UVI Falcon 2 Released

Discussion in 'Software News' started by Dave_Music, Oct 10, 2019.

  1. Dave_Music

    Dave_Music Platinum Record

    Dec 2, 2017
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    UVI Falcon 2 Released
    30% Off + 2 Free Expansions Until October 27th
    FREE Update For Current Users :)

    Unique and powerful effects
    Over 90 high-quality effects are at your disposal, categorized for easy navigation: Delays, Reverbs, Modulation, Filters, Equalizers, Amps and Stereo, Drive and Distortions, Dynamics, Analysis and more. Add effects at the patch level, as sends or even per note. Including Sparkverb, Thorus, an optimized convolution reverb and many, many more.
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    Rich sound means movement and Falcon can create it whenever and however you need it. AHD, Analog ADSR, Attack Decay, DAHDSR, Drunk, classic and parametric LFO, Multi Envelope and Step Envelope modulation generators all come standard and can be used to effect nearly anything in the Falcon environment. Create variation over time or on demand, drive your oscillators, effects or even other modulators, then add the most important parameters to the macro panel for clear and intuitive performance control.
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    Falcon's event processors provide control and analysis of the pre-synthesis phase of your sound, from manipulating incoming MIDI data to creating it algorithmically. Utilize factory processors such as an advanced Arpeggiator, Drum, bassline and euclidean sequencers, Micro Tuner, Chorder, Harmonizer, Strum simulator, MIDI Player, Unison and Shepard effects, or code your own from scratch with the powerful Lua scripting language.
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    Extensive, adaptable, Falcon's resizable HiDPI interface helps you easily focus on the task at hand with a clear and efficient workflow. From the Tree view where you can jump in and edit any aspect of your patch, to built-in browsers for files, favorites and modules, Falcon is built for speed. New features like User Templates and the Modulation Quick View are just a couple of the ways we're continuing to make Falcon faster and more powerful to use.
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    Get the sound you want
    Falcon comes with an expansive factory library of 1000+ presets and 500+ wavetables created by some of the most respected sound designers in the world - tap them for instant gratification or to inspire your own sound design.
    Buy Falcon, get a
    $100|100€ VOUCHER
    There's even more to discover, Falcon is fully-compatible with all UVI and UVI-Powered instruments. Each purchase of Falcon also includes a $100 / 100€ voucher good towards the purchase of any soundware or Falcon Expansion on uvi.net. With dozens of choices ranging from orchestral instruments to vintage synths, you can immediately expand Falcon to complement your style.
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    What's new
    Since Falcon’s initial release we have been committed to keeping it fresh and innovative. Listening to our user’s experience and feedback, we regularly add new factory content, modules, enhanced functionality and optimizations for FREE.
    Registered users have access to the newest version anytime from the My Products page or UVI Portal.
    We’ve added cothe Additive oscillator, FM support in the Wavetable oscillator, and we’ve improved IRCAM Stretch, FM and Pluck oscillators.
    We’ve added a new Parametric LFO and improved the Multi Envelope modulator to allow creation with MIDI and audio sample drag-n-drop.
    We’ve added Tape Echo, Sallen Key Filter, Formant Crusher, Track Delay, Digital Filter, Digital EQ, Frequency Shifter, Rotary, Phasor, Phasor Filter, Diode Clipper, Thorus and new effect racks such as Fuzz4 and MaxMS. And we’ve also improved Redux, 3-Band Compressor, Dual Delay, Xpander Filter, UVI Wide and Tilt.
    We’ve added event modules using the Script Processor such as Step Sequencer, Euclidean Drum and Euclidean Tonal sequencers, Chord Bank, Range Limiting, MIDI Delay, Velocity Remapper and more, and have added support for AnaMark tuning.
    New functionality and optimizations have been implemented such as Favorite tagging, user interface scaling, Search tab in the right panel, and MPE devices support.
    Hundreds of factory presets, wavetables and even exclusive presets from Expressive E and dedicated MPE presets have been regularly added.

    Falcon includes 16 oscillators covering a wide range of modern synthesis methods from basic sample playback to more advanced generators like Pluck, Wavetable and IRCAM Multi Granular.
    One of Falcon's greatest strengths is its ability to freely layer oscillators to create elaborate hybrid instruments that capitalize on the unique features of both sample-based and algorithmic sound creation. There are no preset limits on the quantity or type of oscillators you can use, you're limited only by your computers processing power and imagination.

