Must have Plugins/Categories and how to categorize

Discussion in 'Software' started by flworius, Oct 16, 2019.

  1. flworius

    flworius Member

    Aug 22, 2015
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    I'm setting up my new computer after being abstinent from producing for a while.
    Now asking myself which plugins to install and how to categorize them and which categories people can agree to existing. There are the classics/oldschool one like Dynamics/Compression, Modulation eg., newer one might be Transient Designer, Chord-Tools... While I don't want to fall into the VSTS/Gear Fallacy and be on the search, I also fear missing out by just forgetting about Categories/Plugins. I just want all the Soundmodulation Principles/Tools there are available and then choose from there. (As I've been out of the game, just a bit of trial n error again to find my favorite techniques/tools again) Im open to any Suggestion of Single VSTs that are special or necessary in your opinion and how you categorize your tools.

    In general, I want to be as versatile as possible while having as little plugins as possible. So instead, for example of a flanger, a phaser, a delay I would prefer a plugin that is all of that. Only if a single-use plugin is exceptional in sound or just more practical, I would prefer it over a multi-purpose plugin.
    Also Multiband Plugins, I much prefer to have one that lets me split bands and then use it as I need instead of having a multiband plugin for every use case.

    I´ll just add a Picture of my Folder Structure. Maybe there is something missing that jumps to the eye of an experienced producer instantly
    (like "that's all fine, but I see you don't have de-essers. You definitely need them!" ...)
    I myself, for example, see I don't have a folder "Vinyl/Crackle" right now. Just didn't think about that category of tools, just came to my mind right sure I'm missing something else...


    Instrumente there are subfolders: Synth, Drums, Guitar, Sampler.
    Kicks are Plugins soley for Bassdrum Creation.
    FX is everything that is not to categorize/multi-fx.
  3. flworius

    flworius Member

    Aug 22, 2015
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    So im going to answer myself....I just stumbled along
    It´s quite helpful for getting an overview of plugins and one can make use of their categorization too.
  4. Meteo Xavier

    Meteo Xavier Ultrasonic

    Nov 6, 2019
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    Umm, if you're asking opinions about plugins that someone responding, like me, would consider "must-have", I nominate the following things:

    * Ambiance Reverb plugin
    * Density Compressor plugin
    * Sonible Smart EQ plugin
    * Soundspot Focus plugin
    * Zynaptiq Intensity plugin
    * Korg MDX plugin
    * Valhalla VintageVerb

    A lot of the other ones I consider must have for mixing are all FL Studio/Image Line stuff that comes with the software and may not be general use, but hopefully that's a decent start towards anyone looking for plugins that can work quickly for rough, DIY producers like myself.
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