Something bad is happening !!! SOLVED!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Hennessey, Oct 7, 2019.

  1. josenacha

    josenacha Producer

    Dec 17, 2016
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    What I wonder is that nobody has had problems with that release. And there are 1783 downloads, those are many and nothing happened to anyone.
  2. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    IDK i have downloaded file as i described, when was not verifcated.... Please read previous comment to understand what happened ,now is working all fine,but after the file was verified..... In between i think something happened, but ill let it go now, cause i cannot explain to each person separately. I know what i have installed there was no other programs ,no dark sites but AZ and Rutracker and my problems started at very same moment once i executed the exe files.... And yes same uploader and that was the biggest problem.... And yes i just downloaded same file and Eset reports me that virus scan is finished without threats ,but scaning is still going on..... ok !

    UPDATE and yes again i canot opet folders and keeps me properties tab opening of keygen folder...Like is locked or something but not detected by Eset!!!!! Aciidentaly i have noticed that turns of my internet for seconds.....
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2019
  3. The Observer

    The Observer Guest

    Shoot the messenger if you wish, but the fact remains that if anybody decides to install anything pirated, then you get what you paid for (and didn't).
  4. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    Ok,fair enough.... Now we will not make a debate of what are the reasons for not buying stuff, but using pirated ones instead... From the ethics side you are right 100% , but i have this file downloaded when was available fro fist time on the internet and that was not causing me any problems, but this time yes, and why i dont know but i would like to find out.... I agree and support that we all should buy software we use but .... Hard times bro
  5. Parasite-B

    Parasite-B Platinum Record

    Jul 8, 2016
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    @Hennessey dude, I really love your pro-active step to warn this community. No one can fault you for that. I could write more about the whole thing, but it's nice to see someone looking out for others. :mates:
  6. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    Thanks dude ! I appreciate your comment so much :mates:Well the thing is, i know that when i make fresh install Windows, then install all music programs ,that takes me days of job and a lot of energy. And of course i like to keep all private data safe .... I have on my PC project so old ,maybe not pro,but still i love them,why to lose them because some stupid virus.... This is the very first time that i have a lot of problems with some malware ,never before and i refuse to use AV because it slows my workflow alot ... And most important, why not to help people , that is a good deed and it is free of charge, so i will try as long as i can .. :wink::)

    Maybe i am wrong with all maybe is another problem involeved that i am not aware ,maybe i am missing something but what i dont know... I personaly dont believe in accidents of that type, but again when i download that file i have lost a total control of that folder.....
  7. SmokerNzt

    SmokerNzt Rock Star

    Mar 2, 2013
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    sorry to tell you but never trust any website or any user !
    always check the files before you install them , by using VMware with simple tools of Windows Sysinternals
    *Process Explorer
    * autoruns
    * tcpview

    second must of the rutracker check the files if it infected or not
    rutracker got High Q users with many experts which check almost all the time the files ! and if some virus or trojan is in the file
    they ban the user , or post Reply that this file is infected ! (must case the just delete the post and ban the user)
  8. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe

    Yeah i know for all that and yes, Rutracker is for real a trusted site,the real one, not mirros. Maybe i am an isolated case so i must find out ,but just for safety reasons i have posted this thread ,because that problem days ago with AutoTune scares the hell out of me i was amoung the very first persons downloaded from rutracker,from trusted uploader i think it was but it was a big fuzz about that.... From that on i haved those unfortunate situations but i must investigate how that happened in first place ... I will scan the whole PC about 10TB with my external drives connected,and i will see if there is something i missed out.... And i would never report even single user because they have about 5000 mesages and are top uploaders but somethind is strange indeed and i want to believe that is not their fault. I can believe that many places are hyngry of stealing data but not rutracker.
  9. Parasite-B

    Parasite-B Platinum Record

    Jul 8, 2016
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    You have no idea how much I understand that. And the time it takes to re-install everything that you use... It is not fun. It is painful and time-consuming. I still have a 1TB HHD that I'm too scared to plug into my new setup because I don't want to go through all of that again. The only things that I do know - and please someone delete my comment if I break the rules by this - is that everything that I've had from Rutracker has been completely legit. The only problems I've had is language barriers with most of the installers being in Russian, and I'm from the UK. I don't think you'd get any real problem with trying to copy over. With anti-virus most are false positives. If you're going to scan every file, that will happen. Fucking hell I wish I was sober right now. But I get loads of false positives all the time. Never once had an actual virus.

    I hope my drunken rambling helps in some way. If not, wait until someone sober turns up.
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  10. SmokerNzt

    SmokerNzt Rock Star

    Mar 2, 2013
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    just check the reg startup because must of the virus/trojans is their

    Here show you how to check any unwanted program loaded into the memory when Windows start.

    To change the registry data needs to run Microsoft Registry Editor - RegEdit.exe. You can click the StartButton, then select Run... item. When the Run Window will appear, then type 'RegEdit' into Open: textbox and click OK button.


