you will never be famous

Discussion in 'Internet for Musician' started by fredboudin, Nov 6, 2019.

  1. lbnv

    lbnv Platinum Record

    Nov 19, 2017
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    OK, it's your destiny, it's why you think so and say it. All your thoughts and words are PRE-DETERMINATED!!!

    But if worrying is our destiny any Spiritual Stupidity won't stop us! We WILL worry, we WILL work hard...

    This wisdom is useless as EVERYTHING IS PRE-DETERMINATED!!!

    Do you really understand what you say?
  2. fredboudin

    fredboudin Ultrasonic

    Oct 23, 2018
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    It is also pre determinated that if you do nothing, nothing will happen !
  3. lbnv

    lbnv Platinum Record

    Nov 19, 2017
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    Nothing will happen TO ME.
  4. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    I don't know about you, will you be famous or not... But your thread here is already popular... Good start) go on... More and more)
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  5. Buck's Fizz.

    Winners Eurovision Song Contest 1981
    3 UK No 1 Hits
    20 UK top 60s


    The Fizz sing live on This Morning - but viewers beg for 'car crash' to stop

    Former Bucks Fizz members Cheryl Baker, Mike Nolan and Shelley Preston appeared on the show to promote their new tour

    What is it good for?
    Absolutely nothing.
  6. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    The basic question here was not "How do I get enlightenment?" but "How can i earn money / become famous with music?"
    It is not a spiritual question but a selfish question. At least you are right that not every action leads to the desired reaction. But who doesn't do any action will not reach the requested goal, because he will get no reaction. And both music and business in general are fundamentally based on action-reaction.

    McDonald's did not become a global company because they were looking for spiritual endowment or because their burgers taste good, but because they evoke reaction with their thoughtful actions. That's called strategy.

    And Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 certainly not just flowed out of his fingers. Theme -> Question -> Answer = Action & Response.
    To say that Beethoven was not responsible for this masterpiece, but that it was predestined by the universe, would be an insult.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2019
  7. M.V.P.

    M.V.P. Member

    Oct 29, 2019
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    Sorry to disappoint you.. But indeed It was not Beethoven who created that Masterpiece with his " Own Will " .. It was pre-determined by Nature that on such day at such time He will create that masterpiece ! It was not created " by him ".. It was created FOR HIM !! By his own Destiny.
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  8. mojo777

    mojo777 Kapellmeister

    Sep 21, 2015
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    Oh my, i dont even know where to begin. Some of the worst advice i have ever come across. Its the promotion of death itself. If you believe this guy's words it will cripple and trap your mind / consciousness for life. I consider myself a very spiritual person and to say there is no "free will", is evil beyond measure to whomever accepts this lie into the sacred space of their minds. To do away with "free will" in its entirety will rid you of all your power and choice. If there was no free will, no choice, if everything was pre-destined or pre-determined, then by definition, this game we call life would literally be useless and a complete waste of time for all humans and God himself too unless God likes to get entertained by watching mindless drones playing out a pre-destined life for what purpose exactly? In fact it is life itself which teaches us very valuable and important lessons. The very consequences of our actions IS what teaches us lessons. If everything was pre-determined, then by definition, no real growth would or could take place anywhere on earth. All of humanity would stagnate and even just the concept of consciousness could not exist in the first place if everything was pre-destined with no real choice.

    If that truly were the case (which it is absolutely not) then what would the meaning of life be? A question to which answers were long sought after, it still remains a mystery to most, especially to the profane, but im letting you know that there is indeed a precise answer to that question, just as there is only one truth. There is no such thing as my truth and your truth. Truth is singular, its versions are mis-truths, just as this guy's words are a 100% mistruth aka a lie which when you accept it will cripple and bind you for life. Fact of the matter is, you do have a choice, and those who either knowingly or unknowingly, deliberately or undeliberately want to rob you of your own free will, your power of choice, and even your own responsibility, should not be listened to, nor taken seriously whatsoever, for such people who make such ridiculous nonsensical and even non-spiritual statements while at the same time claim to be spiritual, such people simply dont have the slightest clue about what they are talking about, im sorry, but that's the truth and whoever should be offended by this is protecting and part of the lie.

