When enough BS is enough!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by The Pirate, Oct 9, 2019.

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  1. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    I quite like the fruity loops with my, err, Fruity Loops.

    It doesn't seem as wack as it used to be. Nor so musical, I suppose.

    So I guess I am with the consensus view - we need more pornography.
  2. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    As can clearly be seen by your guys lack of participation in my rap battle thread:dunno:

    edit: hope I didn't downplay the need for kickdrum inquiries because one can never learn enough about even that but it was used in context of my joke, which you should all think is funny
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2019
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  3. waverider

    waverider Rock Star

    Oct 8, 2018
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    I appreciate The Pirate's work and dedication to this forum, to the other place, and to all of it. At the same time, I feel like this is not a problem that can or should be solved by intervention from anyone. The threads in question are already in an off topic forum. You can't blame people for their preferences. That a lot of people post in those threads just means that currently, there is demand for it, or that there's drama inducing stuff happening, or people aren't doing well and need to hate on something to feel better. I am sure it will die down eventually. Or at least it would, but in order to do so, it must be allowed to happen. Threads like these, as well intentioned as they are, only make sure to turn it into a problem to begin with and to extend it. Anyway, no disrespect to anyone. Love you Pirate.
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  4. Every industry is different and demands its own people.

    In Music industry you deal with Virtual Studios, Loops, Samples, VSTs, etc. which all of them are virtual. In the past, none of these materials existed and musicians and composers (and other real people) were the focal points and in active and close collaboration with each other.

    On the other hand, in Film industry as you mentioned, almost its old tradition has been maintained and people work in partnership with each other and have direct connections in the work's process. This makes them more chummy and good-humored.
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  5. recycle

    recycle Guest

    I love to troll
    If, with the term troll, we mean irony and desire to de-dramatize arguments taken too seriously then I confess: I am guilty, I love to troll.
    I do it every day in real life as in internet forums
    So, will audiosex enforce anti-troll rules now? should I find a new forum now? I miss the freedom of the 90's BBS
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  6. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    “HOW DARE YOU” lol!!
  7. This may seem off-topic at first glance but on the contrary shows the distinguishing characteristics of a compassionate and very concerned superintending personality:

    A good music teacher's role:

    The teacher’s role in developing creative talent lies, first, in recognizing it, and second in knowing how to stimulate and encourage it. Predicting how far talent can go from the early stages is usually unreliable. In general it is better to err on the side of moderate optimism. Only two things are critical: a strong enthusiasm for music, and a great willingness to work hard. Fortunately, these two requirements are easy to verify. Given these qualities, it is better not to predict limits on what can be achieved. If the student is well taught and has a professional attitude, the results are often surprising. If the student does not become a composer, he will in any case be better equipped for a musical career.

    Good teaching requires three things:

    •detailed knowledge of the subject,
    •pleasure in sharing it (generosity), and,
    •sufficient organization to help the student graduate his efforts, so as to balance challenges and encouragement.

    It is worth saying a word about the challenges: Good teaching sometimes requires making the student uncomfortable. Exploring new terrain is always a test of one’s self confidence, and for the inexperienced young person this test can be very stressful. On the other hand, the teacher who does not push the student to surpass himself does not do justice to real talent. Likewise the teacher who does not emphasize the best possible craftsmanship handicaps the young artist. Moreover, it is essential to understand craft not mainly as a matter of intellectual analysis, but rather of pointing out what is wrong in a constructive way, i.e. as specifically as possible. Suggestions should be formulated positively wherever possible; more than one suggested solution is also useful to show the student a range of possibilities.

    It is also valuable for the teacher to have clear, explicit criteria for good work. Not only does this help the student know what to aim for, but also when he goes his own way eventually, it is easier to define where he wishes to part ways with the teacher.

    Finally, the teacher can and should cultivate certain attitudes in the student: ambition without pretension, respect for craft, and regular, constructive self-criticism.
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  8. R!ngo McGoogle

    R!ngo McGoogle Member

    Jun 29, 2017
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    I have no contribution to make to this fine thread.
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  9. Boosire

    Boosire Producer

    Nov 1, 2017
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    Hey man, no individual gets to decide how the internet works. Forums everywhere on the internet always have a sub section meant for unrelated topics, always, deal with it you won't reprogram the internet with your little exigences.
    It's just one subsection, the forum is still 90% percent churning music related threads.
    Now it seems like you should complain about WHICH sections are more popular... this you can't control, this very post is absurd and childish, if you can't face that.. tough luck i guess. It's basically just a guy screaming "hey guys i don't like this let's everyone just talk music now ok?!!"

