education and evolution

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by sms2000, Oct 7, 2019.

  1. sms2000

    sms2000 Ultrasonic

    May 18, 2019
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    hello all, once again. what do you folks think about evolution theory - is it technically correct or wrong? should children learn about it in school? share your opinions.
  3. Never ask a question.
    Never invite people to think.
    Never ask them to adjust their possibly weak views.
    Never oppose them and let them plunge themselves into dissipation and gamboling.

    There're other Nevers too but for the moment content yourself with this 4 ones.
  4. Rorer

    Rorer Guest

  5. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    It's strange to me that even when something is in question, people will still take time to teach it as truth. Everything, nowadays seems to be in question. Questioning is good. It is how we learn. But it also seems that we as a people lack conviction.I will say one thing and do another. This is my lack of conviction.

    I would rather have my child be taught to question what is around him than resign to a theory that seemingly applies.
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  6. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Moved to "lounge", as this have nothing to do with musical "education" section.
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  7. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    I wouldn't be surprised if the rise of the philosophers came about in ancient Italy and Greece because of your very concern. Some people stood up and started to question things. And if we go down the rabbit-hole of philosophy there's no way out. You just have to throw your hands up say that everything is possible, maybe, could be, that sounds right but then again and so on. All of science is caught up in maybes: theories are just that, maybes. The theory of this and that are held as facts when in reality they are only maybes, or likely. When the highest scholarly acheivement is simply making a good academic argument: a PhD, a level of philosophising, it's clear to see that it's time to realise that we need a fresh approach to understanding how the universe works and understanding human nature. Over 50 years ago, nuclear physicists made a huge discovery concerning the nature of the universe. They discovered that the solid world is created by human observation. Not theory. We are already starting to see the first sparks of new sciences and fields of learning, healing, creativity, invention, sprituality and so on.

    The theory of evolution? No. I don't accept it; it's simply too far-fetched and doesn't align with my own vision of a creation that was always filled with every concievable thing, from the beginning.
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  8. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    It is science that offers an understanding of the statistical unlikelihood of complex life arising on earth.
    Yet it is science that offers the evidence for theories about how it occurred, and the evidence gets stronger over time.
    Quick! Get your claims of disbelief in NOW before the evidence gets too strong for a rational person to deny!

    Evidence for evolution is VERY strong. You may WISH to deny the evidence, but then you are not playing the "knowedge" game, but the "emotional" game. [including intellectual (e)motivation]

    "Over 50 years ago, nuclear physicists made a huge discovery concerning the nature of the universe. They discovered that the solid world is created by human observation. Not theory."
    WRONG. Our observations SEEM to AFFECT the condition of reality.
    You misinterpret for your own purpose. Are you a fan of Deepak Chopra or something?

    Theories are not "just" maybes. Theories are ideas about things presented to be tested for validity.
    There are weak theories and strong theories. If EVIDENCE for them can NOT be obtained, they must remain as weak theories.
    If evidence CAN be obtained, either pre-existing or via experimental method, theories can be made stronger.

    At a certain point, gathered evidence for and against theories must be judged via peer review, and some may said to be "fact", at least as far as the layman is concerned. A scientist [ought] know that nothing can ever be said to be 100% certain, and things are often discussed in terms of statistical likelihood. But for the layman it means: FACT

    I am sick of laymen taking what scientists say as far as certainty and twisting it to imply that there is no general certainty.
    If you want to play that game, then just consider it FACT and do not question. Leave the questioning to scientists.
    The good scientist knows nothing is 100% certain, but also knows some things are proven enough to risk their life on, or the lives of all humanity. Nothing has EVER offered MORE and BETTER proof than science has.

    All philosophy can do is call things into question. It can offer NO ANSWER about what is real or true that can not be refuted by some other use of philosophy. Philosophy is a good tool for questioning, but offers nothing else.
    Science can not offer answers regarding "what we ought to do" about "what is", but it CAN INFORM our opinions and decisions.
    The scientific method is a process designed to limit human errors in determining what is "real" or "true" or "fact".

    I recommend skepticism, as it offers tools to critique everything, including science.
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