Avenger 1.5

Discussion in 'Software News' started by peterA, Nov 11, 2019.

  1. peterA

    peterA Platinum Record

    Dec 29, 2015
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    here is the release notes (pre-final) for 1.5.

    New major Features:

    - New Synthesis Module: "Multiloop" Player. Plays for example Guitar loops in accordance with chord detection in min/maj or 5th, 7th etc..

    - New Library of 54 Guitar loop Kits: 9 Distorted Guitars, 28 Electric Guitars, 6 Nylon Guitars and 11 Steel Guitars

    - Timestretch algorhitm with Formant shifting and transient detection: Elastique Pro by Z-Plane

    - 3 new Guitar Expansion Packs available: XP1 Distortion & Electric / XP2 Muted Nylon and Steel / XP3 Acoustic and Electric Bass

    - Added new Vintage self-resonating filters from ArtsAcoustic: Awesome emulation of classic analog filters!

    - New Filtertypes: LP12/24dB, HP12/24dB, BP12/24dB, BS12/24dB

    - New Filtertypes with resonance distortion

    - New Filtertypes drive dependant on input gain

    - New Skin: White

    -All previous skins updates to new functions

    - Factory Library R7: Tons of new Stuff: FX Presets, Arp Presets, Envelope Presets, FX Chains, Drumkits, Shapes, Multisamples and Wavetables

    - Over 90 brand new Impulse Responses for the "Impulse Reverb" increasing the number of available Impulses to over 200

    - new latch mode for the ARP

    - Free Expansion Pack! "Synthstruments"... digitally recreated real instruments via Wavetable, Combfilter and FM technology by Mirko Ruta

    - 136 Presets / 12 Drumkits/SQs / 21 new Multisamples / 164 new Wavetables (Bass/Brass/Keys/Mallet/Others/Pluck/String/Voice/Woodwind)

    - Added new copy protection system: You can now manage your 3 installations yourself (You now have the ability to de-authorize machines).

    New minor Features:

    - Further Improvement of ARP Chord Detection

    - new Arp connect Mode: Notes can be tied together now. Use it for Portaslides or for the new Multiloop Module

    - Arp does now display note Values in the Note Block for a better information

    - Mod Matrix is now expandable over entire screen heigth

    - New Button "turn on/off Chord Note-Mute popup"

    - Drumkit Export now exports Drum-Rolls correctly

    - New dynamic font size detection for XP browser title screen: no more cut fonts

    - Mod Env Speed is now automatable polyphonic (each note gets its own values, for example you can automate speed via keytrack, velocity etc...)

    - Added: ghost EQ drawing for drumslot-EQ modulations

    - Added: 4 new MOD sources: Bipolar Random A B C D (goes randomly into both directions: positive & negative

    - ARP Chord selector context menu shows currently selected chord as checked

    - "mod env speed" is now per-voice. Modulation of this parameter is now independend for each voice

    - resampler - the maximum number of wavetables is calcultated automatically now dependent on the length of the sample you load. Before it always was at max


    - Fixed: added missing Undo function for the ARP Mode

    - Fixed: low frames of Granular mod rings

    - Fixed: a bug in the Chorus FX when you typed a value via keyboard there was the wrong value

    - Fixed: a click in the Trancegate in conjunction with a granular sound

    - Fixed: Arp routing was not loaded correctly in 1.4.10 You were not able to select other arps in the OSC routing!

    - Fixed: several note hangs in conjunction with porta legato and endless sub mode

    - Fixed: adding a shaper in the drum section routing now works correctly

    - Fixed: Arp move left/right buttons could have lead to a polygon grafic error

    - Fixed: switching the arp from chord mode back to up: the ranges of the notes were not correctly changed

    - Fixed: presets which used the comb filters were sometimes loaded incorrectly (out of tune)

    - Fixed: a clicking problem in the delay FX

    - Fixed: a bug in the routing of the chorus FX

    - Fixed: an aliasing problem with Arp in legato mode

    - Fixed: audio preview in the sample browser now plays without click

    - Fixed: "phase" in the WT editor was not working correctly

    - Fixed: endless sub mode was not displayed correctly in the used voices counter

    - Fixed: in the chorder there was zipper noise when automating the volume. This is now gone

    - Fixed: drum kits had a slight latency in 1.4.10. This is now fixed

    - Fixed: a bug in the AMP release when playing 2 times the same note

    - Fixed: Wavetable first note trigger was not working correctly

    - Fixed: a problem when the MST filter was muted when you switched to Talkbox

    - Fixed: the Wavetable envelope reacted wrong to host tempochanges

    - Fixed: "Phase" in the Wavetable editor was not working in conjunction with "First Note" trigger mode

    - Fixed: audio clicking when switching chords in the Arp chordmode

    - Fixed: Noise oscillator had a bug when it occasionally produces a freezed noise

    - Fixed: Wavetable envelop is not set "on" by init default

    - Fixed: Arp stayed not sync while host tempo was changed via automation

    - Fixed: a problem with granular samples when you changed to 1 BPM and back in your DAW

    - Fixed: LFO Synced Delay / Synced Fade did not follow BPM changes correctly

    - Fixed: DrumSlot EQ LowPass/HighPass Mode now works correctly

    - Fixed: rare OSC microfade "zipper" noise

    - Fixed: non-static filter attack phase. Each new note should now sound the same if the osc sends the same audio

    - Fixed: rare click sound after a preset was loaded and the first note was played back

    - Fixed: drum sequencer midi export/import now rolls correctly

    - Fixed: ARP midi-out. Now the Chord base note is also send to midi out

    - Fixed: copy paste in DrumSQ. Now the roll information is also copied correctly

    - Fixed: drum slot sample Reverse playback is working correctly with sample start/end points now

    - Fixed: selecting / descelecting notes in the drumsequencer did sometimes not disable/grey out the parameter dials

    - Fixed: master filter selecting "Talkbox" for the first time did result in silence

    - Fixed: StepSQ. Filling the StepSQ with mousebutton held down did not set the correct values

    - Fixed: drumsequencer - copy/paste is now working correctly for notes with "roll" settings

    - Fixed: drum sample slot parameters will not change now, if a sample slot is "locked" and a new drumkit is loaded

    Not sure if it will use their new Codemeter copy protection.
  3. ixirmusic

    ixirmusic Newbie

    Nov 26, 2019
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  4. DJK

    DJK Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2017
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    felixstowe england
    dont get 2 excited about a crack
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