Cheap Analog Synths

Discussion in 'Synthesizers' started by jefft, Sep 10, 2019.

  1. jefft

    jefft Producer

    Jul 30, 2012
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    Kingston Upon Hull, pronounced Ull
    Your input is exceptional, OK can I change the goalposts? seing as I have a jolly good controller for keys and drums, I don't really need a keyboard model, also there is little room for a large unit (Thanks Fudsey Plange), this narrows things down a bit. The Roland SE-02 looks nice but a bit pricey, everything points back to the Behringer (Thanks The Pirate) Model D, but Iv'e had a lot of poor experience with that company over the years.
  2. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    In years past I was one of those that was opposed to purchasing anything from this company, going as far as not uttering the name but using "The B Word" when I needed to utter the brand at all. Now I feel a tad differently although have not yet bought the KA-2A compressor that floats just outside of the perhifery of my credit card's orbit. If it was not for my ears utter happiness with the sound of my copy of Synapse Audio The Legend, I would be all over that little Model D and will most likely pick up either the Pro 1 when it hits or even the Crave...or both...and I haven't really even been focusing on my electronic side these last bunch of years.

  3. jefft

    jefft Producer

    Jul 30, 2012
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    Kingston Upon Hull, pronounced Ull
  4. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    Yes me too I don't like much this name Behringer but all their latest synths are awesome.From the various demos I've heard here and there they all sound great and they are replicates of legend synthesizers overpriced todays on the used market.

    But no problem for sequencing the Model D from an external sequencer,you just plug it in midi.I don't know this model especially,but I think you could automate all its parameters (But not sure,I need confirmation).
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  5. I've got a Behringer Neutron. I also have a certain trepidation when it comes to Behringer hardware. That said. The Neutron is astonishing value for money. I'm not using it much as a frontline synth, I'm using it as a source of MIDI to CV, envelopes, an LFO and other useful patchery when linking together other similar synths such as the Moog Mother 32 and my no coast. If I were doing it all over I'd probably get the Crave because that's a plug-alike to Mother 32. I'd go to a store somewhere and take a listen because the Moog sounds like strawberries and cream and I have suspisions about Behringers comparabilities. If depends also an what you want. If you're EDM thumpy bumpy the Moog DFAM is very attractive offering.

    At the end of the day, you get what you pay for. Behringer synths are good, rock solid and do what they say on the tin. But I line out from the Moog and the Pittsburg mostly. Because they just sound so good. Get to a store and let your ears decide.
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  6. Bobs Ur Unkle

    Bobs Ur Unkle Ultrasonic

    Dec 23, 2015
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    Model D sounds super dope fat full and deep..none of behringers emu's send cc so you can't automate any parameters, you have to adjust any modulation or filter sweeps you want while you're recording, like the originals, I think they should add this to any future products.
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  7. johnw

    johnw Kapellmeister

    Feb 11, 2012
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    Search Ebay , find many old , good , keyboards . I got an Yamaha EX7 for 170 euro . Have analog (monophonic) and a lot of parameters to modulate ...
  8. jefft

    jefft Producer

    Jul 30, 2012
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    Kingston Upon Hull, pronounced Ull
    Thanks for all your input, everyone and everything points to the Behringer Model D, But...... ( and that's a big butt, as Jay Z once said) I got it down to two little synths:
    1] Korg Monologue
    2] Roland SE-02
    Any thoughts????????
  9. alex921

    alex921 Producer

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Perhaps the Behringer Odyssey? It can do all the sounds you want + more , moog etc you name it. The synth is modulation madness, also has a built in sequencer. I know I am getting one in the near future.

    A review from thomann
    Build quality is excellent, sliders are soft and beautiful, and the sound is warm, deep, analog.

    There are no functions to save your patches, recall patches or presets, it's just you and the sliders, and this connects you more with the instrument. Every sound it makes is a sound you have set up yourself. This makes sound design and playing a true hands-on experience!

    It's a great synth. And for the price.... It is incredible.
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  10. jefft

    jefft Producer

    Jul 30, 2012
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    Kingston Upon Hull, pronounced Ull
    Hi Blue, could I ask you nicely to answer a couple of questions regarding the Roland SE-02?
    1: I have an Akai MPK 61 MIDI controller, going into a PC running Studio One 4 via USB, not the conventional MIDI 5 pin Din sockets. Can I connect the SE02 this way via USB and not use the 5 pin din sockets and then run the audio through either the USB socket or the Audio out into my sound interface, basically can I run it as a sound module via USB.
    2: Could I record say 4 bars on the Akai, into Studio one, then edit lets say the filter on playback and record this?