    A virtual analog oscillator outfitted with a traditional selection of waveforms including Sine, Saw, Square, Triangle, Noise and Pulse. Includes pulse width modulation, sync control and a robust unison section supporting phase, tuning and spread control on up to 8 voices.

    Designed for the creation of rhythmic and percussive sounds, DRUM utilizes both a pitched oscillator and noise generator. Both pitched and noise oscillators sport discrete AD amplitude envelopes with the former providing pitch modulation. EQ and distortion are available in the master section for broad shape control.

    An 8-voice implementation of the Analog oscillator designed to facilitate the rapid layering. Each voice utilizes the same basic engine found in the Analog oscillator, substituting the Unison and Sync sections for Pan and Gain to facilitate spatial and level mixing and a pitch section for subtle to extreme voice detuning.

    A four operator FM oscillator which can be used in either ratio or Hz modes and is arrangeable in one of 11 configurations. Additional operator controls include Fine Ratio/Freq Multiplier, Snap Ratio (which quantizes modulation frequencies to harmonics) and Start Phase.

    A robust noise oscillator offers 15 unique noise shapes including Band, S&H, Static I, Static II, Violet, Blue, White, Pink, Brown, Lorenz, Rossler, Crackle, Logistic, Dust and Velvet. Dynamic shapes provide additional control such as Static Density and Logistic Chaos.

    A drawbar-style organ oscillator with 8 bars representing different harmonics traditionally used on pipe organs. ORGAN provides discrete Gain and Pan controls for each partial and a percussion section with Fast/Slow and Harmonic controls. Pair with the rotary effect for a classic organ sound.

    A physically inspired string synthesis module, Pluck utilizes both algorithmic and sample-based excitations to create rich harmonic sounds with natural decay. Choose from a selection of factory impulses or load your own samples, modulate sample start time and tune, adjust the initial excitation, coupling of multiple strings, and finally contribution of sample, synth and noise generators.

    A fully-featured wavetable oscillator provides multiple phase distortion modes and a robust unison section with wave and stereo spread across up to 8 voices and FM support. Modulate the Wave Index to sweep through wavetables which can be chosen from a large selection of factory content. Wavetable can also import a variety of user files including WAV files (single or sequential), user tables or graphic image files which are converted pixel-rows to cycles, brightness to amplitude.

    An easy-to-use additive oscillator inspired by classic subtractive synthesis, with additive twists like partial stretching, frequency shifting, fractional order filtering, even/odd harmonic control, continuous morph from square to saw and more...

    At the heart of Falcon’s sample oscillators is a full-fledged sample editor allowing you to quickly make changes to your samples without moving to an external application. Crop, normalize, silence, reverse, add fades, or even bounce Falcon’s effects to your sample in place. Additionally, you can select multiple files and batch them all at once.
    A no-frills workhorse sample oscillator, ideal for basic soundboards and traditional sample playback. The Sample display can be interactively resized and provides editing functions such as crop, normalize, silence, reverse and fade in/out along with the ability to apply any of Falcon's effects in-place. Due to Falcon’s ability to efficiently stream samples from disk you can manage tens of thousands of samples at once without a massive RAM footprint.

    Ideal for rhythmic and percussive material, the Slice oscillator can divide samples into discrete keygroups to be resequenced. Adjust transient sensitivity manually or use embedded markers like those found in REX files. Drag-and-drop export of sliced file maps in a variety of ways including as a Falcon patch, discrete WAV files, or MIDI sequence.

    A realtime, low-CPU pitch-shifting sample oscillator. Stretch can adjust pitch up to ±2 octaves while maintaining sample duration. Freely adjust sample start time, playback mode and tempo analysis. Use the Solo Mode button to switch between discrete monophonic and polyphonic pitch-shifting algorithms.

    IRCAM's premier granular oscillator, divides an audio sample into grains and recombines them for realistic pitch shifting or soundscape generation. Adjust Grain parameters such as Size, Density, Jitter, Position, Speed, Direction, Loop Mode, Pitch Variation and Correction Method.

    A multi-voice implementation of the IRCAM Granular oscillator which can be used to great effect to achieve a range of complex unison sounds. Includes the same control set from IRCAM Granular with an additional section to control voice quantity, position and spread.

