Hans Zimmer - Randomly famoused composer

Discussion in 'Film / Video Game Scoring' started by metaller, Oct 30, 2019.

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  1. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    yeah nowadays hollywood releases are so exquisite
  2. The Observer

    The Observer Guest

    I am sad that you have never been taught that sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. Good people and Intelligent people read things as they are said, without mal-intent. Try it sometime. :)

    What I said about Hans is a fact, he wouldn't care. Anyone that has reached the highest point in their field financially does not care, why would they? - matter-of-fact. They'd be thinking 'I am there, you are not'. Not nasty, it's the way it is.
    If people cared about what others thought as their MO they'd never create anything new. That is true for anyone that has reached the top of their field. But a lot of sheeple do care. In 100 years nobody will know those sheeple existed.

    Whether that is from writing crap or good music is irrelevant.

    A perfect example is Kanye. Anyone that is a real musician knows he's shit, but he's made millions so he does not care what anyone thinks and still tells people he's a genius FFS.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 2, 2019
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  3. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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  4. The Observer

    The Observer Guest

    You are great at twisting things to suit your own ends. But that's not my issue. Not remotely totalitarianism. It's been that way for decades. People with money do not care. Just ask the current USA President, he does not give a shit, yet morons voted in someone that represents everything you just said and now the rest of the world no longer sees USA as the greatest power, instead, now seen as the greatest joke. :rofl:
  5. The Observer

    The Observer Guest

    If you look through History, sadly many people get credit and money for other people's efforts.

    I am more lateral. He has done the work whether it was in creating or stealing and made a lot of money out of it. So he does not care what anyone thinks. He even changed his name from Zimmerman to Zimmer. Whether that was for anti-Semitism or publicity, I have no idea?
    If there is Karma or a God or whatever anyone believes in, it will come to visit eventually.
  6. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Congrats to metaller for dropping a bomb and then disappear.
    Typical trademark of a troll.
    This is the last time i engage in such threads.
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  7. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    No one convinced me, nothing has changed about Zimmer, and I have nothing more to say :dunno:
    Still this:

    sounds better than this:

    to me. More than half of the latter is just simple repeated percussion loops, maybe only 10 seconds is actually something good.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2019
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  8. Neuralgia

    Neuralgia Guest

    The superior training is just:

    Avoiding deceptive shortcuts and not skirting around all the real learning issues that are fraught with the severe difficulties.

    Hans' works are nothing but some skin games.
  9. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    its also probable that what many see as "themeless", plasticky cold compositions simply fit very well with the current commercialized cold (imo) soulless plastic fast-food trend in movies too so no wonder, they simply go hand in hand. such productions will often only require something that "looks" meaty and full. the business model was alway about maximizing return, but todays cost effectiveness demands are worse than ever before and that surly affects the little space left for whats to expect from "art" too.

    gone are the times when composers wrote the music while actually watching the whole movie, today the trend is composing loose sections or even worse composing without even having seen the darn "movie".

    also between choosing a scholled classic master who will require and maybe even demand a philharmonic orchestra and months of preparation they will rather pick a contemporary player who can "fix it" in a short time and cost-effective way suitable the numbers. all such "details" make a difference

    so sure, I wouldn't blame the operator who just performs a job but the people who make the decisions to hire and produce fast-food productions and therefore dont pay that much attention to what goes to them, and even more i would blame the current economic model that affects not only art but every aspect in our lives today, its not easy.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2019
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  10. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Hanz is an intrinsic part of this problem, he arguably created it - being the pioneer as his fans claim, @EddieXx. He is effectively producing the template that Hollywood expects everyone to follow. Instead of a score that is part of the fabric and personality of the film - something that stays with you - it is just (as Hanz' fanz attest) background muzak (always in D minor).

    Everyone here (I would bet) associates certain scenes in any score by Vangelis, Williams et al with the music - you can hear the soundtrack to Jaws, ET, Blade Runner etcs while watching with the sound off. I doubt anyone can do the same with any of Hanz' interchangable scores.

    Rather you (and I will =) answer ur rhetorical question backwards - yes, it is a common, basic technique, prolly one of the first things you learn; not as difficult as changing dynamics even.

    Yes, sometimes (always). Repetition is part of music, and everyone likes a callback. In hours of music, it helps reinforce / change emotion, "reveal". It does require a melody, something mostly absent from Hanz' muzak. The "pure Hanz" of Driving Miss Daisy excepted.

    Yes, when called for. No, when not. Last professional thing I wrote (jammed) had weird +5 (semitone) shifts. It sort of worked.

    Well, given he is on VI Control (still) lapping up feverish adulation, I would say that he cares a great deal; and has spent a great deal of time discrediting people who wrote music in his name. I think you should take the time to read Headshot's examination of (one score claimed by) Hanz. At least, before adding to the spambot army of ppl defending the poor, defenceless behemoth - from terrible, unwarranted "crucifixion" (valid criticism).
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  11. Kluster

    Kluster Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2018
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    I am a randomly anonymoused composer.:bow:
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  12. The Observer

    The Observer Guest

    Nah - I figure treat people as you would wish to be treated yourself.
    I choose not to make his karma mine.

