you will never be famous

Discussion in 'Internet for Musician' started by fredboudin, Nov 6, 2019.

  1. tapekiller

    tapekiller Kapellmeister

    Oct 5, 2015
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    the tendency of considering others shit while you're good is what won't help you in the first place, being all high and mighty about how some artists are bad brings nowhere, if anything the opposite. Instead, acknowledge that music is communication, psychology and taste and not just "knowing" technicalities. Take lessons from both the good and the bad, instead of looking down to people that are actually more successful than you. There is no recipe for success, but there are lessons all around you. Just, don't take words on a forum for granted (even if there are actually some good points from someone here and there) and read some good books from actually successful people (there are useful informations even in ghost written ones).
    Music isn't just music.
  2. mojo777

    mojo777 Kapellmeister

    Sep 21, 2015
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    You made your decision to trust your Guru's words? How wise of you to blindly trust any man for that matter and i thought we dont have choice? You mean it was pre-destined for you to blindly follow your Guru's words? But that's the thing, unlike you i dont blindly believe in anything without question. I need hard evidence to accept a certain hypothesis. Its not about me accepting your view or you accepting my views, its not about who is right and who is wrong here, its about standing up for the truth and backing it up with hard evidence. You have literally zero evidence, let alone scientific evidence to back up any of these ridiculous claims about everything is destiny and there is no God. ZERO. I on the other hand do have hard evidence for everything i say, which is why i mentioned earlier that you deal in opinion only, you do not deal in truth but you are right about one thing though, there is indeed no point in arguing because you have already made up your mind, and you clearly have a wall pulled up in front of you, hence not receptible anymore to anything that contradicts or goes too far beyond what you currently accept in your limited paradigm. And thats ok, of course. After all, free will.

    Im well aware that in order to be even capable to see the truth, one must first empty the mind of all programming. Many people have been programmed to compare any new idea or teaching to a “database” of their existing beliefs, rejecting anything that contradicts or goes too far beyond what they currently accept. This happens on a subconscious level and is comparable to a habit and we all know how difficult it is to break habits. It is of great importance to undo the ingrained habit patterns of the mind and bring about moments of insight. The discovery of truth is prevented more effectively, not by the false appearance things present and which mislead into error, not directly by weakness of the reasoning powers, but by preconceived opinion, by prejudice. The worst thing about this is that people are so quick to judge anything. From a young age you are taught to judge others and dismiss their views if you can't understand them. Often it seems that opinions are pointless because you cannot ever truly get to directly perceive what another person is trying to offer you because you are already clouded with your own opinions, and judgements. Furthermore, quick condemnation of all that which is not ours, of views with which we disagree, of ideas that do not attract us, is the sign of a narrow mind, of an uncultivated intelligence. Bigotry is always ignorant, and the wise boy, who will become the wise man, tries to understand and to see the truth in ideas with which he does not agree. Intelligence in the mode of ignorance is always working the opposite of the way it should. No point in trying to argue with someone who is being willfully ignorant or someone who exalts himself above another and thinks to know everything better. So you are absolutely right, any further discussion would be a total waste of time. Nor is it my goal to convince you of anything anways, you are free to believe as you wish.

    And why would that be? Why would enlightenment be attained by killing all your desires and especially all thought? Arent there good as well as bad desires? Are all desires bad? The desire to stay healthy and to protect ones own family and loved ones is what i consider a good healthy desire. In contrast, when you desire materialistic wealth, such as expensive cars, jewelry, or even to sleep with hot chicks and such, that i consider bad desires. I wonder, do you ever question any doctrine that enters into the sacred space of your mind? Or do you just blindly accept it without question merely because it came from some supposed enlightend guru / sage and therefor must be true? Well let me tell you that the neglect of "thought" in its entirety equals death itself my friend. Do you even know where these wicked teachings come from or where they have their origins? You might want to read up on Aleister Crowley's 8 Lectures on Yoga. Not a fan of him at all but he shines some light on Yoga, which promotes death as well.


    He explained it perfectly in just one sentence. "To stop the mind altogether. That is Yoga". Now why would you stop your mind in its entirety? Do you even read anything i write and share here? Did you read the article about the study i shared previously? And you still want to stop the mind / thoughts all together after having read that study which proves the power of the mind over matter? Hmm why would anyone want people to stop their mind / thoughts all together in Meditation and Yoga etc? Real meditation is when you meditate / ponder on a certain thing, when you focus and concentrate all thought on one particular thing NOT to stop thoughts all together which is a modern corruption of the real thing which is equal to killing the very essence of what this reality is made up of or lets say ruled by or ruled over by. Mind over matter is a reality (see placebo effect and several ancient teachings) and yet supposedly enlightenment is attained by the death of both, all desires and all thought in its entirety. Well good luck with that friend. We were given free will and a mind to reason with, a mind which is a receiver and transmitter of frequencies. To some degree you are right, whereas thoughts or ideas can come from what is known as the "Akashic Records", but your Guru made some stuff up to fit his own views and agendas it seems.

