since serum can do everything Sylenth1 does...

Discussion in 'Software' started by samsome, Nov 5, 2019.

  1. samsome

    samsome Guest

    since serum can do everything Sylenth1 does... and then some more

    why would someone use Sylenth1 for any reason other than maybe be more familiar with that synth?

    i am just trying to understand if it could be also be better sounding in any way...or something

  2. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    Creating music isn't about using the best, most powerful synth. At least not always. Sometimes by picking up the synth you can control with your eyes shut works better because you spend your time on what you want to create, rather than gloating to yourself at what you possess!

    I guarantee, nobody out there when listening to your finished article will give a damn at the synth you used. Only whether or not it is any good!
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  3. tori

    tori Platinum Record

    Jun 15, 2018
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    Technically Serum can do everything Sylenth1 does, but the sound is different, sylenth sounds different, especially the filters. Serum has a really digital sounding sound, sylenth sounds a little more analog. And serum might be not a cpu hog like Diva ect, but sylenth is still much more cpu/bad computer friendly than serum, so if you have not the greatest PC, you can do some easy stuff like sub bass with sylenth, you don't need the more recource unfriendly serum for it.
  4. 11Fletcher

    11Fletcher Platinum Record

    Sep 12, 2016
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    Sylenth take use less CPU for the same sound. I use both, usually Sylenth will be my first choice for simpler sounds. Also for sound design session, I like serum a lot, but sometime using sylenth give different perspective and make me do something I would not think about with Serum. The FX doesn't sound the same also, but it's not something I'll think about when I have to choose which one I'll use.

    So yes, technically, Serum can do everything Sylenth can do (with some difference in phase behaviour when using multiple voices) but it's not just about what a synth can do, it's more about what a synth inspire you.

    Now there is Phase Plant which could basically replace Serum, Sylenth or Massive, and it sounds great, with more possibility, but even with that, I'm still using those three (as well as Spire, Diva, Harmor and other Arturia stuff), just because of inspiration.

    We make music, which is a big part of math and technical possibility, but it's also a big part of inspiration. That's why people keep using some cheap digital synth from the 90s, even though they are basically hardware version of plugin with some limitation, and even sometime a cheaper sound (I'm not talking about analog, which is another thing). But the interface can inspire them more and be more spontaneous and creative with those limitation, even if the sound itself is not as great as a new plugin. At the end of the day, it's about what inspire you :)
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  5. TaxiDriver

    TaxiDriver Platinum Record

    Jun 22, 2018
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    First, the main difference is how they generate their base sound. Sylenth1 uses 4 unison generators of a few waveforms, usually found on older subtractive synthesizers. Serum uses wavetable synthesis, where the waveforms are retrieved from a wave-"table", it takes a 1-cycle snapshot of the waveform.. short, whereas Sylenth1 "generates", Serum "takes" from a given wavetable.

    Of course the question is: if you generate a sine, square, saw etc. in Sylenth1, does it sound the same as if you cycle the sine, sqare.. in Serum. If you think that even the synths that "should" sound the same (e.g. Diva, Legend, Monark let's say emulating moog) do not, then you know the answer..
    No one can answer this question. "Better sounding" is subjective, especially nowadays. We are using bit crushers, reducing bit depth, like 11Fletcher said, using crappy synths from 90s.. it's like asking if a clean guitar sounds better than distorted. It's art-aesthetics.

    Sylenth1 was/is praised for "creamy" oscillators, many times compared to (a portion of) Virus TI. Serum and wavetable synths offer other sound-design options, as you can use any waveform (without knowing the periodic f(x) of it).

    My conclusion would be - it depends heavily on material you are working on. If you want a classic 90s house lead with pitchmod on the tail, use Sylenth1. If you are after Tropical house flute, use Serum, aso.. :)
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  6. tori

    tori Platinum Record

    Jun 15, 2018
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    I hope that Phaseplant replaces Serum. I like it much more, and Serum was the last "big thing" and now it's like 5 years old. Time for a new Synth.
  7. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    11Fletcher thanks to you, I went back to see phase plant and suddenly I understood that I almost let pass this beast.
    THank you :bow:
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2019
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  8. D-Music

    D-Music Rock Star

    Apr 21, 2014
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    I’m a (mostly) sylenth1 and massive user - with sometimes spire - but am planning to buy serum during Black Friday (although it probably won’t go on sale so 2nd hand at kvr would be an option too). I’m also interested though in the new massive x. That phase plant looks promising too but I’ll stick to the other options for now.

    I have to admit, on one side I would like to jump on the serum train to see how it helps with my creativity and to add a more modern synth to my collection (new challenge etc), on the other side I can still do whatever I want - and faster I guess - with the tools I already have. So at the end, would it be worth it .. that’s the question. Especially when I see that spire didn’t ‘replace’ them in an earlier stage.