    It's like going to a music tech convention, don't expect people to chat music all day, they ain't robots or anal about it. Relax, go on the forum and completely ignore this section and you'll be just dandy !
  10. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    @The Pirate Hi mate. May i say i love your enthusiasm and what you have accomplished here in less than a year?
    Now ,while i agree with you when threads are going bs we need to focus on what matters, that would be the musical subjects or aspects of the thread (if any), i do feel you need to chill a bit, and i am not trying to patronize you in any way man. You can always feel and express yourself as you wish.
    What i mean is, i 've been here long enough to have seen for example, a million r2r threads by peeps who most of the times have very little understanding what the scene and its releases are. R2R this, R2R that, now they quit, but hey now they don't, next month they crack Cubase, oh they didn't after all, whatever. Do you find anything musical in those discussions ? Personally nothing. Still, this is a type of related discussion for some here. There's various peep types here. There's time wasters, amateur musicians, seasoned pros, touchy ones and not, newbs, your occasional trolls, etc etc. We need to be more tolerant towards those off topics as for some they fill the gap of looking at this world with only a musical "eye". We need to understand that some peeps may use this forum for any type of discussion since they have made friends here. The forum rules still exist anyway and will be applied by the admins when a thread goes deep south hehehe. So imho no reason to make a fuss about it :)
    You are painting a picture where in music it's all virtual and in film it is all collab. I am sorry but this is not the case. Those two industries are virtually (pun intended) siblings. There is nothing virtual about the music industry because software is not it or what it's about. The musicians, composers etc, that is the people who make the music biz will always be the focal points. I can live and still make records with no software whatsoever.
    Surely though, this doesn't make me any better musician than others that use only soft, as what you make with what you got & know will always be what matters most. I 've heard great music from a mouse musician with a 300 dlr comp and i 've heard terrible sht from multi million dlr studios utilizing great session players and vice versa.
    So the focus are the people and the musical pieces they make. How they "arrived" to those pieces in this case is irrelevant. Also if they arrived alone or not doesn't matter either. You can find happiness tucked away composing by yourself or playing with others or both in various cases. There is no limit or orthodox procedure to follow. If you are into this long enough, chances are you will try all ways possible even if out of sheer boredom or curiosity.
    The music industry does maintain its tradition. I am not aware of classical composers jamming with orchestras to compose a piece. They did it by themselves as many producers or composers do now. Does what they used matter ? Nah... Song writing is either a lonely choir or a matter of very few people working together very close. And so is script writing. Directing is a sole role too, because even with a whole crew of pro help in various depts, the director is responsible for what they do and him/her alone will deal with the producers for the good and the bad. And that is one heck of a lonely job man. See how both industries are closely related ? And don't forget in film, they use so many more softies than we do lol.
    PS: Both industries will always have the analog vs digital debate. This alone can feed threads for the years to come hahaha.
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  11. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    Probably wasn't that deep, it's not hard to pull up someone's comment log and used it to make a point.

    You seem extra angry tho, I hope it's not a serious issue
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  12. Nana Banana

    Nana Banana Guest

    I always just thought this forum was a collection of musically oriented like minded people, that shared their nuanced originality through the many facets of personality. With such a plethora of expressed personage available, one could artistically become indirectly inspired by an off topic sentiment, and convert this internalized vision of individuality through compositional means, thus bringing the topic of an "off topic" subject full circle, back into the realms of an "on topic" manifestation!
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  13. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    oh maaan this shit is too horrifically funny. Is this gnna be another one of those threads again where a bunch of members get cut and delete their accounts???

    Also, I noticed that @Cav Emp made a post on here, I just wanna say shutup and go back to buying plugins on discount bitch! :bleh:

    I love this forum for all the wrong and right reasons :rofl:
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  14. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    I think it's pretty cyclical. I agree with @Cav Emp , and I will freely admit to having dropped in and out of activity on this place... Sometimes as I agree with @The Pirate that the off topic rambling and frivolity lose my interest to some degree in it's topology, but also as work and whatnot haven't allowed the time.

    Cav Emp and some of us here have been around awhile and seen some things/events here that became controversial, ... battle royales ensue, and tbh, I don't really care that much for all of that.

    I think SAiNT has set things in motion with the site, and honestly it's lack of 'mission statement' have kind of allowed it to grow in different areas, while at times expanding into areas I don't care for... (politics, or things like whatever sms2000 recently was complaining about this place...((no, this is not a place t discuss politics and whatnot, and one of the few rules in terms of post guidance here)) ...)

    bottom line, for me at least, if something looks like a crap show, I don't read it or comment on it 'generally'. (I have if I have found something offensive but....) ... and let things die on the vine that way. And I think Olymoon and the other mods have been doing a fine job of keeping the place clean.

    This place does allow for a little more accordion strike zone so things will veer and become more conversational, if people don't like that, they can just hang at gearslutz etc..
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  15. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    Have a look at the threads I created first.ALL are related to music.I don't think I'm a troll here.

    I just think we don't need pages of laws in Audiosex.
  16. robbieeparker14

    robbieeparker14 Producer

    Nov 8, 2015
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    I agree with the OP, the forum should be for music related topics, and personal support at times. The rest dilutes the whole purpose that we have our own community in the first place, sure topics can run off at times thats fine, but generally speaking, we should stay on track.
  17. waverider

    waverider Rock Star

    Oct 8, 2018
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    I'm not sure what you mean. In the time I've been here I see him post in music related threads all the time, also on the other place. It's uncanny how much time he spends with helping people in a time consuming manner. I don't quite understand his motivation for doing all of this, but he definitely does not post "mostly off-topic".
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  18. mp5

    mp5 Producer

    Oct 3, 2019
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    The opinion that self-organization or self-discipline can solve the problem of organization (disorder) is unrealistic. If we leave any society alone to self-organize (just like leaving alone children in kindergarten to 'take care of themselves'), we'll get nothing but chaos. That's why states and other social institutions are there for.
    And administrators are there to take care of "law and order" on sites. Ende.
    'Pleading guilty' and public or self promises that we will correct ourselves are just "moralizing" of a problem instead of pointing at the responsibility of those in charge.
  19. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    :rofl:Audiosex isn't like FB yet,happily.

    Also I find very moronic,stupid threads like "R2R is dead" or "Omnisphere crack problem" when dozens threads like this already exist.
    But what do you want?Police and censorship like all the shit out there?
  20. jhagen

    jhagen Platinum Record

    Apr 9, 2013
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    Hey Pirat, I think you are right those threads are really annoying.

    On AZ why not to exclude non music related treads in the Audiosex feed?
    Probably many of us just comes from AZ to comment, after many ours in music related stuff changing topic once in while could be refreshing and so that stupid treads get longer.
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