    Similar to the Stretch oscillator, but implementing IRCAM's high-quality phase vocoder for time-stretching and pitch-shifting with transient and envelope preservation. Requires more processing power than the standard pitch-shifting algorithms used in other oscillators but with a significant quality improvement.

    Similar in use to IRCAM Granular, IRCAM Scrub offers random-access scrubbing, speed and directional control but uses the same top-quality algorithm found in IRCAM Stretch.

    Falcon includes over 90 high-quality effects, categorized for easy navigation: Delays, Reverbs, Modulation, Filters, Equalizers, Amps and Stereo, Drive and Distortions, Dynamics, Analysis and more. With effects suited for nearly every need from creative mangling to precise sound sculpting, mixing and analysis, Falcon provides a tremendous sound design facility.
    Effects within Falcon can be instanced as sends on effect busses, at the program, layer or note level and allow for extensive control of your signal and an unrestricted approach to sound and instrument design. Additionally, effects can be racked in an EffectRack for parallel and multi-band processing, or as a central, reusable multi-effect with macro-driven controls.

    Analog Tape Delay
    An all-purpose delay effect inspired by classic analog delays using tape loops.
    Dual Delay
    A versatile delay module with with discrete channel controls for creating time-based effects. A sophisticated display visualizes changes to time, stereo and phase.
    Tape Echo
    A recreation of the famous 70’s tape delay.
    Track Delay
    A simple time-shifting of the input using a delay.

    Spreads the signal over time, creating a simple yet versatile decay with reverb-like results.
    A highly-optimized convolution-based reverb module. Includes a large library of factory impulses with support for user samples.
    A versatile algorithmic reverb capable of producing an extremely broad range of spaces with a minimal control footprint. Uses the same engine as the stand-alone effect plugin.

    Analog Chorus
    A traditional chorus unit inspired by a vintage analog effect pedal.
    Analog Flanger
    A traditional flanger unit inspired by a vintage analog effect pedal.
    Ensemble 505
    An ensemble chorus effect inspired by the ensemble effect section of a popular vintage synthesizer.
    A classic flanger effect, mixing the input signal against a variable time-delayed version of itself.
    Freq Shifter
    Shifts all frequencies in the spectrum by a set amount (Hz) for interesting morphing effects, widening, sound thickening and repitching inharmonic sounds like drums.
    A variable 12-order automatic phaser with LFO-based sweep between adjustable high and low frequencies. Visualizer displays filter shape at low and high frequency positions.
    A vintage speaker emulation with highly-customizable cabinet and mic controls.
    A variable 8-voice chorus effect specifically designed to reduce artifacts for enhanced depth and clarity.

    Analog Filter
    A unique filter inspired by the filter section on a popular American analog synthesizer.
    Biquad Filter
    The classic swiss-army knife multimode filter.
    Brickwall Filter
    A steep butterworth Lowpass or highpass filter with slope ranging from 24 to 96 dB/oct.
    Comb Filter
    A classic comb filter module. A time-delayed version of the input signal is fed back into self and added or subtracted.
    Crossover Filter
    A crossover filter with selectable low-pass, band-pass and high-pass modes and variable crossover frequency. Configure in EffectRack chains for multi-band processing.
    Digital Filter
    A multi-mode filter with variable slope ranging from 6 to 96 dB/oct, spread and keytracking.
    Formant Crusher
    A screaming lo-fi take on formant filtering, (ab)using a resonant filter and a bitcrusher to generate vocal formants; a perfect fit to spice up your talking basses!
    Lowpass 24
    A classic 24 dB/octave ladder lowpass filter with resonance (order 4).
    Lowpass 12
    A classic 12dB/octave lowpass filter with resonance (order 2).
    One Pole
    A gentle and very efficient 6dB/octave lowpass or highpass filter. The most efficient of all filters by far.
    Phasor Filter
    A variable 12-order manual phaser with sweepable frequency and filter shape visualizer.
    Rez Filter
    A unique filter inspired the filter section on a popular Japanese analog synthesizer.
    Sallen Key Filter
    A circuit-modelled second-order single opamp nonlinear Sallen-Key lowpass filter with controllable asymmetric clipping and power supply starvation.
    A MultiMode (LP, HP, BP, Peak, Notch) State Variable filter with optional built-in saturation.
    UVI Filter
    A filter that is continuously adjustable between low-pass and high-pass modes.
    Vowel Filter
    A dual-filter version of the classic talkbox effect.
    A classic wah filter effect with manual control over the wah amount.
    Xpander Filter
    A multimode (37) variant on a 4th order ladder filter with built-in saturation and oversampling.
    3 Band Shelf
    A 3-band EQ divided as Low, Mid and High. The Mid band is a bell curve, while the Low and High bands are shelves.
    Big Pi Tone
    An emulation of the tone circuit in a popular fuzzbox guitar pedal.
    A convolution processor specifically designed for emulating EQs and cabinets. Choose from a large selection of factory impulses. Supports user samples.
    Digital EQ
    A parametric EQ with up to 16 bands, variable filter shapes, L/R and M/S modes, interactive graphic display, transpose and keytracking.
    A 2-shelf equalizer, inversely applying a low-shelf and a high-shelf.
    Tone Stack
    Emulates the tone control section found on many popular amplifier heads.