    Nothing more evil than to teach an innocent child the concept of "no free will" which equals "powerlessness". It turns people into passive drones / zombies perceiving life from the outside as a spectator when they are the players themselves. Indirectly it teaches them to be victims. Destiny is something that is in our hands. Destiny is something that needs to be pursued either knowingly or unknowingly, but it still requires pursuit, just as truth requires an open unbiased / unprogrammed "willing" mind to begin with. Truth can never grow or take roots in someone who has already a set belief about something, in other words has already made up his mind about something and thinks to know better which of course would stem from ego. We do have a choice, a choice of light and darkness with which we are confronted almost on a daily basis i would say.

    You keep telling yourself that but dont infect others with this poison. The very laws of energy tell a different story. People with dreams who have faith, when you put in the work and dont give up, if you dont let go of a certain goal and if you truly invest great amounts of time, thought, energy and WILL POWER into your craft or a particular goal, then the universe itself has no choice but to make it a reality. I dont care what anybody here says, my own experience is superior to another man's thoughts or beliefs that are based on nothing. I had all odds against me but wouldnt give up investing time and energy and especially WILL POWER towards my goal and after several years of not letting go of my goal, it eventually manifested itself and i got to work with several Hip Hop Legends i grew up on listening to their music aka my idols. If you must know, im talking about legends like 2pac and his crew "The Outlawz". My biggest dream came true. Me, a nobody from germany, somehow managed to get recognized by the very legends i grew up on, now all of a sudden getting free features, i even convinced forgotten legends to come back and record new verses for my new project and so much more. Was all that my destiny? Nope it was NOT. I fought for it, i put in the time, sweat and energy and wouldnt give up, even though i had MANY moments where i was either close to giving up and in fact did give up few times but then picked it up again and so on. I am proof that we can literally become or reach whatever we want, literally nothing is impossible. People who never reached their goals or made a comfortable living are usually the ones who quit too early or didnt put in enough work, no matter what they claim. If you want something as bad as you want to breathe and if you put in the work, the universe WILL answer, it has to according to certain laws of energy.

    One of the major reasons that speaks against your "no free will" lie is this. If there was no free will, if everything is pre-determined since birth, then the ability for "doubt" to arise in one's mind should and could not exist in the first place and it would serve no purpose in nature whatsoever. Just the fact that we are conscious beings and are even capable of stepping outside of ourselves to observe our own behaviour, actions and even our own thoughts and question them, would make no sense, nor serve any purpose in a reality where no free will exists and yet we can do and experience all that, why do you think that is?

    As previously mentioned, i consider myself a very spiritual person, i've dedicated a considerable amount of time to read almost every ancient text in existence, every philosophy, every spiritual concept or idea in existence. I've been doing extreme studies for 14+ years now and what you say is simply not true, not even a little bit. There are only very few doctrines that teach the concept / lie of no free will. The majority of enlightend people / philosophy / ancient texts DO NOT TEACH SUCH A THING. So for you to say that "every enlightened sage" supposedly said that or has come to this realization is beyond exaggeration to put it mildly. Its a straight out lie. Only few sects exist that teach this lie. Not every enlightened sage as you falsely claim. The real enlightened ones never claimed such a thing, quite on the contrary.

    Again, NOT TRUE. I know some of these guys and if you only knew through how much shit, excuse my french, they had to go through and persist and how many individual hard choices they had to make in their life, not to mention the sacrifices that come with it (not talking about occult sacrifices here), but sacrifice in general to accomplish goals, as in setting priorities and dedicating more time towards ones craft etc.

    First get a good grasp on what the music industry is and how it operates and what its ultimate goals are today, which, whether you like to hear it or not, is to corrupt and defile the youth. Focus on materialism, sex and drugs being the primary corruption goals, hence why such artists who are ok with dumbing down their music for a paycheck to corrupt the youth are chosen instead. I know quite a few famous artists who have been specifically asked by their record label to dumb down their music / lyrics and to rap or sing about materialisitic things, sex and drugs instead of writing lyrics with substance and meaning. If your music is too different from the templates that are currently accepted and being played in the radio etc, then they wont even consider you. In other words, the only way to make it big in the industry is to sell out and obey orders, unless you are ok with staying an indie artist.

    Just the fact that some of you put the term "famous" in the same sentence with "music" should be considered corrupted and brainwashed to the fullest. I mean is that why you make music? Because you want to become famous as the end goal? Maybe even reap all the benefits of famous people such as getting laid easily with hot chicks, have the world adore you and look up to you? Then by defintion you are not a musician, you are owned by ego and you need to re-evaluate everything. When you make music because you truly love it, the process of it and everything without any goal behind it of becoming famous one day, then and only then you are a real musician. If you want to become a musician to make a lot of money as the main goal, better get out now or sell your soul to the industry and obey in dumbing down your music and lyrics, so you will fit their program of corrupting and dumbing down the youth. If you make music with substance and meaningful lyrics, dont deceive yourself into believing ANY major record label would support you, you are on your own unless you sell out.

