Can I use cracked superior drummer with an SDX I bought?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Juan Carlos, Oct 19, 2019.

  1. Juan Carlos

    Juan Carlos Member

    Oct 6, 2019
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    I got the cracked version from here but there's this expansion pack called decades that I can't wait to be released so I might as well buy it.

    Does anyone know if the cracked version will work with a bought expansion?

    I'm asking since I've read that all toontrack software needs to be registered so I'm not sure if you need both softwares to be legit for you to use them.

    Any help is appreciated.
  3. xoso

    xoso Kapellmeister

    Nov 17, 2011
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    of course, you never enter in any of the actual information so your cracked SD will just see it as any other legit or non legit library. Only thing that would change that is if you actually enter in your codes online that anything would even be noticed and even then I doubt toontrack has a system running looking for legit libraries running on any of 50 different version numbers of cracked SD's. So it depends. Some cracked copies require the toontrack keygen some just strip that whole part out and everything works without registering. But this is really only SDX/EZX the pain of toontrack registering comes from EZMIX. and having to enter 50 codes just to get em all back.

    So does your Superior Drummer ask for online/offline activation for kits? if it does do it like any dl'd library and do offline and with the keygen. If it doesn't need this no problem. Only dumb thing you can do is register it properly because even if there isn't a system in place to check may look weird when you have registered kits but you dont have a licence for the program its needed for.

    If it's a newer kit the keygen doesn't have then you need a cracked SD that doesn't need the keygen. If you can't then you take whatever risk. It'll activate and work [unless the online registration was coded out or changed] So it all depends on what cracked SD you have and what kit you bought.