    Nobody can change the amount of money or scores he has done. It truly is only 'Hans bashing'. It would not bother me if I never heard another score of his again.
    But I am not going to lower myself by putting shit on him.
    There are many artists that have been accused of similar feats of mediocrity -Kanye, Kenny G, Milli Vanilli so on and so forth.
    But that is their karma. Some have got it some will eventually. But to repeat it's not mine. I am not defending Zimmer's greatness, I have never said that. I am defending his station, He's there, nobody here is. So it looks like everyone here is doing a "How come a talentless piece of....has this and I do not?"

    It's not a good look and looks like a bunch of green-eyed monsters. Sad.
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  13. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Hi @Von_Steyr are you absolutely sure: "This is the last time i engage in such threads"?

    Reason I ask you is very simple:
    You have a bad habit changing your mind - which you´ve done over and over since you original regged here and till now!

    So can we really believe in you when you say: "This is the last time i engage in such threads"?... I doubt.

    Who is actually a troll here? just a plain and simple question...... I´ll gladly give you the answar, but........!
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  14. The Dude

    The Dude Rock Star

    Aug 13, 2012
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    I'm not!...:cool:

    So much said, so little words. Dao de king style!!!

    As if, in real life, there weren't enough good and talented ones trying to make it in the business.

    It's not your preferred way to compose though... your kind of music is very personal, an introspection, if I may.
    Therefore suitable to a very special audience (note the absence of good or bad).
    And in my experience, you may criticize the man, but dare you criticize his music!

    Thanks for exposing the truth to the forum. This travesty and injustice. I hope you keep fighting for the cause of good composers. Wish you a lot of money for the studio, instruments and musicians of your dreams (the real ones...).

    And if things go wrong, you can always became a music critiquer...
    (or if you allow me two bad jokes, take ...lut out of famous)
    Very suggestive by the way...

    You haven't watched the movie yet...Thanks for not doing it!
    (how dismissive of your part...)


    A talented and promising musician like you shouldn't be wasting so much time and energy with this...(I mean it!).
    I really enjoyed listening to your soundcloud page.:wink:

    I wish you good luck and best wishes.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2019
  15. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    A lot of the spambot replies are unintentionally hilarious, feels like it should be on iamverybadass.

    Anyway, to sum up, it feels (when forced to listen to Hanz' scores) that he is genuinely no fan of music; it is almost like it's inconvenient to him that he has to write this stuff. Feels like he is disinterested, music no more than a means to an end. He has a formula, but would prefer AI to do the work - and it often feels like it does. I don't believe he's learned much about the form over the decades, just about dry processes.

    In my opinion and experience, there is always something (often baffling) to learn, always joy in playing and creating; it's the most fun you can have with ur clothes on. Admittedly, all of humanity would prefer it if Hanz kept his clothes on, but is it too much to ask that he retire and live on his island made of gold? =) I just worry that kids listening to Hanz' scores will assume "this is how to do it" by ubiquity, let alone that Hollywood already does. There's no shortcut to something profound, something worthwhile, something that stays with you after the lights dim.
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  16. The Observer

    The Observer Guest

    Just to clarify considering the very few posts overall (displayed to left), I am no spambot I am even on the Audiosex CD, with REAL musicians.

    It really does not matter if it's a job like someone else might consider collecting garbage or whether he loves it.
    As for the 'this is how you do it' as the core, I would not worry too much. People that learn to play an instrument well and create will always follow their own path and follow the masters from all genres and styles of music that are players and composers. Whether Bach, Chick Corea, Stravinsky, John Coltrane, John Williams, Mancini, Gershwin, Morricone or Page and Plant.

    I prefer at least twenty film scorers to Zimmerman, but he serves a function as I mentioned. :)

    EDIT: As for one of the new breed, I still really dig Ludwig Göransson's score from Black Panther. I can name others but you get my drift. There are not a lot of John Williams style out there but they are coming back.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 3, 2019
  17. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    who created first patch ?
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2019
  18. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    I dont have a problem with people criticizing him. I have a problem with those who have done jack shit in life, basic loud mouths with zero experience in the studio, live, who have never written a meaningful arrangement, people who can play scales yet again can not write, non creators.
    Recording yourself how you practice scales is elementary school knowledge, there are only two kinds of people, those who can create and those who cant, because they dont have it in them and no amount of plugins and practicing will help them.
    And most people here who are against him have probably zero experience in what makes someone a composer/song writer/producer.
    Most of you couldnt go against a basic small time EDM producer yet they want to tackle HZ.
    You dont sound smart, you sound weak.
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  19. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    so the main publicum which is not a musician at all has no right to say hmm..that zimmer sounds like always with his cheap hollywood recipe...

    i like you very well but that post was weak...fo sho..
  20. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    so true but the point here is that hollywood dont let true cinema thru and ergo no real music...point. discussion ended. period.

    you suits destroy everything
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