    A classic autopanner, varies the stereo pan with an LFO.
    A typical level-adjustment module, boost or cut the input signal level.
    Gain Matrix
    Sets the gain level and phase of each channel allowing for simple per-channel adjustments and specialized gain/phase transformations such as decoding M/S to stereo.
    A classic tremolo effect, varies amplitude with an LFO.
    UVI Wide

    Analog Crunch
    A classic crunch effect inspired by popular electric guitar effect pedals.
    Diode Clipper
    A complex circuit-modeled clipper with Tone and High Pass filtering controls.
    A distortion effect with 3 different saturation modes and internal oversampling up to 16x.
    A level-tracking saturation effect with selectable tape or tube distortion.
    A classic fuzz effect inspired by guitar and bass effect pedals.
    Guitar Boxes
    A specialized convolution effect designed to emulate signal reamping. Emulates various amplifiers and the characteristics of subsequent capture microphones including dynamic, condenser and ribbon mics.
    A basic saturation effect.
    Wave Shaper
    A distortion effect with many saturation modes, input and output filters and internal oversampling up to 16x.

    3 Band Compressor
    A multi-band variant of the Compressor module with adjustable crossover frequencies.
    3 Band Limiter
    A multi-band variant of the Studio Limiter module with adjustable crossover frequencies.
    Compressor Expander
    A 2-stage dynamics processor, a compressor stage tames signal peaks over a variable threshold then an expander gates the signal below a second variable threshold.
    A traditional gate effect, silencing signal below a variable threshold.
    A look-ahead limiter with graphical timeline visualizer that displays dynamic range of the input and output signal.
    Studio Limiter
    A precision limiter ideally suited for individual parts or stereo mixes.

    Phase Meter
    Displays the input signals phase correlation. Mono signal is represented by a vertical bar. Out of phase stereo signal is represented by a horizontal bar.
    Spectrum Analyzer
    Displays the frequency content of the input signal. Frequency is mapped across the X-axis, amplitude along the Y-axis.
    A chromatic tuner with needle-style meter, accurate to 1 cent increments. A helpful tool when adjust a sample's pitch with its keygroup Fine Tune parameter.

    Creates a discrete, inline effect path controllable by a a customizable macro-driven interface and supports multiple chains.
    A 4-band distortion
    A mid-side maximizer

    A resampling effect useful for emulating the lo-fidelity sound of various hardware units or extreme bit reductions, with an entirely redesigned algorithm for Analog Bit-crushing in Falcon 2.
    A typical vinyl simulation effect outfitted with year, speed, wear, electrical and mechanical noise, dust and scratch simulations.

    FX Delay

    A stereo delay module with auto-panned stereo modulation.
    Fat Delay
    A delay effect utilizing multiple delay lines and diffusion to produce a dense delay tail.
    Ping Pong Delay
    A typical delay unit with additional stereo processing.
    Simple Delay
    A general purpose delay module with delay time, feedback, cutoff and mix parameters.
    Stereo Delay
    A delay module with discrete delay paths for the left and right channels.
    2 Band EQ

    A simple 2-band EQ with Low and High bands.
    3 Band EQ
    A simple 3-band EQ with Low, Mid and High bands. The Mid-band is adjustable while the Low and High bands have fixed frequency assignments.
    8 Band EQ
    An 8-band parametric EQ with variable filter shapes and an interactive graphical display.
    Auto Wah

    A typical wah pedal effect, with its filter frequency set automatically by the module's input level.
    FX Filter
    A two-stage filter effect, low-pass and high-pass applied in series.
    Simulates the vowel shaping filtering found on classic talkbox effect pedals.