    You might be unable to RegEdit, because the virus blocks the doorway. In this case, you need to bring up your Windows in Safe Mode to run the RegEdit. Sometimes, you need to login the Administrator account. Therefore, make sure you know your Administrator account's password when you own the new computer.


    Microsoft System Configuration Utility MSConfig.exe keeps entries of Start-Up programs. Besides that, System Registry has Run, RunOnce and RunOnceEx entry nodes to manage which program can run while Windows is starting.

    First, you should check any starting programs inside the HEKY_LOCAL_MACHINE.


    Go down to the node in HEKY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion, then look for program entry inside the Run, RunOnce and RunOnceEX. If you find something you don't know, then you type the program name .exe name into the following Search box to find out what's that. If the .exe name is the virus or spyware, then you can delete it.

    It's same that you need to check any starting program inside the HEKY_CURRENT_USER.


    Go down to the node in HEKY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion, then look for unwanted .exe programs inside the Run, RunOnce and RunOnceEX. If you find something, then delete them.

    Some virus will restore the entry later or reboot, even you delete the entry from System Registry Editor. Those virus needs special tools to kill them.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2019
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  11. TaxiDriver

    TaxiDriver Platinum Record

    Jun 22, 2018
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    My 2c.. I have to agree w/ OP that in the last few weeks de facto I got a strange feeling.

    I am a member of quite some private trackers - not audio only. One thing is that at least a couple of reputable posters' accounts have been hacked with obvious consequences..

    Second, if you look at the antares "accident".. I was just testing some AV software. Still, to this day, only some engines flag the .exe variant rightfully (the first to block it was MSS, believe it or not). So if you had your top-notch paid AV installed, at a rate of 80+%, the trojan wouldn't be detected (as your AV would switch off/replace MSS, cause can't have two at a time ON).

    Currently IMHO, there is more malicious releases around than usual and a lot of this malware is not detected by majority of the engines. So, I wouldn't panic ;). But maybe a bit of extra caution can't hurt. Not installing the thing the minute it is released might be the first wise step..
    Take care :wink:
  12. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    Thanks for you time and efforts mate that was huge ! Well i checked right now and all seems to be good once i deleted that keygen everything is ok...What was happened i dont know ,but i will download it agait to check if the problem is real or what the heck is going on! Thanks for this answer ,for sure i will save your instructions and keep them safe, so if i have this problem again in the future i can now look where i need to .... Thanks a lot my friend i appreciate your hard efforts :wink::wink::):mates::mates::mates:
  13. 6ixcore

    6ixcore Producer

    Apr 4, 2016
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    well the worst issue i see here is someone using this type of image and not a living soul says something about it, dazzles me!
    this type of speech shouldn't be allowed here, we can't ask for a mac request and get posts deleted and this nazi can spread the word here? This is not a place to spread political ads ... get the F*** outta here @Rorer :facepalm:

  14. NeverenoghFun

    NeverenoghFun Platinum Record

    Apr 15, 2019
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    Suburbs of Minnesot
    I agree with other guy, I hit Ru when my premium lapses.
    Never had bad stuff.
  15. Bobs Ur Unkle

    Bobs Ur Unkle Ultrasonic

    Dec 23, 2015
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    little off topic, but does anyone know any ways of recovering files after a system image recovery
  16. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Lol. Not being a Dick here or anything but for someone with little knowledge of the web or even their system windows , whatever you use ,) Educate yourself on your platform people before you do any kind of web searching downloading lol... know your system and what you are up against. I ain't used antivirus software in years and never any problems...I can navigate anywhere I wana go or download from anywhere with only a firewall ,) theirs copies and fakes of everything!!! Example>>>you can do a search on google for cubase 10 crack and find yourself a downloadable bag of all kinds of wonderful bugs to pick from your registry later on ...its simple!!! learn your system/Net as you would your DAW you'll be fine haha >>>>an Keep Rockin
  17. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    You can recover anything that's ever been writin or deleted and even reformated with data recovery software as long as the drive hasn't been wiped and writin with new 1s and 0's. Raw files are always there even if deleted... so yes to your question...
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  18. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Ahhhhhh! But theirs nothing better to do than set and wait on a data recovery of 4 terabyte HD ! Someone "please" pass that Bottle of Jack Daniel's its gona be awhile:woot::rofl:
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  19. Tealla

    Tealla Kapellmeister

    Oct 7, 2015
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    Actually 6ixcore, that isn't a political ad, but a religious one.
    And yeah, with 4 of them, it's still a bit in your face.

    This might clear things up for you:

    The symbol is occultic in essence, woven into various cultures around the ancient world, it's supposed to represent "white magic".

    Hitler's version is reversed, so it comes to mean the opposite, i.e. "black magic". Still occultic or magical mind you.
  20. Vader

    Vader Platinum Record

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Is this a joke? Avast? Seriously? Comparing just the worst AV ever (Avast) with the very best around (Nod32)?
    Now back on the OP... Do people still use torrents???