Replaying Sample is an Art on itself

Discussion in 'samples' started by Creme, Nov 20, 2019.

  1. Creme

    Creme Kapellmeister

    Sep 20, 2015
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    I use to work with this guy when internet wasn't even a thing, i always told him that he should get a f#@*% Grammy for what he do.From being no one in London, most of the people in the business who needed to "Clear" a sample without the hassles of dealing with publishing company finally end up working with him today.Have a listen at his Replay exemple, you'll not believe it. Mastering the art of replaying..
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  3. kostovas

    kostovas Kapellmeister

    Sep 15, 2013
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    His replays sound amazingly good man. It would be very interesting to know how he approaches the samples and what's the process behind it. Surely he has a team of musicians with him or he does it alone?

    Also could someone explain how a sample is cleared and why is it cheaper? Is it because you would only have to pay the composer and the one who wrote the lyrics? Not too familiar with the law there.
  4. Creme

    Creme Kapellmeister

    Sep 20, 2015
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    he is doing most of it on his own, he got shits loads of contact in the business and sometimes he is working with other for more specialised sound. I told him that next time i'll pass by the studio and sneak a litle bit, but never had the chance. Honnestly , i consider myself as a skilled producer, crafting for more than 25 years now. But this guy just impress me so much..

    basically, if you want to "Clear" a sample you'll have to get in contact with the publisher who own the track you'v sampled. This bad boy will try to negotiate point (if not 100%) of production on your track, most of the time a clearance fee, and many hassles in this area. By replaying (or paying someone to replay the sample) you avoid the clearance as you become producer. in some case you'll have to credit the composer and writer (if any lyrics) but not the producer and the performer. See it as a cover version. if tommorow you want to make a cover version of Elvis for exemple, as far as your correctly credit the writers no one will stop you to do record your own version, you become performer and producer of the track, Elvis family will get money out of the Writing Credit. That's the basic Idea
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  5. Whispaz

    Whispaz Member

    Jul 25, 2019
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    This is a topic I find interesting and I know very little about but I would think you’d have to give credit even when there aren’t any lyrics involved. Especially if there’s some sort of melody, right? Otherwise we wouldn’t see a lot of the copyright cases that have become popular in the music industry lately.
  6. Creme

    Creme Kapellmeister

    Sep 20, 2015
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    yes and no, because most of the time the lyrics is link with the Melody registered at PRS (sacem,sabam etc) so if you don't use a vocal part, you consequently don't use the core of the melody, wich mean you don't credit the composer neither. I'm obviously doing a shortcut as there is many different situation. But this topic is so vast that it would need his own section in the forum.
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