
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Rorer, Oct 27, 2019.

  1. Rorer

    Rorer Guest

    Today i am so happy that i stopped with smoking for 1 year now.
    Vaping has chaned my life and that's something to celebrate.
    For 27 years i smoked like 50 grams of tobacco every 2-3 days.
    Nowdays i wonder how i managed that and my body.
    I watch many movies, and i noticed that 90% of the movies
    that there is smoking in it. Alcohol is like 60%
    Anyways, i celebrate.
    Also it is better for my studio and equipment, they don't stink
    anymore :)

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  3. jhagen

    jhagen Platinum Record

    Apr 9, 2013
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    Don't let vaping change your life too much.
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  4. A Ghost On The Moon

    A Ghost On The Moon Producer

    Aug 18, 2019
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    Pro-tip from a former pack a day smoker: Don't you fucking dare ever start smoking. The second you start its a life long struggle to get back to not craving that cig.
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  5. Rorer

    Rorer Guest

    As the video says in the end, it's a tool to get of smoking.
    I tryed so many times in the past with all kinds of stuff, but this is the good one.
    In the end i drop vaping.
    Then i can spend that money and go to Hawaii for some deep diving and hunt some sharks :)
  6. Peppe

    Peppe Member

    Sep 26, 2016
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  7. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    I meanwhile either prefer vaporizing (no unhealth liquids!) cannabis (or thyme) instead of smoking (i never smoked cigarrets) it :) And the ebst is that you can eat the roasted decarboxylated weed, yam:
  8. demberto

    demberto Rock Star

    Nov 27, 2018
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    I would save close to 2 us dollars in a week
  9. Rorer

    Rorer Guest

    How can you even speak about something you never did?
    I smell lobyists.
  10. A Ghost On The Moon

    A Ghost On The Moon Producer

    Aug 18, 2019
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    Bruh how you gone say that you prefer vaporizing weed over cigarettes when you've never smoked cigs. Also do you not ever feel as if the mouth fedora subtracts from the fun of gathering with the homies to smoke a blunt?
  11. Jeffriezal

    Jeffriezal Producer

    Feb 2, 2017
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    Amen brother!!

    My self also stopped smoking for 10 months now. Smoking more than 20 years since I was 11 and before I quit, I'm 2 packs a day chain smoker. It is really bad. I admit it, I'm an addict.. but thanks to my ex who introduce me to this vape pod system, I manage to quit in 7 days.

    Now I can't even stand the smell or taste of it. I clearly understand now what it means for so many years when people say I smell and taste like an ashtray...

    I don't know if I will quit vaping any time soon, but I started to see that I'm not vaping it as much as when I started.
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  12. Rorer

    Rorer Guest

    It's not "weed", that is what they tell you in the Lobbyist Main Strem Media.
    Purpose of lobbyists is to get Toilet Paper called Money.
  13. A Ghost On The Moon

    A Ghost On The Moon Producer

    Aug 18, 2019
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    As a patient of """"MEDICAL"""" weed, its weed
  14. Rorer

    Rorer Guest

    Do you know how many kinds there are?
    Research it before you reply.
  15. Gizmoz

    Gizmoz Producer

    Oct 20, 2018
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    Vaping is a good alternative to smoking.
    I stopped smoking in less than 3 days, and went on with vaping only.
    It was almost 10 years ago.

    But .... here's my story.

    Back then it was the beginning of vaping, and new devices appeared almost every month. One better than the other, mainly in term of vapor production.
    Result: it costed me more than smoking cigars. :rofl:

    4 years later (only vaping) I began to feel like I swallowed pure menthol 24 hrs a day. My sleep began to disappear (litterally).

    I've seen more than 22 doctors the next 4 years. Meanwhile my condition went so worse that I've been in obligation to stop my own company.
    I've spent my economies in medical research in the end.

    Result of the research:
    - Thyroid down
    - Bad diffusion of O2
    - Loss of sleep
    - Pain everywhere.
    - Surgery to take off saphene veins from my legs
    - and more ..

    At the end I have a sensitive peripheral neuropathy
    Wich mean little nervous fibers are wounded.
    It seems like my immune system have attaked my nerves.

