A message from Melda

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by playtime, Oct 20, 2019.

  1. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    i think not....the ones who are here did knew it also before melda post..
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  2. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    This is so Melda style lol. They clearly know a couple things about programming and hardware.
    I think this have been posted before, perhaps other site anyway.

    I generally agree but they are too optimistic with windows (updates, windows home,...). Of course, you have to consider they are clearly pissed off so they oversee some Windows 10 problems.
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  3. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    Without a doubt I claim people won't migrate to Windows,since Apple is fancy and trendy for people with slicked back hairs,beard,tattoos and rings.The proportion of this kind of people is growing every day.

    My computer is Windows 10 and it works very well by the way,with automatic updates.
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  4. A Ghost On The Moon

    A Ghost On The Moon Producer

    Aug 18, 2019
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    Apple is very trendy with people who have an abundance of funds and deficiency in knowledge
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  5. substorm

    substorm Member

    Dec 20, 2012
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  6. lancexx

    lancexx Producer

    Aug 12, 2019
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    Mindblowing to see anyone defend modern windows as a suitable alternative. Do you really enjoy the ads in your taskbar that much? The perpetual telemetry data gathering should be enough of a red flag on its own. I always laugh when someone suggests using some ancient version of windows 7 if you don't like the current iteration of the OS either, and yet Mac users are the cult? This same sequence of events (in my memory as a Mac user) of Apple changing something and devs freaking out for 2-4 weeks has been has played out with every new Mac update. Funny enough it always gets remedied by the time the real non-beta updates arrive.
    Third worlders really really hate Apple products for some reason. They also love arbitrarily painting us all as some soy infused hipsters. They speak in empty platitudes and non-comments about how we are all misinformed or too stupid to build our own frankenstein component PC machines like they do, its hysterical to read. Even disregarding aesthetics the basic functionalities of the Mac OS system like the finder (file browser) are superior to the current offerings from windows. Most of the Mac hate (within the warez world) comes from people angry that they can't get all the cracked software they want like they can for windows. You'll see these people write angry comments about why they can't get all the iLok required stuff as easy as on windows. The "markup" on Macs is negligible for those who understand they are paying for a superior OS for those in the professional creative industries. Have fun using the same OS as Indian tech support scammers and gamer kiddies jerking off to the newest in-game models.
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  7. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    Don't know what you are talking about. Some preinstalled apps that you can uninstall. Never saw them again.

    Overpriced, less flexible but good looking.

    You are right, windows explorer suck.. but XYPlorer for windows is a beast.

    You have no idea how big this problem is for the devs. 2-4 weeks are manageable, but it is more work.

    There's no such thing yet.

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  8. waverider

    waverider Rock Star

    Oct 8, 2018
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    This is slightly off topic but yeah, since he's talking about Windows 10, I would like to know where the future for the audio world lies. Clearly it would be great if Linux were to gain some traction, which is why I was very happy about the Bitwig Linux release a couple of weeks ago. But Linux still has decades of work ahead before it can be anywhere near Windows or Mac in terms of actual usability and diversity of software. So where is the future for us audio folks then? Clearly Mac should be avoided moving forward, if we are to believe the Melda dev. Windows 7 will be obsolete soon, and at some point in the (perhaps distant) future, hardware that is compatible with Windows 7 will no longer be around. The question is, will there still be workarounds for Windows 10's flaws in three, five or ten years? I am somewhat worried about this to be honest. Time to get filthy rich and donate a sh#t ton of money to Linux programmers I guess.
  9. Nightmix

    Nightmix Producer

    Jun 16, 2017
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    Years ago Steve Jobs wrote the most anti-user article I've ever read in my life. Basically due to some kind of political BS or whatever he didn't want to support Adobe Flash. It wasn't Flash that I cared about, it was the way he kept saying things like "WE will NOT ALLOW Flash to run on OUR DEVICES". That's the problem with Apple. Apple views THEIR devices as THEIR property, and YOU the USER are nothing but LIVESTOCK to them that can only graze THEIR devices in ways that THEY authorize.