    Massive x will most likely be an option for sure one day because I want to stay up2date with everything.
  9. Snipes3000

    Snipes3000 Noisemaker

    Aug 8, 2019
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    The nice thing about Serum is that it is so quick, which is so good for the workflow because you can kind of unconsciously do sound design, without spending too much time realising your next move. Some synths it takes like forever to understand where the modulation is, to set it up and to get rid of it. Also you can do wavetables, additive synthesis, use the noise generator to add samples, so it covers quite a lot. If you want an electronic sound you can never regret buying Serum. Watch some deadmau5 livestreams on youtube and see how he is doing sound design in serum.
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  10. tori

    tori Platinum Record

    Jun 15, 2018
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    Steve Duda dont like sales, he stated somewhere (maybe even on the xfer forum) that it's unfair for costumers who bought it for the full price, kinda understable for me. but you can rent-to-own it :wink:

    I like serum, but I don't use it very often, mostly I go to sylenth fo quick ideas, and more creative stuff I do with Arturia Softsynths most of the time, but Serum is really nice.
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2019
  11. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Just because two synthesizers can do the same does not mean they sound the same.
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  12. demberto

    demberto Rock Star

    Nov 27, 2018
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    If you can create a sound in Serum which you can also create in Sylenth1 and applying a few effects externally then defo go with Sylenth1. Sylenth1 is friends with CPU. Serum is not and will never be. To just give an example, Serum eats up about 30-50% CPU with 8x unison on a single default saw wave depending upon the number of notes pressed at a time and no effects or filters applied. Only one oscillator is in use. The same settings in Sylenth1 give you a little different sound (not low quality) but with just 5-7% CPU on a normal i5-6400.
    Hive is a much better wt synth when it comes to CPU than most others. Even Massive being surprisingly powerful but very difficult to learn is light on CPU, sometimes even lighter than Spire.
    Newer uncracked versions of Sylenth1 are even more friendly with the CPU
  13. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    As said, "the most powerful synth ever" is not equivalent of "the best". This is a beginner misconception, which companies like Waldorf (with their Waldorf Kyra) uses to lure people in on buying it.
    Sometimes the "simple" synths (each taking up their fair share of space) are more than enough to create great music and great tracks. This is also why synths like Omnisphere 2 sound great on their own, but is hard to implement into full tracks/songs because they have so much going on sonically.

    Sylenth1 is also easy on the CPU, even if you stack it 3 times to create a sound it is still less CPU-demanding than Serum.

    Serum is wavetable synth and Sylenth1 is subtractive. This also is a factor. There are other synths you might want in your arsenal, like FM, granular, additive, hybrid, vector, etc. Each having their own character, pros/cons, etc.
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2019
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  14. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    9,99 * 19= 189,81

    Try it on pluginboutique after some weeks (2-4 Weeks) you will get a voucher for 10% off (It was so with all things I tried there )

    Base price on pluginboutique is 163.58 € atm -10% =147,222 €

    And you will get 5.89€ in virtual Cash + 2,8 Reward tokkens 4,2 € + 0,20€ for rating it

    Effective it will cost 136,93 € (with 10,29€ for some other stuff on this site )

    And they got every month a new free goodie with every Sale (even Presets for 1€) (like iZotope Iris 2, Ozon elements, proximity:EQ+ sonible ,Session Bundle Applied Acoustics Systems
    Samplepacks etc. ) (This month iZotope Nectar Elements 3)
    (Best way to get most bang for your bucks would be buy every month a really cheap on and take all the free Stuff over the Year.:winker:)

    (And don't forget Serum is since a few weeks an only NFR plugin )
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 12, 2019
  15. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    Please read my Post (last post )
    No 2nd hand allowed

    even if this does't go on sale there are ways to keep the price low
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  16. itisntreal

    itisntreal Guest

    sylenth is good for preset junkies like me
    search a for good sounding preset and dial in some different settings and your good to go
    and what about serum yeah its a good synth but not for my pc single notes no problem but chords kills my cpu synthmaster is also cpu friendly
  17. tori

    tori Platinum Record

    Jun 15, 2018
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    Yeah but the big problem for me is, that I must buy some cheap plugin, that I mostly don't use anyway, only to get 99% izotope elements stuff, I don't use either... The free Izotope Elements Stuff is not enough because I can easily do it with some other plugins. But izotope Iris was a really good free offer, the mastering the mix plugin too or the free plugins from other developers too. But mostly it's izotope elements. I only use this when something else than izotope elements is for free xD
  18. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    You don't have to buy Plugins.
    They got some pretty interesting sample packs from glitchmaschines for 3-5 € atm
    There are also some preset packs (For me not interesting as well but hey more possibility :wink:)
  19. tori

    tori Platinum Record

    Jun 15, 2018
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    Atm Tantrum is very nice and in sale, I like it more than fabfilter saturn.