    As a sidenote, a little secret that is well known by successful people is that you dont even have to become super famous in the first place. In order to make a decent living, all you need is a 1000 dedicated fans, thats it. Now you just have to manage to sell those 1000 dedicated fans one or several products worth of lets say $30 within one year. I break the math down to you. 1000 x 30 = $30.000 a year. Take $30.000 and divide it by 12 months = $2500 monthly salary with only 1000 dedicated fans and only selling one or multiple products worth of $30 in total to each of them within one year. Now i dont know about you guys, but with a $2500 monthly salary for doing what you love to do, is perfectly fine with me. Any more than that i would see as a blessing. Unlike majority, im not trapped in materialism, consumerism, i dont need a lambo or porsche or worthless gold chains etc. Food for thought.

    More ill advice. When someone gets cancer, you gonna tell them "hey dont fight it, no matter how hard you try to heal yourself, cancer was in your destiny, nothing you do will make a change.", even though there are countless alternative natural treatment methods out there that have healed many where modern medicine couldnt help them anymore and they were sent home to die. What about all the stage 4 cancer survivors who miraculously beat their terminal cancer against all odds? Did they beat their own destiny then? Everything in life, requires a choice. Will i do everything in my power to get to where i want to be, whether it be career or health-wise, or am i gonna perceive myself as a choiceless / helpless victim and no matter what i do, it was all pre-destined anyway, right, hence do nothing and stagnate? But then i cant help but wonder where exactly does "WILL POWER" fit into your equation of no free will? That shouldnt exist either, for it serves no purpose in a "no free will" world and yet all humans possess the power of will. Its dormant in more passive brainwashed people, but still in there. What about "morality"? A murderer for instance, was such a person born a murderer? Was it his or her purpose or destiny to kill others in their lifetime? Isnt morality something that should keep us all from doing evil and harm to others but often times gets buried deep within? How come that many of us if not ALL of us intuitively know when we are about to do something bad, prior to commiting the act? Where is that intuitive knowing coming from and why does it exist in the first place? Well, all these little things are like tiny pieces of the puzzle that eventually form the bigger picture which you have yet to discover Sir instead of blindly believing a doctrine without question. We were given not only free will but the power of reason was given to us as well. Food for thought.

    Oh man, so where exactly does "hope" fit into your equation? One desire EVERY human should go after is taking good care of his or her own health and that includes paying attention to the food we eat. If we are careless and dont eat healthy, lets say we eat only unhealthy fastfood or processed foods in general over a long period of time, no exercise and such, then its just a matter of time until some illness manifests itself but then MVP would tell such a person "hey its your destiny, nothing you can do about it, no matter how hard you try", when it was unhealthy food or an unhealthy life style in general that manifested a particular illness to begin with. And that presents another choice. Then you have the choice to change your diet and become healthy again. In fact, literally EVERY SINGLE illness can be reverted / healed, yes even terminal illnesses that are currently believed to have no cure. I know several people who healed themselves naturally of terminal cancer when they were sent home to die. These people, me included, have made a choice and put in the work that was neccessary to bring about a desired goal or state of health. So, health, would be one major thing that every human should desire, as well as the safety of family and loved ones etc. Last but not least, you say there is no point in worrying about anything. Really? Then why dont you step into a cage with a lion in it and lets see what happens? You dont wanna do that? Why not? Its not your destiny? OR maybe you made a choice just now that you dont wanna die yet and live some longer. What about your daily food? Do we not have a choice each day what kind of food we want to eat a particular hour? When it comes to food and many other things as well, i have changed my mind many times around. Was that also my destiny to change my mind a lot that day in my past or other days? If you truly believe this nonsense / lie of having no free will, then i truly feel sorry for you, its a sick doctrine that promotes helpnessnesss and being a victim with no choice. It promotes anything but good. It promotes the opposite of hope.