    A standard dynamics compression module with Ratio, Threshold, Attack, Release, Makeup Gain and Mix parameters.
    A standard limiter module, compressing the input signal with higher ratios than those of the Compressor effect.
    UVI Mastering
    A precision mastering processor ideal for stereo mixes, such as Falcon's main outs. Provides a multi-band compression, limiter and tube saturation stage.
    Gate Reverb

    A reverb with a variable onset gate stage to abruptly cut the reverb tail.
    Plain Reverb
    A CPU-optimized general purpose reverb.
    Predelay Verb
    A standard reverb effect fed through a delay line.
    Simple Reverb
    A standard reverb effect fed by an optional low-pass or high-pass filter.

    A classic chorus effect, mixing the input signal with multiple time- and pitch-modulated variations for a shimmering unison effect.
    Cross Phaser
    A phaser with an integrated auto-panner, produces a wider and more varied phasing effect.
    A classic phaser effect, mixing the input signal with a phase-modulated version of itself.
    Double Drive

    A multi-stage effect made up of a filter sandwiched by two drive stages.
    UVI Drive
    A typical drive module with post-drive-stage UVI Filter.
    Rotary Simple

    A single-speaker emulation of a rotary speaker.
    Rotary Speaker
    A dual-speaker emulation of a rotary speaker with adjustable crossover.
    Beat Repeat

    Slices the incoming audio on a variable grid. When activated will repeat the most recent slice. Useful for glitch effects and variations in a live performance or looped samples.
    Ring Modulator
    Combines the input signal with a modulation frequency and both subtracts and adds the modulation frequency to the input frequency.
    A ring modulator with additional modulation section.
    UVI Destructor
    A resampler and bit reducer with optional overdrive and filter stages.
    Falcon includes 9 modulation generators including AHD, Analog ADSR, Attack Decay, DAHDSR, Drunk, LFO, Multi Envelope and Step Envelope. Modulation generators can be instanced at any level in a patch allowing them to control nearly any parameter, be it on an oscillator, effect or even on another modulator. This system allows you to paint motion into your sounds almost effortlessly, from subtle variation over time to complex on-demand sequences.
    Every modulation generator in Falcon can store presets, providing a quick way to save and reuse configurations that you find useful. Falcon ships with over a thousand preset wave shapes for the Multi Envelope generator alone.
    [Attack, Hold, Decay] envelope, a simpler variant of the DAHDSR envelope found on some classic synthesizers.
    [Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release] envelope, emulates the decay characteristics of vintage hardware synthesizers and provides handy remapping tools to modulate attack with incoming note velocity or decay with note pitch.
    [Attack, Decay] envelope, the most basic envelope in Falcon, useful for percussion and other sounds that don't require a sustain or release phase.
    [Delay, Attack, Hold, Delay, Sustain, Release] envelope, an extension of the more common ADSR envelope, adds an additional Delay phase at the beginning and a Hold phase between Attack and Decay.
    Generates a random walk signal which simulates the natural randomness of pitch and amplitude drift found in sustained notes.

    [Low Frequency Oscillator] generates a cyclical modulation in one of the following waveshapes: sine, square, triangle, ramp up, ramp down, analog square, random s&h, chaos lorenz, chaos rossier. You can also draw your own custom wave shapes for precise control.

    A user-definable envelope that can be created with any number of points and interactive curve shapes by manually drawing or drag’n-dropping MIDI or audio files. Allows for long and highly-expressive modulation sequences and can be looped for LFO-like behavior.

    [Low Frequency Oscillator] generates a cyclical modulation using parametric control such as Shape, Symmetry, Pulse Width and Swing for a totally unique waveform that can evolve in real time.
    A programmable pattern sequencer, can be tempo-synced to steps of musical division or set to discrete time values.