    In real life
    I can't use normal clothes anymore (it burns my skin)
    I barely go outside.
    I have strong reaction when I touch fresh water (my skin turns red and it hurts)
    I can't sleep more than 90 min in a row (when I'm luky)
    I'm under morphine since 5 years, only to .... live without too much pain.

    Sometimes I have problems with my eyes and others with cognition.
    When I talk to anybody more than 10 min, I'm exhausted and feel out of this world.
    And much more.
    I feel in hell trying to escape this feeling 24 h a day (and night, man my nights are nightmares)

    End of complaint here.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    I'm trying to say I'm ok with vaping but I've taked my cigarette back, and so achieved a sort of status quo with my disease.
    I grow my own weed, whitch hepls to sleep and concentration (I know it seems silly) :woot:

    I'm not saying vaping will make you sick like me.
    It's maybe a coincidence, nobody knows (I have no direct proof)
    But be aware of the facts:
    E-liquids are made of Proplylene Glycol, Glycerine (for vapor production), aromas and a tiny bit of water and (or) ethanol.

    For propylene we have no scientific data on long term exposition (inhale)
    Aromas are not meant to be warmed so much (aromas types in e-liquids are difficults to trace)
    And glycerine make acroleine if the heat goes up to 300 celcius (approx, I don't remember exactly the number right now)
    Acroleine is very toxic.

    Some cheap devices uses plastics bad alloys , etc ..
    You put them in your mouth, or inhale the fumes, so
    (remember bisphenol A scandal ? or simply the lead in gasoline in the 60' ?)

    Vaping is less harmful than smoking, I'm sure of it
    Problem, vaping is new, we'll see the problems in the future.
    Meanwhile, vape in peace but keep yourself informed about the products you use.
    And use more than 1 source of information

    Sorry for this long text, I made it in hope you'll keep your mind open and vigilant.
    Peace and keep making music
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  16. Rorer

    Rorer Guest

    May i ask how old you are?
    Or are you another Coorpartive Entity?
    People that want to stop know theyre sheit.
    I Bet you don't Reply,
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 27, 2019
  17. tori

    tori Platinum Record

    Jun 15, 2018
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    2-3 years ago i was smoking a little too much (30 cigarettes a day), vaping helped to get out of this disgusting behaviour A LOT, nowadays I hate smoking kinda... the smoke feels disgusting, I dont need this and I feel disgusted when I think about my former self.

    actually i stopped smoking just because most of the boys and girls I want to date, don't really like smoking and I've got a little stingy... hahaha
    smoking is just too expensive, i've bought VR-Glasses and some plugins for the money I spared.

    But without vaping.. I don't think that i've stopped smoking without vaping, now I don't even vape that much anymore... I just have much more money and my body feels a lot better, too.
  18. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Congratulations man. :bow:

    Almost everything is better than smoking.
    Problem with tobacco smoking is that there are hundereds of thousands chemical compounds built when tobacco (plus paper) burns where the majority is harmful and a lot carcinogenic as we know.

    Inhaling vapors containing only some chemicals compounds (even nicotine) into our lungs is most likely some orders of magnitudes less dangerous.
    So it is great as a first step to get rid of that addiction.
    Some of my friends, who never were able to stop smoking, got rid of it over the course of two years by first replacing cigarettes by vapor and then stopped vaping.

    I've been a heavy smoker of self-made cigarettes for around 15 years. Quit it almost 30 years ago.
    For me, it wasn't health or money that made me stop it but the feeling to be controlled by the addiction and my children I wanted to be a positive example for them.
    My daughter at age four or five back then asked me: "Daddy, why do you smoke at all?" and I couldn't give her a satisfactory answer. :disco:
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2019
  19. Rorer

    Rorer Guest

    It's the Nicotine.
    Nicotine makes you alert and focus more on the brain respotors.
    The study shows that Nicotine is not Cancergenic.
    I'm also happy that you stopped.
    3999 less substances.
  20. A Ghost On The Moon

    A Ghost On The Moon Producer

    Aug 18, 2019
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    Dude growin plants or cultivating something is one of the best things i have found to help my insomnia, besides the weed ofcourse
  21. A Ghost On The Moon

    A Ghost On The Moon Producer

    Aug 18, 2019
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    Its not carcinogenic, but it is a highly addictive shitty stimulant that barley works to improve cognitive function regardless of what every hipster says.
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