    To everyone who thinks there is even just "some" truth to what MVP said, i urge you to think again. Destiny lies in our hands. Destiny is something that must be pursued, which by definition, proves that we do have a choice, at all times, to either follow something or neglect it and give up on something. What about people who dont follow or work for their destiny? Furthermore, the doctrine that MVP puts forth causes seperation. I will assume MVP got nowhere with his music and isnt it easy for him to blame his failure on some external force outside of himself? Isnt that exactly what the passive majority always does? Always seeking to blame others or something else for all their problems or failures but themselves? That eases the ego, for it casts all blame away and life is easier thinking there is nothing more i could have done etc, instead of taking responsibility and doing everything in one's power to reach a certain goal. Im sorry to be this direct, i mean you no offense in any way, shape or form, but thats what losers and cowards do. They give up, whine and blame external forces for their failure. Its the easy way / lie out to make yourself feel better about yourself.

    The stories i get to hear from actual famous people are always the same. They took destiny into their own hands and simply put in the work, time, effort and energy to get to where they are now, they even did so when everybody else told them they wouldnt make it, against all odds. Its always your own WILL POWER and DISCIPLINE that will get you to wherever you want to be or to whatever you want to become. Always has been and always will be and there is literally NOTHING you cannot accomplish. If you dont reach your goals, you simply didnt put in enough work and gave up too early, you didnt take it a 100% seriously to begin with. Everything else is excuse. End of story.





    Again, there is a universal law, if you put in the work and will power and dont give up ever, then the universe has no choice but to make it a reality. There are actual scientific reasons to why that is, which im not gonna present here. The message turned out quite long already, so make of it whatever you will folks but if i were you, i'd think twice about listening to the "no free will" lie that MVP puts forth here and even received hella likes, which must have come from individuals feeling the same pain of no success and casting blame away from yourself to some external force eases the pain of course and puts the indvidual in a certain comforting state that takes away pain caused by not reaching certain goals which i could explain in detail. Im a psychology student as well and there is so much ill advice being put forth by MVP here, its quite sad actually to see he even gets "likes" for it, when all he does is making you believe you are a victim, helpless, inferiour and you apparently dont have your destiny in your own hands. Lets cast all blame away from ourselves, like false religion has done for centuries and call it spiritual? To do away with "free will" in its entirety has nothing to do with spirituality. In fact, if you believe no free will exists, then you cannot be truly spiritual to begin with, whether you understand that or not. Major contradicition here.

    I say, that the dreams and goals of each and every single one of you have not been reached due to a lack of DISCIPLINE and WILL POWER. You simply gave up too early or didnt put in enough work for your goal to manifest or take shape. Simple as that. Every succesful person will tell you this. Its the same story behind all. Of course the ego will find all types of excuses, and its cunning like a viper, but oh well....


    Instead of whining about failures or not having reached a certain goal yet, if instead you spent all this time into disciplining yourself and to put even more work into your craft AND learning about how to properly promote your music etc, you might and even WILL reach your goals or at least in part, but instead here you are blaming destiny (some force outside of yourself) for all your failures / shortcomings. In other words, you simply give up, or lets say you are lukewarm, just as there are lukewarm christians still committing wilfull sin, not taking the Gospel a 100% serious, nor following it. There are real christians and lukewarm christians. There are also people who will do everything in their power to make a living off of their music and then there are lukewarm people who wont give it their all and eventually come up with excuses such as destiny to finally quit or not go full force anymore. They are simply lukewarm and they cant be bothered to put in heavy work to reach their own goals. Destiny is something very real, yes, but still its something that requires pursuit and that brings about choice / free will. Food for thought and God bless you all.

    PS: Just as you have a choice in what foods you eat daily, whether natural healthy foods such as vegetables and fruits from nature compared to dead processed foods that have been proven to be harmful to your health, so you have a choice in how much work you put into your craft, projects, goals and desires etc. End of story. Whoever neglects and attempts to do away with "free will" in its entirety is very wrong and harming others by spreading this nonsense / lie.

    There is literally no way for you to know how much work he put in to get where he wanted to be. You only see the result, but remain blind and ignorant of all the steps it took to get there. Not to mention that from a psychological point of view, your very reasoning is rooted in envy pointing your fingers at others questioning if they deserve the spotlight or not, and why not i? All ill-rooted envy whether you know it or not my friend.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2019
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  9. Millenium

    Millenium Producer

    Jul 14, 2011
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    One of the best specialists in quantum mechanics :
    He could clarify us on the question...

    This man, had in the past proved the existence of donuts.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2019
  10. M.V.P.

