper ... Now, the mac-world is, again, a wasteland of nothing ...
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  8. jackslab27

    jackslab27 Member

    Nov 25, 2019
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    Of course cracking is not really ok for arturia and companies. The thing is without cracks nobody that doesnt have the money could make music with professional level sounds(for just mixing you can sound pro without expensive plugs, production not so much). And those few that will end up making money will then buy for real. Without cracking you would not have many amazing amateur music sounding so good. It is really a modern robin hood thing and deserves some credit at least from the ppl that download to the person who made the crack. They let you make professional sounding music. And pretending some crack is yours when someone else did it, and taking the credit and little money, thats low. Some honor among thiefes please
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  9. virusg

    virusg Rock Star

    Jan 4, 2012
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    near you
    shouldnt be alowed to repack or repost other's people work, you should only share your mirrors, you and only you, if someone has a new c'k version based on original he shoud share that only, not the whole thing, its not fair, i think Saint should change some rules, i not a mac user but somehow i feel you, i guess there is little you can do, youre quite a legend anyway... the story repeats it self somehow, greed is a damn bitch, too bad!
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  10. garfinkle

    garfinkle Platinum Record

    Feb 25, 2014
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    Hard not to agree with this.

    Unless, of course, one is in total denial.
  11. KevinParker

    KevinParker Member

    Dec 26, 2015
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    El Espacio Interior
    lol this shit goes on forever, chek this out from...1993!!! THE SAME SHIT, even the guy comparing hex codes between releases! I love warez world
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  12. Nick Sick

    Nick Sick Noisemaker

    Nov 6, 2019
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    I'm just thinking that Cashmere should think a little about all the supporters and fans he has. How much mac users are appreciating his work and are thankful to him. I do agree thieving is gonna happen either way but at least this guy Sunny was called out for it and got his post removed and everyone is gonna be cautious about his work. Please Cashmere don't leave us hanging out here.
  13. uladzislau

    uladzislau Producer

    Sep 29, 2018
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    And Olymoon just deleted the post and didn't take action to Sunny and iNTEGRAL!
    What a disgraceful situation. :unsure:
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2019
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  14. Vir Cotto

    Vir Cotto Kapellmeister

    Mar 31, 2019
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    Centauri Prime
    So what the two of them did was not right !
    BUT : to punish the whole group because of the misbehaviour of two people is like shooting a sparrow with an atom rocket!
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  15. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    It feels so dejavu same Stuff happens a year ago

    Apr 22, 2018
    "If we went back to using mIRC on a private channel, we would not have a problem.
    Been one around for years, or do you think that releases just show up out of nowhere without any discussion, HexWars always released the Mac stuff same day R2R took care of the PC side of things, that was never by chance. Sadly Sunny stole,sold and leaked from that system and myself and a few others had to spend days , reworking the system and keeping it truly for the trusted. There is a shit load more going on than any of you know of. Threads like these are full of speculations and false info. There is only 8-10 people in the world that really know and if you're not one of them ,please STFU"

    Nothing happened then and nothing will happen now :suicide:
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  16. jackslab27

    jackslab27 Member

    Nov 25, 2019
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    Of course, technically, it is true.
    BUT you only really get to act above if you never downloaded anything when you had no money and it helped your art. Werner herzog stole his first camera that he used to become a great filmmaker that made camera companies lots of money i am sure.
    And now if some guy lied about helping herzog get his camera when really another guy helped him, that would still be low, morally, does not matter if the act is technically criminal. Someone can still lie and be called out
  17. Maani.58

    Maani.58 Member

    Jan 13, 2018
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    its not he first time for sunny to stilling other teams release!!!!
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  18. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

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  19. garfinkle

    garfinkle Platinum Record

    Feb 25, 2014
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    And it's not about "acting above". Im a thief, just like you I assume.

    But I do get a kick out of reading the justifications here. Werner Herzog? Lol. Michael Jackson was a kiddy that's why I'm one....and he sold 7 trillion albums, so it's all good.

    The defence rests, your honour.
  20. ahjs

    ahjs Kapellmeister

    Dec 28, 2011
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    Excuse me, but I need Sunny and iNTEGRAL more than a cashmere. I'm not a Mac user.
    What they have to deal with each other is none of my business.
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    AMERICUH Kapellmeister

    Mar 8, 2012
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    WAT TEH FUCK? He clearly said it's another cracker!!!!1111oneoneone :rofl:
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