    Any help on this would make my choice a bit easier, I don't want to get bogged down with learning about CV gates and the like, really I just want to use it like an external MIDI module. TIA
  11. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    I own the DeepMind 12, the Neutron, and the Oddyssey and can tell you that I have had no issues with any of them and am pleased with the built quality. I am so satisfied with these products that I ordered a couple of RD-08, and as soon as the Pro-1 and Crave become available I will purchase them. BTW, prior to these synths, I never owned anything by Behringer because of the bad reputation its products had. I think those days are over.
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  12. jefft

    jefft Producer

    Jul 30, 2012
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    Kingston Upon Hull, pronounced Ull
    Still not convinced on the Behringer front, I would have to twidle as they say, with the midi recording during a live performance and not after the recording. Not being able to alter filters or oscilators once recorded is a big no no. Anyway someone said if I wanted a model D sound, a software synth, "The Legend" can come pretty close. So I guess I'll stick to my VST's. Thanks for all your input it gave me food for thought, beats raw brains for dinner.
  13. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    1-Yes of course you can.My SE-02 is connected via USB to my computer.And its analog outputs go into my audio interface.I use it as a sound module.
    It can be connected via Midi DIN or USB for the midi connection.And It can also be used as an audio interface.
    2-Yes,it's how I use it with Studio One me too most of the time.Then once your notes are recorded you can automate all its parameters if you want,it can send and receive midi cc.You can automate it like a plugin within your DAW.
    Studio Electronics sell a plugin editor as well,I'm pretty sure I'll buy it soon because the SE-02 is very small and it's not easy to turn some knobs if you have big fingers.And automation and preset recall must be easier with a plugin editor too.

    But if it has also a 16 steps built-in sequencer if you want to play with,though I don't know it well yet.
    And it can also receive CV messages for its filter,CV and Trigger messages for note.
  14. jefft

    jefft Producer

    Jul 30, 2012
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    Kingston Upon Hull, pronounced Ull
    Thanks for that info, its very welcome and nice to know its from a user and not advertising hype from the manufacturer. Thats exactly the way I would work., I dont think that I would use the built in sequencer, but its certainly going to be my next purchase. Thanks once again for the info.
  15. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Do the wiggly knobs on the SE-02 give you wobbly knees?
  16. You need a genuine TB-303 for that.
  17. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Weebles wobble but the 303 falls down.
  18. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    Sorry my friend I don't understand the meaning of your sentence with my bad English...:unsure:
  19. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Do you notice that the knobs on the SE-02 are loose, not constructed physically well? If so, does this concern you?
  20. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    More fool you. Behringer’s current and upcoming analog synths are impossible to beat for price and features! If you are looking elsewhere, expect to pay more for (normally) much less features!

    Analog synths are always a trade off. If you don’t understand that, don’t buy one. Speaking of “that side of synthesis should have been eradicated” demonstrates a lack of understanding of how analog synths actually work. Oscillators are controlled by electricity and voltages, using mainly (if not mostly exclusively) mainstream components not specifically designed for synths that need to be “worn in” often, meaning they normally work optimally when heated up by the electricity running through them and in their operating window. It’s natural for analog synths to have to “warm up”. This will apply to any analog synth for it to be able to reliably track in tune. No analog synth in the world will be perfectly in tune as soon as you flick the on switch from a cold start, and most will need several minutes at least. I know someone who has a classic of the analog world, a Roland Juno-106, and his has to be on for best part of an hour to be usable (though is in need of a service, admittedly). However, in his dedicated studio he has tons of analog gear and most of it is left constantly on so as to have them ready to go. If you are expecting to get an analog synth running perfectly from switching it on, maybe you should look for analog modelling digital synths instead, like the Virus.

    Saying all that, I have the Model D and the thing is a beast and I would definitely recommend as a first analog synth. It is easy to use and also fairly basic in terms of getting you used to the signal flow of analog synths and how to manipulate their sounds (if you are not used to working with analog synths). I am also planning to pick up a Pro-One (Sequential Circuits Pro-1 clone famously used by Chemical Brothers a lot) and Crave (Moog Mother 32 clone-ish) soon too. And, if funds allow, I also want to try and pick up their K2 (Korg MS-20 clone), Odyssey (ARP Odyssey clone) and and MS1 (Roland SH-101 clone) too. Hell, may even sell my Virus Ti2 and replace it with a little Uli shrine :rofl:

    I am just hoping they soon come out with a Moog Prodigy clone....not that I’m being greedy, of course!
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