    Always, always, always remember, YOU are the user, and YOUR hardware is YOUR property. While you don't OWN the rights to the design and such, you DO own the PHYSICAL hardware. It is YOURS, YOU paid for it with YOUR money, and therefore YOU, and ONLY YOU, should be able to decide what you would, and would not, like to run on it.
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  10. A Ghost On The Moon

    A Ghost On The Moon Producer

    Aug 18, 2019
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    I don't have any of those problems, you being inept doesn't equate to an OS having a problem
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  11. A Ghost On The Moon

    A Ghost On The Moon Producer

    Aug 18, 2019
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    Also I am rich enough to afford whatever the hell I whim to be worth wasting my "daddies money" on and mac is still a joke. Your "Superior OS" is a laughable idea to anyone working in the industry. Coming from someone who knows multiple people who had to switch away from mac when final cut crapped the bed. You write from the posisittion of someone defending a regrettable purchase rather then someone who defends the truth.
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  12. Vader

    Vader Platinum Record

    Jun 15, 2011
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    In 2019 only dumb or rich people buy Apple products.
    Totally overpriced and overrated.
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  13. A Ghost On The Moon

    A Ghost On The Moon Producer

    Aug 18, 2019
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    I am glad I am not the only one who holds this opinion, what do you think of apple phones though? I may be outdated by iphones to me have always seemed superior to android
  14. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    I agree with you, and perhaps they should have allowed people to 'opt in' to it, but that was at the time of the first iPhones release, and flash was and is an energy hog etc, not to mention some bad blood with adobe (but that shouldn't preclude us from using it if we want)... he just really wanted to avoid people having a shitting experience with their product, and shifted the blame on Adobe, as they had informed adobe about what they were doing blah blah blah, and adobe didn't give a shit etc... ultimately (and I could be wrong, not a computer genius or historian), it is my understanding that it need up working out better for all of us in that flash is a pos, and new standards were kinda forced to be followed...html5 etc, ...

    sorry, late where I am, so passing out... but more to it then megalomaniacal on that one, although he certainly was.
  15. lancexx

    lancexx Producer

    Aug 12, 2019
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    Like I alluded to before you aren't saying anything despite typing a lot. Just empty conjecture and hearsay based on nebulous statements from strawmen. You're projecting a lot of your own insecurities onto my post as well, I'm not defending anything, I'm stating that some windows users like yourself are immature in their understanding of operating system architecture and cannot react in a mature manner to information they don't agree with or understand. My evidence for this "attack" is your double digit IQ writing style and lack of inferential abilities. You chose to focus on nothing I actually typed and instead defaulted to your own biased perspective. I hope you don't bother trying to write up more nonsense about fictional characters in your head and their "regret" again as its not an objective criticism.

    "I don't have any of those problems, you being inept doesn't equate to an OS having a problem"
    What am I even inept at? Your assertions have no grounding as the two direct criticisms I brought up are parts of the windows10 experience.
    Here is a succinct and interesting critique of several issues within the windows experience; not empty empty phrases trying to pigeonhole me into some mental checklist you have of Mac users. I challenge you to find any well regarded studio that uses a dedicated pc rig in conjunction with their pro-tools setups. Don't argue about pro-tools or others daws please, this is just a standard reference point.
  16. DrumHead

    DrumHead Producer

    Dec 2, 2018
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    A Message TO MELDO : :knock: and what I think of his plugs :bash:.

    And the same tired PC vs MAC scrap:trashing: and :trolls:
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  17. A Ghost On The Moon

    A Ghost On The Moon Producer

    Aug 18, 2019
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    You use big words to hide the fact you have nothing important to say. You are a tyranathesaures rex
  18. A Ghost On The Moon

    A Ghost On The Moon Producer

    Aug 18, 2019
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    To clarify, i use words i use because they are ingrained in my vocab, you use the words you use because the argument, nay the ground you stand upon is as shaky as the whole of Japan
  19. A Ghost On The Moon

    A Ghost On The Moon Producer

    Aug 18, 2019
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    [​IMG] Also the fact that my mac book looks like this because apple shipped shoddy gpu circuits knowingly while also trying to lobby my governments congress to avoid right to repair laws. Your argument is so bassackwards I would ask of you "how does the backside of being correct look?" I would like to add the fact my university uses protools on a windows os for the NPR station of my
    Local area
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2019
  20. SmokerNzt

    SmokerNzt Rock Star

    Mar 2, 2013
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    new policy of mac is simple always using stuck plugin and forget about all the problems !
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