    Thats how you waste your life where you learn absolutely nothing. No growth takes place for you in this life then, what a waste, how sad. Since you want to rid yourself of all desires and all thought which is the basis of consciousness itself being aware and the whole nine, why even grant you consciousness in the first place if you dont even want any of it to begin with. Nor are all desires bad or evil. The only evil thing here is the suggestion to stop one's own mind altogether and to teach them powerlessness and blaming everything on external forces outside of your own self.

    Bible doesnt even teach anything like that. Thats what the simple-minded believe. The kingdom of God is WITHIN. And good luck blindly trusting a man without question, without any further investigation on your end. Good luck with that friend.

    But thats the thing, i dont blindly believe in anything. I need hard evidence to accept a certain hypothesis. I dont just believe in God, i know he exists and more but thats a subject for another day and another post. This post is about success or the lack thereof as a musician and thus far all you have contributed so far is to instill hopelessness in others and you discourage and keep others from succeeding. You literally attempt to talk it out of them whether you do it knowingly or unknowingly i dont know, my guess would be the latter, you probably just dont know any better. Of course you are entitled to your opinion, just as i am entitled to call out a lie or nonsense doctrine such as the one you put forth. I just want to warn people and urge all of you to think twice about what MVP is saying, for it may have the power to cripple your mind for life. Just because MVP has given himself up and thinks himself to be nothing more than a passive spectator of life crossing this ocean of life and nothing else in his own words, doesnt necessarily mean that you have to fall into the same hole as him giving away your power and essence. No enlightenment was or ever will be attained by the neglect of the mind and by stopping thought altogether. The opposite will happen. You have been warned. Much love and God bless you all.

    PS: The true lover of knowledge naturally strives for truth and is not content with common opinion but soars with undimmed and unwearied passion till he grasps the essential nature of things but that appears to be NOT you. You rather blindly believe a man without question, without further investigation on your end and that makes us very different. I dont deal in opinion, i deal in truth and only talk about things i can prove, and so should you. Food for thought.

    Wish you nothing but the best on your path brother. Much love and God bless.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2019
  3. fredboudin

    fredboudin Ultrasonic

    Oct 23, 2018
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  4. fredboudin

    fredboudin Ultrasonic

    Oct 23, 2018
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    MC 303, that's an old boy, I got one when I was younger.
  5. dtmd

    dtmd Platinum Record

    Jan 15, 2016
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    Music is love for sound/emotion/transference... celebration of life, broader than microscopic "self"? Not business, money or fame self-love? Or self-hate even, upon (failing to enjoy "little things" in life/of life, to love) unrealised imaginative expectations.
  6. Bent

    Bent Member

    May 16, 2018
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    "You're not yourself today"
    "So what are ya tellin' me for"?
  7. Vader

    Vader Platinum Record

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Actually, this is the second time I got one.
    Beside those horrible demo songs, the 505 and 303 are still quite useful. Never had the chance to see or play with a 909, but for what I've read and heard, it seems a very unstable machine.
  8. M.V.P.

    M.V.P. Member

    Oct 29, 2019
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    Wishing You the same brother.. Much Love
    But I have already made my decision.. Let's see where it takes me
    God Bless :)
  9. Legotron

    Legotron Audiosexual

    Apr 24, 2017
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    Music has nothing to do with money, it's about passion, love and self expression. You're on wrong path, if it's all about money. Factory workers make more money
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  10. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    True say.
    Maybe @M.V.P. will read the rules.
  11. DrumHead

    DrumHead Producer

    Dec 2, 2018
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    I guess this is a great argument for all the religious authorities that commit horrendous acts against women and child.

    "It was GOD's will"

  12. livemouse

    livemouse Producer

    Feb 13, 2016
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    this topic was settled thousands of years ago:

    कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन |
    मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भूर्मा ते सङ्गो स्त्वकर्मणि
  13. tapekiller

    tapekiller Kapellmeister

    Oct 5, 2015
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    Passion love and self expression won't pay your bills. If you want to make music your job you have to take it professionally, otherwise it will just be a hobby.
  14. Roger8176

    Roger8176 Ultrasonic

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Some great stuff is being said here. This thread has me thinking deeper about this predicament than I have for quite a while (I also just got baked for the first time in a few weeks so that might be be playing a role as well) .