    Falcon's Event section provides control over pre-synthesis data, namely the manipulation, analysis or generation of MIDI. Event processors can do anything from arpeggiating incoming notes or strumming them like a guitar to applying micro tunings, playing back MIDI files or creating generative sequences.
    Script Processors are custom Events which allow the user to create MIDI processor modules with the Lua language.
    - Chord recognition: Name chord currently played
    - Virtual Pitch: Real-time virtual pitch detection
    - Ensemble: Play 5 voices using adjacent detuned sample-based key zone
    - Shepard: Shepard tone effect
    - Timbre shifting: Use pitched adjacent sample-based key zone to change the instrument timbre
    - Tremolo: Volume modulation
    - Unison: Play up to 10 detuned voices
    - Vibrato: Pitch modulation
    - Chorder: Create up to 12-voice chords using shift with custom volume and pan
    - Chord Bank: Create and assign chords to each MIDI key independently
    - Scale: Snap notes of your MIDI input to a key and scale of your choice
    - Tonal Harmonizer: Create chords using scale degrees

    - Legato: Crossfade attack of legato-played keys for more realistic performance
    - Modwheel Glissando: Use MIDI CC to strum pressed keys like a Harp
    - Portamento: MIDI glide with fade time
    - Strum: Play incoming MIDI notes like a guitar
    - Arpeggiator: An advanced variation of the classic synthesizer effect, modifies incoming notes and plays them back in programmable patterns. Includes up to 128 steps of variable pitch, velocity and step length modulation, 26 playback modes, resolution from 1/64 tri to 32x and dozens of preset factory shapes.
    - Drum Sequencer: 8-part step sequencer with pan and pitch support
    - Euclidean Drum Sequencer: 8-part sequencer based on euclidean distribution oriented towards drum instruments
    - Euclidean Tonal Sequencer: 8-part sequencer based on euclidean distribution oriented towards tonal instruments
    - MIDI Player: MIDI file playback module
    - Polyphonic Seq: Polyphonic sequencer with one sequencer running per key pressed with volume, pan, pitch and timing support
    - Step Line: Bass line oriented sequencer
    - MPE: Helper for MPE controller
    - Micro Tuner: Scala based module with keyboard mapping support
    - Transpose, MIDI filter, … : Modules for quick MIDI remapping and filtering
    Falcon is built to be an efficient, versatile and powerful hybrid instrument. Its user interface is presented in a single and flexible window that is resizable to fit any screen size.
    Editing is primarily done through the MAIN viewport, which is divided into 3 columns that facilitate navigation, editing and file/preset browsing.
    The central columns EDIT tab provides a comprehensive visual representation of your entire instrument split into varying levels of detail from the Program (instrument) level all the way down to the keygroup (note) level. A Layer level resides between the two that lets you easily organize and modify selections of keygroups. Quickly focus your view with global and level-specific filters, collapse sections as needed and easily tab through modules for editing.

    TREE and LIST
    For a more data-driven approach the TREE and LIST tabs provide a perfect hierarchical view of your project, allowing for surgical editing of individual components or broad stroke editing of large selections.
    Nearly every parameter in your instrument can be assigned to a macro. Macros live in a dedicated tab and can be freely arranged with an interactive graphical editor. Quickly create custom UIs for your instruments that suit your needs without any scripting knowledge. Macros can target as many parameters within your instrument as you like, allowing for the creation of powerful and unique controls.
    The browser gives you immediate access to files, soundbanks, oscillators, effects, multi effects, modulators and events through dedicated tabs. Browse traditionally or use the search and favorites tagging command to instantly call up relevant results.
    Falcon's mixer offers a typical mixing desk view of your project. Monitor and adjust channel gain, pan, mute, solo and effects and configure Aux channels. Quickly focus your view with channel and component-level filters.

    A dedicated performance editor provides a birds-eye view of all loaded instruments' level, pan, pitch, IO, note response range, velocity range and keyswitch settings. Load your favorite instruments and map them across one or many controllers for a dynamic performance in moments.
    Falcon ships with an impressive collection of 1,000 factory patches designed by some of the industry's top sound designers. Covering everything from classic synthesis methods, percussion, physical modeling, sample-driven granular and multi granular soundscapes to multi-oscillator hybrids. The 1,000 presets were all created to an extremely high quality standard, delivering an extraordinary and hugely versatile selection of sounds right out of the box.
    Categorically divided for easy browsing, Falcon's factory sounds provide deep performance and editing control via customized macros. Make broad-stroke changes to get the right feel and then fine tune the sound to fit your mix without ever leaving the macro panel. If a sound is close but still off, you can tab over to the Edit panel at any time for total control. Factory sounds can provide instant gratification or can be used as fuel for your own sound design.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2019
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  3. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    individual outs for slices ?
    multi-core support ?
    still no demo version ?
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  4. tsigoulas

    tsigoulas Ultrasonic

    Jan 16, 2014
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    And still no global undo, it's too complicated to code as they claim :wtf:... I'm glad i sold my license and switched to MSoundFactory...
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  5. grdh20

    grdh20 Platinum Record

    Jan 14, 2014
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    30% off plus two free packs.
  6. Recoil