    M.V.P. Member

    Oct 29, 2019
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    @mojo777 Calm Down my friend.. It's Ok You are entitled to your opinion
    And Ia'm not forcing my views on others.. Was just putting in my Point
    If You don't agree with that.. Then It's fine.. Everyone has to live his/her life according to his/her own Mental Concept of World
    I find peace in this way. Ia'm not a materialistic person.. Ia'm just following footsteps of my Spiritual Master who was a Beautiful Person and an Enlightened Sage
    He expected Me to live a Detached Life.. And Not pay Attention to what happens around Me .. Just stand aloof.
    I of course do Hard Work - Put lots of Efforts - Even look for Clever Ways for Marketing.. But I have found that " I " really don't do anything.. Everything happens by itself.. I JUST STAND ALOOF AND SEE THINGS HAPPENING !!
    If they come true.. I will still be Detached to that Victory !! It won't make a difference to my nature.

    Thank You :)

    And one more thing.. There is No God.. God is only an Imagination of Ancestors to give People a " Comfort of Mind " that God is listening.. Everything will be Fine.. But Nothing happens like that.. There is No God
    May everyone's dreams come true ( which is of course not possible )

    Cheers. :):)
  11. lasteno

    lasteno Platinum Record

    Apr 14, 2013
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    you are putting extra words.. in what I was trying to express..
  12. mojo777

    mojo777 Kapellmeister

    Sep 21, 2015
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    I read somewhere, someone was whining about not getting more than 500 views etc. Was exactly the same for me in the beginning, wouldnt get much more than 1000 views until i put in the work and sacrificed 4-5 whole months (almost half a year) doing nothing but heavily promote my own channel by leaving 100-200 comments on other channels and blogs etc each day which took me several hours (up to 5-6 hours a day) and that for 4-5 months straight. The first month no big change happened. The 2nd month, my subscribers would rise steadily and after the 4th month the ball was rolling and after that i wouldnt have to do any promo anymore, my channel would just grow on its own, like pacman getting bigger and bigger. But if it wasnt for the hard work i put in for 4-5 months straight promoting my my own channel for several hours each day, it wouldnt have happened on its own, wasnt fun to me at all, but it payed off = I went out of my way and put in the work against my own will at the time, but i had this mindset "its now or never, its all or nothing" and it payed off in the end. Food for thought.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2019
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  13. mojo777

    mojo777 Kapellmeister

    Sep 21, 2015
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    I am very calm, appreciate your concerns though. Thanks brother.

    I can see what a great teacher he was by teaching people to be passive and dead on the inside, to not pay attention to what happens around you, to just stay aloof, which is equal to taking away responsibility from you. That's how empathy is gradually being taken away from you. This teaching has its roots in new age teachings. These self-centered teachings are anything but enlightened but of course im well aware that you wont take my words seriously and thats ok. I could sense that right away, putting another man (your supposed enlightened sage) on a pedestal like that speaks volumes about your current mindset. With a psychological background you would probably understand these words more, hence why im not gonna elaborate any further.

    Not to mention the fact that you are clearly heavily polarized in mind and double-minded. In one breath, you talk about how you are supposed to live a detached life, detached from what i wonder? Being spiritual myself, i would assume to stay detached from a materialistic life style? And in another breath you air your desire to make it big in the music industry and then you add how the success wouldnt change your nature at all. Right. Good luck with that. You are a big bundle of contradiction it seems. Airing your desire or dream to make it big in the music industry one day is, by defintion, being very attached to the world. You cant talk about a detached life but at the same time have a desire or dream to make it big in the music industry. This kind of thing is called the deception of self. Just saying.

    Wrong again. Fact of the matter is that in your current limited paradigm there is no way for you to know for certain if there is a God or not. Thats just your opinion presented as fact when it is NOT. You literally have zero chance to know this in your current limited paradigm. Make of it what you will Sir and much love.

    Not even Carl Sagan (a Godless scientist) was as foolish as you are and i quote him:

    "An atheist is someone who is certain that God does not exist, someone who has compelling evidence against the existence of God. I know of no such compelling evidence. Because God can be relegated to remote times and places and to ultimate causes, we would have to know a great deal more about the universe than we do now to be sure that no such God exists. To be certain of the existence of God and to be certain of the nonexistence of God seem to me to be the confident extremes in a subject so riddled with doubt and uncertainty as to inspire very little confidence indeed". - Carl Sagan

    Im sorry to be this direct again, but you do not deal in truth, you deal in opinions only. You have no proof whatsoever for any of the concepts you brought forth in this post, while i "could" prove my stance and back up my every word with nothing but empirical scientific evidence. Lets keep God out of this post, but presenting / stating your mere opinion / beliefs as fact or truth is very misleading and it might harm and trap others who read it. Just saying and just some food for thought.