    Also, a huge factor in all this (becoming rich, famous, etc) sadly is something that is out of our hands and that is Luck. Or the "right place at the right time" (which is just luck).

    The idea about our paths being pre-determined is an interesting one that I've sometimes considered as well. But that also involves luck. That luck would be having your pre-determined path lead you to an industry or field that you have a great interest in and would want to do you can get rich and laid.
  15. Razor54672

    Razor54672 Newbie

    Nov 9, 2019
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    This situation is not endemic to the music industry. It is a truth you can apply to any field. Be it success in sports, movies, TV Shows, anything. You get satisfaction when you get what you strive for. In a true artist's case, that thing is definitely not money and popularity. Find that thing unique to yourself, and when you accomplish that personal achievement, the feeling you'd get is unrivaled...
  16. artwerkski

    artwerkski Audiosexual

    Apr 20, 2016
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    there's a hundred other ways to make a living with music. Teaching, session playing, writing and arranging. Coaching. Reviewing. The lot.
    Modesty is your friend. Fame is side effect of the industry. IN DUS TRY.
    But expertise, reliability and craftsmanship (like actually playing one or more instruments well) will get you paid. Just saying ...

  17. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    You'll never be famous my homie.

    There's 8 billion mofos on this rotating planet my nicca.

    Can you play a rendition of happy birthday in the key of F# major , which brings a tear to the eye of a 6 year old child at her birthday , ( which you are performing at with impeccable set of clown shoes I must add.)
    Is it that your candy corn necklace is too tight ?
    Or that you are tired of trying to cram 60 clowns into 1 clown car?
    I feel your pain .
    Do you want to be famous for accidentally hanging your self while attempting to tie your own clown shoes ( considering they are Velcro straps ooh)

    Or , do you want your music to be remembered and played 600 years from now on a space station prision for flat earthers controlled by A. I.?

    ( You see the hold their eye lids open with a robotics arm whole looking through the glass windows .)
    Steven hawkings voice comes on the intercom
    In reassuring voice.
    " I told you it was round. See. The bleep is round.
    Can you see it right now ?
    No don't try to blink God damn it look at it.
    You don of a bitch look at it .
    No .
    Don't blink , look at the earth .the round earth in front of your goddamn face.)

    All this is happening while your music is playing in the background .
    You made it homie.
  18. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Why would anyone ever want to be famous?
    And that has nothing to do with "making a living".
    Learning DAWs, instruments, mixing and mastering have nothing to do with "making music".
    There are hundreds of thousands of great musicians, and many make a living, but only a few will be "famous".

    I think you have a bunch of separate ideas and trying to come up with a single answer.
    So, the question must go towards your motivation. (Emotional drive)
    What are you wanting to do?
    Make a living?
    It may be that your emotion is for attention, and there may be other better ways to satisfy that.
  19. RiffMaster

    RiffMaster Guest

    Anyone watched the doc The.Legend.of.Shep.Gordon that The Dude put a link up for back on page 4 ? its fuckin gold guys , a real must see , if you haven't done yet do it you wont regret it , it nails this entire thread ................
  20. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    I've been reading this for quite some time now and wondering which spiritual school your mentor is teaching you.
    Does this caste have a name? I don't value it, but I wonder what exactly that worldview is.
    In any case, I'm sure it's not the school of esotericism. Because esotericism says that every human being is enlightened by nature. But contrary to what you say, enlightenment in spiritual teaching stands for the power given to every person to visualize wishes and to realize them on their own initiative.
    To be enlightened means to have a free mind, to have full control over your thoughts. Free from foreign influences, programs & memes. It means that you are in resonance with yourself and in resonance with your environment. It does NOT mean to shut off your mind and free yourself from all thoughts. That is a big difference!
    The spiritual teaching, contrary to what you say, says that everything that happens to you is the result of your own actions. So on the path of spirituality it is about accepting yourself, questioning your thoughts and feelings, taking full responsibility for your actions and non-actions, understanding the world around you and finding your place in it. The same then applies to being in non-worldly astral space.
    Personally, I don't care how you spend your life.
    I just wonder what kind of spirituality that is, in which you push all responsibility away from you, project the consequences for your own actions on predestination. You talk about spirituality, but your words are the absolute opposite of what spirituality and esotericism means. It was never about everything being predestined, but about realizing that everything is connected. To believe in predestination is to live in a foreign way. But spirituality means to live self-determined.
    Spirituality means to recognize yourself. Recognize that you are part of a big whole being and that the big whole being is part of you.

    PS: Desires may come from the mind, but wishes come from the heart.

    If making music is a heartfelt wish, then it's only natural that you want to earn money with it in order to realize yourself. Because dreams and wishes alone don't bring food to the table.

    Peace :bow:
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2019