    Recoil Guest

    The only negative thing is that it is using an iLok, so thank you, I won't buy it :)
  7. Dave_Music

    Dave_Music Platinum Record

    Dec 2, 2017
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    You havent needed a ilok dongle for ages.
    You authorise it on your computer in 10 seconds and thats it (not sure what peoples problem is, ha, ha, it takes seconds. Quicker than typing a serial or challenge response. One of the fastest authorisations, after the initial acount set up obviously)
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  8. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    With this synth, we got amazing video by Dan Worrall. Time to chill for 10 mins. :cheers:

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  9. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    The 1st one was already a real monster similar to the VAST synthesis, I woncder how this one will sound.

    EDIT: i just finished seeing the demo movie and it sounds truly amazing, the kind of toy that could keep you busy for the rest of your life probably.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2019
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  10. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Jesus this is the most comprehensive instrument I’ve ever seen. The thing that always stopped me from getting into it was how having so many options can almost be a paralytic. I still think something like avenger or zebra is all the synth I need
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  11. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    This is the 'danger' with that kind of power synth: You are so taken into sound creation that you forget to make some music and only concentrate on synthesis.

    Once again, truly amazing: One of the rare soft synth that could easily replace his hardware brothers.
  12. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Share many
    Since it's possible to install the iLock like a serial number on three machines, there is no USB licenser necessary anymore.
    It works flawlessly and easier than most online auths and much better than Steinbergs USB licenser.
  13. lorenzolamasse

    lorenzolamasse Member

    May 29, 2019
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    Em, until your pc or ilok d'ongle crashes which will happen sooner or later, and from what people say reaching ilok guys to help you is a nightmare...
    I'm impressed by the monster (have seen nate aka protoculture use it on videos). But I'm already struggling to make full use of serum, avenger and lately Lion, with thousands of presets for each (and that's only the synths I actually purchased, arf). Still the offer is attractive, but as Adsr was telling, people should resists gear envy as much as possible

  14. lbnv

    lbnv Platinum Record

    Nov 19, 2017
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    Haha, such an exact word! I couldn't say it better.

    Zebra (and others): Less is more! :disco:
    Falcon: More is more! :unsure:
  15. Recoil

    Recoil Guest

    @Dave_Music @twoheart @lorenzolamasse I had problems with software iLok, I lost all 76 licenses, it took me a week to recover them, I had to write e-mail to each manufacturer and show them proof of software purchase to reset my licenses, thank you very much for this honor, but never again, long live sister site :metal:
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 10, 2019
  16. lbnv

    lbnv Platinum Record

    Nov 19, 2017
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    But the free update for existing customers is a very generous act. Thank you, UVI! Downloaded. Will test it.
  17. LurkerSupreme

    LurkerSupreme Ultrasonic

    May 2, 2019
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    Wow, I can't believe they are giving the update away free, Im downloading it as we speak. I bought it a few years ago on sale for like $149 I believe. Great little surprise for the day! :wink:
  18. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Oh, I really understand your pain.
    It's the same with any form of authorizations.
    This is why we all love our dear sistersite. And hopefully there once will be a k'ed version of Falcon. :)
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  19. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    The same applys to pacemakers, nevertheless it's nice to have for the time being :rofl:
  20. lorenzolamasse

    lorenzolamasse Member

    May 29, 2019
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    Usually that's the bearer of these that crashes first, they are supposedly reliable and maintained (at least a little bit more than ilok software haha)
  21. Dave_Music

    Dave_Music Platinum Record

    Dec 2, 2017
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    UVI gives you 3 activations per software or sound library, so if you crash (which I have had happen once before in 5 years) then you use activation 2 or 3, while you get activation 1 back, if you need to. So dont know why everyone hates ilok so much.
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