    But it could be possible and is possible if only people set their mind to it and gave it their all and wouldnt give up. Apparently you dont quite understand how everything is indeed possible. It seems you dont quite understand the power of the mind (see placebo effect), and what WILL POWER is capable of. Instead you not only deny dreams to your own Self BUT others as well. You spread this poison to others, where you do nothing but throw stumbling stones onto the path of others with this nonsensical / nonspiritual doctrine from this not so enlightened guru. But oh well, who am i?

    Wish you nothing but the best, much love and God bless you brother.

    Read this article or stay ignorant, as always the choice is yours ;)

    An official study has been conducted that proves the power of the mind. The study measured the strength gains in three different groups of people. The first group did nothing outside their usual routine. The second group was put through two weeks of highly focused strength training for one specific muscle, three times a week. The third group listened to audio CDs that guided them to imagine themselves going through the same workout as the exercising group, three times a week but did not actually lift a finger, they never worked out but only visualized the workout in their minds and the results blew everyone away, because those who were just visualizing the workout in their minds, also showed muscle gain when in fact they never lifted a finger. And here you are saying this is impossible and that impossible, saying everything is destiny, harming and limiting your own self and others with this nonsense of a not so enlightened person.

    Ponder on that study for a while and then ask yourself how it fits into your false concept of everything is destiny and there is no free will. Good luck.

    God bless you all.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2019
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  14. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Irrespective of whether I believe in the existence of God or not:
    • Nobody asked you for your opinion
    • You know a fuck about god. Nobody knows if god exists or not.
    • I'm not sure but I think religious statements are against the rules of this forum
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2019
  15. Rainy Keys

    Rainy Keys Kapellmeister

    Mar 12, 2013
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    Nashville, TN
    lmaooooo how in the world did yall start talking about God in this post?:rofl:
  16. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Yeah bruh. Just leave it all to destiny. This way you can be relieved that you 'll never reach Lil Pump's success, since it was predetermined. :hahaha:
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  17. Vader

    Vader Platinum Record

    Jun 15, 2011
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    No, with Roland Groovebox 505 and 303, and some Synths and FX from Ableton
  18. M.V.P.

    M.V.P. Member

    Oct 29, 2019
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    @mojo777 See Brother.. There is no point Arguing over these things.. I know You won't change your Mind upon What I said.. And You know I won't change mine based on What You said.. So Let's not get deeper into these things.

    And about Enlightened Being.. He is really not an Enlightened One if He talks about pursuing your Worldly Goals and Wealth.. The Prerequisite of attaining Enlightenment is becoming Desireless !! Desires come from Mind.. And Enlightenment only happens when this Monkey Mind has been shut off - completely free from all Desires and Thoughts.

    Again now lets not talk about Enlightenment here
    But I have made my decision of Trusting my Guru's Words ! I cannot go against them
    And about my " Detachment " That Detachment is from all my Workings and Dreams.. So I don't care if my dreams come true or not.. Ia'm not affected by them.
    Ia'm just watching My Body crossing this ocean of Life. Nothing else
    And about God.. On that matter too I will trust my Guru who said The World starts from you and ends from You.. There is no one over there in Sky looking at you and your actions.
    But again Why talk about these things.. You believe in God That's Great ! Believe in What gives you peace of Mind.. That's all that Matters.. Isn't it ?

    Cheers :)
  19. M.V.P.

    M.V.P. Member

    Oct 29, 2019
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    hehe Well Whatever you say bro :rofl:but i will really go with destiny.. If it gonna happen.. It will happen.. If Not.. It won't.. Why even worry and think about these things :wink: Life is too short to worry about these useless things.
  20. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    What on earth is happening here..?
    Here's my 2ยข:
    The number of breaths we will ever take in our life has already been determined before we were even conceived. It is up to us on how we breathe them. Short, panicked gasps or slow, meditative rolls. This is the very essence of Yoga, meditation and prayer. Same number of breaths but one gets you to the end faster while the other keeps you going on. Same number, very different results in time.

    @M.V.P. Open minds see all perspectives and "The World starts from you and ends from You.. There is no one over there in Sky looking at you and your actions.", does not state that there is no God. It simply states that God does not sit up and away, watching. He is within.
    Patience and discernment lead to truth, brother. Not a cocksure attitude.
    This is my opinion.
    I don't want to be famous. I just want to rock. This makes me joyful. If I could do it all day without the 9-5 gig, I would be euphoric.
    I will not sit and wait. I will do.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2019
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